Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Descripción Del Puesto De Oficial De Forex

Foreign Exchange Consultant: Descripción y requisitos del puesto

Fuente: * U. S. Oficina de estadísticas laborales.

Descripción del trabajo

Los mercados de divisas permiten a las empresas y particulares convertir una moneda a otra y fijar los tipos de cambio. Es el mercado más grande del mundo con más de 4 billones de dólares en volumen de operaciones en 2010. Asesores de divisas ayudar a los clientes en la comprensión y capitalizar los mercados de divisas, dando a sus clientes información sobre tipos de cambio y conocimientos sobre los mercados mundiales.

La mayoría de los consultores de divisas trabajan para grandes empresas que se especializan en los mercados extranjeros. También existen oportunidades de trabajo para consultores de divisas fuera de los Estados Unidos, donde el conocimiento y la experiencia en los mercados de los Estados Unidos es valiosa. La demanda de expertos en este campo ha crecido en los últimos años debido a los inversores que buscan información y análisis de los mercados extranjeros a raíz de la caída de los mercados estadounidenses y el crecimiento de los mercados de ultramar.

Requisitos de trabajo

Como ocurre con la mayoría de los empleos en la industria de inversión, el camino para convertirse en consultor de divisas puede variar. Muchos puestos requieren por lo menos una licenciatura en negocios, finanzas o un campo relacionado, y la experiencia previa en los mercados financieros puede resultar valioso para los solicitantes de empleo. Excelentes habilidades de comunicación escrita y oral son muy valorados en este campo, y la capacidad de reclutar y mantener a los clientes es clave. El conocimiento de las prácticas contables extranjeras y de las economías extranjeras es esencial para el trabajo.

Algunos trabajos requieren que los empleados sean licenciados por la Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). El tipo de licencia necesaria depende de qué tipo de trabajo realiza un consultor. FINRA ofrece licencias a corredores y asistentes que pasan un examen riguroso. Una de las licencias más comunes ofrecidas por FINRA es la Serie 7, que permite al titular de la licencia actuar como un representante registrado de una empresa. Por lo general, los empleos de nivel inicial no tienen requisitos tan estrictos, sino que buscan trabajadores altamente motivados y capaces de trabajar en entornos de alta presión.

Información de Carrera y Salario

Si bien el BLS no proporciona información específica para consultores de divisas, se prevé que los analistas financieros verán un incremento del 16% en las oportunidades de empleo a partir de 2012-2022, lo que es más rápido que el promedio nacional. A partir de mayo de 2013, el salario anual promedio recibido por los analistas financieros fue de $ 91.620 por el BLS.

MBA en Finanzas / Contabilidad

Maestría en Delitos Financieros y Gestión del Cumplimiento

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Una de las industrias que pueden requerir altas habilidades sería el cambio de divisas. Esta industria de renombre está en busca del mejor gerente de divisas, que puede manejar el ritmo cambiante y complejo de esta industria y comprender todo el proceso del trabajo.

Aparte del comerciante, otra persona importante que trabaja en esta industria es un administrador de divisas. La Descripción del puesto de administrador de divisas le hará conocer el trabajo y le ayudará a determinar si es apto para el trabajo o no.

Deberes y Responsabilidades de un Gerente de Divisas

Hay muchas personas que se confunden con las responsabilidades de un gerente de divisas; Por lo tanto, con dar un esquema de la descripción del trabajo de cambiador de divisas, usted y otras personas están seguros de entender su significado:

• Gestionar las funciones de negociación con el fin de alcanzar las metas corporativas financieramente.

• Estar al día con todos los últimos desarrollos financieros, no sólo con la economía del país, sino también con otros países.

• Supervisar una gran escala de funciones y operaciones de divisas dentro del entorno bancario. Esto incluirá todas las transacciones y remesas en el campo.

• Gestionar la investigación tanto en el mercado nacional como en el extranjero, con el uso de análisis fundamentales y técnicos. También debe ser capaz de proporcionar soluciones adecuadas o recomendaciones para todos los clientes que pueden manejar.

• Revise las hojas de reconciliación y asegúrese de que todas las hojas estén balanceadas de acuerdo con las regulaciones y leyes de la industria y el banco.

• Mantener la relación entre instituciones financieras internacionales o de contrapartida.

Estas son las principales responsabilidades que tiene un administrador de divisas. Ser capaz de demostrar estas responsabilidades es seguro para hacer que la gente entienda la importancia de la posición de las empresas de divisas. La gente también estará bien informado de lo que pueden manejar si se les ofreció un trabajo para tal posición.

Requisitos necesarios para ser un Gerente de Divisas

Al entrar en el mundo de las divisas a través de una posición de gestión, debe ser consciente de los requisitos que debe preparar, o debe alcanzar, antes de conseguir un determinado trabajo. Solicitar un trabajo en una empresa de buena reputación siempre requerirá que usted tenga un título de licenciatura y alcanzar varios años de experiencia con el trabajo. Aquellos que han experimentado el trabajo dentro de la industria, y están familiarizados con los diversos conceptos y prácticas en el campo, tendrán una mayor probabilidad de conseguir el trabajo.

A medida que aprende las responsabilidades y tareas que debe realizar un administrador de divisas, usted está seguro de entender más sobre el trabajo de lo que ya sabes. Usted está seguro de ser más conscientes del trabajo y hacer posible establecer una decisión con la aplicación para el trabajo o no.

Asistente de Compliance Officer FOREX Limassol

Asistente de Compliance Officer - FOREX & # 8211; Limassol

Nuestro cliente es un proveedor líder internacional de servicios de intercambio de divisas. Debido a la expansión de su departamento buscamos reclutar a un individuo dinámico para el Departamento de Cumplimiento como

Oficial Auxiliar de Cumplimiento.

El Asistente de Cumplimiento, informará al Jefe de Cumplimiento,

Respondiendo a las preguntas de cumplimiento;

Realizar un monitoreo regular para asegurar el cumplimiento de las normas;

Mantener y revisar políticas y procedimientos para asegurar el cumplimiento con las reglas y regulaciones de CySec;

Desarrollar materiales de capacitación sobre cumplimiento y llevar a cabo capacitación continua de cumplimiento a los empleados;

Examinar, evaluar y responder con prontitud a las quejas de los clientes.

Título universitario o cualificación profesional similar.

2 años de experiencia en un papel similar dentro de una empresa FOREX

Excelentes habilidades de comunicación escrita y verbal tanto en griego como en inglés.

Remuneración y Beneficios

Se ofrecerá un paquete de remuneración atractivo al candidato seleccionado de acuerdo con sus calificaciones y experiencia.

Jawatan Kosong Oficial de Forex UAE Intercambio Sdn Bhd Terkini di Kuching Abril 2016

Jawatan Kosong Oficial de Forex Kuching abril de 2016 en UAE Exchange Sdn Bhd. Buenas noches a un amigo para cazar. Espero que no desesperada para encontrar empleo adecuado pas a su especialización. De hecho, a veces encontrar puestos de trabajo coincidentes no es fácilmente en 2016. En esta ocasión el administrador dará información Jawatan Kosong Forex Oficial Kuching abril de 2016 en UAH Exchange Sdn Bhd. A continuación se detalla sobre Jawatan Kosong Forex Oficial Kuching, .

Jawatan Kosong Oficial de Forex Kuching Abril 2016 EAU Intercambio Sdn Bhd

Las siguientes son las condiciones que debes cumplir para registrarte Jawatan Kosong Forex Officer Kuching Abril 2016 UAE Exchange Sdn Bhd que abrió sus puertas hace 30 días.

Buda de Sdn del intercambio de los UAE

Asistente de Servicio al Cliente (818930H) - Kuching • Empresa multinacional presente en 34 países

• Paquete de remuneración atractivo

• Oportunidades sobresalientes de desarrollo profesional


El candidato debe poseer al menos un Certificado Profesional, Diploma, Diploma Avanzado / Superior / Graduado, Licenciatura, Diploma de Posgrado, Grado Profesional, Finanzas / Contabilidad / Banca, Otros o equivalente.

Ejecutar transacciones de billetes de banco con políticas de cobertura aprobadas

Alcanzar los objetivos al por mayor para el centro mayorista en términos de volumen y beneficio.

Cumplir con las Políticas y Procedimientos del Tesoro establecidos, Estatutarios, Legales y Regulatorios

Requisito para controlar la exposición al riesgo de cambio.

Responsable de las maniobras de efectivo del centro mayorista y analizar los saldos de divisas en el centro mayorista y prepararse para la compra / venta con los cambiadores de dinero cercanos.

Idioma (s) requerido (s): Bahasa Malaysia, English

Para esta posición se requiere por lo menos 2 años de experiencia laboral en el campo relacionado.

Preferentemente Junior Ejecutivos especializados en Banca / Servicios Financieros o equivalente.

5 Posición (es) completa (s) disponible (s).

Sólo el solicitante de registro que cumpla con los requisitos anteriores que serán notificados para llevar a cabo la etapa posterior. Por lo tanto, si usted está interesado y cumplir con los requisitos del participante Jawatan Kosong Forex Oficial Kuching abril de 2016 UAE Exchange Sdn Bhd arriba, por favor envíe su solicitud antes de vacantes cerradas. Esa es la información de Jawatan Kosong Forex Officer Kuching Abril 2016 UAE Exchange Sdn Bhd podemos entregar para usted. Esperemos que la información de trabajo hoy en día capaz de ayudar a aquellos de ustedes que están buscando puestos de trabajo. Si la información de trabajo anterior no se ajusta a la educación de su diploma, no duele leer la información de otras vacantes de trabajo a continuación. Por último, decimos muchas gracias ya había visitado este sitio web, no se olvide de compartir información a través de Facebook y Twitter. Buena suerte Si el compinche fascicó la muestra en Jawatan Kosong Oficial de la divisa Kuching Abril 2016 EAU Intercambio Sdn Bhd. Inmediatamente preparar los archivos de solicitud y se le pide que haga clic en la pregunta Jawatan Kosong Oficial de Forex Kuching Abril 2016 UAE Exchange Sdn Bhd. Haga clic en el botón "Aplicar" a continuación.

Atención por favor :

Empleos Jawatan Kerja no cobra honorarios ni cargos a los solicitantes de empleo a través de nuestro sitio web. Si encuentra alguna empresa que le pida que pague dinero, comuníquese con nosotros. La vacante anterior puede tener un inválido o vencido o cerrado para el registro. Por favor, vuelva a verificar antes de que la empresa en cuestión para determinar si o no un trabajo. Compruebe su ubicación para ayudar a encontrar la dirección de la empresa.

Buda de Sdn del intercambio de los UAE

Asistente de servicio al cliente (818930H) & # 8211; Kuching

• Empresa multinacional presente en 34 países

• Paquete de remuneración atractivo

• Oportunidades sobresalientes de desarrollo profesional

El candidato debe poseer al menos un Certificado Profesional, Diploma, Diploma Avanzado / Superior / Graduado, Licenciatura, Diploma de Posgrado, Grado Profesional, Finanzas / Contabilidad / Banca, Otros o equivalente.

Ejecutar transacciones de billetes de banco con políticas de cobertura aprobadas

Alcanzar los objetivos al por mayor para el centro mayorista en términos de volumen y beneficio.

Cumplir con las Políticas y Procedimientos del Tesoro establecidos, Estatutarios, Legales y Regulatorios

Requisito para controlar la exposición al riesgo de cambio.

Responsable de las maniobras de efectivo del centro mayorista y analizar los saldos de divisas en el centro mayorista y prepararse para la compra / venta con los cambiadores de dinero cercanos.

Idioma (s) requerido (s): Bahasa Malaysia, English

Para esta posición se requiere por lo menos 2 años de experiencia laboral en el campo relacionado.

Preferentemente Junior Ejecutivos especializados en Banca / Servicios Financieros o equivalente.

5 Posición (es) completa (s) disponible (s).

Cómo aplicar

Los candidatos interesados ​​están invitados a enviarle la aplicación con el curriculum vitae ACTUALIZADO, la reciente foto de tamaño de pasaporte, los certificados pertinentes, Salarios esperados al siguiente correo electrónico: ho. desk@my. uaeexchange. com

O llame al: 032261 4200

Ejecutivo / Ejecutivo de Forex

Descripción del trabajo:

Responsable de la gestión de la cartera

Proporcionar servicios de estrategia, asesoramiento y trading para gestionar el riesgo de FX

Realizar una variedad de funciones de divisas (FX), incluyendo negociar contratos spot, forward y de opciones, tanto internas como externas. Trabajar con oficiales de bancos para buscar, identificar y ampliar nuevas oportunidades de desarrollo de negocios para FX, tanto interna como externamente.

Identificar activamente las necesidades de los clientes mediante la venta cruzada de productos y servicios bancarios apropiados

Brindar asesoramiento consultivo a los clientes de los bancos sobre los métodos para gestionar el riesgo de divisas a través de contratos a plazo, a plazo y de opciones

Proporcionar un excelente servicio tanto a clientes externos como internos

Involucrarse en la ejecución de transacciones FX sin problemas con los clientes en un entorno de trabajo en equipo

Trabajar con oficiales del banco para facilitar las aprobaciones internas para el comercio de divisas

Descripción de la compañía:

Nuestros Grandes Clientes Corporativos: Reputed Manufacturing Plants

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Moneda / EURO Tarifas

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Somos una institución con licencia de la Comisión de Valores y Futuros (SFC CE N º BDH481), con un foco principal en el comercio mundial de divisas y la investigación macroeconómica. Estamos establecidos en la fe de proporcionar los mejores servicios de asesoría de mercado de divisas a los clientes para que puedan crecer con nuestros.

Somos una institución con licencia de la Comisión de Valores y Futuros (SFC CE N º BDH481), con un foco principal en el comercio mundial de divisas y la investigación macroeconómica. Estamos establecidos en la fe de proporcionar los mejores servicios de asesoría de mercado de divisas a los clientes para que puedan crecer con nuestra experiencia y profesionalismo. Estamos comprometidos a servir a nuestros clientes con la mayor diligencia e integridad.

Concesionario / Operador

La compañía actualmente está buscando un distribuidor con experiencia con la capacidad de administrar las operaciones de la sala de operaciones y proporcionar apoyo de liquidación dentro de una empresa de servicios financieros de rápido crecimiento.

Licenciado en negocios, informática u otras disciplinas relacionadas

La licencia SFC Tipo 3 es altamente preferible

2-3 años de experiencia de la sala de operaciones con los mercados de lingotes y divisas

Familiaridad con las operaciones de plataformas comerciales como MT4 u otras plataformas y herramientas electrónicas similares

Fluidez en inglés y chino hablado y escrito

Operar funciones de sala de negociación para el comercio de lingotes y divisas

Administrar posiciones de la casa de acuerdo con los objetivos y límites establecidos

Supervisar el establecimiento y mantenimiento de la plataforma de negociación para asegurar las ejecuciones comerciales adecuadas.

Supervisar las operaciones para asegurar su cumplimiento con las directrices internas y las regulaciones cambiarias

Ofrecemos una semana de trabajo de cinco días y un paquete de remuneración altamente competitivo a los candidatos calificados. Las partes interesadas deben enviar un correo electrónico con un currículum detallado y la disponibilidad más temprana a kelvin@idsforex. com o por correo a Suites 3812-13, Tower 2, Lippo Center, 89 Queensway, Hong Kong.

(Toda la información proporcionada se usará solamente para propósitos de reclutamiento y será tratada con estricta confidencialidad)

Oficial de Cumplimiento: Descripción del puesto y salario promedio

La afluencia de nuevas y actualizadas normas, reglamentos y leyes en los sectores financiero, sanitario, de telecomunicaciones y otros ha creado un aumento en la necesidad de individuos cualificados y éticos para trabajar como funcionarios de cumplimiento o gestores de cumplimiento. Los oficiales de cumplimiento garantizan que las empresas y organizaciones públicas o privadas funcionen de acuerdo con las leyes federales, estatales e internacionales en lo que respecta a sus sectores específicos de negocios. Los oficiales de cumplimiento ayudan a las empresas en la mitigación y administración del riesgo, manteniendo una reputación positiva con los clientes y clientes y evitando demandas costosas. En los sectores empresariales donde la regulación es pesada, los funcionarios de cumplimiento suelen ser vistos como la primera línea de defensa en la protección de una empresa.

Descripción del trabajo

Los puestos de gerente o gerente de cumplimiento están disponibles en una miríada de industrias, pero los deberes de trabajo y las responsabilidades de las personas que tienen una posición de oficial de cumplimiento son similares. El deber primordial de cualquier funcionario de cumplimiento es asegurar que una compañía se esté ejecutando legal y éticamente, cumpliendo con todas las regulaciones que se aplican a la industria en la cual la compañía opera. Este deber de trabajo comienza con un análisis en profundidad de las normas actuales y normas éticas en la industria en particular. En algunos sectores empresariales, las normas y reglamentos son complejos y requieren un alto grado de interpretación. Los oficiales de cumplimiento deben entender estas regulaciones y cómo encajan en las operaciones comerciales de sus compañías.

Además de entender las regulaciones legales permanentes, los oficiales de cumplimiento también deben tener un conocimiento sólido de las prácticas y estándares éticos en sus industrias. Aunque existen normas que constituyen un comportamiento ético teórico en la mayoría de los sectores, en la práctica, la ética a menudo se deja a la interpretación de un oficial o gerente de cumplimiento. La necesidad de interpretación ética hace que sea crucial para los oficiales de cumplimiento de entender los valores subyacentes de una empresa para que puedan establecer e implementar procedimientos estándar. Una revisión continua de las normas éticas de una empresa es una parte necesaria del trabajo de cualquier oficial de cumplimiento.

Los funcionarios de cumplimiento también comparten información sobre el comportamiento conforme y los procedimientos éticos con la gerencia, los empleados y los ejecutivos de C-suite. En industrias donde las cargas regulatorias son altas, los oficiales de cumplimiento dedican una parte sustancial de su tiempo a desarrollar, mejorar y distribuir programas de cumplimiento a los empleados de la compañía. Por ejemplo, los funcionarios de cumplimiento en el sector de los servicios financieros centran su atención en iniciativas de lucha contra el lavado de dinero, incluyendo programas de capacitación y educación continua que detallan cómo los empleados pueden seguir cumpliendo con la regulación global. Del mismo modo, un oficial de cumplimiento que trabaja en un centro de salud puede dedicar una cantidad considerable de tiempo a la creación y difusión de programas de capacitación que se centran en la divulgación y las leyes de privacidad para proteger a los pacientes de la instalación.

Las personas que tienen puestos de oficial de cumplimiento también son responsables de revisar el riesgo actual y potencial de una empresa de negocios se enfrenta. La información relativa a los riesgos específicos de la empresa o de la industria se transmite a los ejecutivos de alto nivel con el fin de establecer controles internos para reducir la exposición al riesgo. Un oficial de cumplimiento debe revisar continuamente los riesgos que enfrenta la organización, junto con los procedimientos que están en su lugar para reducir ese riesgo para que la empresa está bien posicionada para manejarla eficazmente.

Educación y entrenamiento

Una posición como un oficial de cumplimiento o gerente normalmente no se considera como de nivel de entrada. Los oficiales de cumplimiento y los gerentes deben tener experiencia laboral en el campo específico en el que quieren ser empleados, así como una licenciatura en negocios, finanzas o contabilidad. Algunos empleadores requieren un grado avanzado, como un título de abogado o una maestría en administración de empresas (MBA) para calificar para un puesto de nivel superior en cumplimiento.

Además de los requisitos de educación formal y experiencia laboral anterior, los oficiales de cumplimiento pueden lograr designaciones y certificaciones específicas de la industria. A través de la Oficina Nacional de Servicios de Regulación (NRS), las personas que buscan avanzar en carreras como oficiales de cumplimiento dentro de la industria de servicios financieros e inversiones pueden completar la credencial de Asesor de Inversión Certificado de Conformidad Profesional. Este avanzado programa de certificación proporciona a los participantes contenido regulatorio actualizado que es relevante para los expertos financieros que trabajan en los departamentos de cumplimiento.

Los funcionarios de cumplimiento de otros sectores tienen la oportunidad de completar el Programa de Profesionales Certificados de Cumplimiento y Ética (CCEP) a través de la Sociedad de Cumplimiento Corporativo y Ética (SCCE). El CCEP requiere la participación en un curso previo intensivo junto con el exitoso aprobar un examen. Cursos de designación y certificación similares están disponibles a través de la Asociación de Oficial de Ética y Cumplimiento (ECOA), así como la Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).


Los oficiales de cumplimiento tienen una amplia gama de deberes que deben completar para tener éxito en sus carreras. Como tal, es necesario que una persona interesada en un cargo de oficial de cumplimiento tenga la capacidad de realizar múltiples tareas con facilidad y de comunicarse con un grupo diverso de empleados de nivel bajo, medio y alto. Además, un oficial de cumplimiento debe poseer una tendencia natural a tomar decisiones sanas y la capacidad de tomar medidas basadas en principios éticos. Un oficial de cumplimiento debe adoptar un enfoque proactivo de su trabajo, ya que a menudo se deja de analizar e implementar programas de cumplimiento sin la dirección de un alto ejecutivo. Un oficial de cumplimiento también debe ser diligente en el trabajo que realiza, ya que los cambios regulatorios se llevan a cabo de manera consistente.


Según la Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales de Estados Unidos (BLS, por sus siglas en inglés), un individuo que tiene un puesto como oficial de cumplimiento puede ganar un salario anual que oscila entre $ 36.970 a $ 101.206, o un salario por hora de $ 17.77 a $ 48.68. Un ganador de ingresos más bajos en una posición de oficial de cumplimiento es más probable que tenga mínima experiencia laboral pasada o tener un título no directamente relacionado con la industria en la que trabaja. Un trabajador con un ingreso más alto en el campo del cumplimiento a menudo tiene tenencia sustancial en su posición o ha obtenido títulos avanzados en negocios, contabilidad, derecho o finanzas.

Un oficial de cumplimiento o gerente que trabaja con una institución grande tiene más probabilidades de tener acceso a beneficios adicionales que aumentan su paquete de compensación total. Las personas que trabajan como funcionarios de cumplimiento en consultoría o contratación pueden ganar más en términos de salario o salario por hora, pero a menudo no reciben los beneficios adicionales ofrecidos por los empleadores.

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Descripción del puesto de operador de divisas

By / Domingo, 23 de agosto de 2015 / Publicado en Uncategorized

Simplemente ingrese su nombre y dirección de correo electrónico a continuación y usará mi estrategia de 6 pip esta noche. Yo personalmente la descripción del trabajo del comerciante de la divisa realizar transacciones con AVAfx, una plataforma de divisas Antes de Corredor de acciones pagado curso de formación Reino Unido comenzando a comercio saber quién es el mejor corredor para usted. com Fundación: 1999; Fundación de la división de divisas: 1999; Sede: Bedminster One 135 US Highway 202/206 Suite 11 Bedminster, NJ 07921, EE. UU. Barclays corredores de bolsa de acciones en línea de tratar Hay miles MT4 indicadores personalizados disponibles para el comercio de Forex. Preparado por. Aprobado por. Fecha. Mantener registros financieros; Aplicar principios de contabilidad para analizar información financiera & amp; preparar. He leído y escuchar a diferentes personas forex ea número uno con reclamaciones y contra afirma que el comercio de divisas es una estafa. Bienvenido: Un mensaje de todos nosotros en Bank Sugar terrenos corredor de bolsa trainee Staffers acerca de nuestra Saudi aramco bolsa de valores búsqueda de la empresa y la descripción del puesto de comerciante de divisas Edad de comercio de acciones en Canadá nuestros listados actuales de banca comparar Ciudad de Nueva York. Ofertas de empleo freelance, consejos de empleo, consejos para trabajar, profesionales de empleo Ronald reagan. Anteriormente cuando uso la descripción del trabajo de los indicadores técnicos del comerciante de la divisa como la acción, RSI, MACD, etc .... Selecciones de comercio de Forex. Qué indicadores de tasas de mercado de acciones MT4 sensex son buenos? Cuáles son las noticias de los índices bursátiles para probar primero? Muchos personalizados MT4 Forex indicadores вЂ|. Averigua cómo aquí. Ofrece a los comerciantes las mejores firmas comerciales, corredurías, hedge

Descripción del puesto de operador de divisas

Por / Domingo, 23 de agosto de 2015 / Publicado en Uncategorized

Simplemente ingrese su nombre y dirección de correo electrónico a continuación y usará mi estrategia de 6 pip esta noche. Yo personalmente la descripción del trabajo del comerciante de la divisa realizar transacciones con AVAfx, una plataforma de divisas Antes de Corredor de acciones pagado curso de formación Reino Unido comenzando a comercio saber quién es el mejor corredor para usted. com Fundación: 1999; Fundación de la división de divisas: 1999; Sede: Bedminster One 135 US Highway 202/206 Suite 11 Bedminster, NJ 07921, EE. UU. Barclays corredores de bolsa de acciones en línea de tratar Hay miles MT4 indicadores personalizados disponibles para el comercio de Forex. Preparado por. Aprobado por. Fecha. Mantener registros financieros; Aplicar principios de contabilidad para analizar información financiera & amp; preparar. He leído y escuchar a diferentes personas forex ea número uno con reclamaciones y contra afirma que el comercio de divisas es una estafa. Bienvenido: Un mensaje de todos nosotros en Bank Sugar terrenos corredor de bolsa trainee Staffers acerca de nuestra Saudi aramco bolsa de valores búsqueda de la empresa y la descripción del puesto de comerciante de divisas Edad de comercio de acciones en Canadá nuestros listados actuales de banca comparar Ciudad de Nueva York. Ofertas de empleo freelance, consejos de empleo, consejos para trabajar, profesionales de empleo Ronald reagan. Anteriormente cuando uso la descripción del trabajo de los indicadores técnicos del comerciante de la divisa como la acción, RSI, MACD, etc .... Selecciones de comercio de Forex. Qué indicadores de tasas de mercado de acciones MT4 sensex son buenos? Cuáles son las noticias de los índices bursátiles para probar primero? Muchos personalizados MT4 Forex indicadores вЂ|. Averigua cómo aquí. Ofrece a los comerciantes las mejores firmas comerciales, corredurías, hedge

Somos una institución con licencia de la Comisión de Valores y Futuros (SFC CE N º BDH481), con un foco principal en el comercio mundial de divisas y la investigación macroeconómica. Estamos establecidos en la fe de proporcionar los mejores servicios de asesoría de mercado de divisas a los clientes para que puedan crecer con nuestros.

Somos una institución con licencia de la Comisión de Valores y Futuros (SFC CE N º BDH481), con un foco principal en el comercio mundial de divisas y la investigación macroeconómica. Estamos establecidos en la fe de proporcionar los mejores servicios de asesoría de mercado de divisas a los clientes para que puedan crecer con nuestra experiencia y profesionalismo. Estamos comprometidos a servir a nuestros clientes con la mayor diligencia e integridad.


La Compañía está buscando una persona calificada con la capacidad de administrar el conjunto completo de contabilidad, incluyendo las operaciones de contabilidad y finanzas de una empresa de servicios financieros de rápido crecimiento.

Licenciado en contabilidad, finanzas u otras disciplinas relevantes

Obtenido el Certificado LCCI Nivel 1 o superior

Mínimo 1 año de experiencia en contabilidad profesional, preferentemente en la industria de servicios financieros

Fuerte mente analítica y detallista, capaz de trabajar independientemente y bajo presión

Fluidez en inglés y chino hablado y escrito

Mantener registros financieros exactos y oportunos de las operaciones de la compañía

Manejar las funciones de contabilidad diarias y preparar informes mensuales de los estados financieros

Realizar análisis de ganancias y pérdidas, y asistir en la auditoría anual y presupuesto de negocios

Apoyar el cumplimiento de las políticas corporativas y otros controles financieros internos

Ofrecemos una semana de trabajo de cinco días y un paquete de remuneración altamente competitivo a los candidatos calificados. Las partes interesadas deben enviar un correo electrónico con un currículum detallado y la disponibilidad más temprana a kelvin@idsforex. com o por correo a Suites 3812-13, Tower 2, Lippo Center, 89 Queensway, Hong Kong.

(Toda la información proporcionada se usará solamente para propósitos de reclutamiento y será tratada con estricta confidencialidad)

Recursos y herramientas específicas para su disciplina para ayudarle a avanzar en su carrera.

Averigüe lo que necesita saber y hacer para una carrera en las artes y la cultura.

De interés especial para estudiantes de secundaria, padres, maestros y consejeros en educación secundaria.

¡Esta guía para el autoempleo es una herramienta esencial para ganarse la vida con éxito de su arte!

De interés para los artistas emergentes y trabajadores culturales, y sus profesores.

Para artistas y trabajadores culturales - consejos y herramientas para que su arte llegue al escenario mundial.

Este recurso único de recursos humanos, por y para los gerentes culturales, es una necesidad para cada organización cultural y de negocios.

Informes y estudios sobre cuestiones y políticas culturales, encargados por la Comisión.

HR Toolkit & ndash; Folletos para ayudarle a resolver sus problemas de recursos humanos.

Descripciones de trabajo

Una descripción del trabajo es una declaración por escrito de los deberes, responsabilidades, cualificaciones requeridas y relaciones de reporte de un trabajo en particular. Se basa en la información obtenida a través del análisis del trabajo, la comprensión de las competencias y habilidades necesarias para llevar a cabo las tareas necesarias y las necesidades de su organización para hacer las cosas.

La descripción del trabajo claramente identifica y explica las responsabilidades de un trabajo específico. Cuando sea pertinente, también incluye información sobre las condiciones de trabajo, las demandas físicas, los conocimientos y habilidades necesarios y las relaciones con otras posiciones.

Desarrollada adecuadamente, la descripción del trabajo es una herramienta de comunicación que contribuye al éxito de su organización.

Tabla de contenido

Por qué son útiles las descripciones de trabajo?

Problemas potenciales

Escribir una descripción de trabajo


Apéndice I: Verbos de Acción

Apéndice II: Ejemplo de formulario de descripción de trabajo

Apéndice III: Ejemplo de declaraciones de "Propósito del trabajo"

Apéndice IV: Muestra de "Responsabilidades de Primaria / Secundaria"

Director técnico

Director de Marketing y Desarrollo de Audiencia

Oficial de donaciones planeado

Gerente de Desarrollo Corporativo

Oficina del administrador

Coordinador de Voluntarios

Asistente de taquilla

Asistente de Archivos

Compre el folleto "Descripciones de trabajo" en formato PDF y ePub.

Ofertas de empleo forex en India

Ventas internacionales de salida Forex Trading

Sistemas de Información Empresarial. - Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra - Rs. 2,00,000 por año

HSC / graduados 11 am-8 pm y 1 pm -10 pm Ventas internacionales de salida Forex Trading 20k -25k Inglés Área funcional: Industria.

www. shine. com - Mar 14


Chennai, Tamil Nadu

*We provide forex trading training in all over India in your place. *We teach you A to Z forex trading subjects and provide E-Books.

www. click. in - Mar 24


Threedots Consultancy Pvt Ltd - Mumbai, Maharashtra - Ahmadabad, Gujarat

/housekeeping Meeting the assigned performance objectives of the wholesale forex trading business Minimize the cost of currency for the retail. Job Description There is an urgent requirement for a leading company in Forex Industry. Designation: Branch Sales Manager ( Forex .

www. timesjobs. com - Mar 23

Client Servicing - Forex Business

Trade finance, Hedging & Trading advisory services using exchange/bank platforms Accountabilities - Developing and maintaining client. and maintain client relations efficiently - Candidate should be well conversant with Forex terminologies and hedging instruments (Forwards, Futures.

www. timesjobs. com - Mar 23

Client Servicing - Forex Business

Trade finance, Hedging & Trading advisory services using exchange/bank platforms Accountabilities - Developing and maintaining client. and maintain client relations efficiently - Candidate should be well conversant with Forex terminologies and hedging instruments (Forwards, Futures.

www. timesjobs. com - Mar 21

Sales/Business Development Manager-Forex

Head Hunters HR Pvt Ltd - Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Job Description. Handling Treasury application as application owner profile. This covers back office operation and online trading . platform applications. Should have functional knowledge of forex market operations. Should have IT back ground on academic qualification MCA.

www. careesma. in - Mar 12

Forex Intern (financial Market) - Mumbai

ValeurHR E-Solutions Pvt. Ltd - Mumbai, Maharashtra - Rs. 1,00,000-4,00,000 per year

ValeurHR E-Solutions Pvt. Ltd Company Profile A leading name in the Financial Market Job Title - Forex Intern (financial Market) - Mumbai. Job Description - * Learn Price Action Trading (P. A.T .) Responsible for the timely entry of buying and selling of foreign currencies through market analysis.

www. jobsindia. com - Mar 9

Comercio Forex

Trade Forex Product. - Should having Excellent Communication Skill. Keyskills: Forex Trading, Banking, Sales. Job Posted by Company.

www. timesjobs. com - Mar 6

Branch Sales Manager-wholesale (forex)

Mumbai, Maharashtra - Rs. 1,00,000-2,00,000 per year

guidelines, regulatory compliance and branch reconciliation/housekeeping Meeting the assigned performance objectives of the wholesale forex trading . market, reduce the cost of currency for the Branch, facilitate inter-branch movement of Forex . Develop and grow the various segments.

www. naukri. com - Mar 3

FOREX Trader

Bangalore, Karnataka - Chandigarh

- Responsible for carrying out the company’s FX trading on a day-to-day basis - Preparing daily and monthly or quarterly FX trading . reports as are required. - Maintaining FX trading position reports and daily FX trading profitability. - Marketing the company’s FX trading .

www. bfsihiring. com - Feb 18

Manager - Forex Dealer - Markets Group - Bank

clients - Update on market information and trends to respective customers and propose suitable mitigants for hedging Forex risk. - Increase wallet. share from clients by sharing trading /hedging ideas and building relationships. - Strict adherence to RBI regulations in executing trades.

www. bfsihiring. com - Jan 21

Sr RM Commercial Banking - trade/forex

Regional Manager Keyskills: Commercial Banking Rm Forex Trading Business Management Competencies/Skill sets for this job. accounts & generating Trade & Forex based fee income through a team of EC RMs & PCATs Salary: Not Disclosed by Recruiter Industry: Banking.

www. headhonchos. com - Dec 12

Forex Strategist

IBT Media Pvt. Ltd. - Bangalore, Karnataka

on market awareness and analysis of FX markets on an on-going basis. Job Requirements: 4- 10 years of experience in FX market reporting/ trading .

www. timesjobs. com - Mar 25

Forex risk advisory

currency futures & Trade Finance with corporates/retail investors for trading and hedging purposes. *Handling the risk management portfolios.

www. timesjobs. com - Mar 23

Forex Officer / Executive

Job Description Responsible for managing portfolio. Provide strategy, advice and trading services to manage FX risk. Perform a variety. of Foreign Exchange (FX) duties including trading spot, forward and options contracts with both internal and external Work with bank officers.

www. timesjobs. com - Mar 21

Forex Strategist

IBT Media Pvt Ltd. - Bangalore, Karnataka - Rs. 3,00,000 per year

on an on-going basis. Job Requirements: 4- 10 years of experience in FX market reporting/ trading /research. Strong written and verbal skills. Experiencia.

www. shine. com - Mar 14



Job Description Roles and responsibilities1. Learn Price Action Trading (P. A.T.) methodology from our Chief Dealer and senior dealing. learnt from Price Action Trading (P. A.T) and executing trades based on pre-defined trade plans 3. Responsible for creating a journal to record.

www. timesjobs. com - Mar 11



Job Description Roles and responsibilities1. Learn Price Action Trading (P. A.T.) methodology from our Chief Dealer and senior dealing. learnt from Price Action Trading (P. A.T) and executing trades based on pre-defined trade plans 3. Responsible for creating a journal to record.

www. timesjobs. com - Mar 11

Forex Manager

Alpha Management Consultants - Chennai, Tamil Nadu

for effective hedging/ trading . Exposure & expertise in multiple currency pairs Long Term & short Term Funding Strategies Cash Management Investment.

www. careesma. in - Mar 11

Forex Manager

Alpha Management Consultants - Chennai, Tamil Nadu

movements, Analyse and strategise for effective hedging/ trading . Exposure & expertise in multiple currency pairs Long Term & short Term Funding.

www. careesma. in - Feb 27

Candidates rarely move for money alone so the GRS team spend time to really understand a candidate’s motivation and drive when looking for their next career move in Cyprus or Malta.

El sector de divisas es particularmente floreciente y forex es el mayor sector de reclutamiento que la compañía está colocando candidatos en general, con el 30% de GRS & rsquo; Las vacantes de trabajo son & hellip ;.

17 de diciembre de 2014

What Is Temporary Worker Recruitment? Los Trabajadores Temporales ofrecen una solución rentable y rápida a las situaciones en las que la contratación de empleados permanentes se vuelve poco rentable o donde no se tiene.

Job Details

Forex (FX)

Location: Cyprus, Nicosia Reference: ST911340 Date Posted: 10/01/2016

Back Office Officers - Forex - Nicosia - Cyprus

Our client, a very successful Group of Forex Companies with offices all over the world would like to hire Back Office Officers to join their administration team. The successful candidates will hold the full-time position of Back Office Officers, and will be accountable to the Head of Back Office and CEO for day to day performance of his/her duties. Typically the successful candidates will have the following responsibilities:

Job Description/Responsibilities

Customers account establishment, maintenance and closure procedures;

Customer Identification procedures;

Record keeping procedures;

Clients classification procedures;

Monitoring of sales and retention calls

Available for night shifts for our CY office

Available for work 24/7


University or college graduate degree in legal or similar field;

Must be able to perform an intensive highly responsible job quickly and accurately;

Very good communication and time management skills;

Team player;

Must have an excellent command of the English and one or more of the following languages - Arabic, French, German, Dutch, Spanish and Italian (verbal and written);

Good knowledge of Microsoft Office applications;

Past experience in a back office department of a CySec regulated investment firm will be considered an advantage;

Due to the high volume of applications we receive at GRS Recruitment. only shortlisted candidates will be responded to.

Job details:

Back Office Officers - Forex - Nicosia - Cyprus

Union Bank Recruitment 2015 for 49 Forex Officer – Economist

Descripción del trabajo

Union Bank Recruitment 2015 for 49 Forex Officer and Economist in India.11 vacancy 47 vacancies for forex officer and 2 vacancy for Economist is available. Application will be accepted online by 13/02/2015 to 28/02/2015.

Total vacancy. 49 vacancy

Puestos. Forex officers and economist

Eligibility. MBA (Banking) /PGDM (INTERNATIONAL BANKING)/BA (Economics)

Application fee. Rs. 600 for OBCUR and Rs. 100 for others.

Minimum Educational Qualification and Eligibility criteria for Forex officer and Economist post in Union Bank Recruitment 2015

(A) Forex Officer Grade 2

Number of posts. 11 posts (SC – 08,ST – 01,UR - 02)

Minimum Qualification . Bachelor degree in any discipline with minimum 55% and post graduate Diploma in International Banking. OR MBA in banking and should be well known of basic computer

Age limit. Applicant age must be between 20 to 35 years.

Experiencia. 02 years of experience in forex department.

(B) Forex Officer Grade 1

Number of vacancy. 36 posts (SC - 05. ST - 02, OBC – 04,UR – 25)

Minimum Qualification. Bachelor degree in any discipline with minimum 55% and post graduate Diploma in International Banking. OR MBA in banking and should be well known of basic computer

Age limit. 20 to 30 years

Experience . 01 year.

Number of posts. 02

Minimum Qualification. Applicants should be graduate with minimum 55% and should have economics as a subject in graduation or post graduation.

Age limit . 20 years to 30 years

Selection Procedure . Union Bank of India Reserves right to conduct joint examination/Group discussion/Personal interview.

Online Test paper format

Reasoning. 50 MCQ carrying 25 marks.

Quantitative aptitude. 50 MCQ carrying 50 marks

Professional knowledge. 50 MCQ carrying 100 marks

Inglés. 50 MCQ carrying 25 marks

How to Apply. Applicants can click on below link to download Notification or apply online. Online application will be accepted only before 28 February 2015.

All India Zone-wise Bharti Chart

Shivalik Bank get BBB - Rating from CARE ** Shivalik Bank now offers instant GREEN PIN facility for new / existing ATM-cum-Debit Cards. ** Shivalik Bank is now cloud-connected with RBI for direct handling of NEFT / RTGS. ** Shivalik Bank gets license for Mobile Banking, services will be launched soon ** Branches will remain closed on 2nd and 4th Saturdays and all Sundays, full business hours on other Sat. and weekdays. ** Lost your ATM Card? Block it by sending SMS to us. ** Now earn interest upto 7.75% p. a. in your Savings Bank Account and upto 8.75% in FDRs. **

Deoband Br gets new premises

Shivalik Bank Deoband branch is now functional at 780 Subhash Chowk, Railway Road, Deoband, Dist.

Shivalik Bank get rating from Care

Shivalik Bank gets “CARE BBB-” (Triple B Minus) rating and becomes first coop bank in In


Cash Operation handling(Teller)

Daybook closing & monthly closing

Should have good knowledge on Bank Reconciliation

Bank Manuals & e-register maintenance

Customer Service & fund transfer knowledge

Maintenance of undelivered security items(Cheque Book, Debit Card) and ensuring the delivery of the same to respective customers

CASA/RD/RF/FD handling & manteniendo

Locker allotment and Locker operations

Attending to any other customer queries.

Able to give accurate & detailed information to clients

Highly skilled in receiving & processing all banking transactions including ; Verifying transactions, checking & saving account withdrawal & depósitos


Strong work ethic that supports a willingness to handle multiple tasks with efficiency and accuracy.

Ability to train and develop others

Willingness to travel

Should have experience in Branch banking

2. Credit Officer

Noida / Saharanpur/Indore/ Meerut

años de experiencia


He has to appraise / underwriting the loan applications by assessing overall Credit Eligibility of customer as per Income and as per uses.

Responsible for the application process from login to disbursement.

Managing quality of portfolio, post disbursement documents and partly disbursed cases.

He / She have to co-ordinate with legal, technical and Risk Cont Unit agency for processing the file / docket.

Responsible for TAT of delivering sanction letter and disbursement.

Preparation of MIS, Resolving customer issues and legal cases pertaining to sanction and disbursement process.

Taking care of Audit queries and maintaining good audit score.

To perform due diligence check about the customer and verify genuine document required for appraisal.

Prepare financial and ratio analysis of the customer and analyze the risk associated for business limits and term loans.

Skill Set

Strong work ethic that supports a willingness to handle multiple tasks with efficiency and accuracy.

Ability to train and develop others

Willingness to travel

Should have experience in Handling Home Loan & LAP

3. Consultant - Agricultural Lending

Full Time / Part Time

años de experiencia


Policy formulation of retail agri-lending business including retail farmer finance, short term agri credit, agri-warehousing, cold storages, agro-processing units, commercial horticulture, dairy development, agency farm loan programs and eligibility requirements.

Advising credit team on the technicalities of farm financing and credit, financial management concepts and practices, farm operations, land use and value, production and marketing of various crops and livestock, and prices and markets in the serviced farming areas.

Preparation of the credit assessment / evaluation model covering detailed analysis of proposals, projects of borrowers.

Finalizing the product types suitable for the Bank and identify branch wise products to be sold

Credit policy formulation for each product including check lists and appraisal forms

Branch wise sourcing strategy

Training of employees


The person should be an ex-banker.

Should have 20+ years in Banking with at least 10+ years of Agriculture lending experience. Experience in policy formulation is a must.

Strong work ethic that supports a willingness to handle multiple tasks with efficiency and accuracy.

Ability to train and develop others.

Willingness to travel

This site was created to help you:

Put together a great job description for a Business Development Manager position

Understand what a Business Development Manager is and what you should expect from one

Learn more about being a Business Development Manager

Our homepage simply gives you the Business Development Manager job description. The rest of the site provides supplementary material related to business development and what you should expect from your Business Development Manager.

You may use this Business Development Manager Job Description as a starting point for your company’s ad. Please spend the time to customize it to your company’s needs. This description contains just about everything you would ask a Business Development Manager to do. Therefore, it would be a lot to ask of one person.

The Role of the Business Development Manager

A Business Development Manager works to improve an organization’s market position and achieve financial growth. This person defines long-term organizational strategic goals, builds key customer relationships, identifies business opportunities, negotiates and closes business deals and maintains extensive knowledge of current market conditions. Business Development Managers work in a senior sales position within the company. It is their job to work with the internal team, marketing staff, and other managers to increase sales opportunities and thereby maximize revenue for their organization. To achieve this, they need to find potential new customers, present to them, ultimately convert them into clients, and continue to grow business in the future. Business Development Managers will also help manage existing clients and ensure they stay satisfied and positive. They call on clients, often being required to make presentations on solutions and services that meet or predict their clients’ future needs.

Descripción del trabajo

The primary role of the Business Development Manager is to prospect for new clients by networking, cold calling, advertising or other means of generating interest from potential clients. They must then plan persuasive approaches and pitches that will convince potential clients to do business with the company. They must develop a rapport with new clients, and set targets for sales and provide support that will continually improve the relationship. They are also required to grow and retain existing accounts by presenting new solutions and services to clients. Business Development Managers work with mid and senior level management, marketing, and technical staff. He/she may manage the activities of others responsible for developing business for the company. Strategic planning is a key part of this job description, since it is the business manager’s responsibility to develop the pipeline of new business coming in to the company. This requires a thorough knowledge of the market, the solutions/services the company can provide, and of the company’s competitors. While the exact responsibilities will vary from company to company, the main duties of the Business Development Manager can be summarized as follows:

New Business Development

Prospect for potential new clients and turn this into increased business.

Cold call as appropriate within your market or geographic area to ensure a robust pipeline of opportunities. * Meet potential clients by growing, maintaining, and leveraging your network.

Identify potential clients, and the decision makers within the client organization.

Research and build relationships with new clients.

Set up meetings between client decision makers and company’s practice leaders/Principals.

Plan approaches and pitches. * Work with team to develop proposals that speaks to the client’s needs, concerns, and objectives.

Participate in pricing the solution/service.

Handle objections by clarifying, emphasizing agreements and working through differences to a positive conclusion. * Use a variety of styles to persuade or negotiate appropriately.

Present an image that mirrors that of the client.

Client Retention

Present new products and services and enhance existing relationships.

Work with technical staff and other internal colleagues to meet customer needs.

Arrange and participate in internal and external client debriefs.

Business Development Planning

Attend industry functions, such as association events and conferences, and provide feedback and information on market and creative trends.

Present to and consult with mid and senior level management on business trends with a view to developing new services, products, and distribution channels.

Identify opportunities for campaigns, services, and distribution channels that will lead to an increase in sales.

Using knowledge of the market and competitors, identify and develop the company’s unique selling propositions and differentiators.

Management and Research

Submit weekly progress reports and ensure data is accurate.

Ensure that data is accurately entered and managed within the company’s CRM or other sales management system.

Forecast sales targets and ensure they are met by the team.

Track and record activity on accounts and help to close deals to meet these targets.

Work with marketing staff to ensure that prerequisites (like prequalification or getting on a vendor list) are fulfilled within a timely manner.

Ensure all team members represent the company in the best light.

Present business development training and mentoring to business developers and other internal staff.

Research and develop a thorough understanding of the company’s people and capabilities.

Understand the company’s goal and purpose so that will continual to enhance the company’s performance.


Business development management positions require a bachelor’s degree and 3-5 years of sales or marketing experience. An MBA is often requested as well.

Other Skills and Qualifications

Networking, Persuasion, Prospecting, Public Speaking, Research, Writing, Closing Skills, Motivation for Sales, Prospecting Skills, Sales Planning, Identification of Customer Needs and Challenges, Territory Management, Market Knowledge, Meeting Sales Goals, Professionalism, CRM, and Microsoft Office.

Candidates rarely move for money alone so the GRS team spend time to really understand a candidate’s motivation and drive when looking for their next career move in Cyprus or Malta.

El sector de divisas es particularmente floreciente y forex es el mayor sector de reclutamiento que la compañía está colocando candidatos en general, con el 30% de GRS & rsquo; Las vacantes de trabajo son & hellip ;.

17 de diciembre de 2014

What Is Temporary Worker Recruitment? Los Trabajadores Temporales ofrecen una solución rentable y rápida a las situaciones en las que la contratación de empleados permanentes se vuelve poco rentable o donde no se tiene.

Job Details

Forex (FX)

Location: Cyprus, Nicosia Reference: ST911340 Date Posted: 10/01/2016

Back Office Officers - Forex - Nicosia - Cyprus

Our client, a very successful Group of Forex Companies with offices all over the world would like to hire Back Office Officers to join their administration team. The successful candidates will hold the full-time position of Back Office Officers, and will be accountable to the Head of Back Office and CEO for day to day performance of his/her duties. Typically the successful candidates will have the following responsibilities:

Job Description/Responsibilities

Customers account establishment, maintenance and closure procedures;

Customer Identification procedures;

Record keeping procedures;

Clients classification procedures;

Monitoring of sales and retention calls

Available for night shifts for our CY office

Available for work 24/7


University or college graduate degree in legal or similar field;

Must be able to perform an intensive highly responsible job quickly and accurately;

Very good communication and time management skills;

Team player;

Must have an excellent command of the English and one or more of the following languages - Arabic, French, German, Dutch, Spanish and Italian (verbal and written);

Good knowledge of Microsoft Office applications;

Past experience in a back office department of a CySec regulated investment firm will be considered an advantage;

Due to the high volume of applications we receive at GRS Recruitment. only shortlisted candidates will be responded to.

Job details:

Back Office Officers - Forex - Nicosia - Cyprus

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Bank Regulatory Compliance Officer Job Description

Bank Regulatory Compliance Officer Job Description

What does a bank regulatory compliance officer do?

A bank regulatory compliance officer works in the capacity of a financial examiner to ensure that the bank adheres to all governmental regulations and laws. The successful candidate will work with upper management and frontline staff to ensure that the policies and procedures are upheld.

He/she will also be responsible for researching, assessing, and monitoring new developments and updating bank personnel in a timely manner.

Bank Regulatory Compliance Officer Job Responsibilities

Responsibilities include but are not limited to:

maintain current and extensive knowledge of the laws and regulatory guidelines by which the bank is required to comply with

act as an integral part of the team regarding knowledge resources for all compliance-related matters

monitor compliance programs that have been put in place to ensure adequacy

carry out interview reviews and audit of the bank’s compliance program

oversee the dissemination of compliance-related information to bank employees to ensure familiarity with compliance requirements

collect, analyze, and report on relevant statistics

ongoing development and administration of compliance training programs for all employees

work with auditors and examiners during regulatory compliance examinations

participate in training relating to the job and any other training programs as required

comply with bank policies and procedures as well as banking regulations and laws

act as the main contact source for outside audit companies

liaise with the chief operating officer (COO) to oversee certain compliance procedures and offer risk management advice

The bank regulatory compliance officer will report to the AML compliance manager and may be required to work closely with the bank’s COO.

Bank Regulatory Compliance Officer Qualifications (Desired Skills and Experience)

undergraduate degree in finance, business or law

graduate degree gives a distinct advantage

professional certification, such as Certified Bank Compliance Officer (CBCO), Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager (CRCM), or Certified Regulatory and Compliance Professional (CRCP), regarded as an asset

minimum of three years’ managerial experience in a financial institution

experience working in a fast-paced and dynamic environment

ability to read and understand technical and legal language

strong mathematical and statistical analysis background

ability to multi-task

self-motivated with strong leadership abilities

strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills

excellent oral and written communication

exceptional presentation skills

strong organizational skills

detail-oriented with strong research skills

experience in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project)

confidentiality and sound business judgment

exercised discretion when performing duties assigned

occasional travel may be required

position requires sitting for long periods


Descripción del trabajo

- Finance Background, Excellent English and/or Arabic - Well experienced in FOREX, Commodities, Futures/Options - Well understanding and analyzing Financial Market, be a good researcher - Be familiar with software that related to trading - Sales monitoring and periodical updates and training - Hunger to earn money and motivate yourself - A confident, mature approach to building new relationships - Able to adapt your sales style to the client - Good communication, organization, introduction & business development skills.


- Hunger to earn money and motivate yourself - A confident, mature approach to building new relationships - Able to adapt your sales style to the client - Good communication, organization, introduction & business development skills.

Job Location: UAE Company Industry: Financial Services; Sales Company Type: Employer (Private Sector) Job Role: Accounting/Banking/Finance Joining Date: Unspecified Employment Status: Full time Employment Type: Employee Monthly Salary Range: US$1,500 - $2,000 Manages Others: Unspecified Number of Vacancies: 1

Career Level: Mid Career Years of Experience: Min: 2 Max: 5 Residence Location: United Arab Emirates Gender: Unspecified Nationality: Unspecified Degree: Bachelor's degree

Complete Questionnaire Attach a Cover Letter

Social Media And Customer Service Officer At Fleet Forex

Fleet Forex is recruiting to fill the following position of:

Job Title: Social Media & Customer Service Officers

Follow up on customers and prospective clients of the company via Phone calls and emails

Creating and managing the company’s client database as well as social Network Pagse (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Blogspot)

Effective Online Marketing.

OND / HND / First Degree qualification.

Application Closing Date

31st August, 2013

How to Apply Interested and qualified candidates should send CV’s to: [email protected]

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Descripción del trabajo

INDO ZAMBIA BANK wishes to recruit Foreign Exchange Banking Specialists and Experienced Bank Clerks who ft the profles as described below. As part of the recruitment for experienced professionals, applications are invited from candidates who meet or match the job profles below:

1. FOREX OFFICER Essential Duties and Responsibilities Performing any of the three (3) functions below: Dealer: • Dealing in Forex, Money Market / Bonds / Derivatives. • Analysing achievement of Exchange Income targets. • Operating the Reuters and Bloomberg applications. General Forex: • Handling International remittances, Letter of Credit Guarantees, SWIFT Operations, etc. • Achieving Other Income Targets set by the Bank. Forex Back Offce: • Dealing in Forex, Money Market / Bonds / Derivatives. • Independently verifying the rate movements of various currencies against the Zambian Kwacha. • Operating the Reuters and Bloomberg applications. • Ready to take-up the responsibility to achieve the targets fxed by the management. Required Qualifcations • Graduate / post graduate in banking / fnance / fnancial management from a reputed Zambian / International institute • Forex dealing certifcate – Front Offce or Back Offce ACI qualifcation or ACI Dealing Certifcate. • Must be computer literate (Word, Excel, Power Point, and use of other spreadsheet software applications). • Must be less than 35 years old. Experience Criteria Any of the following combinations of experience and qualifcations: Dealer – • Must have worked as a Forex / Money Market / Bonds / Derivative Dealer in a reputable Bank (ACI Dealer). • Must have in-depth knowledge of Bonds and Money Market / Forex Derivatives market in Zambia. General Forex General Forex – • ACI Front Offce qualifcation with 5 years of experience in the front offce / Forex-dealing in a reputed bank preferably in Zambia. • Thorough knowledge of and experience in operating the core banking software – Flex cube will be an added advantage. • Must have worked as a Forex / Money Market / Bonds / Derivative Dealer in a reputable Bank. Back Offce – • ACI Back Offce qualifcation with 5 years of experience in Back Offce / Forex dealing in a reputed bank in Zambia. • Must have worked or managed a Back Offce of a Bank of repute. • Strictly minimum 5 years operational experience in foreign business banking / treasury management / Forex-funds management / international trade and services / remittances, etc.

2. BANK CLERK Essential Duties and Responsibilities The essential duties are as illustrated here below. Please note that the scope of the Clerical function is not restricted to these functions: • Customer Service for Deposits and Advances • Cash handling (Payments and Receipts). • Clearing and CTS Operations. • Payment Systems (DDACC and RTGS). • Reconciliation of Various Accounts. • Sales Promotion of Bank Products and Services. Required Qualifcations • Must be degree holders or equivalent with minimum Credit. • Professional qualifcations in the felds of Banking, Accountancy, Business Administration, MBA will be an added advantage. • Must be computer literate (Word, Excel, Power Point, and use of other spreadsheet software applications). • Knowledge of core banking software will be an added advantage. • Must be less than 30 years old. Experience Criteria • 5 years of experience in Banking Operations as illustrated above in a reputed commercial bank in Zambia. • Banking experience gained in a reputed Commercial bank prior to this appointment will count towards internal promotion exercises. • Applications which do not fulfl the above criteria will not be considered.

All applications should be addressed to the

Chief Manager – Human Resources, Indo Zambia Bank, Head Offce,

How to Apply

P. O. Box 35411, Plot no. 6907, Cairo Road

Job Location: East Legon, Greater Accra

Planning, developing and implementing PR strategies

Liaising with colleagues and key spokespeople

Liaising with and answering enquiries from media, individuals and other organisations, often via telephone and email

Researching, writing and distributing press releases to targeted media

Collating and analysing media coverage

Writing and editing in-house magazines, case studies, speeches, articles and annual reports

Preparing and supervising the production of publicity brochures, hand-outs, direct mail leaflets, promotional videos, photographs, films and multimedia programmes

Devising and coordinating photo opportunities

Organising events including press conferences, exhibitions, open days and press tours

Maintaining and updating information on the organisation's website

Qualification and Requirements

A minimum of a Degree required

At least 1-3 years working experience


Job Duties and Tasks for: "Teller"

1) Balance currency, coin, and checks in cash drawers at ends of shifts, and calculate daily transactions using computers, calculators, or adding machines.

2) Cash checks and pay out money after verifying that signatures are correct, that written and numerical amounts agree, and that accounts have sufficient funds.

3) Receive checks and cash for deposit, verify amounts, and check accuracy of deposit slips.

4) Examine checks for endorsements and to verify other information such as dates, bank names, identification of the persons receiving payments and the legality of the documents.

5) Enter customers' transactions into computers in order to record transactions and issue computer-generated receipts.

6) Count currency, coins, and checks received, by hand or using currency-counting machine, in order to prepare them for deposit or shipment to branch banks or the Federal Reserve Bank.

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7) Identify transaction mistakes when debits and credits do not balance.

8) Prepare and verify cashier's checks.

9) Arrange monies received in cash boxes and coin dispensers according to denomination.

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10) Process transactions such as term deposits, retirement savings plan contributions, automated teller transactions, night deposits, and mail deposits.

11) Receive mortgage, loan, or public utility bill payments, verifying payment dates and amounts due.

12) Resolve problems or discrepancies concerning customers' accounts.

13) Explain, promote, or sell products or services such as travelers' checks, savings bonds, money orders, and cashier's checks, using computerized information about customers to tailor recommendations.

14) Perform clerical tasks such as typing, filing, and microfilm photography.

15) Monitor bank vaults to ensure cash balances are correct.

16) Order a supply of cash to meet daily needs.

17) Sort and file deposit slips and checks.

18) Receive and count daily inventories of cash, drafts, and travelers' checks.

19) Process and maintain records of customer loans.

20) Count, verify, and post armored car deposits.

21) Carry out special services for customers, such as ordering bank cards and checks.

22) Compute financial fees, interest, and service charges.

23) Obtain and process information required for the provision of services, such as opening accounts, savings plans, and purchasing bonds.

24) Compose, type, and mail customer statements and other correspondence related to issues such as discrepancies and outstanding unpaid items.

25) Issue checks to bond owners in settlement of transactions.

26) Inform customers about foreign currency regulations, and compute transaction fees for currency exchanges.

27) Quote unit exchange rates, following daily international rate sheets or computer displays.

28) Prepare work schedules for staff.

More "Teller" job description.

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Managing Director: Job Description & Requisitos

$95,600 for all management occupations

Source: *U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Job Description of a Managing Director

Managing directors work with other top-tier executives to oversee the operations of companies and organizations across a variety of industries, such as banking, healthcare, marketing, advertising, information technology, and government. They may establish new business contacts, interact with clients, and recruit employees. Managing directors might develop strategic marketing and sales plans to boost profits and efficiency. They may also coordinate the efforts of various departments, such as legal, finance, marketing, and sales, to meet company goals. Some managing directors oversee other managers or department heads, and they often report to top executives and boards of directors.

Managing Director Requirements

The U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that top executives typically hold undergraduate or graduate degrees in business administration or another specialized field relevant to the industries in which they work ( www. bls. gov ). December 2014 job postings for managing directors on Monster. com and CareerBuilder. com noted that employers usually require applicants to hold at least bachelor's degrees, though some employers prefer candidates with master's degrees. Additionally, employers often require technical expertise and experience relevant to their specific company or industry.

Essential Skills

The BLS indicates that managing directors and other top executives are effective communicators with excellent leadership skills, management experience and the ability to motivate employees. Additionally, managing directors must be results oriented and creative in addition to having strong business-development skills and the ability to interact with clients, staff and senior management. Monster. com and CareerBuilder. com job postings often cite the need for managing directors who are able to supervise and build teams, delegate responsibility and develop employee talents.

Career Outlook and Salary

The BLS predicted an 11% job growth for top executives over the 2012-2022 period. In 2013, the BLS stated that the median annual income for all management occupations was $95,600. Salaries also vary by industry, and incentives such as yearly bonuses may significantly impact annual compensation. PayScale. com reports that most managing directors in sales and marketing, for instance, earned between $34,787 and $203,005 as of September 2014. However, managing directors working in private investment services earned between $124,580 and $499,667, per PayScale. com reports, also from September 2014.

Master of Business Administration

Master of Business Administration Online

Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership

Bachelor of Science in Management Online

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Online

Associate of Science in Business

Associate of Science in Business Online

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Descripción del trabajo

New Zealand Forex Transaction Company

Be responsible for compliance oversight of the New Zealand business

The opportunity for further financial industry development

This employer furnishes Internet-based Forex transactions services to clients rest on our outstanding computer and financial technology through professional, tailor-made online trading platform, flexible spreads and low trading costs. Investors can make various profitable investment portfolios in line with their own demand. We are committing to be one of the best licensed Financial Service Provider in New Zealand.

This role is to assist in risk, compliance and database management. The applicant is required to provide expert advice for effective practice of the company using solid legal knowledge and background and to assist the company in research, analyzing, reviewing and drafting contracts in line with financial service provider industry standards.

In your role as a Compliance Officer within the company, you will provide advice and ensure company compliance with relevant legislations. You will understand the finance industry and be able to co-ordinate with the team in China to assist in expanding the market in New Zealand. You will also be required to liaise with professionals such as bankers, lawyers as well as shareholders of the company and to conduct business meetings between individuals.

As a successful candidate, you will be:

Experienced in law, better has related tertiary qualification (related to law or finance)

Familiar with financial market and wish to learn Forex Trading.

Mature and accurate, able to work independently and under pressure

Have abilities to handle multi-task and self-management

Advantage to be Chinese Speaking and familiar with New Zealand Commercial regulations.

This is a rare opportunity for you to use your professional skills and background to improve further in our corporation, and become a generalist along with our rapid development. You will be supported by our outstanding team and top-tier external advisors. In return you will be well rewarded, both by the working environment, the challenge, and also financially.

I recently listed a job with Student Job Search for COMPANY SECRETARY (COMPLIANCE OFFICER). I thought you or someone you know may be interested in applying for this job. You can check it out here https://www. sjs. co. nz/content/company-secretary-compliance-officer-0

Job Details

Location Albany (1 vacancy) Job type Fixed-term Category Not specified, Not specified Job listed date 05/03/2015 Start date ASAP End date 05/05/2016 Hours 35.0 Pay rate (pay per hour) $17.00 Job reference number 103588795

Japan Compliance Officer - Global Online Forex Trading

Bullet points

Global Online Forex Trading

Standalone role with broad responsibilities

About Our Client

OANDA uses innovative computer and financial technology to provide Internet-based forex trading and currency information services to everyone, from individuals to large corporations, from portfolio managers to financial institutions. OANDA is a market maker and a trusted source for currency data. It has access to one of the world's largest historical, high frequency, filtered currency databases.

Reporting to the OANDA Japan Managing Director, Compliance Officer ("CO") is responsible for ensuring OANDA Japan's businesses are in compliance with any Japanese laws and regulations. Additionally, CO will work with Global Compliance Team to implement OANDA group's compliance initiatives in Japan. Finally, CO will be a key member of the OANDA Japan management team.

Descripción del trabajo

- Drive and implement Compliance culture in OANDA Japan

- Build strong relationships with Japanese regulators and obtain regulatory update/change in FX market to ensure OANDA Japan's businesses are in compliance with Japanese laws and regulations including fulfilling Compliance Program, internal policy review/update, internal compliance training, regular compliance monitoring, as well as regular/ad hoc regulatory reporting

- As OANDA Japan's Compliance officer, proactively participate in OANDA's global compliance initiatives to implement locally and/or consolidate with local practice

- Act as a Corporate Secretary for OANDA Japan to organize shareholders meeting, board of directors meeting, and OANDA Japan management committee meeting

- Identify risks with new products for Japanese retail FX market to fully leverage OANDA's product suite and capabilities

- Help MD in developing comprehensive local product strategy to meet regulatory requirements while meeting customer needs and to make OANDA an industry leader within the local market

- Act as a mentor to Japan team in regarding to the Japanese FX market and help ensure that new employees are properly mentored, trained and developed

- Other projects and duties as assigned from time-to-time

The Successful Applicant

- Minimum 3 years experience as a Compliance Officer in Japanese retail FX market

- Minimum 5 years experience as a Compliance Officer for Securities Companies, or Type 1 financial institutions preferable

- Strong existing relationships with Japanese regulators

- Experience managing a team

- Understand the workflow and ability to deliver Japanese regulatory reportings

- Ability to identify risks in and around the Japanese retail FX market

- Native level Japanese and strong ability to communicate in English

- Self-motivated and able to work independently

- Energetic, open-minded, results oriented

- Strong presentation skills and the ability to impart information to Management team as well as regulators

- Proven ability to innovate in ways that contribute to the success of the business

- Excellent written and oral communications skills combined with the ability to grasp complex concepts quickly, identify key messaging for different audiences and work with a team to weave these into compelling communications pieces

- Positive attitude, flexible nature, thriving in a fast-paced, constantly changing environment

- Ability to cultivate meaningful relationships and work effectively with cross-functional teams while remaining decisive and displaying sound judgment

What's on Offer

- Competitive base salary

- Standalone role with broad responsibilities

- Key role working closely with regional and global compliance teams

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Media Sales Executive

About Us:

Forex Root | www. forexroot. com is an open financial sharing network provides the best-in-class market news, real time updates, educational alerts, quotes, charts, market data, professional technical analysis and more… Forex Root network brings you the most professional Forex-related articles, daily FX studies and reviews. Started in 2009, Forex Root is the fastest-growing Forex network and best described as a financial information platform provide for the most organizations within this field.


In charge of sales activities for agency and direct clients patch.

Analyze sales statistics to determine business growth potential.

Coordinates sales operations with all other departments/divisions of the Company.

Develop and/or maintain and improve business relations with all customers of the Company.

Seek out and target new customers and new sales opportunities, initiate action plan to approach and secure new business for the Company.

Develop and maintain a strong work relationship with key opinion leaders and contacts with other relevant agents.

Monitor, analyze sales and market trends.

Effectively execute and manage every element of the sales process on an individual level.

Prospecting and growing an account list, handling incoming leads and closing sales.

Standard measurement will focus on actual sales, profitability, and growth percentage within the business unit. In addition, developing and maintaining a strong pipeline of new customers will be a key indicator of future success expectations;

Update the company on changing trends within the online marketing environment so the organization can make and adjust plans accordingly.

Utilize existing account management processes and reporting systems.


Determined self-starter with drive, ambition, positive attitude and strong organizational skills

Hungry to earn high commission

A positive attitude with a passion for winning new business

A proven history of hitting or exceeding targets

Excellent presentation and negotiating skills

Evidence of sound understanding of digital marketing channels, especially email marketing. Experience in PPC, Display and Social media channels preferred

Formal sales training would be an advantage

Team player

Technical knowledge of digital marketing systems advantageous

Knowledge of Windows programs, Excel, Word and CRM systems

Ability to work hands on, multi task and be a good problem solver

Fluent in English (verbal and written)

Ideally educated to degree level or equivalent

Media agency experience essential

Bonus Points:

An excellent salary, benefits and high commissions


Forex Root is a very fast growing network stands for the best in class quality financial information data and information platform. Diversity is central to our brand. We believe the world is a rich and diverse place full of interesting cultures and people, who should be treated with respect and from whom there is a great deal to learn.

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Tuna Three Ways (ask your server)

Crispy Brussels Sprouts with soy and shichimi togarashi

Magic Mushrooms avocado wrapped in salmon broiled with dynamite sauce

Miso Black Cod marinated in Shiro miso and broiled

Lobster Potstickers homemade steamed lobster dumplings with wasabi dressing

Lobster Tail Napalm tempura fried and tossed in spicy chile sauce

Seared Tuna Tempura lightly battered and fried yellowfin tuna with garlic soy vinegar

New Style Sashimi seared with olive & sesame oils, topped with ginger, chives and yuzu soy

Green Lip Mussels New Zealand mussels broiled with dynamite sauce

Spicy Calamari sautéed with mushrooms in spicy chili sauce

Hamachi Jalapeño yellowtail sashimi with cilantro, jalapeño and yuzu soy

Dynamite with mushrooms and green onions broiled with dynamite sauce (seafood, shrimp or lobster)


Kama yellowtail collar (your choice of teriyaki or salt)

Gyoza homemade pan-fried pork and chicken potstickers

Grilled Whole Squid grilled and served with teriyaki sauce

Beef Tataki thinly sliced and lightly seared, with a garlic soy vinegar

Agedashi lightly battered tofu with mushrooms in tempura sauce

Atsuage deep fried and lightly grilled tofu topped with soy sauce and ginger

Edamame steamed and lightly salted green soybeans

Ohitashi boiled spinach in a fish-based broth with bonito flakes

Oshinko a selection of Japanese pickles

Tatsutaage Japanese-style boneless fried chicken

Nikumaki asparagus wrapped in sliced beef with teriyaki sauce

Japango Tempura lightly battered and fried, served with dipping sauce (vegetable, chicken or shrimp)


Mixed Green Salad field greens with a creamy citrus dressing or ginger sesame vinaigrette

Seaweed Salad wakame and hiyashi with a soy vinaigrette

Sunomono Salad crab, octopus, shrimp, cucumber and wakame with a soy vinaigrette

Soba Salad buckwheat noodles and tomatoes over field greens with a ginger sesame vinaigrette

Squid Salad seasoned squid served over field greens with a soy vinaigrette

Seared Tuna Hawaiian tuna, tomatoes and avocado over field greens with a garlic soy vinaigrette

Shiitake Mushroom Salad sautéed mushrooms served on field greens with a soy vinaigrette

Miso Soup with tofu, green onion and wakame


Hamachi Jalapeno yellowtail sashimi, cilantro, jalapeno & yuzu soy

Hamachi Carpaccio yellowtail sashimi, ponzu, plum paste, scallion & Ajo

Tuna Tataki seared tuna, scallions & ponzu

Tuna Poke chunks of ahi tuna, avocado, white onion and house poke sauce

New Style 6 or 12 pieces of sashimi lightly seared with sesame olive oil, yuzu soy, garlic & cebollino

Sunomono Salad octopus, shrimp and crab over cucumber wakame and sesame vinaigrette


Uni & Unagi Handroll sea urchin, fresh water eel, quail egg and shiso leaf

Spicy Hotate Handroll spicy sesame scallop, shiso leaf, crispy onion & scallion

Maguro Natto fermented soybeans, chunks of ahi tuna, quail egg & semillas de sésamo

Sakai Salmon Nigiri avocado, sweet egg omelet, sakai torched salmon

Uni Shooter sea urchin, quail egg, smelt roe, grated ginger, ponzu, scallion + hatsumago sake (21+)

Oyster Shooter oyster, quail egg, smelt roe, ponzu, scallion + harushika sake + house bloody mix (21+)

Hotate Shooter raw scallop, quail egg, wasabi tobiko, cucumber, serrano, scallion, yuzu soy + onikoroshi sake (21+)


Part-Time Sales Officer Job

Descripción del trabajo

Job Title: Sales Officer Job Location: Lahore Pakistan Industry: Marketing/Sales Category: Marketing Positions: 5 Salary Range: 10000 PKR To 15000 PKR / Monthly Min. Education: Doesn’t Matter Min. Experience: Fresh Post Date: 2016-03-23 Apply Before: 2016-04-02 Career Level: Fresh Job Description: Need Sales officer in lahore for consumer level product. we need fresh candidate though experienced candidate can apply as well. Its a good earning job Skills Required: Sales Company Information Company Name: E Serve Hub Pk Description: BPO and Direct Sales company operating from Lahore we believe in growth of employee – See more at: http://www. bayrozgar. com/Marketing/Sales-Officer-72341.html#sthash. MMmQYTw7.dpuf


Click Here To Apply

Office Manager Job Description, Career as an Office Manager, Salary, Employment - Definition and Nature of the Work, Education and Training Requirements, Getting the Job

Education and Training: College

Salary: Median—$41,030 per year

Employment Outlook: Fair

Definition and Nature of the Work

Office managers supervise administrative support workers, such as office clerks and secretaries, and coordinate administrative support activities. They work in all types of business and government offices. Office managers may head the entire office in a small firm or administrative support operations in a department of a large company. In either case the manager is responsible for directing workers and seeing that their jobs are done efficiently.

Office managers often decide what administrative support duties are needed in their department or company. Office managers decide what qualifications are necessary to perform the job. For instance, an office manager in an accounting firm may decide that an applicant requires a bachelor's degree to fill the job of accounting clerk. In many offices the manager helps to hire administrative support staff and is in control of promotions. Office managers devise training programs for new workers. Some are also responsible for determining salaries and working conditions. Managers make sure that job duties are not unnecessarily duplicated in the office. Managers often redefine duties in order to achieve maximum efficiency. They may devise a new job or eliminate an existing job. For instance, if a receptionist has too much filing to do, another person may be hired to file. Then the receptionist is free to answer telephones and greet visitors.

Office managers decide how much time it should take to do each job. Much of a manager's time is spent planning and developing work schedules. If new equipment would make a process more efficient, the manager orders the necessary machinery. For example, a faster copying machine might be ordered to reduce the time it takes employees to make copies.

Office managers are responsible for reporting to higher management and acting as liaisons between administrative support and the senior management. They report on the progress made by their departments in meeting company goals. The office manager takes direction from senior management and translates Office managers work with employees at many different job levels to instruct them and see that their jobs are done efficiently. (Royalty-Free/Photo Disc, Inc. Reproduced by permission.) these directions into working practice. They must be able to communicate clearly. In addition, managers should be decisive, observant, and innovative. The position requires analytical ability as well as tact.

Education and Training Requirements

Most positions in office management require a college degree in business, although workers with only a high school diploma sometimes work their way up to managerial positions. College course work in accounting, administrative and personnel management, and data processing are especially useful. There are a number of home-study courses available for people who cannot attend college.

Office managers are often trained on the job. Many companies and government offices have management trainee programs. Sometimes trainees start by working for a short time in each of the company's departments to find out how the company functions. They work under the supervision of an experienced manager. Some companies send employees to courses and seminars at business schools or colleges to learn management techniques.

Getting the Job

A college or business school placement office can help graduating students find a position as a management trainee. State employment service and private employment agencies also list jobs in management. Interested individuals can write to various companies to inquire about jobs, and they can ask to leave an application on file if there are no immediate openings. In addition, the classified sections of newspapers list both beginning and top management openings. Candidates should also look in job sites on the Internet.

Advancement Possibilities and Employment Outlook

Office managers usually start as assistants and progress to jobs of greater responsibility as supervisors of large numbers of employees. A few office managers advance to top management positions in their firm. Some go into business for themselves. Their training makes them qualified to run many kinds of businesses. They can also become management consultants to various companies.

According to the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, office and administrative support supervisors and managers held 1.5 million jobs in 2004. Employment of office managers was expected to grow more slowly than the average for all occupations through the year 2014. New technologies have eliminated many administrative support jobs as well as the need for someone to manage people in these jobs. Growth in the size and complexity of organizations in both the public and the private sectors, however, will require increasingly sophisticated management techniques, and the demand for skilled administrative specialists will continue to be strong.

Working Conditions

Office managers usually work forty hours per week, although they often spend additional time working on projects or attending meetings. Most of a manager's time is spent in the office. Office managers are under pressure from top management to make the administrative support operations of their departments run smoothly. They are also under pressure from their employees who may require the manager's time and assistance. Managers must get along well with all of these people.

Where to Go for More Information

American Management Association 1601 Broadway New York, NY 10019 (212) 586-8100 http://www. amanet. org

International Association of Administrative Professionals 10502 NW Ambassador Dr. PO Box 20404 Kansas City, MO 64195-0404 (816) 891-6600 http://www. main. org/psi/

National Management Association 2210 Arbor Blvd. Dayton, OH 45439 (937) 294-0421 http://www.

Earnings and Benefits

Office managers earned a median yearly salary of $41,030 in 2004, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Salaries vary with the size of the office in which a manager works, with large corporations usually paying the highest salaries. Benefits often include paid vacations, holidays, and health insurance. Some companies offer pension and profit sharing plans to their managers.

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Anti-Money Laundering Risk Officer Job Description

Anti-Money Laundering Risk Officer (MLRO) Job Description

The Anti-Money Laundering Risk Officer (MLRO) is responsible for designing and monitoring internal AML procedures and policies relating to record keeping, reporting, risk assessment, customer due diligence measures, and management control systems.

He/she will also be responsible for organizing and arranging training for the staff on anti-money laundering procedures. The post also involves receiving internal disclosures of suspected money laundering or terrorist financing activities and deciding whether or not there is sufficient evidence to warrant a disclosure to the relevant authority.

Anti-Money Laundering Risk Officer (MLRO) Job Responsibilities

Responsibilities include but are not limited to:

Handle the preparation work and management of inspections by the regulator

Research and understand changes in regulation

Develop policies internally relating to AML in the company and oversee the implementation of those policies

Work to develop AML guidance materials, training resources, and controls

Update internal handbook on AML policies

Advise senior management of any likely implications of changes to internal policies

Implement the annual AML plan and perform the relevant quality assurance checks to ensure adherence

Conduct due diligence reviews

Report results of reviews of AML risk assessments and monitor remedial proceedings

Identify, investigate, and resolve all activities that are deemed noncompliant.

Review and approve all advertisements for publishing and broadcasting

Plan AML training sessions

Provide advice on the implication of future business strategies

Act as a subject matter expert for the business and point of reference to address related queries

Inform the relevant authorities of any breaches

Compile reports for the board and internal risk committees

Address issues relating to transaction monitoring, filtering, and sanctions

The Anti-Money Laundering Risk Officer (MLRO) usually reports to the Senior AML Risk Manager in the organization.

Anti-Money Laundering Risk Officer (MLRO) Qualifications (Desired Skills and Experience)

Graduate degree in business studies, law, accounting or specific training in risk management

Background in investment, banking, insurance or law enforcement

Excellent interpersonal skills

Ability to communicate well with all levels of employees, especially at the senior level

An analytical and enquiring mindset

Systematic approach to work

Exceptional report writing skills

Good oral and written communication skills

Excellent presentation skills

Persuasive, assertive, and proactive

Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Project, PowerPoint)

Self-motivated team player

Pays very close attention to details

Extensive knowledge of regulatory and legal framework relating to the business

Ability to multi-task and prioritize

Ability to maintain strict confidentiality


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Bank Jobs in Coimbatore

Bridge HR Consulting private Limited - Chennai, Tamil Nadu - Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

etc to the HNI Customer. Managing the High Net Worth customers of the Bank Achieving the Business targe Responsibilities: · He will be Responsible. Worth customers of the Bank · Achieving the Business targets assigned in terms of cross selling, enhancing and upgrading the High Net Worth.

Bridge HR Consulting Pvt Ltd - Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu - Rs. 4,50,000 per year

Bonds etc to the HNI Customer. · Managing the High Net Worth customers of the Bank · Achieving the Business targets assigned in terms.

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Actinum Placement Services Private Limited - Chennai, Tamil Nadu - Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

Job opening in Reputed Bank for the position of Assistant Manager Exciting Job opening in Banking industry for the position of Assistant.

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Compliance Officer jobs in London


Permanent, full-time

£20,000 - £28,000 per annum

6 applications


North London

Permanent, full-time

£26,000 - £30,000 per annum

10 applications

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Learn more Child Safety & Business Compliance Officer £26,000 - £30,000 p/a Plus up to 12 weeks of salary paid as performance bonus, company pension, private medical cover, life assurance and overnight allowance. Kumon develops every child’s potential, offering maths and English study programmes to more.

Posted 16 March by Reed Banking Featured

Central London

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This is an excellent opportunity for someone who is keen to progress their career and take the responsibility of serving as CF10 and CF11 of my FCA regulated Client as well as serving as the Head of Compliance for their Payment Services Firm. You can join this growing firm and become the point of contact.

Posted 3 days ago by IPS Group

City of London

Temporary, full-time

£450.00 - £500.00 per day

2 applications

Experienced London Market or UK Insurance Market Compliance professional required to develop and implement a risk based monitoring programme to test the effectiveness of mitigating controls around conduct risk. Therefore you will be required to monitor all conduct related activities, conduct risk management.

Posted 3 days ago by IPS Group

City of London

Temporary, full-time

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1 application

Experienced London Market or UK Insurance Market Compliance professional required to develop and implement a risk based monitoring programme to test the effectiveness of mitigating controls around conduct risk. Therefore you will be required to monitor all conduct related activities, conduct risk management.

Descripción del trabajo

We are an enterprise with a major business in engineering, construction, financial and technology services with all Nepal operation. Applications are invited from qualified, motivated and career oriented professionals, with a proven track record to shoulder the following responsibilities,


MBA (specializes in finance), knowledge of foreign exchange business, treasury operation with minimum 3 years’ experiencia

Qualified candidates are requested to send their CVs with application letter and post applied to vacancy016@gmail. com before 20 February 2016 .

About the Company

Job Description for a Foreign Exchange Cashier

A foreign exchange cashier may work for a bank or an insurance company conducting business globally. A cashier also may be employed by a business engaged in export and import activities, or one that typically deals with foreign business partners. A cashier job typically requires a high school diploma.

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Job Description of a Cage Cashier

What Is the Average Salary of a Cashier?

Ensures Accurate Currency Transfers

A foreign exchange cashier usually works for a bank engaging in international transactions. This employee receives business partner payments in foreign currencies and ensures they are correctly converted into U. S. dollars. Similarly, a cashier reviews a bank's U. S. payments and ensures accurate amounts are sent to foreign customers. For instance, a foreign exchange cashier working for a New York-based bank may review payments from a U. K.-based insurance company and ensure correct amounts are received and the exchange rate between the U. S. dollar and the U. K. pound is accurate.

High School Education

This career typically requires good business acumen and a high school diploma. An employee without a college degree may receive practical training before working. Some cashiers may hold an associate degree in a business field. Additionally, excellent language skills may be a plus, especially if the cashier assumes several responsibilities and frequently deals with foreign business partners.


Hourly salaries for foreign exchange cashiers typically depend on experience, company size and location. Compensation also may be affected by length of service and academic training. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary of cashiers was $18,970 in 2012. However, the typical annual salary of a teller, which closely resembles foreign exchange cashiers, is $24,490.

Career Development

An employee may increase chances of promotion by enrolling in a college undergraduate program and receiving a bachelor's degree in a business field. A cashier may also increase career growth opportunities by taking night courses and receiving a professional certification, such as the certified bank teller designation. The job outlook for tellers and cashiers is very low, but as global exchanges increase, there will be more of a need for foreign exchange cashiers.

Working Conditions

A foreign exchange cashier usually works a standard 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. shift. However, instances may occur in which a cashier may need to work late nights or early mornings to accommodate a client. For instance, a foreign exchange cashier at a New York-based global bank may need to stay in the office late to discuss money transfer requirements with a colleague working in the bank's Tokyo office.

Job Description * To serve as a secondary contact person for customers, relationship managers and staff members of for enquiries and problem solving for day-to-day business. To manage the delivery of Trade Services to the corporate customer base while meeting or exceeding the laid down service standards through regular contact with customer business drivers; to increase utilization and revenue generation for existing customer; and identify new names for marketing. * Risk Assessment and control * To ensure approvals are in place for all trade related transactions. * To handle Transactions relating to Import Bills for Collections. Import/Export Finance, Bond/Guarantee, Letters of Credit and any other activity assigned from time to time by the Manager Trade Service.

Key Roles & Responsabilidades

1. Interface with customer: * Maintain excellent relationship with customer at both, middle and senior management level * Cascade this relationship downward to all levels between the CSC and sales team * Active marketing of trade services of the Bank to active and non-active customers, and seeking referrals from client base. * Actively solicit customer feedback informally through periodic surveys, on customer satisfaction and needs * To respond promptly and with a helpful attitude to customer inquiries, or requests related to Trade Services) * To handle primarily Exports, guarantees and/or other Trade products.

2. Interface with SSC: * Maintain close relationship with SSC to ensure smooth flow of transaction processing and meeting / striving to exceed SLA. * Cascade this relationship downward to all levels between CSC and the relevant units/country team in TPC such that partnership like relationship is established. * Maintain/ Observe SLA violations for the entire department ( collating from others ) * Handle Customer complaints for the entire department (collating with others)

3. Interface with Relationship Managers * Maintain partnership like relationship with the Business unit/Relationship managers and be responsive to their service requirements.

4. Service Level Agreement (SLA) with SSC * To review, manage turnaround time of transactions against the SLA and communicate to parties concerned in SSC and RM teams etc. to ensure that the service level meet the target standard.

5. Service Quality: * Responsible for maintaining the quality standards in line with six sigma / Out-serve requirements in Trade Services. To build up service excellence, customer focus mindset and quality culture in the centre.

6. Control and Risk Management * Handle complex transactions escalated from subordinate CSR or directed from Head of Trade Services. * Reviewing Key Reports generated for CSC Team according to laid down procedures. Comply with the Group Money Laundering Prevention Policy and Procedures to the extent applicable and reporting all suspicious transactions to the Line Manager.

7. Change Management To act as a sponsor for the CSC for all change initiatives facing Trade Service Group to ensure that such changes are implemented successfully in the CSC.


Qualifications & Skills * Sound knowledge of UCP rules, legal, risk management and control * Good knowledge of Trade products * Good forex Knowledge * Good knowledge of Imex systems and other related systems * Good Communication skills and PC Skills


Standard Chartered Bank started in 1958 in UAE with its first branch in Sharjah. The Group\\'s business gradually increased in Dubai with the opening of several branches and today, Dubai is the administrative hub of the Middle East and South Asia Region. In its 43rd year, the Bank enjoys the position of having the most extensive branch network among foreign international banks in UAE with 10 branches emirate-wide.

Standard Chartered is an international bank, focused on the established and emerging markets of Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America with an extensive global network of more than 600 offices in over 50 countries. The three principal business groups are Global Markets, Personal Banking and Corporate and Institutional Banking.

In UAE, we are one of the leading banks, offering an extensive range of products and services for personal customers, local companies, multinational corporate and financial institutions.

Descripción del trabajo

NO EXPERIENCE Required! Join from ANY COUNTRY Worldwide! Work at Home Part-time or Full-time! Work from anywhere anytime as you like! GET PAID Twice a Month via Check/Bank A/C! Earn Min.$100 up to Unlimited Per Week! 1. ONLINE DATA ENTRY: jobs. redstar. com. np A. DATA ENTRY TYPIST: Work volume Maximum up to $300 per month. Per project rate - $25/- Site freedom with repetition, one data per site per month. B. HOME TYPIST: Work up to Unlimited per month. Per project rate - $30/- Site freedom with repetition, one data per site per month. 2. ONLINE JOB: (Google Adsense/Pay per Click): Visit on-linejob. com and click on Onlinejob 3. FOREX Web Trading: (Foreign E-Currency Exchange – Buy/ Sale) - 4x. redstar. com. np Provide Full trainings with real Platform, No subscription charges. I. Mini Trading:$250+ (Avg. Earning $100/week) Write an email if you have any queries Email: jobs@redstar. com. np SPECIAL HIRING NOTICE We are Hiring 15 Male/Female(Only for Nov.) Home-Based Part-Time E-Currency Buy and Sale Job * Forex Online Job * Online job (pay per click) * Online Data Entry Home Typist Job for Jan. 2010 as first come first priority basis. If you have computer basic knowledge (Ms. Word and Email/ Internet) with good internet surfing or browsing skill, you can do this job. Experience is not required as we supply all guidelines and support within our office & online Typist Center. You are paid Weekly. Be your own Boss! Work from your own home/cafe at any time as you like and get paid of your earnings in monthly basis. Check it out how to earn money from home with own working hour. Do not forget, you have no risk and guaranteed of works and all completed works earnings. REDSTAR is the only one Company in Nepal which run this JOB since 2003 or from the long time as 7 years. We can give guarantee of works and payment for completed works within deadline.

About the Company

Limassol - Job Description Our client, an Investment firm regulated by Cysec, is seeking to recruit a Portuguese Retention Officer for their offices in Limassol. Job Responsibilities The Portuguese Retention Officer will be responsible for the communication with the existing clients and pre.

The contents of this job ad including any associated images are © Resumark 2016

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United Bank of India Recruitment 2009 – Credit Officer / Forex Officer / Information Technology Officer Job Vacancies

United Bank of India ( A Govt. of India Undertaking) 11, Hemant Basu Sarani, Kolkata – 700001

Job Description : United Bank of India, a leading (Nationalised) Public Sector Bank having one of the highest business productivity and profitability growth rate with all India presentation, invites applications from Indian citizens for following posts :

Credit Officer. 20 posts in SMGS-IV grade Age . 50 años

Credit Officer. 35 posts in MMGS-III grade Age. 4 5 years

Credit Officer. 20 posts in MMGS-II grade Age : 40 years

Forex Officer. 04 posts in SMGS-IV grade Age : 50 years

Forex Officer. 10 post in MMGS-II grade Age : 40 years

Faculty. 05 posts in MMGS-III grade Age : 45 years

Equity Research Analyst. 05 posts in MMGS-II grade Age : 35 years.

Information Technology (IT) Officer. 105 posts in MMGS-II grade Age : 30 years

Information Technology (IT) Officer. 25 posts in MMGS-III grade Age : 35 years

Pay Scales : SMGS-IV – Rs.20480-24140, MMGS-III Rs.18240-22280, MMGS-II Rs.13820-19920

Application Fee . Officers – Rs.400/- (Rs. 50/- for SC/ST/PH candidates) should be send by Bank DD or by Banker’s cheque/ Pay Order favouring “United Bank Of India Recruitment – 2/2009″ payable at Mumbai. Candidate’s name, date of birth, Address, Post Code & Registration Number should be written on the back of demand draft /bankers’ comprobar

Apply : Apply Online between 16/09/09 and 06/10/2009. Take a printout of the system generated application form, System Generated Online Application Form complete in all respects enclosing the above documents and the relevant Demand Draft / Bankers’ Cheque should be sent in a closed envelope by Y ordinary post only superscribing as “Application for the post of ……….(Post Code…) to the following address :

Post Box No. 9055, Goregaon (East), Mumbai – 400063 Last date for applying . 6th October 2009 For Details Visit . http://recruitment. unitedbankofindia. com/UBI-ad-170909.pdf

Forex Strategist

Job Description:

Analyze markets using economic data, headlines and developments in the FX, equity and bond markets

Producing stories which represent the house view

Continually develop and communicate the FX house view of what is happening and is likely to happen to the major currencies pairings

Write bespoke analysis notes on currency movements in a timely and accurate manner

Train staff on market awareness and analysis of FX markets on an on-going basis

Job Requirements:4- 10 years of experience in FX market reporting/trading/research

Strong written and verbal skills

Experience of and a deep understanding of macroeconomics and macro policy making

Understanding of the broking and buy-side communities and what they need

Ability to write clean, fast and engaging copy to deadline

Analytical judgment and skills to write smart stories for investors/traders

Proven teamwork and ability to collaborate

Experience of snapping and filing from the field

Company Description:

HR Generalist Career Job Description

In business, attracting and retaining quality employees can be a competitive advantage. HR generalists’ skills and knowledge are increasingly called upon to help companies manage and develop human resources, and achieve strategic goals. If you are a human resources professional with an eye on the future, then planning an HR generalist career may be a beneficial career move.

HR generalist job typically requires a broad base of knowledge. Advanced HR training can make professionals more marketable to a wide variety of category-leading firms. Industries ranging from healthcare to financial services may value HR generalists for their expertise in payroll, employment law, benefits administration and more. Earning a master’s degree in HR can also help distinguish professionals when competing for today’s demanding HR generalist jobs.

HR Generalist Job Outlook

The U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that HR management jobs are expected to grow 5% through 2024, as fast as the national average for all other occupations. As new employment legislation is enacted and court rulings lead to changes in healthcare, retirement plans, family leave, occupational safety and wellness plans. businesses may experience a greater need for qualified HR generalists. Professionals with higher education and credentials may have a better chance to land a quality job than those without advanced education and certification.

Typical Job Responsibilities

While specific duties can vary according to industry and employer, HR generalists typically act as a resource on human resources matters, providing guidance, assistance and support to management, supervisors and administrators. Daily job duties can range from consulting with managers and supervisors concerning individual employees or groups, identifying and resolving employee-related matters or providing guidance and mediation on staffing and management issues.

Additional responsibilities of an HR generalist may be developing and implementing procedures, including communication plans, performance reviews, new hire orientation, training programs, compensation and benefits planning and talent assessments. Generalists may also conduct employment interviews and termination exit interviews and subsequently compile and distribute acquired information.

In smaller firms. HR generalists may be required to handle all aspects of human resources management. In larger companies, they may supervise subordinates in charge of specific HR duties, such as payroll or benefits. Consulting with and managing internal and external partners, such as legal counsel, benefits plan vendors and recruiters also typically falls under the HR generalist’s scope of duties.

The duties of an HR generalist typically center on achieving business objectives set by employers and other stakeholders, primarily to find opportunities to solve business problems through broad and up-to-date knowledge of employment law, organizational behavior, change management, best practices and company policy.

Education and Training Requirements

Training and education requirements can vary depending on the employer, level of responsibility and specific range of duties. Most employers usually require at least a bachelor’s degree and related work experience. Others may show preference to candidates with professional knowledge in labor law, industrial relations and HR management, along with advanced skills gained through professional training and education, such as an HR certificate program or a master’s degree in HR program.

HR professionals who wish to pursue an HR generalist career may help improve their prospects by enrolling in a Master of Science in Human Resource Development degree program. Coursework typically includes organizational training, employment law, human resource technology solutions and workforce planning.

Employers can be confident that professionals who have earned a Master’s Degree in HR are able to:

Use critical thinking to effectively solve human resource issues

Identify principles for utilizing, developing and conserving human resources

Enhance the HR function through technology

Demonstrate the ability to make informed decisions based on data and statistics

Leverage advanced knowledge and skills to succeed as a human resources generalist

Are You Suited for an HR Generalist Career?

In today’s increasingly complex business environment, employers often need skilled HR professionals to manage employee issues, recruit and retain quality talent, avoid litigation and manage risk. The HR field may be ideal for individuals with strong communication, leadership and interpersonal skills, and who are diplomatic and flexible. Sensitivity to a diverse workforce, with its wide variety of ages, cultural backgrounds and experiences, is usually another valuable asset for aspiring HR generalists. In addition, negotiation and persuasion abilities, as well as strength of character and discretion, are good characteristics for this position.

A broad base of business and human resources skills, along with a Master of Science in Human Resources Development degree, can help give professionals the qualifications and respected credentials to launch their career as an in-demand HR generalist.

Category: Human Resources

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Chief operating officer job profile and description

The chief operating officer or COO is a very important post in the company. He is in charge for all the operations and performance of the company. The COO is deeply involved with the functioning of all the departments and he works with the chief executive officer to make important plans and strategies regarding the future performance of the company

Chief operating officer job duties and responsibilities

The progress of the company hugely depends upon the efficiency of the COO. His duties are limited to the internal operations of the company. His duties and responsibilities are:

Make decisions regarding the budget of the company keeping in view the developments

Preparing short and long term operations plan like sales, marketing and quality control

Overseeing the day to day functioning of the company

Interacting with heads of all departments of the company and overseeing their functions

Creating strategies for the functioning of the company along with the chief executive officer

Plan execution strategies for the plans

Prepare investment plans and plan acquisitions

Chief operating officer job skills and responsibilities

The skills and specifications for the job of a chief operating officer are:

Brilliant strategist

Excellent communication and leadership skills

Good negotiation abilities

Excellent interpersonal, public relations, oratory and presentation skills

A sound knowledge about finance planning, tax reforms and strategy planning along with business administration

Ability to work well under pressure and deliver good results

Excellent time management skills

Exceptional management capabilities

A keen eye for detail and hardworking nature

Chief operating officer education and qualifications

The education and qualifications required for a COO are:

A bachelor’s and master’s degree in business administration, finance planning and management

A minimum of 10 years experience is required in different management posts

Chief operating officer salary

The salary of the COO ranges between $130,000 and $300,000 depending upon the company in which, he is employed.

Trading consultant job description

Trading consultant job description

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A leading Beuro De Change in Sandton is looking for a FOREX DEALER & EXCHANGE CONTROL OFFICER with vast FOREX experience as a dealer to join their dynamic team immediately.

The employee will be responsible for the following tasks:

Setting rates for the retail for the company, Rate board management Obtaining and monitoring competitor’s rates.

Quotes and Deals

Closing deals with various customers and institutions Providing quotes to prospective customers. Obtaining quotes from other financial institutions.

Monitor and maintain branch stock levels

Branch Support Provide support to the branch network regarding client quotes. Discounts, product information and customer service Provide support to New Business agents.

Research and implementation of new products Drafting and updating internal processes, procedures, forms etc.

General correspondence with stakeholders (Banks, clients) regarding transaction related issues.

Daily reporting to the SARB and reconciliation, after checking all company transaction.

Draft and implement all internal manuals related to exchange control, Check for updates to SARB ruling and regulations and keep all branches updated.

Reporting of all applicable transactions to the FIC.

Attend to all SARB AND Inspections.

Maintain correspondence with the SARB and FIC Inspections.

Handle all applications to the SARB (new products, branches, staff etc)

Conduct regular training for branch staff on exchange control and compliance matters.

AS PER JOB DESCRIPTION and any other tasks the employer may direct from time to time. -


Compliance Officer

Job Description:

Reference Number: CO2015

XM, a well-established CySEC regulated investment firm is seeking to recruit a high calibre, ambitious and energetic professional to join its Compliance Team! The key responsibilities of the role include:

Working closely with the Head of Compliance in monitoring the development of the internal AML/CFT compliance manuals, policies and procedures, and ensuring their correct and effective implementation

Reviewing new regulations and advising on necessary actions to be taken

Providing advice to staff on AML/CFT risk awareness

Liaising with Regulatory Authorities and ensuring that reporting obligations towards them are fulfilled

Identifying, examining and reporting any suspicious activities related to money laundering and terrorist financing

Remuneration: An attractive remuneration package will be offered to the successful candidate.

Type of employment: Full time

Location: Limassol, Cyprus

Please forward us your CV to careers@xm. com quoting the above job reference number.

All applications will be treated with strict confidentiality!

Job Requirements:

Main requirements:

BSc/ MSc in Business, Finance, Economics or Law

At least 3 years of experience in a similar position either in a compliance department within the Forex sector or a compliance consulting firm

CFA qualification will be a strong plus

Willingness to travel abroad is a must

Excellent communication, interpersonal, and teamwork skills

High attention to detail

Excellent verbal and written communication skills in Greek and English

Los contactos

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standard Cover Letter For The Job Of A Labour Welfare Officer

Messrs. Karachi Steel Works Ltd.,

Re: Post of a Labour Welfare Officer

I hereby invite your kind attention to your recently published Advertisement For The Job of a Labour Welfare Officer in your concern and beg to apply for the same.

As regards my qualifications and experience I beg to bring to your kind notice that:

1. I passed my B. A. Examination in 1973 from the Benaras Hind University getting a good second class.

2. I have been working as a Labour Welfare Officer in Messrs. Anand Steels Ltd. which firm has recently wound up its business. I worked there for a period of three years and the testimonials issued to me testify to my suitability about the job assigned to me.

3. I am a young man of 28 years possessing a sound physique and good conduct.

4. That I have been interested in labour welfare and my experience resulted in the maintenance of peace amongst the labour working within that industrial concern. Tact and shrewdness were the two tools used very frequently in setter disputes with labour, if any.

I hope and trust that keeping in view the above qualifications and experience, you will be kind enough to offer that coveted job to me. I may assure you, sir, that I shall be able to satisfy you so far as the labour-issues are concerned. Hoping to be favoured with a favourable response,

Online Forex Co. Marketing Manager Job vacancy Kenya

Job Description: Today Marketing Manager Work Kenya

Career vacancy: Marketing Manager – Online Forex Trade Representative Company

Summary: Responsible for managing marketing, advertising and promotional staff and activities. Takes steps to measure, enhance, and enrich the position and image of a company through various goals and objectives.

Primary Responsibilities: Marketing Manager vacancy

Plan marketing and branding objectives.

Expand product solutions and offerings.

Prepare marketing strategies alongside other company executives and staff.

Analyze market trends and recommend changes to marketing and business development strategies based on analysis and feedback.

Prepare and adhere to budgets.

Oversee creation and delivery of press releases, advertisements, and other marketing materials.

Ensure brand messages are consistent.

Gather and analyze customer insight.

Nurture and enrich all external perceptions of the company and growth of market share.

Engage consumers on social media.

Deepen relationships with all media to ensure the most effective messaging and positioning of the organization.

Lead all areas of content generation and production across all media platforms.

Take calculated risks based on data-driven analytics.

Drive overall CRM and direct marketing.

Engage other organizations within the community.

Collaborate with sales and sourcing to develop strategic partnership activities and implement the execution framework and strategic plan on identified opportunities.

Develop and lead a marketing team that will develop and execute new concepts, business models, channels and partners to position business as innovator and leader.

Requirements of the Role

Bachelor’s degree; business and marketing majors preferred.

Strong intrapersonal skills.

Exceptional written and verbal communication skills.

Familiarity with data analysis and reporting.

Hardworking, persistent, and dependable.

3- 5 years in the same position

To apply: Marketing Manager vacancy

Send your CV and cover letter to jobs@flexi-personnel. com before 28th February 2015.

Job Listings

Below is a selection of positions based on the criteria you entered. Don't forget that you can keep refining your job-search by continuing to use the search tools.

Our client are an expanding shipping company who are actively searching for a Technical Fleet Leader to join an expanding team in Limassol, Cyprus. In this position you will be responsible for all day to day technical operations of assigned vessels. Read Full Job Description

A new start up in Limassol, with around 20 ships is looking to expand its team in Cyprus. They are looking for an experience Fleet Operator who has worked in the industry primarily with Bulk Carriers to take on a leader role. In this role you. Read Full Job Description

Our client, a Cyprus commercial company, situated on the Limassol seafront, is seeking a dynamic, qualified and experienced accountant with a keen interest and skills in negotiation, commercial projects, agreements and systems. Travel will be. Read Full Job Description

Our client is a leader in the Greek luxury shipping and travel industry. We have a job opening for a Junior Technician which is an exciting opportunity that provides great learning opportunities to the successful candidate in the ever growing. Read Full Job Description

Our client, an established fiduciary company seeks to employ a junior corporate lawyer for their Limassol office. Candidate Responsibilities: Handle compliance/KYC/AML tasks Assist with corporate documents Liaise with clients Candidate Profile: 1-2. Read Full Job Description

A well established shipping company is looking for an Operations Manager for their growing team in Limassol. This position is critical to the management team and reports directly to the General Manager. Key Responsibilities: Ensuring that the. Read Full Job Description

An excellent opportunity has opened with an established holding company of an industrial group that has been established in Cyprus for over 10 years. As part of a re-organization, there is a vacancy for an outstanding corporate financial controller. Read Full Job Description

Our client, a well established Shipping firm with a long history in Ship Management, is setting up an operation in Cyprus and is currently looking for a Technical Superintendent for its Bulk Carriers. Key Responsibilities: You will be responsible. Read Full Job Description

The Cyprus office of an international Telecomms company is searching for it's Office Administrator to complete the team. Key Responsibilities: Manage office maintenance including administrative tasks (i. e scan, copy, phone calls) Liaising with staff. Read Full Job Description

Our client assists it's customers in optimizing recoveries from non-performing loans and real estate exposures. Headquartered in London, the firm is active across Europe and the CIS, with teams in Russia, Turkey, Cyprus, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria. Read Full Job Description

Cyprus Jobs

Chief Executive Officer - CYSEC Regulated Investment Company - Limassol - Cyprus DS912008

Chief Executive Officer - CYSEC Regulated Investment Company - Limassol - Cyprus

We invite applications from individuals that are currently operating at the level of CEO or Number 2/Deputy level within a CySEC regulated investment company that is trading CFD’s in the online trading arena. Our client is headquartered in Europe and has a network of offices in London, Germany and most recently Cyprus with the acquisition of a CYSEC FX/CFD brokerage. This is an excellent opportunity to join a serious player within the online trading of CFD products.

Previous managerial/directorship experience in a CYSEC regulated Investment Company trading Forex/CFD’s is essential.

Typically 5 years plus experience within this specific industry

Hands on approach

Excellent leadership qualities

Ability to grow and develop a team

Sound knowledge and understanding of operating under the CySEC terms of license

Best Practice

Due to the high volume of applications we receive at GRS Recruitment, only shortlisted candidates will be responded to.

To apply for this position, please email your CV to Donna Stephenson (Director), donna@grsrecruitment. com quoting the above job reference or call +357 25 342 720 for further information.

Limassol Office . The Hawk Building, 124 Gladstonos Street, 3rd Floor, Limassol CY-3032

Online Forex Marketing Manager Job 2016

Our client trading in Forex needs to fill in the following vacancies

Marketing Manager – Online Forex Trade Representative Company

Summary: Responsible for managing marketing, advertising and promotional staff and activities.

Takes steps to measure, enhance, and enrich the position and image of a company through various goals and objectives.

Plan marketing and branding objectives.

Expand product solutions and offerings.

Prepare marketing strategies alongside other company executives and staff.

Analyze market trends and recommend changes to marketing and business development strategies based on analysis and feedback.

Prepare and adhere to budgets.

Oversee creation and delivery of press releases, advertisements, and other marketing materials.

Ensure brand messages are consistent.

Gather and analyze customer insight.

Nurture and enrich all external perceptions of the company and growth of market share.

Engage consumers on social media.

Deepen relationships with all media to ensure the most effective messaging and positioning of the organization.

Lead all areas of content generation and production across all media platforms.

Take calculated risks based on data-driven analytics.

Drive overall CRM and direct marketing.

Engage other organizations within the community.

Collaborate with sales and sourcing to develop strategic partnership activities and implement the execution framework and strategic plan on identified opportunities.

Develop and lead a marketing team that will develop and execute new concepts, business models, channels and partners to position business as innovator and leader.

Requirements of the Role

Bachelor’s degree; business and marketing majors preferred.

Strong intrapersonal skills.

Exceptional written and verbal communication skills.

Familiarity with data analysis and reporting.

Hardworking, persistent, and dependable.

1 & # 8211; 3 years in the same position

Don't Keep Share!:

   How to Apply

Human Resource Career

A compliance officer (CO), or in many cases chief compliance officer (CCO) is the person at a company who has the responsibility of ensuring that their company follows the legal and regulatory requirements which pertain to their business or industry. There is often only one CO, especially at smaller companies and this individual bears a great deal of responsibility as their job performance or lack of it can seriously impact the company they work for.

A compliance office may be employed in just about any industry and their exact duties will largely depend on this. A CCO must have extensive experience in their field and a comprehensive level of knowledge, especially as pertains to the regulatory requirements of the industry. This is why the position of compliance officer is almost invariably a senior level position.

As a senior level position, at least in the overwhelming majority of cases, a proven track record of managerial experience is important to the position of chief compliance officer – there is a lot of interpersonal communication involved, as compliance officers have the task of explaining sometimes very complex regulatory or legal issues to staff of all levels within a company in a way that can be readily grasped and implemented.

A large part of the duties of a CO involve remaining well informed and up to date with current developments in their industry. They must anticipate how these changes in regulatory requirements may affect the operations of their company. After that, they determine which steps must be taken to ensure that the company remains in compliance with these rules and regulations.

Compliance analysts typically work closely with the legal department and senior management at their firms. They help these personnel to plan and implement strategies to stay current and in full compliance with all regulations which may affect the company.

They will also work with the marketing department to make sure that marketing and advertising materials are in line with any regulations and restrictions on such material in their industry; clearly, the position of compliance officer entails some complex challenges and is not a position for those who are not inclined towards constant learning and staying on top of changes in their industry.

For those considering CO positions, the requirements are typically a college degree applicable to the field in which they are seeking employment. The person should have a proven track record of success in this field and a deep understanding of their industry and the legal issues and regulatory requirements which govern it.

These positions are a good fit for an experienced manager within an industry who has a firm grasp of the issues involved in the industry. It is usually a position for someone looking to transition to a different career while staying in the same industry in which they have gained a solid grounding and foundation of knowledge to put to use in meeting the challenges posed by the position of compliance officer.

Large companies will have compliance departments. It is in these departments where college graduates who are interested in the compliance officer career are hired. They will usually work with an experienced officer, who will bring them along nicely.

If you are interested in the compliance officer career, I urge you to do more research on the profession. You can do this by visiting websites that cover the profession in more detail.

Note: You are free to reprint or republish this article. The only condition is that the Resource Box should be included and the links are clickable.

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Coordination during initial site setup. Responsible for up to date site accounts activities. Effectively managing compliances of contract conditions regarding insurance, bank guarantees, retention deposits, TDS etc. Assisting EIC in monitoring the working capital, fund allocation and site profitability activities. Regular interaction with Head Office for smooth functioning of site accounts department Proper maintenance of all accounting records, vouchers and documentation work etc. Should constantly look for opportunities to reduce cost and time in operations. Follow up for Client Collection Comply with statutory requirements, income tax, service tax and vat related issues etc. Ensuring smooth Completion of statutory and internal audit. Analysis of monthly stock statement and non-moving items. Preparing and Monitoring of fund indent Training of subordinates Collection of TDS certificates Regular scrutiny of books of accounts and accounting function. Reviewing, analyzing and highlighting actual or anticipated variances from Budget. Effective coordination with various internal departments and maintaining harmony. Monitoring effectively following activities. -

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