Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Forex Nokia E71

Simplemente díganos si su teléfono usa una tarjeta SIM, seleccione su país de la lista a continuación y su proveedor / red telefónica.

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Estamos tan seguros de que superaremos sus expectativas con nuestro servicio que está 100% garantizado.

Para cualquier desbloqueo pagado, ofrecemos una garantía de devolución de dinero. Al comprobar en video que el código no funciona, recibirá un reembolso completo.

Para cualquier desbloqueo gratuito de Trialpay que no cumpla con sus expectativas, mantendremos su crédito en el archivo para un futuro desbloqueo, o le reembolsaremos si ha pagado por su oferta como cortesía.

Clientes felices

Hemos desbloqueado con éxito 96.500 teléfonos desde el año 2009. Eso es un montón de teléfonos!

Podemos desbloquear su teléfono celular Nokia E71 GRATIS, independientemente de la red en la que está actualmente bloqueado!

Nuestro Nokia desbloquea por código remoto (no requiere software) no sólo son GRATIS, sino que son fáciles y seguros. Una vez que se desbloquea, puede utilizar cualquier tarjeta SIM en su teléfono desde cualquier red en todo el mundo! Además de la ventaja de poder utilizar su teléfono con cualquier red, también aumenta su valor si alguna vez planea venderlo. Todo lo que necesitamos es el número IMEI de su teléfono, su número de modelo y la red en la que está actualmente bloqueada.

Consígalo GRATIS - Haga clic en el botón '' Get it Free '' para comenzar su comprobación de TrialPay, de forma fácil y segura.

Este es un código de desbloqueo para la mayoría de los teléfonos Nokia de todo el mundo. Nuestros códigos de desbloqueo de teléfonos celulares funcionan ingresando un cierto número (el código de desbloqueo que le damos gratis con TrialPay) en su teléfono para desbloquearlo a cualquier proveedor. Digamos que usted compró un Nokia de T-Mobile y ahora desea cambiar a otro proveedor. Cuando intente colocar su nueva tarjeta SIM en el teléfono bloqueado de su proveedor anterior, le dará un mensaje diciendo que su SIM no es compatible. ¡Usando nuestros códigos de desbloqueo, su teléfono ahora soportará cualquier tarjeta SIM! ¡Nuestros códigos funcionan para la vida, dándole la flexibilidad de cambiar a abastecedores cuánto tiempo usted desea! Todo lo que tienes que hacer es suministrarnos el número IMEI de tu Nokia después de realizar la compra (normalmente se encuentra al escribir en * # 06 # y luego pulsando Marcar en tu teléfono, como hacer una llamada telefónica normal y también a tu proveedor de servicios que tu teléfono Por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros en http://www. freeunlocks. com/contactus. html con cualquier pregunta antes de ordenar. Nota: Una orden funciona en su modelo de teléfono específico. Lamentablemente, no hay manera de desbloquear más de Un teléfono con un código proporcionado Si desea desbloquear varios teléfonos, por favor, haga varios pedidos.

Hola. Tengo un Nokia Lumia 521 bloqueado a T Mobile. Proporcione por favor el código de desbloqueo de la red / del sim para el uso en Mumbai, Maharashtra, la India. El número IMEI es como 355913056036309

Sat Apr 26 23:18:41 MST 2014

Indicador de batería E71

La idea es grande pero no es muy robusta en la forma en que se analiza los archivos de Cabrillo. Tenía que hacerlo.

Trabajador amistoso, uno puede utilizarlo bien. Como estudiante, me ha ayudado.

Esta es la mejor aplicación para Outlook Express para convertir datos DBX en archivos PST.

Utilicé este software en modo dos, era bueno. Ahora voy a probarlo en Windows. Espero que lo haga.

Excelente, funciona también en Windows, Muy eficiente cuando hablas con tus jugadores

Es mejor que cualquier otro software que utilicé. A debe tener el software védico de la astrología para cada uno.

Me salvó la vida. Un oficial de personal no puede vivir sin esta herramienta. Por favor continúe desarrollando

Buen programa por favor manténgalo y actualizarlo para la próxima vez.

Mi inglés es muy débil por lo que es una aplicación muy útil para mí, ya que puedo ver el significado de las palabras.

Vi muchos tutoriales de pftrack. Es un excelente software que he visto.

Desbloquear Nokia E71

Hay algunos proveedores de servicios de desbloqueo, incluyendo tu red móvil actual, que puede desbloquear tu Nokia E71 por un módico precio. Seleccione su red móvil desde la lista desplegable siguiente para encontrar la solución que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades.

A continuación, utilice la siguiente tabla para comparar entre diferentes proveedores de desbloqueo.

Ha desbloqueado correctamente este teléfono usando otro método? Asegúrese de compartir sus conocimientos agregando un comentario para ayudar a otros miembros de la comunidad. Puede encontrar respuestas a otras preguntas relacionadas con el desbloqueo (incluidas las estafas a buscar y si es legal) en nuestra página de preguntas frecuentes sobre desbloqueo.

Formas de desbloquear tu Nokia E71

Elija la red móvil actual a la que está bloqueado su teléfono; Así que podemos ayudarle a elegir la mejor manera de desbloquear su teléfono basado en el precio, la calificación del servicio y el tiempo.

Tiempo máximo para desbloquear

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desbloqueo de preguntas frecuentes

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Bye Bye BlackBerry planes

A partir del 1 de abril de 2015, ya no ofreceremos nuestros planes de BlackBerry. Fret no, ya que usted será capaz de comprar uno de nuestros goodybags 3G.

Nokia E71


Precio revisado: & pound; 307,94

Nokia E71

El BlackBerry 8820 ha sido uno de los mejores teléfonos inteligentes QWERTY en forma de losa desde hace tanto tiempo, es difícil imaginar algo que lo sobrepase. Su combinación de facilidad de uso, duración de batería larga y excelente teclado contribuyeron a una puntuación máxima de 10 de 10 cuando primero lo vimos en agosto pasado, y nuestra opinión no ha cambiado mucho durante ese tiempo.

Pero los tiempos se mueven, los nuevos teléfonos son liberados, e inevitablemente - eventualmente - un nuevo campeón viene adelante. Ese nuevo campeón, al parecer, es el E71 de Nokia, el tan esperado sucesor del E61. Por qué? En primer lugar, este es un teléfono simplemente magnífico. Con una sólida parte trasera de metal, parte frontal cromada y plana, casi pantalla de acabado espejo, es una hermosa pieza de diseño.

Y, no sólo se ve fantástico, pero también es muy delgado y pocketable. A diferencia de su predecesor E61, que era casi tan ancho como un teléfono podría conseguir, el E71 es tan delgado como un iPhone y 2,3 mm más delgado, también, en un mero 10 mm. Puede tener un teclado QWERTY completo, pero se puede deslizar en un bolsillo y apenas se nota. Incluso el caso de deslizamiento que viene con no añadir demasiado a la masa.

Es una pieza notable de la ingeniería de forma ergonómica, también. Cramming un teclado completo en un chasis de este estrecho es bastante fácil de hacer, pero lo que es utilizable es mucho más de un desafío. Nokia ha logrado eso y más con el E71: las teclas, como el E61 antes de él, son un poco elastóticas para que sus dedos no se deslizan de ellos cuando usted está tratando de tipo; Son ligeramente abovedados, por lo que puede presionar uno fácilmente sin golpear una carta vecina por accidente; Y el teclado está bendecido con una disposición sensible también - los símbolos importantes tales como la parada completa, la coma y los carácteres @ están todos accesibles inmediatamente, sin la necesidad de presionar el cambio - una dolencia demasiados otros teclados del teléfono son afligidos por.

El teclado, entonces, es fácilmente un fósforo para la oferta 8820's excelente, pero qué sobre el resto del dispositivo? Bueno, no hay rollo de desplazamiento, pero la almohadilla direccional por encima del teclado es fácil de usar y funciona bien. Si algo, los botones para recoger y colgar las llamadas al lado de la almohadilla son un poco en el lado pequeño, pero son fáciles de acostumbrarse. Combine ésos con las cuatro teclas de atajo bien-clasificadas y el par de llaves suaves y en general usted tiene un racimo de control muy comprensivo.


Bien enfermo Todo esto iphone nonsense y Nokia vienen con un teléfono que hace todo lo que quiero. Los fans de Apple pueden comer todos los trucos que les gusta, mal se pegan con algo que funciona.


9 de julio de 2008, 5:59 am

Sólo puedo hacer eco de tu declaración, Tommy. Todavía estoy intrigado por lo que RIM va a hacer con su Blackberry móvil aunque. Sin embargo, este teléfono marca todas las casillas, y me sentiré tentado a ver lo que es en una tienda antes de comprometerme.

la vida sigue

9 de julio de 2008, 6:06 am

Toca & amp; # 233. I & # 38; # 039; segundo que TK. I & amp; # 39; # 039; ve tenía un E90 (que era demasiado ladrillo como, pero increíblemente funcional) y luego un E51. Que es el mejor teléfono que jamás haya poseído. Hace todo lo que este E71 hace, pero es un poco más pequeño, pero sólo a & amp; # 163170 nuevo es un trato increíble. Yo no creo que estaré tentado a conseguir esto porque no me pongo junto con los teclados minúsculos (se encontró que en el E90) . Pero todavía está por delante de la GodPhone3G & amp; # 38; # 039; En términos de funcionalidad empresarial, se ve & amp; # 38; amp; tamaño. Es sólo yo o alguien más piensa que el iPhone es demasiado grande? Puede ser icónico en el diseño, pero creo que se está convirtiendo rápidamente en el Audi TT & amp; # 38; # 039; De los teléfonos móviles!

Mikko Lahti

9 de julio de 2008, 8:11 am

Al igual que Tommy K dijo, yo también he estado esquivando toda esta locura de iPhone, esperando algo para reemplazar a mi Nokia E71 para que yo no tendría que ceder a la tentación que es el iPhone.


9 de julio de 2008, 13:38

Presa un 10 de cada 10 para todo en este teléfono. Me ha tentado, lo buscaré más allá. & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; Es muy fácil olvidarse del iphone, por qué pagar & amp; # 163100 y estar atado a un contrato de 18 meses. Con tantos nuevos teléfonos saliendo a lo largo de un período de 12 meses, sería una locura estar atado a un contrato de 18 meses para el teléfono que es demasiado caro. Probablemente consiga el E71 en un contrato de 12 meses y compre el tacto de iPod.


9 de julio de 2008, 14:37

He estado siguiendo de cerca el lanzamiento del Nokia E71 y todas las críticas que he leído hasta ahora han sido muy positivas, así que me he adelantado y he puesto una orden!


9 de julio de 2008, 3:23 pm

El único inconveniente para mí es la falta de WiFi.

Si está pensando en comprar el E71, no lo haga desde la tienda en línea de Nokia. Si hay problemas con la entrega o la orden, el personal es más desagradable. Están acostumbrados a vender a clientes a granel. Es mejor que lo obtenga de un proveedor habitual


15 de agosto de 2008, 3:41 am

Actualizado mi contrato a un mejor por sólo & amp; # 1635 más de lo que estaba pagando y un E71 libre. I haven & # 39; # 03;; t poner el sim en todavía como el contrato de don & amp; # 38; # 039; t empezar hasta el martes. Pero jugado con el teléfono que conecta a mi hogar wifi. Tengo que decir, estoy decepcionado. El teléfono no es donde cerca tan bueno como todo el mundo está delirando. Nunca he utilizado Symbian antes de darse cuenta de por qué, es mierda. En realidad no es fácil de usar y yo soy un ingeniero de TI. & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; Mi wifi en casa está oculto y tiene filtrado de mac. El problema es lo oculto. Significa que tengo que ir a conexiones la mayoría de las veces para conectar con el wifi de allí. En otras aplicaciones, parecen incapaces de ver el wifi oculto que se ha instalado en la conectividad. & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; El correo para el intercambio es una pesadilla a la disposición. Tiene un gran error que hace que tu perfil desaparezca. Tienes que salir antes de que vuelva a aparecer. También el error de hoy provoca que Mail For Exchange desaparezca totalmente como si no estuviera instalado. & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; No pude instalar la mayor parte del software al principio, y luego lo encontré a través de la conexión del teléfono a Nokia Suite, que creo que fue & # 39; # 039; causar Nokia Suite wasn & amp; # 38; # 039; t realmente instalado en el teléfono. Tenía que hacer eso antes de que Nokia Suite funcionara. Una vez que desenchufé el teléfono y lo volví a conectar. Nokia Suite se negó a detectarlo. Tuve que reinstalar Nokia Suite aproximadamente dos veces antes de que detectara el teléfono de nuevo. & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; GPS parece ser pobre. Fui en el jardín y me recogió en cuestión de segundos. Sólo he caminado a la caja de correos y atrás y no me recogió hasta que volví a la casa. & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt ; & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; En ciertas aplicaciones que requieren acceso a la red. Algunos ganaron y no te permiten conectarse a la red a través del wifi e insisten en que se instale una tarjeta SIM en el teléfono. & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; Cuando se juegan juegos o aplicaciones con sonido, parece que no hay una manera fácil y rápida de bajar el volumen. Los controles de volumen que controlan el reproductor de medios no parecen funcionar para juegos, lo que es extraño. & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; \ & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; En general el teléfono es una gran decepción y doesn & # 39; # 039; t merecen la alabanza que está recibiendo. Y el sistema operativo Symbian realmente necesita ser reelaborado.


16 de agosto de 2008, 3:36 am

Estaba sacando mi pelo hoy, este teléfono realmente me está poniendo nervioso. He preguntado 3 si puedo enviarlo de nuevo para un teléfono diferente, ellos dijeron que sí dentro de los 14 días. & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; Mail para intercambio wasn & # 39; # 039; t preinstalado Tuve que hacerlo yo mismo. Peor que eso, pensé que los errores fueron causados ​​por ser el correo para el intercambio 2.0.4 tan actualizado a 2.0.5. No hizo ninguna diferencia, sigue siendo el mismo & amp; # 38; & quot; System Error & amp; # 38 ;. Intentar una sincronización completa produce constantemente un & amp; # 38; error de sistema & amp; # 38 ;. Es sorprendente cómo cualquiera de esto pasó las pruebas Beta o cualquiera de las críticas que he leído para este teléfono. El correo para el intercambio está lejos de ser fácil de configurar. & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; Intenté otra vez con el correo para el intercambio. El desagradable & amp; # 38; error de sistema & amp; # 38; El insecto apenas continuó golpeándolo con el pie. Una vez que su perfil desaparece y si usted va a las comunicaciones, el correo para el intercambio también desaparece como si no en el teléfono y usted tiene que volver al correo para la configuración de intercambio. Encontrarás tu perfil pero tendrás que volver a configurar las opciones de sincronización, solo para que hagan el & amp; # 38; error del sistema & amp; # 38; quot; Nuevamente (si es que lo consigue, pero es más frecuente que no). & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; Una vez que lo conectó sincronizó mi calendario al intercambio pero ignoró totalmente todos mis 100+ e-mails y no los copió en el teléfono. & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; Navegando en la red. Ahora esto se supone que tiene WLAN IEEE 802.11b / g, pero doesn & amp; # 38; # 039; t actuar como él. Las velocidades de carga son terribles. No sólo eso sino que lo configuró para utilizar puntos de acceso de las obras. Sólo utilizan WEP simple (loco que conozco) y se conecta bien. He configurado una copia de marcadores el otro día en el trabajo, utilizando el teléfono en su AP. Funcionó bien. Entonces hoy intento conectar con esos mismos bookmarks y conseguir un errror de puerta de enlace, en el mismo AP. Navega a los enlaces manualmente escribiéndolos y está bien. & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; En cuanto a mi comentario sobre el wifi escondido en mi otro comentario. Usted piensa que el teléfono entero tendría acceso a las configuraciones del wifi que usted setup y que el encargado de la conexión almacenaría éstos. No es & # 39; # 039; t. El gestor de conexiones no tiene nada que ver con la gestión de las configuraciones de conexión. Y cuando en otro programa que desea acceso a la red y busca APs. Es totalmente ciego a la WIFI oculta que instalaste en conectividad. Por lo tanto, no puede elegirlo de las opciones, por lo que puede & # 39; t conectar. & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; E-mails. Por qué diablos es la opción de eliminar en un submenú unos pocos rollos de distancia? No tiene sentido. & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; Me las arreglé para conseguir POP3 funcionando bien, así que tal vez es bueno para mantener eso y la larga duración de la batería. Pero realmente no sé cómo otros revisores, que revisan el correo para el intercambio, se perdió todos estos problemas. Un revisor declaró & amp; # 38; quot; El director de Nokia dijo que es muy bueno para el correo para el intercambio & amp; # 38; quot; Y el revisor le creyó. Erm, que era un director de NOKIA que dijo que, por lo que por supuesto que él va a lo grande: o) & lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; & Lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; De todas formas. Incluso si usted no usa lo que he dicho arriba, todavía no creo que el teléfono se merece la alabanza que él & # 39; # 039; # 39; # 039; Está consiguiendo El sistema operativo necesita mucho más trabajo antes de obtener cualquier alabanza como esta. Esto me hizo pensar en simplemente pasar a un teléfono con plataforma Windows Mobile o abandonar teléfonos inteligentes por completo, ya que evidentemente no están de acuerdo conmigo: o) & lt; br / & gt;

pura fase

25 de agosto de 2008, 1:44 am

Acaba de tener este teléfono en el contrato de Vodafone (se trasladó de N95 en T-Mobile. Los chicos están realmente buscando dar ofertas en el momento. Tiene datos ilimitados, un montón de llamadas / textos por debajo de & # 16330 un mes después de la negociación (Así que ahorro sobre & amp; # 163270 contra un iphone). & Lt; br / & gt; Br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; Primera impresión son muy favorables: & lt; br Br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; Increíble calidad de construcción y perfil delgado & lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; Aligerar velocidades de descarga rápidas en la red 3.5G & lt; br / & gt ; & Lt; br / & gt; Robust OS - no se bloquea hasta el momento! & Lt; br / & gt; Br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; En la parte de abajo los iconos parecen un poco anticuados - pero Puede probablemente actualizar los cosméticos. En resumen estaría de acuerdo con 10s a través del tablero!

& Reg; Time Inc. (UK) Ltd 2003-2016

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Nueva York, 2011 AD. Usted es una parte del equipo, involucrado en la destrucción de los zombis sedientos de sangre, infectados con algún virus. Usted patrulla la ciudad como un policía, como un reportero y como un luchador. Usted tiene todas las armas a su disposición: lanzador de cohetes, pistola láser, granadas, ametralladoras, etc Matar a cientos de zombies, terminar 36 misiones y convertirse en un héroe. Salva a Nueva York de la agresión.

Zombie Infection características del juego:

Espantoso universo: un terrible virus llegó a Nueva York y causó el apocalipsis, que cambió a la gente común y los convirtió en horribles zombis.

Acciones intensivas de Rapid Reaction Force querían eliminar la infección de una vez y sin hacer daño a la ciudad.

Reproducción con el medio ambiente: destrucción de las paredes, árboles ardientes y todas las plantas.

Un nuevo modo de disparo semi-automático para un disparo más preciso.

Un motor de gráficos extendido que puede mostrar varias docenas de zombies en una pantalla.

Juega con 3 acciones de juego diferentes: un oficial, un reportero de noticias y un maestro de las peleas de mano a mano.

Descargas: 276 829

Nueva York, 2011 AD. Usted es una parte del equipo, involucrado en la destrucción de los zombis sedientos de sangre, infectados con algún virus. Usted patrulla la ciudad como un policía, como un reportero y como un luchador. Usted tiene todas las armas a su disposición: lanzador de cohetes, pistola láser, granadas, ametralladoras, etc Matar a cientos de zombies, terminar 36 misiones y convertirse en un héroe. Salva a Nueva York de la agresión.

Zombie Infection características del juego:

Espantoso universo: un terrible virus llegó a Nueva York y causó el apocalipsis, que cambió a la gente común y los convirtió en horribles zombis.

Acciones intensivas de Rapid Reaction Force querían eliminar la infección de una vez y sin hacer daño a la ciudad.

Reproducción con el medio ambiente: destrucción de las paredes, árboles ardientes y todas las plantas.

Un nuevo modo de disparo semi-automático para un disparo más preciso.

Un motor de gráficos extendido que puede mostrar varias docenas de zombies en una pantalla.

Juega con 3 acciones de juego diferentes: un oficial, un reportero de noticias y un maestro de las peleas de mano a mano.

Descargas: 7 443

Bloquear eso: verifica tu velocidad de reacción. Bloquea el lado necesario del campo de juego para que la pelota no salga de la zona. La velocidad del juego crecerá constantemente y será cada vez más difícil coger el balón.

Modo sin fin

Minimalistic gráficos

Juego único

Counter Strike: Source - lucha entre el bien y el mal. Los delincuentes quieren llevar sus planes difíciles a la vida y detonar la bomba. Buscar y eliminar la amenaza. Puedes unirte al lado del mal en cualquier momento y tratar de detonar una bomba.

9 famosos mapas

Variedad de armas y granadas

Se apoya el juego contra la inteligencia artificial

Descargas: 119 334

Counter Strike: Source - lucha entre el bien y el mal. Los delincuentes quieren llevar sus planes difíciles a la vida y detonar la bomba. Buscar y eliminar la amenaza. Puedes unirte al lado del mal en cualquier momento y tratar de detonar una bomba.

9 famosos mapas

Variedad de armas y granadas

Se apoya el juego contra la inteligencia artificial

Descargar cualquier juego Nokia E71 absolutamente gratis.

Si te gusta jugar juegos móviles para teléfonos celulares, games. mob. org - es lo que estabas buscando! En este sitio puede descargar todos los juegos de java gratis! Elige tu modelo de teléfono, y te recomendamos los juegos más apropiados para ti. Por ejemplo, puedes descargar juegos de Nokia o juegos gratuitos de Samsung. Nuestro archivo se actualiza diariamente con nuevos juegos para móviles, tratamos de encontrar los juegos más interesantes para teléfonos móviles. ¡Atención! Todos los juegos de teléfono de nuestro sitio se han encontrado libremente distribuidos en Internet y se presentan con fines informativos únicamente. Al descargar juegos para móviles en nuestro sitio, aceptas familiarizar y eliminar el juego desde el teléfono.

&dupdo; 2016, mob. org. Todos los derechos reservados.

Tu teléfono: Nokia E71

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Psiloc World Traveler para Nokia 9300/9500 El tiempo actual y las últimas previsiones de cuatro días de 1800 las localidades más populares de negocios y viajes en todo el mundo, los tipos de cambio locales de 140 monedas, el reloj mundial y mapa del mundo

Temas para móviles para Nokia E71

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En el catálogo encontrará una gran cantidad de cool Nokia E71 temas. Descargar es muy fácil y rápido. Puede descargar cómodamente los principales temas de Nokia E71 en su teléfono móvil con la ayuda de wap. mob. org o en su computadora y luego descargarlos en su teléfono móvil. ¡Atención! Los temas para móviles de Nokia E71 pueden estar protegidos por derechos de autor. Todos los temas libres para Nokia E71 se encuentran en el acceso gratuito en la web. Al descargar cualquier tema gratuito para Nokia E71 desde nuestro sitio, usted asume la responsabilidad de su uso.

&dupdo; 2016, mob. org. Todos los derechos reservados.

Tu teléfono: Nokia E71

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Publicado por Rahul

Hola a todos. Espero que todos estén bien y disfruten de su E71. Esta vez estoy de vuelta otra vez con algunas de mis experiencias con E71 y razones por las que todavía amo a mi Nokia E71. Espero que todos les guste y debe tener una experiencia similar con ella y tuvo un buen y feliz tiempo con este maravilloso teléfono de Nokia.

Bueno, he poseído 5-6 modelos diferentes y al menos 4 de ellos fueron fabricados por Nokia incluyendo uno Nokia 5700 XM. En este momento, sólo soy adicto a la interfaz de usuario de Nokia, que se dice que es la interfaz de usuario más fácil hecha por cualquier proveedor de telefonía móvil. Yo llamo a esa interfaz como un "toque humano". Sin embargo, algunos de los teléfonos Nokia tienen algunos problemas de software, pero son menos preocupantes, ya que se puede resolver fácilmente.

Algunos de los teléfonos Nokia tienen menos memoria RAM y debido a eso, se ahorcan o reiniciar a veces o el teléfono se apaga durante la llamada telefónica o algunos teléfonos funcionaría lentamente debido a la misma cuestión de RAM.

Pero el Nokia E71, que he comprado exactamente hace 7 meses me ha impresionado en todas las cuentas. Déjame enumerar y decirte las 10 razones por las que incluso después de usarlo durante tanto tiempo, todavía me encanta mi Nokia E71!

3G: Este teléfono tiene 3G que algunos de los otros teléfonos podrían no tener. He utilizado Skype. Vi videos de Youtube y he verificado correos y para mí, ha funcionado muy bien.

Teclado QWERTY: Este teléfono tiene un teclado QWERTY de estilo blackberry que es una gran ventaja. Yo uso mi twitter todo el tiempo así que creo que he utilizado todas las teclas varias veces.

GPS: Tiene la mejor tecnología GPS y en las últimas noticias, Nokia ha dado navegación mapas gratuitos para este dispositivo. Para más detalles, puede leer este artículo. Este sistema de navegación me ha ayudado varias veces en una ciudad desconocida.

Memoria: Cuando compré este teléfono, tenía 2GB en él y no sentía ninguna necesidad de comprar una tarjeta de memoria más alta pero todavía ahora tengo una tarjeta de memoria de 8GB para ella con la cual puedo almacenar tan mucha música y datos en ella.

Larga duración de la batería: Este teléfono tiene probablemente la mayor batería que he visto en cualquier teléfono. Pero lo principal es que proporciona una batería muy buena copia de seguridad. Cargo mi teléfono una vez en 2 días, aunque lo mantengo conectado a GPRS todo el tiempo. Comparándolo con Nokia E72, que necesita ser cobrado todos los días!

Su rápido: Este teléfono tiene más memoria RAM que Nokia N97. Usted puede ser que haya notado esto también pero para mí, éste es el teléfono más rápido de Nokia que he utilizado. He funcionado la aplicación 19 inmediatamente en este teléfono y he comprobado su capacidad y estaba hasta la marca.

Su hermoso: Hablando de su diseño, me encanta. Su tan elegante con su cuerpo de acero y el mío es de color blanco!

Cámara decente: Tiene cámara de 3.2M que es bastante cool para hacer clic en las imágenes de la luz del día, aunque su resultado de la noche no es tan bueno, pero para una punta, presiona "T" al hacer clic en las imágenes para establecer el enfoque automático!

Softwares: Como todos saben, se ejecuta en la plataforma s60 v3, por lo que el soporte de software es muy alto. Esto tiene un firmware que es muy fácil de hackear. Puede comprobar este artículo para hackear su Nokia E71. Al hacer esto, puede instalar cualquier aplicación sin firmar que le da un error de certificado.

Bluetooth: Como he mencionado anteriormente, este teléfono tiene wifi, 3G y GPS, que ha incorporado poderoso bluetooth. Tengo el auricular del bluetooth de Nokia BH-503 que conecto con él y proporciona una gran experiencia de la música.

En resumen, E71 es un teléfono completo paquete que tiene todo el negocio se ve con gran experiencia musical y en general es el mejor teléfono que debe ir!

Cuáles son sus experiencias con E71. Todavía estás amando este dispositivo. Déjeme saber sus opiniones ¡Dejando un comentario abajo!

Publicado por Mike Macias

Ha habido algunas grandes noticias para el Nokia E71 de tarde. Recientemente le hemos hablado de Ovi Maps agregando navegación de voz gratuita para los usuarios de E71, y ahora tenemos otra actualización de firmware (si eres uno de los afortunados). Este nuevo firmware trae el E71 a la versión 410.21.010 con unas nuevas funciones y un puñado de cambios y mejoras. ¡Buenos tiempos!

Por no hablar de Amazon acaba de bajar el precio de la E71 White a 199,99 dólares. Actualización: El trato ha terminado, volver al precio regular.

No es un mal negocio si no te apetece gastar dinero en efectivo en el E72 ($ 339.99) y han estado picazón por la versión blanca E71. Personalmente, nunca he tenido mis manos en el E71 blanco, pero sé que algunas personas que absolutamente lo adoran. Podría ser una buena recogida si puede obtener algo de dinero en efectivo para su viejo E71 (tal vez $ 100) y recoger un nuevo blanco con una renovada garantía.

Volver a la actualización del firmware!

Daily Mobile consiguió sus manos en el changelog para el nuevo firmware E71. Aquí está:

NUEVAS FUNCIONALIDADES: Se han actualizado las siguientes líneas de base / funcionalidades. & # 8226; Nokia Messaging IM2.0.19 & # 8226; Gimlet v9.6.0.16 & # 8226; Mail for Exchange 3.0.50

CAMBIOS Y MEJORAS: & # 8226; Muchas mejoras de funcionalidad y estabilidad en MfE. MFE3.0 tiene nuevas características como HTML y soporte de subcarpetas. & # 8226; IM2.0.19 tiene muchas correcciones de errores de localización. La instalación de mensajería instantánea se ha movido a la memoria del teléfono en lugar de a la tarjeta de memoria. El tiempo de respuesta de mensajería instantánea ha mejorado (Ej: opciones de entrada / salida / edición / almacenamiento) & # 8226; Actualización de la línea de base de activación del teléfono GENERAL & # 8226; Mejoras de estabilidad y funcionalidad # 8226; Mejoras en la funcionalidad de correo electrónico y WLAN & # 8226; La aplicación de correo electrónico se bloquea & # 8226; Problemas de reinicio de la memoria de Samsung MANIPULACIÓN DE LLAMADAS & # 8226; Solución para el problema de reinicio del teléfono cuando el contacto tiene detalles de telefonía por Internet CALENDAR / CLOCK & # 8226; Corrección de caracteres chinos en el calendario lunar & # 8226; Solución para el problema legal del país del Sáhara Occidental CONNECTIVITY & # 8226; Mejora en el establecimiento de la conexión con gprs lentos & # 8226; Solución para el escaneo de WLANsniffer habilitado en segundo plano cuando debe ser desactivado CONTACTS / PHONEBOOK & # 8226; Solución para búsqueda de contactos con espacio EMAIL & # 8226; Mail for Exchange upgraded from 2.9.176 to 3.0.50 • Gimlet updated to v9.6.0.16 • Many functionality and stability improvements in MfE • Fix for Gmail folder issue in UK and Germany for Gmail/GoogleMail configuration • Fix for email application freeze QWERTY KEYBOARD • Usability improvements • Fix for Backslash character for Portugese language • Fix for missing characters in French/Italian languages MESSAGING • Improvement in sending SMS when memory is full • Nokia IM chat response time improved. Lot of localization errors fixed Visit Daily Mobile for a list of E71 product codes that got the update.

I can't get my Nokia E71 out of v20 firmware. It's still not finding any newer updates. I wonder how many of you are having this problem.

If you are able to update let us knhow how you like the new firmware. And remember to backup your data!

Posted by Mike Macias

All I can say is that it's about time. Back in January it was announced that new Nokia smartphones would come with free voice navigation in the Ovi Maps application. The E71 was not on that list. The N97 and E72 was initially included, along with a few other devices. This pissed off a lot of E71 users because it is such a popular device.

Just a few minutes ago I was checking my rss feeds and came across this post by the official Ovi blog, announcing that Ovi Maps with free navigation is now available for the Nokia E71 and E66 . This is huge news for readers of this blog. You now can rely on Ovi Maps for turn by turn navigation. Prior to this I would only use Google Maps on my E71, but that didn't include voice navigation like Ovi Maps does.

From the Ovi Blog.

The latest Ovi Maps with free walk and drive navigation is now available for Nokia E71 and Nokia E66. Download it now for your Nokia GPS phone at nokia. com/maps.

After listening to your overwhelmingly positive feedback and feeling your love for your favourite mobile phone, we have now created a custom version that works on Nokia E71 and Nokia E66. However, because of technical constraints, it isn’t possible to offer premium content such as Michelin and Lonely Planet guides on these devices.

Although these two devices will also be the last of our S60 3.1 and older devices to sport this version of Ovi Maps, all upcoming Nokia GPS phones will get free walk and drive navigation. But we are already feeling your excitement: grab your Ovi Maps with free navigation now at nokia. com/maps! Rafe from All About Symbian has some comments on this new version of Ovi Maps 3.3 running on the E71, with a handy tip about free memory.

Ovi Maps is a relatively large install and will be placed on the C: drive, so you will need to ensure that you have enough free disk space (recommended 10MB or more) before installing the new version. It will replace any existing version of Ovi Maps or Nokia Maps that is installed on the device.

In usage there are occasions, as with earlier version on the Nokia E71, when Ovi Maps can feel somewhat sluggish compared to more recent devices. However the streamlined user interface is a significant improvement and the new version is a recommended install for all E71 and E66 users, not least for the availability of free car and pedestrian navigation. For those of you who don't know much about Ovi Maps or haven't tried it I would tell you to give it a shot. I compared it to my sister's TomTom and I prefer Ovi Maps a little more. The directions are more clear and you have more views and layouts to choose from.

Don't forget that you can load up maps to your memory card when the phone is connected to a computer using Nokia Maps Loader. I highly recommend this to save time and data usage. Now the E71 won't have to connect to the web everytime you open Ovi Maps.

Visit nokia. com/maps to download Ovi Maps for the Nokia E71. Be sure to let us know your thoughts on this and your experience with this new version.

Posted by Mike Macias

Perhaps the most advanced and useful application for the Nokia E71 & Symbian platform has just be updated to Beta 2. Of course I' am talking about the new Opera Mobile 10 which Nokia fanatics across the world have come to love.

One of the most highly demanded features of Opera Mobile has been bookmark sync – and now it’s here. This sync is not just for bookmarks. It also goes for certain settings and the popular speed dial feature that Opera users have come to love. Not to mention there is a very slick download manager to check out as well. The folks at Opera have really done themselves in with this latest release.

Note: If you've been using Opera Mini 5 - this is different & better.

Opera today launched the second beta versions of Opera Mini 5 and Opera Mobile 10, available as free downloads. In this second beta release, Opera Mini and Opera Mobile users can now enjoy popular desktop features, such as Opera Link and the Download Manager, from their mobile phones.

With Opera Link, users can synchronize personal browser settings with their Opera desktop browser, as well as all their connected devices, ensuring that their bookmarks, Speed Dial and search engines are always accessible. The Download Manager gives users a better way to control and speed up downloads to mobile phones.

I love that Opera is seeing the value in syncing bookmarks and settings across the board. Now I just need to find a way to synchronize Opera Mobile with my Firefox/Chrome bookmarks . A 3 way sync might be necessary. I’m sure one of you readers can help me out there.

Check out a few screenshots (from S60v5 touch)…

Be sure to turn off “in-line editing” for this application to work properly with the E71’s secondary character buttons.


Click here for more information on Opera Mobile 10 Beta 2 or click here from the E71’s default browser.

Posted by Mike Macias

Do you love your E71 so much that not even the mighty Nokia N900 tempts you to upgrade? You're not the only one. Many other E71 Fanatics don't see a need to dish out more money for a smartphone. But there is still that part of you that wants to keep up with the latest technology. It's the current trend & a standard for newer smartphones to include a large touchscreen display with great multimedia functionality. The iPhone (and iPod Touch) is very tempting with all of the cool apps that you can download and the eye candy, but for most E71 users the iPhone is majorly lacking and can't be used as a main device. The N97 is another option but not at $500. What is an E71 user to do who needs more options?

This may be the solution.

Tether Your E71's Interenet Connection To The Apple iPod Touch

Está bien. You can turn your E71 & data connection into a walking WiFi hotspot, sharing the web with an iPod Touch or other multimedia device (like your laptop). Think of it like your internet router at home. The E71 can be the same thing. This can be done thanks to a Symbian application called JoikuSpot .

JoikuSpot is a mobile software solution that turns Nokia Smartphones to WLAN HotSpots. JoikuSpot software is installed directly to the phone. When switched on, laptops and iPods can establish instant and fast wireless internet connection via smartphone's JoikuSpot access point using phone's own 3G internet connection.

There are two versions of JoikuSpot. One is free and the Premium is $12.99. I recommend the commercial version if you plan on using it everyday and need something reliable.

Added benefits of commercial version:

- Securing the connection and setting authentication - Secured access to corporate intrawebs (VPN) - Email protocol support (e. g. Outlook & Gmail) - Full support for all network access protocols such as Outlook, Skype, Gmail, YouTube, Messengers. - No forced default landing page - Adjustable settings (e. g. access point naming) - 3G Auto-reconnect - 100% customizable for operator and corporate whitelabeling and licencing I've tested JoikuSpot Premium with my brothers Apple iTouch and it works perfectly. I have full access to all the iPhone applications that need a data connection and the web browser. Of course it would be smart to have an unlimited data connection on your E71 to avoid high charges.

Apple iPod Touch

Most of you already have an iPod Touch. If you don't I came across this 1-day only deal at Amazon for the Apple iPod touch 8 GB (2nd Generation) . It's on sale for $158.99 - down from $199.99. If you miss this deal Amazon always has decent prices on their entire iPod touch lineup.

Do any of you have this combination and use it on a daily basis? With the E71's great battery life and a spare charger this can really be a powerful duo. Best of both worlds.

Posted by Mike Macias

Over the Thankgiving Day holiday weekend Nokia decided to release the new E71 firmware, version 400.21.013. The timing makes perfect sense because Thanksgiving is a North American holiday and the firmware wasn't released for the E71-2 which is the North American version. At least it's not showing up on my Nokia Software Updater screen. Maybe some of you are having better luck. Congrats to the rest of the E71 Fanatics around the world who are able to update.

Here is the E71 firmware changelog sent to me by reader Marcos. (Thumbs up buddy!)

NEW FUNTIONALITIES: • Nokia Messaging IM2.0 • Gimlet v9.5 (v9.5.3.72) • Quick Office 5.3 • Ovi Store 1.5 (v1.5.2) • Ovi Contacts - Preinstalled • Mail for Exchange 2.9.176

CHANGES AND IMPROVEMENTS: • Email Setup Wizard update • WLAN Corrections • Internet Radio v1.16 – Increased functionality • Camera functionality improvement • Incoming call hang issue fixed • Turkish SMS character input improvement • Many functionality and Stability improvements in MfE • Support for Russian and Ukranian keymats • Phone activation Baseline updated • Yahoo account hack fixed

GENERAL • Stability and functionality improvements • Email and WLAN functionality improvements • Increased robustness in handling SMS and incoming calls • Memory leak fixes and crashes • Email and WLAN functionality improvements

CALL HANDLING • Fix for Incoming call hang issue and fast call crash • Fix for making emergency call when the phone is locked

CALENDAR/CLOCK • Minor Functionality improvements • Time display correction when the phone is locked

CONNECTIVITY • WLAN functionality Improvements and fixes for crashes • Improvement in WLAN authentication • mVPN authentication improvements and general functionality improvement

CONTACTS/PHONEBOOK • Functionality improvements for search functionality

EMAIL • Email setup wizard updated • Fix for Yahoo account hack while setting up Gmail account through Nokia Email • Fix for mails getting duplicated after restoring backup • Mail for Exchange upgraded from 2.9.158 to 2.9.176 • Gimlet updated to v9.5 • Many functionality and stability improvements in MfE • Robustness and functionality improvements in email items.

INTERNET RADIO • Improved functionality • Increased application stability

QWERTY KEYBOARD • Usability improvements • Keyboard mapping corrections for Russian and Ukranian keymat

MESSAGING • Improvement in Turkish SMS characters input • Fix for delivery report for SMS with more than 22 characters • Increased robustness in handling SMS As you can see it's mostly fixes and improvements. It's nice to see that the latest version of Nokia Messaging was included in this firmware. Is this still a seperate application or is it now embedded into the Messaging app?

Before You Ask. NO! This update does not add Feature Pack 2 as found on the Nokia E72 .

Backup Your Data As always - be sure to backup your data before the update. You will lose all of your applications and settings so keep that in mind and give yourself some time to re-install all of your favorite applications & themes.

Have you updated your E71 with the latest firmware? Let us know how it goes and what differences you see.

Nokia E71 PC Suite Free Download

The Nokia E71 is smartphone which belongs to the E series of Nokia. It runs on Symbian OS v9.2 Series 60 3rd Edition. It has a QWERTY keypad. After its launch Nokia E71 received a lot of critical acclaim like Readers’ Choice, Editors’ Choice and 8.9 out of 10 rating on CNET UK ( in 2008) and Phone of the Year and the Best Smartphone at the 2008 Mobile Choice Consumer Awards.

It has also improved e-mail usage facility like Nokia Intellisync Wireless Email, Mail for Exchange and other corporate server mail formats and POP/IMAP. The Nokia E71 has a TFT display with a resolution of 320 x 240 pixels, 2.36 inches (

169 ppi pixel density) supporting 16M colors.

It has an internal memory of 110 MB storage, 128 MB RAM which can be expanded up to 8GB. It also has Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g and Bluetooth v2.0 with A2DP. The phone has 3.15MP camera and with 2048×1536 pixels, autofocus, LED flash provides video recording of QVGA@15 fps. The battery of the phone supports a Talk time of 4.5 hrs and a stand-by time of 480 hrs.

To Download PC suite for Nokia E71 . links are given below :

Nokia PC Suite – Download Nokia Suite ( Ovi Suite ) – Descargar

Nokia E71: Best Free Apps

Nokia E71: Best Free Apps

Nokia N9 or Nokia N8, Symbian Anna, Nokia 500, Nokia E71 or Nokia E6

Nokia E71, Nokia E72, Nokia E6 hands-on review and comparison

Nokia innovation is the history of the mobile phone

The Nokia E71 has time and time again proven to be one of the most popular messenger devices Nokia has ever released. What makes it even more appealing is the wide range of S60 3rd Edition apps you can use to make it truly all your own. What’s more, most of these can be yours for free! Here we check out the very best free apps for your Nokia E71…

The Nokia E71 is a fantastic device but to make it truly your own, you’ll want to download and install a few apps of your own. With thousands to choose from, which are the best?

Fear not, help is at hand as we review the best free Nokia E71 apps every user should own.

Every S60 phone needs the latest version of Nokia’s winning mapping software. This latest version has graduated out of Beta phase and is a full version that delivers 3D maps you can scroll and rotate through. So, finding you position and plotting out a route is easy. As it works with Nokia’s Ovi apps, it’s constantly being refined and updated, so you need never worry about being lost again.

While we’re talking about Nokia, getting your hands on the latest version of Nokia Mail is a must. This version now supports multiple inboxes and automatic email delivery. Nokia Messaging enables users to quickly set up, access, and use their email on their Nokia devices through a service that is optimised for mobile email.

JoikuSpot Light is a free edition of JoikuSpot that transforms your mobile phone into a 3G Wi-Fi Hotspot. You can connect your laptop or other device to the internet anywhere and everywhere using your mobile phone. This means you can get 3G speed rates when connected to a hotspot instead of relying on the built-in speed of your phones connection.

Nimbuzz Mobile lets you call, chat, message, and send files on the go, for free. It combines everything from your other accounts, such asSkype, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, AIM and Google Talk. The advantage is that you only need one account, so one login and you can manage all your others with a click.

Mobbler is a Last. fm radio player and scrobbler for S60 smartphones, making it the perfect choice for anyone with a Nokia E71 . It allows you to listen to your Last. fm radio stations and to scrobble tracks played using the S60 Music Player.

Nokia N9 or Nokia N8, Symbian Anna, Nokia 500, Nokia E71 or Nokia E6

Nokia E71, Nokia E72, Nokia E6 hands-on review and comparison

Nokia innovation is the history of the mobile phone

Nokia N9 or Nokia N8, Symbian Anna, Nokia 500, Nokia E71 or Nokia E6

Nokia E71, Nokia E72, Nokia E6 hands-on review and comparison

Nokia innovation is the history of the mobile phone

Nokia E71

Nokia E71 review: Messenger of steel

Nokia E71 is a powerful business tool - in fact it is one of the most capable we've ever seen. Plus, it has completed the demanding task of adding style and slick looks to the QWERTY messenger breed. The performance of Nokia E71 is praiseworthy, save for the below-par camera.

Rarely has a handset had us so impressed so quickly as the E71. The Nokia messenger seems a great purchasing option if you're after a device of this kind. read more →

Quad-band GSM support

3G with HSDPA 3.6Mbps support

Landscape 2.36" 16M color display of QVGA resolution

Comfortable full QWERTY keypad

Convenient business-minded shortcut keys

Below average camera performance

Video recording maxes out at QVGA@15fps

No dedicated camera key

Smaller display than its predecessor

Cheap-looking power key

September 22, 2008

Nokia E71

The beautiful Nokia E71 makes an excellent mobile office, and is a good unlocked alternative to the Blackberry Bold. read more →

Absolutely gorgeous

Excellent Web browser

Microsoft Exchange and document support.

All business phones should be as good as this

This is a marvellous business phone, with only a couple of tiny niggles holding it back from being just about perfect. All business phones should be made this way. read more →

Full QWERTY keyboard

3.2-megapixel camera

16m colour screen

2GB microSDcard with maps

Quad band GSM, HSDPA 3G

No 3.5mm headphone jack

December 22, 2008

Nokia E71 Review

Everyone of our team liked the Nokia E71, even though none of us is a downright business user. With it, you’ll be able to easily organize and optimize your work so that you’ll have more free time for yourself and your favorite hobbies. Our only serious remark is about the camera. Yes, it’s not a main factor when buying a business phone, but when you pay about $450 for a phone, you’d expect that everything in your new device should be top-notch, right. read more →

Slim and compact for its class

Nicely solid and made of metal

Wonderful organizer features

Switch mode

Excellent browser (Symbian)

Poor photo and video quality

Sound quality could be better

Nokia E71 review (gray, unlocked)

Mobile professionals who need a powerful but sleek messaging-centric smartphone will be well-served by the Nokia E71; just be prepared to pay a price. read more →

The Nokia E71 features a slim design, while still managing to have a full QWERTY keyboard. The Symbian smartphone is stocked with features, including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, and U. S. 3G support. Voice, messaging, and productivity tools are also strong.

The E71 is expensive, and the display is on the smaller side. The keyboard is a bit cramped as well.

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Nokia E71 Review

I want to buy andriod phone but andriod phone has been hang. So i bought it and realise that it does not hang and also support many application of andriod such as whatsapp and wechat. In short my opinion that is is a very good phone

Nokia E71 Review

It Is A Very Good Qwerty Keypad Phone.

1.It does not hang.

2.It has a steel body so this it is strong.

3.Long Battery Life.

4.Is looking is so good.

5.Capable for whatsapp and wechat massengers.

1.Its costs so high compare to other phone in this range.

2.It does not support many Application like Andriods & Ios phone.

Nokia E71

Reviewed August 10, 2008 by Lisa Gade, Editor in Chief

Editor's note, Feb. 2010: Check out our review of the Nokia E72 that replaces the E71.

Editor's note, May 2009: Check out our review of the AT&T version of this phone, the Nokia E71x .

Impossibly slim, sleek, classy metal back, smoky colors. one could imagine James Bond carrying the Nokia E71 if he were a man of words rather than action. The E71's predecessor, the Nokia E61 (E62 in the US) once a good looking phone, now looks drab and huge in comparison. No easy feat when you consider that Nokia added features while shrinking and glamorizing the phone.

The Nokia E71 is a quad band GSM phone with EDGE and 3G HSDPA for fast data. It has a full laundry list of high end features including GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth 2.0, a 3 megapixel camera and S60 3rd Edition Feature Pack 1 running on Symbian OS 9.2. It has a QWERTY keyboard that puts it up against the likes of the BlackBerry Curve and HP iPAQ 910. There are two E71 variants: the E71-1 is the Eurasian version with Euro 3G, and the E72-2 (our review unit) is for the US with US 3G HSDPA. The E71 isn't offered by US carriers, but it's sold direct by Nokia and from online retailers for $499 list.

As an upgrade to the E61 and E62, the E71 is superb. 3G alone is enough to make AT&T users in major metro areas, where 3G is generally available, giddy. The incredible redesign that makes the E71 easily pocketable is compelling. And there's that GPS. The E71, like other recent Nokia E series devices like the E66 and E90 are stunning looking. And at half the price and size, the E71 is the everyman's QWERTY device while the $750 mondo-brick E90 remains niche. Speaking of the E90, the E71 got a few of its enhancements including the split pane contacts and calendar views. Support for Flash, both in web pages and full desktop-style YouTube put the Nokia E71 ahead of the iPhone 3G and most Windows Mobile phones out of the box.

Design and Keyboard

A smartphone this small shouldn't have such a usable keyboard. When it arrived, we looked at it and said "no way can anyone type on that tiny thing". Boy, were we wrong. The keyboard is simply amazing, and only the larger Moto Q9 beats it (our #1 pick for keyboards). Granted, I have experience typing on thumb keyboards, but still-- it's just not normal to pick up a new device and type 35WPM! Nokia somehow found the magic ergonomic recipe-- a keyboard surface with traction, perfect doming and just the right amount of key travel. There's no space between the keys, but the doming makes that seem unnecessary. Granted if you have very broad fingers, the keyboard might present challenges. But none of the folks in our office took issue.

Those of you who've immersed yourselves in S80 phones (the predecessor to the E series phones that includes the older Nokia 9300 ) might lament the single combined Chr/Ctrl key. The Ctrl key was a Nokia business phone's heart and soul when it comes to typing, making for keyboard shortcuts for page up/down, copy and paste and more. Now you've got to hit the Fn key first (diametrically opposed on the bottom left) before hitting Ctrl + C to copy for example. The good news is that Nokia has added other ways to do these tasks-- for example, hold the shift key while using the d-pad to move along a line of text and highlight it: "copy" will appear as a softkey.

While the Nokia E61/E62 joystick was less than expedient, the d-pad on the E71 is absolute perfection. In fact, we like it even better than the N95's, and that's one of the best in the business. This makes one-handed navigation that much easier, and games more fun. Dedicated application keys surround the d-pad: home, calendar, contacts and email. You can re-assign the 3 application keys to launch other applications and assign an action to a long key press (i. e. press and hold the calendar key to start a new calendar entry). There's no S60 applications key; the Home key takes its place and does the same job. By default, the left soft key (labeled "Menu") also functions as the applications key (you can change soft key assignments on S60).

Strange, that red power button.

Nokia's Active Desktop is here, and you can assign 6 applications to the home screen for quick access, see upcoming appointments, search the phone and Internet and scan for WiFi hotspots from the home screen. The E71, like some other recent Nokia S60 smartphones, has a new feature called Modes that allows you to assign a theme, wallpaper and home screen icons to a location you create, i. e. "home". Think of it as profiles on steroids. it's handy if you want a business wallpaper and business apps on your home screen during the day and a photo of the new baby and a more leisure-oriented selection of applications for home or weekend use.

Stainless steel back.

You can set the notification LED to blink for any or all: missed call, new text message, new MMS and/or new e-mail and set the duration (off, 5 minutes, 15, 30, 1 hour, 2 hours or no limit). The phone doesn't blink to indicate GSM or Bluetooth status, so it won't act as an annoying beacon on the bedside table. that said, a very faint LED ring in the d-pad does pulse faintly and slowly (Nokia calls this "breath"), but it's neither distracting nor liable to light a dark room.

Phone, Data and Reception

As we've mentioned, there are currently two E71 variants, the E71 with Euro-only 3G and the E71-2 with US-only 3G HSDPA 3.6Mbps. Our unit is the US version and while it works on both T-Mobile and AT&T, we'll focus on AT&T since they have 3G HSDPA in the US (T-Mobile has just started to roll out 3G in two US cities, and that works on different bands). First off, we love that the phone detects the carrier from the SIM and configures the phone silently-- you don't have to do a thing nor does the phone have to reboot after self-configuration like Windows Mobile unlocked phones with configuration wizards. Put in your SIM, boot up the phone and it's all just working. Bonito. Change to a different carrier and the phone automatically configures data and MMS connections for the new carrier.

Voice quality and reception are top notch, as usual for Nokia S60. Some folks on forums have mentioned 3G reception niggles, but our 2 units have stable and strong 3G (as well as EDGE) connections. Should the phone drop to EDGE in a spotty 3G coverage area, it will bounce back to 3G quickly (at least on our two phones). Voice is clear with good volume on both ends of the conversation, eliciting the usual "Is that a Nokia?" from my mother whose older ears appreciate clean voice. Bluetooth headsets work well with the phone, getting a bit better than average range. The Plantronics Discovery 925 sounded superb and reached 18 feet, while the Jawbone reached 24 feet. The Nokia has voice dialing that works with Bluetooth headsets, but as we've found with other Nokia S60 phones, it isn't reliable or accurate with headsets o when speaking to the phone itself. The E71 has a good speakerphone that's fairly loud, and support for standard call features like call waiting, call forwarding and caller ID control. When on 3G, you can use the phone for data while holding a conversation (3G supports simultaneous voice and data, and Symbian/S60 multitasks).

Anorexic smartphone: The Nokia E71, far left is much thinner than the BlackJack II and iPAQ 910c, and that's the E71's thicker end!

Data is a pleasure and we got extremely high DSL Reports mobile speed test numbers on AT&T's HSDPA network, reaching as high as 1394kbps (we've never seen numbers that high before on a phone). Average speeds were 780kbps indoors with 65% bars and those all-time highs came outdoors with full bars. Nokia's WebKit browser uses some of the same technology as Safari on the iPhone, and is the second best browser on the market after the iPhone's. Only touch and gesture support could bring it to the iPhone's level, but it's still better than IE Mobile on Windows Mobile (we're talking both touch and non-touch WinMo IE) and the BlackBerry browser. It's fast, it has excellent desktop fidelity, it handles frames and Javascript including dHTML and it's got one up on the iPhone: it supports Flash.

Video review of the web browser in action and the camera:

Speaking of Flash, the E71 supports the full desktop version of YouTube, with reasonable frame rates and little to no stuttering for buffering on WiFi or strong 3G (see video below for a demo). While playback quality wasn't an issue, some videos crash the browser, putting an occasional damper on the experience.

Nokia's usual email client is on board, with support for corporate push email. The email app handles multiple accounts, HTML email, checking on a schedule and POP3/IMAP/MS Exchange mail. Business email support is extensive: Nokia Intellisync Wireless Email, Mail for Exchange (Microsoft ActiveSync), SEVEN and Visto Mobile. Nokia recently announced that it won't be offering BlackBerry connect for the E71, E66 or future phones-- sorry CrackBerry addicts. But you can get push email along with calendar, contacts and tasks syncing via MS Exchange. Nokia has just rolled out a beta push email client for the E71 along with a few other phones, and the application has a nice desktop metaphor that makes email management more pleasant. It targets folks who don't have an enterprise push solution or access to corporate push email, and it's free during the beta period (Nokia hasn't announced the cost when it's out of beta, but it will be subscription-based pricing).

Horsepower and Performance

No lag here. Last generation S60 phones had a tiny bit of lag to a pronounced delay, depending on the phone model. The E71 is extremely responsive and fast overall. Folders open without delay, windows scroll and switch immediately. Good going, Nokia. The E71 runs on a 369MHz single core ARM family processor, and though that lacks the dual-core multimedia punch of the N95 family, there's no visual tardiness here. Video playback of YouTube and locally stored QVGA (320 x 240) MP4 files is very good, and we tested the phone with files encoded up to 550kbps. Nokia offers a 3D driving game called Global Race: Raging Thunder for free download direct to the phone (look in the downloads folder), and that game runs quickly and smoothly. The d-pad is perfect for action and racing games-- making the E71 good for fun as well as business.

Video review of the phone, including design, GPS, gaming and YouTube:

The E71 has 128 megs of RAM with 71 megs free to run programs and it supports demand paging for better memory management. There are 110 megs of available flash memory for file storage, and you can expand that with microSD cards, including SDHC high capacity cards. We tested an 8 gig Kingston and 4 gig SanDisk card, both of which worked perfectly.

Display and Multimedia

We've already covered streaming YouTube, playback of locally stored video content and gaming. Let's look at that gorgeous display: it's a 16 million color display (rare in phones) and it's superbly sharp, saturated and bright. At 2.36" it's small, though given the smartphone's small size overall, the display looks relatively large. It's easy enough to read text and images, though we wished for the Nokia N95 8 gig's larger display when watching videos (the larger the better for video playback!). Images taken with the camera look really crisp and colorful-- we wish they looked nearly as good when viewed on a desktop computer. As with most recent E and N series phones, the E71 has a brightness sensor that sets screen brightness relative to ambient light and this controls keyboard backlighting as well. Brightness control isn't too exuberant, and we were rarely bothered by backlight fluctuations (you can disable the light sensor if you wish).

The phone has a music player than handles MP3, AAC (unprotected iTunes format) and WMV formats. Nokia includes a stereo earbud headset that plugs into the 2.5mm jack on the phone's right side (no integrated USB headset jack here, so you can charge and play tunes at the same time). Sound quality is plenty good, though it doesn't best the Nokia N78 or N95, members of Nokia's "multimedia computer" línea. There's also an FM radio that uses the included wired headset as its antenna. The FM radio can download a list of presets for your town or city and it supports RDS. As usual for Nokia S60 these days, there's Bluetooth A2DP support for wireless stereo music playback. The E71 sounded very good with the Plantronics Pulsar 590 in our tests, and had excellent range.

The GPS has come a long way since the Nokia N95 and E90, neither of which are fast at locking onto satellites even with the latest firmware updates. The E71 gets a cold fix indoors within 8 feet of a window in under a minute and latches onto 5 to 6 satellites. Very good. This is one of the first Nokia S60 phones to ship with Maps 2.0, which not only offers improved routing (Nokia Maps 1.0 had a strange idea of how to get around our metro region at times), but also walking in addition to driving directions. Nokia charges a monthly fee for spoken turn-by-turn directions while basic Google Maps-like features are free. You can map any location in 2D, 3D and satellite view, map any contact in your address book, and POIs. Like Google Maps, Nokia's Map application downloads map data using the cellular or WiFi connection. Unlike Google Maps, you can download the free Nokia Map Loader program for Windows and download maps from anywhere in the world to the phone or a microSD card. POI searches use the data connection even if you've downloaded maps to the phone-- keep that in mind when traveling internationally. Maps has day/night view settings, route options that include fastest, shortest and toll road avoidance, re-route requests and waypoints. There's traffic information for Europe but not the US.

Google Maps runs fine on the E71 and you can use 3rd party navigation applications like Garmin XT Mobile in the US and abroad and TomTom and CoPilot (Europe but no US maps available).

Above: the Nokia E71, below the Nokia E63 .

The E71 runs Symbian OS 9.2 with S60 3rd Edition Feature Pack 1. This is a multi-tasking and open operating system, and there are a variety of 3rd party applications, both free and commercial, available for download. The selection isn't as deep as Windows Mobile and Palm OS, but the consolation is that the phone ships with most bases covered. There are PIM applications (calendar, contacts, notes, tasks), Adobe PDF viewer, a text/MMS/email app, a file manager, search (local and online), calculator, unit converter, Zip manager, wireless printing support, Bluetooth keyboard support, Gallery (image viewer), RealPlayer Podcasting, voice recorder, online sharing (Ovi, Flickr, Vox), voice command and dialing, profiles, modes and a bar code reader. QuickOffice can read, edit and write MS Office documents with excellent fidelity, but you'll have to pay an upgrade fee if you want MS Office 2007 format support. You can download the basic version of WorldMate using the phone's download application, along with advanced call manager (handy for rejecting calls from your least favorite persons), Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo! Go and more.

The phone ships with Nokia PC Suite syncing software for Windows and it handles syncing to and from Outlook. Mac users can download Nokia's free iSync plugin. which worked fine with our Mac running Leopard.

Now for the grim section: the E71 has a 3.2 megapixel camera with autofocus lens and LED flash-- given those specs and Nokia's reputation for imaging on phones, you'd think the E71's camera would rock. No. Maybe after a firmware update (Nokia often tweaks the camera in their free firmware updates), but as it stands, photos are noisy with shifty color balance. We weren't thrilled with the Nokia E66's camera either, though it too should have been good. Now we have seen worse photos, but we don't think we're being picky when we complain about noise in outdoor shots. Large same-color masses like a car's hood, show noise outdoors in good light (particularly noticeable if the car is black), color balance is sometimes spot-on, and other times too warm (red-brown bias) while at other times too cool (magenta bias). Detail is good, though it can be lost when using desktop image noise reducers.

Colors are too warm.

Max photo resolution is 2048 x 1536, and there are a variety of lesser resolutions. Given the large number of pixels you have to work with, the consolation is that once you color correct and size down the image to 1600 x 1200 or less, they do look nice. Max video resolution is QVGA 320 x 240 at 15fps, which leave the Nokia N82 and N95 as the current kings (VGA at 30fps). Videos look nice with good color and not too much blockiness.

A detail of the trucks hood from the photo above reveals noise.

The Nokia E71 is an Energizer Bunny, even on 3G. The 1500 mAh Lithium Ion battery (BP-4L) is high capacity by phone standards and when using the phone to surf the web for an hour per day, watch 10 minutes of YouTube video, watch 30 minutes of MP4 video stored on a microSD card, checking email on a 30 minute schedule and talking for 30 minutes per day, it took us 3 days to kill the battery. If you use push email, talk on the phone a great deal each day or have a YouTube addiction, your runtimes will be shorter, but I can't imagine this phone not making it through a full day with even the heaviest of use.

When we first saw the E71 in person, we were shocked at its extreme good looks and thinness-- not something that happens often with a business smartphone phone. It's hard to find fault with this smartphone-- Nokia did an excellent job. Though we've harped on the camera, it's only because we have high expectations for Nokia phones-- we'll cut it (just a little) slack since the E71 is a business phone. Performance and stability are excellent, call quality and reception are likewise solid and the keyboard is wonderful. Despite the business moniker, the E71 is a fun phone that handles video playback, music and gaming well. Double-bonus for Flash support!

Pro: Fantastic looks-- sexy, high tech and classy. Impossibly thin and compact. Nokia's usual excellent call quality and reception are here. Stable and fast OS, good business email support (everything but BlackBerry Connect is there), superb display, great QWERTY keyboard (unless you have really big mitts), GPS gets a lock quickly and tracks accurately, great battery life, good multimedia features (great in fact for a "business" phone), fast 3G, WiFi, Bluetooth 2.0 +EDR with DUN and Bluetooth stereo support, excellent web browser, very complete set of applications pre-installed.

Con: C'mon Nokia, the camera should take better photos-- get a firmware update out quickly. Full Flash playback (i. e. YouTube) sometimes crashes the browser.

Warranty: 1 year

List price: $499 (unlocked, no contract)

Display: 2.36" diagonal, 16 million color TFT color active matrix LCD. Resolution: QVGA 320 x 240.

Battery: Lithium Ion Polymer rechargeable. Battery is user replaceable. Model BP-4L 1500 mAh.

Performance: Single core ARM11 family CPU running at 369MHz. 256 megs NAND flash memory with 110 megs free. 128 megs RAM with

71 megs free to run programs.

Size: 4.49 x 2.24 x 0.39 inches. 4.47 ounces.

Phone: GSM quad band unlocked 850/900/1800/1900MHz with EDGE support. 3G HSDPA 3.6Mbps on the US 850/1900MHz bands for the Nokia E71-2 (RM-357) 2100MHz on the E71-1. Has speakerphone and voice dialing.

Camera: 3.2 MP with LED flash. F2.8 lens, 3.8mm focal length. Max photo resolution: 2048 x 1536. Max video resolution: 320 x 240 QVGA at 15fps. Secondary (front-facing) camera resolution: VGA for photos, 128 x 96 for video.

GPS: Integrated aGPS with Nokia Maps software.

Audio: Built in speaker, mic and 2.5mm stereo headphone jack. Nokia music player, RealPlayer, voice recorder and photo viewer included. Has FM radio with RDS.

Networking: Integrated WiFi 802.11b/g and Bluetooth 2.0 +EDR. Supported Bluetooth profiles: DUN, OPP, FTP, SPP, HFP, GOEP, HSP, BIP, RSAP, GAVDP, AVRCP and A2DP.

Software: Symbian OS 9.2, S60 3rd Edition Feature Pack 1. Full PIM suite (calendar, contacts, notes), email (POP3, IMAP, Exchange), SMS/MMS, QuickOffice (MS Office compatible suite that reads and writes Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents), text to speech, encryption utility, settings wizard (sets up wireless data and MMS connections), calculator, world clock, search, wireless printing, Adobe PDF viewer, file manager, unit converter, Java VM, Flash Lite 3.0, Podcasting, FM radio, camera, voice recorder, Gallery, Ovi/Flickr, Vox support, Nokia Maps, GPS utility, Zip manager, music player and application downloader. Nokia includes syncing software for Windows on CD, and a free iSync plugin for Mac OS X via download.

Expansion: 1 microSD card slot, SDHC (high capacity) compatible.

SAR Rating: 1.40 W/kg at the ear, 0.76 W/kg when worn on the body.

Nokia E71

Vopium on Nokia E71:

Nokia E71

You have successfully selected your phone as Nokia E71. For a quick understanding of Vopium see the video on your right side, highlighting the installation process, working procedure and How to make payment on Vopium. Among our other 900 handsets, your phone Nokia E71 with java operating system is compatible with Vopium. Vopium's free mobile VoIP application empowers users to reach out to their friends and family by making low cost international calls or international SMS. Without changing the operator or sim card, Vopium can be installed with ease onto your mobile phone. To use this service, register Nokia E71 on Vopium and easily download and install it. Read the below guide and learn about Vopium and its interesting features.

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Vopium, a Danish mobile communications company provides low priced international calls and SMS to people who are on the lookout for ways to connect back home. When you call through Vopium, you pay your mobile provider for a local call and Vopium for the international add-on. Even if you are roaming outside your country, you get highly affordable call rates with top notch voice quality of Vopium. After downloading the service, the users can reach out for their relatives in any country such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, US, UK and more. Vopium also offers various country specific packages that provide users with fixed low priced international calls and SMS along with unlimited talk time deals.

Download Vopium on your Nokia E71

Try this three step process to download Vopium on your Nokia E71.

Step 1 - Register your Nokia E71 by clicking here or send SMS by typing "Get" to +447781480717 or visit get. vopium. com on your Nokia E71 mobile browser.

Step 2 - You will receive a SMS with a link to the application. Download the software by clicking on the link or opening it via options. The download typically takes less than a minute.

Step 3 – After you have enjoyed the free international minutes offer by Vopium, top up your Vopium account whenever you like.

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How to Unlock Nokia E71 ?

1 - Allumez votre téléphone sans carte SIM,

2 - Comme si faire un appel téléphonique, sur votre clavier téléphonique composer:

La lettre P apparait en appuyant 3 fois rapidement sur la touche étoile (*)

La lettre W apparait en appuyant 4 fois rapidement sur la touche étoile (*)

La lettre + apparait en appuyant 2 fois rapidement sur la touche étoile (*)

3-Le téléphone affiche "SIM Restriction Off"

* Nokia E71 a été débloqué

Cómo desbloquear Nokia N8?

1 - Encienda su teléfono sin tarjeta SIM,

2 - Como si estuviera haciendo una llamada telefónica, en su teclado componen:

# PW+ unlockcode +1#

La letra P aparece después de pulsar 3 veces rápidamente el botón asterisco (*)

La letra W aparece después de pulsar 4 veces rápidamente el botón asterisco (*)

La carta + aparece después de pulsar 2 veces rápidamente el botón asterisco (*)

3-El teléfono aparecerá "Restricción SIM Off"

* Nokia E71 se ha desbloqueado ahora

Today finally my E71 using SW version 410.21.010 has discovered new firmware update available. Newest version is described as 500.21.009. Number suggests bigger changes than last time. I have read some rumors about this software in last few days, but so far my phone with Polish product code and no operator customization couldn’t see it available. Today finally did it.

As usual I recommend doing your phone memory copy before you decide to flash your phone. You can easily do it with new Ovi Suite 2 or some older tools. Flashing can be nicely done with Ovi Suite or if you like to be tester. beta version of new Nokia Software Updater available via Beta Labs .

Please keep in mind that if you have phone customized with operator’s variant the update may not be yet available for your E71.

Last week Nokia has released one more official software update for our beloved E71. New firmware – 410.21.010 should be available via Nokia Software Updater, or Nokia Ovi Suite 2 for most of devices. Please remember that for some product codes, especially those with operators’ customization, it may be available later.

Nevertheless, what’s inside? This update seems to be smaller bug-fixing and component updating release. It may help you with some stability issues plus having one of newest firmwares may be helpful in getting Ovi Maps with full drive and walk navigation for free. List of changes has been posted at E71 Fanatics blog in here .

PD Please keep in mind to make a full backup copy of your phone memory before you start updating your phone’s software.

Nokia has announced today that Ovi Maps application offering free voice-guided car and pedestrian navigation is available for Nokia E71 and E66 devices! New Ovi Maps come with a lot of new core features plus new map data, voice guidance (to be downloaded easily with Nokia Map Loader or Ovi Suite 2 package installed on your PC). The easiest way to get new application is to go to nokia. mobi/maps from you mobile.

As I have promised I will let you know if new official software for E71 will be available. Today I was texted by My Nokia service that new software is there. Nokia Software Updater tells the same. Please check your devices for 400.21.013 firmware and enjoy updating your phones! Remember, as usual the update may not be available for all product codes at once!

For more than year writing this blog for you and reading your feedback were great pleasure for me. Unfortunately I need to switch the blog into a “maintenance mode”. Qué significa eso?

The blog will be still available as a source of useful tips for all Nokia E71 users. I will try to write new posts only if next firmware versions will be available. You can still freely post your comments for existing articles. I will try to keep accepting regularly all meaningful comments, replies or questions. I hope this way the blog will be still alive somehow as active discussion forum for all its readers. If you are also a blogger and you think that current blog’ content may be interesting for your blog readers please mail me, I’d be happy to add you to the blogroll. If you’d like to publish something on the blog as a guest editor please contact me as well.

I still cordially invite you also to join Flickr Nokia E71 Group. which now has over 400 members posting amazing photos taken all over the World with our beloved phone.

So Long and Thanks for all the Fish!

Mensaje de navegación

Nokia E71

Nokia E71 smartphone review A quick look at Nokia's E71 QWERTY smartphone. Full review: http://www. mobileburn. com/review. jsp? Id=5008.

Nokia E71 S60 Smartphone Phone Review This video review shows the Nokia E71's hardware, running Nokia Maps, gaming and playing youtube video.

BlackBerry Bold vs. Nokia E71 This is a Cnet Tv Prizefight in high-definition between two new smartphones, the RIM BlackBerry Bold and the Nokia E71. If you would like to receive more Cnet.

Nokia E71 Full Review, Pt 1 By request (thanks, filthyJ!), Noah gets some more time in with the Nokia E71 and brings you a full review of this slim, sexy smartphone. While it's high time that.

Nokia E71 Here is a video preview of the Nokia E71.

Nokia E72 vs. Blackberry Bold 9700 - Review by Gazelle. com Oh yes! They are back! Part 2 of the famous E71 vs Bold battle returns with their new big brothers. The E72 vs. Bold 9700 is sure to become an epic battle like it's.

How to enter unlock code on Nokia E71 From Rogers - www. Mobileincanada. com http://www. mobileincanada. com/?l=en&u=youtube - You can see how to enter the unlock code to unlock GSM on the Nokia E71. Very simple to do and you can.

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Review: Nokia E71

Having been using the Nokia E71 for a little while now, Steve Litchfield delivers his verdict - what's new compared to its predecessor, the E61i? And how close does the E71 get to being the perfect smartphone for the modern professional?

Too much plastic?

Like most people, watching Steve Jobs unveil the original Apple iPhone was something that stuck in my memory, in particular for the way he utterly (and somewhat unfairly) dismissed the current generation of qwerty-thumb-keyboarded smartphones, declaring them to have "too much plastic". His point was that you'd get on better having the whole front surface as display and let individual applications use the real estate as they saw fit. An innovative notion and one which works very well for the iPhone. But the continuing popularity of the Blackberry/Treo form factor shows that, especially when someone's banging out text messages and emails all day, in trains, buses, walking down the road, you really can't beat the tactile nature and satisfaction of a real keyboard - however small.

Steve Jobs' original comparison slide showed the Nokia E62, the model of the day in the USA, which suffered from low RAM, a slowish processor and a fiddly joystick. The E61i then appeared, to all intents and purposes a bit of a cosmetic upgrade, with thinner form and a 2 megapixel camera, but the core performance problem remained. The E51 and E90 appeared, with new styling, with S60 3rd Edition Feature Pack 1 under the hood and snappier performance all round, plus up to date media codecs. And now we have the E71, combining (hopefully) the best of the E61 form factor with the size (almost) and speed of the E51 and the software package from the E90 plus some new tricks of its own - the perfect smartphone?

After all, you can bang out SMS/emails on this device, but there's a lot more under the hood and the E71 looks to be a fairly good all rounder. The S60 implementation used is still a little under-powered at times, most notably when opening images and playing back videos, but it's fine for everyday productivity and general mobile computing.

In some ways the E71 is the iPhone's nemesis - using almost the identical dimensions in a totally different way, for a totally different set of users. The iPhone excels at media consumption (Music/photos/video/web), while the E71's strengths are in media creation (typing documents, Office work, camera, camcorder, and so on - the usual Nokia/S60 strengths). Both devices can do most of what the other does, just not as well. The attempted crossover is evidenced by the iPhone 2 platform adding enterprise features while the E71 now plays DRMed WMA music, etc. Then there are the starkly different form factors. And the different target markets (personal vs company use). Add in the elegantly-simple - but-not-as-deep UI of the iPhone compared to the useable but-you-need-to-be-fairly-tech-savvy-to-find-everything approach for S60 on the E71, and I can only emphasise once again that they're polar opposites.

From E61 to E71

As you can see, the form factor's been on a diet over the last two years - the E71 has been a long time coming but the new size (112mm high by 57mm wide by a mere 11mm thick) is a huge improvement overall.

The downsides are a) that you need to perform even more finger gymnastics in order to type on the (45mm from q to p) tiny thumb keyboard - the E71 really isn't going to be good for those with big hands, and b) that the screen has had to be down-specced to 2.4" - you'll remember that the original E61/E61i design had a massive 2.8" screen. Those two aspects apart though, it's up, up, all the way.

The upgrades, then: the camera's now 3.2 megapixels with optional auto-focus and LED flash (the E61i was 2mp with no focus or flash), the processor seems to be a good 50% faster (based on timing web page and image rendering, although the inclusion of demand paging also helps here) and the free RAM has been tripled. In addition, the use of S60 3rd Edition Feature Pack 1 has made things smoother and nippier at all turns - with the inclusion of up to date audio and video codecs, including H.264 and WMA, notably.

For most people, the smaller and lighter device, together with the spec upgrades, will be compelling - but the downsizing of screen and key size are still well worth noting if these are important to you.

Around the aforementioned screen (transflective, very bright and readable, even doing adequately in sunlight) and miniature keyboard are comparative acres of mirror-finish metal (spot the unit I'm shooting photos with . below), looking stylish but rather prone to fingerprints. The phone microphone is of high quality but is embedded in this front surface, which means that any video you shoot later will have slightly skewed sound - not a huge problem, but, again, worth noting.

The keys themselves are terrific, despite the miniscule size, with good feel and travel. Using my standard typing speed test. the E71 came out at around 28 words per minute, roughly the same as its predecessor, the E61, with the larger keyboard - considering the reduced form factor, this is pretty decent, although the smaller key spacing does mean that for some letter combinations you'll get your fingers in a muddle. In use, the keyboard reminded me strongly of that of a Palm Treo - and given that this is the gold standard in thumb keyboards, this should be taken as a compliment(!) In addition, there's a new word completion system, see below for more on this.

I'm fine with most of the keyboard layout, but have to take issue with 'Ctrl', whose use I get the impression Nokia are trying to deprecate. It's now a 'Fn' keypress (above 'Chr'), so to do 'Ctrl-X', for example, you actually have to press three keys at once, really tricky on something so small. Disappointing.

As with the E51, the 'S60 menu' key is now a 'Home' icon - a change I like a lot, plus there are shortcut keys for Calendar, Contacts and Email - and, even better, you can define extra apps to switch to/launch for long presses on each shortcut key. So, for example, a long press on Contacts might bring up Jaiku.

The D-pad is outstanding . the best such control I've used in several years. With the screen being QVGA, there are many, many compatible games (maybe N-Gage will make an appearance here?) and having a good D-pad to work them is half the battle. In case you were hoping for a higher resolution screen, I'm with Nokia on this one - VGA in a 2.4" display is just silly and wastefully expensive. QVGA on the E71 looks crisp and good. It's only really when web browsing that you'll come a cropper - as usual with S60 Web in such a low resolution display.

Around the sides of the E71 are: Top: power button and mono speaker (good volume and quality). Left: microSD slot, microUSB port (the E61i was Pop-port, so the E71 has leapfrogged the miniUSB standard completely!). Bottom: charging port. Right: Volume up/down, voice recording button, standard 2.5mm 4-way stereo headset jack.

Most of the E71's rear is metal, with a patterned mirror finish, with the camera module adding a couple of mm to the 11mm basic thickness in a little bump, featuring a tiny camera, a LED flash and an aiming mirror - though, to be honest, the entire back forms a good enough mirror for framing yourself when talking 'to camera'.

Buttons either side of the case pop off the rear cover, revealing the huge BP-4L battery, the same one as used in the E61i and E90, which will please cost-conscious (or green) companies - and 1500mAh will power the E71 for an eternity. Even with heavy Wi-Fi use and music/camera activity, the E71 will easily last a working day - and often two. Take the battery out and you appreciate just how stunningly light the E71's body is and how hard Nokia has worked to miniaturise everything. Good design, guys.

S60 Basics, S60 extensions

There's little need to describe the basics of S60 here - originally designed for one-handed use with portrait screen, it has scaled fairly well to part-time two-handed use with keyboard and landscape screen, as evidenced by the popularity of the E61 family. But it's important to note that there have been a lot of tweaks by the Eseries team to the standby screen, the OS and basic applications - and mostly for the better - I'd like to see these tweaks rolled out across other S60 devices.

The first surprise is on the standby screen, with a new ying/yang icon, marked 'Switch mode'. Modes are a new concept, based around the idea that you do different things with your smartphone at different times in your day/week. Two example modes are supplied, modelling possible standby configurations (in terms of theme, application shortcuts, standby plug-ins and wallpaper), but you can create your own and generally fiddle with your modes until the cows come home. It's a neat idea but it remains to be seen how many non-geeks get round to serious tinkering.

The number of possible standby plug-ins has increased too, to a massive 15, from Music player to Email to Calendar to Search, although only a handful can be shown at once, so you have to be quite selective - still, more choice is better than none. A new voicemail icon can be highlighted, to show a popup menu with common voicemail options at the start and then as appropriate thereafter, depending on what's waiting for you.

Of extra special interest on the standby screen is smart dialling, in that you can start tapping out the characters of a name and they'll be quick matched against your Contacts. The implementation is a little messy in that what's displayed in the main text field are the numeric characters, but the contact matching does work:

Opening the main menu shows that Nokia has done a serious job of organising the 50 or so apps and mini-apps into folders. Personally, I found it annoying and wanted to move the icons around to suit my way of working, but then that's the joy of S60, in that you can get your phone working exactly the way you want it. Dipping into the folders reveals a lot to take note of:

A shortcut for VoIP (by default set to download Gizmo, but you can add your own).

A tweaked version of Contacts. The old contact groups have been moved from a tab to the Options menu and pressing 'right' on a contact now brings up a pop-up menu showing the five most common ways in which you might want to get in touch with that person, e. g. voice, SMS, video call, etc. A useful UI shortcut, even a little inelegant, given the duplication of Options menu functions.

Calendar has had even more of a tweak. The month view is now split screen, E90-style, while the day screen now has an Outlook-style hourly layout - very pretty but tedious to navigate sometimes. Finally, when editing an entry, there's a new highly condensed dialog, meaning you can set more information without having to scroll down several screens worth of options, as in the old S60 Calendar.

Quickoffice is now up to v4.1, giving good Office round-tripping but without some of the extras (such as Office 2007 support) that you'd get by paying extra for the latest Quickoffice 5.0 - it's a shame that this has to be a pay-for upgrade, I really can't see why they didn't just put Quickoffice 5.0 in the ROM and send some dollars over to Quickoffice for the license - the current situation just annoys most purchasers.

There's a licensed version of Kernerman's Dictionary engine, along with links to download various language pairs for free. Given that both English and translation dictionaries are amongst the most popular third party applications, it's great to have this built in here for free.

There's a new 'Intranet' icon - the idea being that your company's IT department installs VPN settings on its devices, so that you can access its Intranet in encrypted fashion using Web. It should work fine but I wasn't able to test this.

'Encryption' is a new setting/icon for the paranoid and nothing to do with VPN. Instead, it offers on-the-fly encryption and decryption of everything in your E71's internal flash disk and/or memory card. The encryption uses your lock code as its key and, having asked for encryption, the processor gets to work on the initial changes to files, which takes a minute or two. I didn't notice a slow down in operation after encryption. In a corporate environment, with an E71 potentially stuffed with confidential documents, this encryption ability will be greatly welcomed. Sales manager lose his phone? No worries, it's fully encrypted from the eyes of even an experienced hacker. And a remote wipe is only a phone call away if needed, as extra security.

There's the Nokia Music Store client - a first for an Eseries device - whatever next? Provided you're OK with the DRM on each (WMA) track and don't intend to switch devices too often, this is a good way to buy music instantly, over the air. (Regular readers will know that I'm not big on DRM - I simply copied across a few Gigabytes of unDRMed music files from my (ripped) CD collection with the E71's microSD card in 'Mass Storage' mode)

Gallery is the same tired old application as in S60 devices three years ago. Why, oh why, hasn't Nokia's Eseries team asked the Nseries team for the code to the slick Gallery featured in every N device since the N93, over two years ago? Gallery works here, but it's not pretty and it's not pleasant.

Messaging is another application long overdue for an update - word on the street is that this was planned for the E71 but never made it into production, a shame. At least there's a shiny new email set up wizard that queries a Nokia online database for settings - the user just enters their email address and all the rest is set up automatically - really neat and seems to work most of the time.

Another multimedia surprise - Podcasting's preinstalled! One less app for the user to have to go off and download.

Yet another Nseries crossover - Share Online 3.0 is also preinstalled. So E71 owners will be able to take part in the great Ovi/FLickr photo-and-video-sharing-fest from the outset. With both camera and camcorder being decent on the E71, there's no reason not to take an active part and show off some really good media.

Global Race and (a fully licensed copy of) Top Hits Solitaires are included (via Download!) - after all, even Eseries users need to play - personally, I'd like to see an N-Gage client for the E71 - the hardware is up to the job. (Incidentally, the old E61 game exclusives, such as Golf Pro Contest, aren't compatible - yet)

At last - a new device with Nokia Maps 2.0 built into the ROM - every device I'd previously seen had the old v1.2 application by default. I know Nokia Maps voice navigation's subscription model has its critics, but I'm a fan - and route guidance in my hands has been at least as good as any other full 'prepaid' commercial navigation solution. The GPS antenna seems to be in the E71's top and reception was very good, similar to that on the N82. I also installed the free Google Maps and this also worked well, as expected. The landscape screen somehow seems more natural for mapping and navigation software, despite the reduced screen real estate.

The E71 does have Flash Lite 3, as with the E90's latest firmware update. Using Web, I was able to view Flash videos in YouTube and Ovi Share pages. Playback wasn't silky smooth, but it was 'good enough'.

One other innovation for the E71 (and its stablemate, the slider E66) is that when the main display is keylocked and timed out, rather than a traditional screensaver appearing, the display blanks completely. "But I need to know the time!" I hear you say. Simply press and hold the D-pad and the time appears in large letters, as shown here. A much better solution than the old non-backlit, small-fonted solution.

Impressively, full word completion (not just T9-style predictive text) has been integrated into the interface, available as a toggle in any text editing field. For fans of this system it's wonderful, though I find that it doesn't really save time - I end up wasting as much time looking up at what the system is suggesting (pressing D-pad in or space accepts the suggestion) as I would hunting for the right letters to make up the word manually. Still, useful to have and implemented well.

It's also worth noting that the way text is copied and pasted has been brought more into line with other S60 devices: as you hold down 'Shift' and highlight text, 'Copy' appears on the left function key. The old Ctrl-C method still works in most places, but won't be used as often because of the 'Ctrl' key placement.

Multimedia pretensions

Multimedia on 'Enterprise'-aimed S60 devices has always lagged a little behind the cutting edge and the E71 is no exception. But, to cut it some slack, it's a lot better than on the clunky old E61i. Media handling is slightly crippled by the use of USB 1.1, as on most other current S60 devices, although slow file transfers won't be a huge issue for many typical Eseries users, who arguably tend not to swap their music and video collections around as often as, say, someone with an N95.

Video playback now includes H.264 support, so most MP4 videos will play without problem. I did notice some jerkiness occasionally (there are no fancy 3D graphcis chips to help out here, as on the N95, for example) and suspect that there's still some fine tuning to do under the hood for future firmwares. Video on the E71 is still watchable though. Likewise music playback is now acceptable without seriously encroaching on the audio quality found in the likes of the N78, the N95 or standalone digital music players. The inclusion of a proper Equaliser was useful and I liked keeping 'Bass booster' on in order to hear bass frequencies better. In summary, media playback is fine for occasional use but you probably wouldn't choose the device for these abilities.

The E71 fares well when it comes to multimedia creation, though I have to admit to being a little disappointed by the camera - I'd been hoping for the same unit that featured in the E90. Instead, we get a small lensed 3.2mp camera (to bang the gong yet again - it's not all about how many megapixels a camera has) with comparatively cheap optics and sensor. You can see in the examples here (click to open full-size) that in bright conditions contrast is handled relatively poorly. Indoors, the images are digitally noisy, even with the LED flash, as you'd expect from such a small lens. No worse than in the cameras in many other smartphones, but worse than the E90's camera and a lot worse than that in the likes of the N95.

On the plus side, focussing is down to an incredible 4cm - great for nature shots! Focussing itself is handled in semi-automatic fashion and I'm somewhat impressed by how much flexibility this gives the user. Previously a smartphone user had to choose between a focussing camera for which you had to wait a second or so for focussing and for which you really needed a static subject, and a non-focussing camera that was great for instant shots (i. e. it didn't need to wait and focus) but for which anything close was blurry. With the E71, you can press the D-Pad to take an instant shot or press the 't' key (beneath the D-Pad) to focus if needed, after which you then press the D-Pad to snap, etc. I thought I'd hate this solution but in fact it's proven very flexible - you really do get the best of both worlds. If only the camera optics had been better, the E71 could have been a real contender in terms of day to day photography.

For video recording, capture is at the new 'phone' standard of QVGA at 15 frames per second (i. e. YouTube-friendly), although the optics are pretty good for this sort of work and the captured soundtrack is of much higher quality than similar video-recording phones and smartphones. Again though, video recording seems a little week compared to the E90 (let alone the Nseries super-multimedia-phones).

In the enterprise and open to new applications

Of course, half the power of something like the E71 is that it's fully backed up with enterprise integration software: push email solutions from half a dozen providers (including Nokia's free and rather good Mail for Exchange, which isn't actually in the firmware but is expected to be loaded, pre-configured, by your company IT department), the aforementioned Quickoffice and VPN client, plus vertical software for particular businesses written in C++, Java, Python or Ruby.

The Messaging application itself is largely unchanged from earlier devices which is something of a dissapointment given that this is a key area of the E71, especially in the light of tweaks to the Contacts and Calendar applications. While the breadth of support for different push external email solutions (Nokia Intellisync, Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync, Visto Mobile, and Seven Always on Mail) and its plug-in architecture is a definite plus, this will not be a factor in day to day usage. Instead the fiddly set-up, limited folder handling, and relatively poor support for sorting, search, attachment handling and multiple email accounts may disappoint users switching from other systems.

Although I'm not part of a big company, I did load up over 20 third party applications in order to check compatibility and had no issues whatsoever - it seems that with the E61 blazing the way and then other S60 handsets like the N95 and N82 having 'landscape' modes, nearly all applications are now quite happy running 'this way' round.

120MB of flash memory makes up the internal (C:) disk and this will take some filling - it's certainly ample for all uses I can think of, with a microSD card doubtless being supplied as well for many markets and operators. If you buy the E71 SIM-free then you'll have to provide your own card, I suspect, though these are now very, very cheap.

In addition to the now ubiquitous Wi-Fi, 3.5G data and Bluetooth, there's a legacy infrared port, good to see as it's still of use for contact beaming in companies where older Palm OS and Pocket PC handhelds are found. There's also easy tethering of the E71 to company laptops, with a 'Connect PC to web' option shown when you plug in the microUSB cable - selecting this installs a new Nokia Internet application on the PC, which then handles the tethering process. It's all a little slow though - I found connecting through the standard PC Suite module to be faster.

Summarising the E71

There's a lot to really like in this latest Eseries miniaturised masterpiece. The build quality is fabulous, the styling striking (within the qwerty world, anyway), the communications options vast, text input potentially fast and flexible, the software support and built-in enterprise features almost second to none. And all in something that's as thin as your average feature phone. Which is almost certainly enough to ensure strong sales to the usual Eseries audience.

The E71 fills a very important gap in the line up of 2nd generation Eseries device. While the E90 is an extremely capable device, its form factor and price point make it rather niche. The E51 is a great entry level enterprise device, but lacks the power that a full size keyboard provides. The completed portfolio of 2nd generation Eseries devices (E51. E66, E71, E90 ) has a real sense of maturity about it. This comes from the hardware (variety across the range, build quality and feature set), but also the software - the enterprise applications, and crucially, the enterprise device management options have been significantly improved. The Nokia E71 and its sisters look set to give Nokia's Enterprise rivals (Blackberry and Windows Mobile - and, yes, in time the iPhone) some sleepless nights.

A tougher call is for those buying the E71 for personal use, as the smallest qwerty-equipped S60 device. While the keyboard is very useable for anyone with nimble fingers, I found the multimedia side of the E71 disappointing, from the relatively low (compared to other recent S60 mainstays like 2006's N95) camera quality to the undistinguished audio and video playback. The E71 is better than the E61i, hugely so, but in truth I'd hoped for a little bit more, given that this is now mid 2008. And yes, I know the E71 is built to come in at an attractive price, but. Don't let these slight negatives put you off investigating this great smartphone all rounder though.

The Nokia E71 is in the building.

Steve Litchfield, All About Symbian, 16 June 2008

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Nokia E71

The good Slim design; superb Qwerty keypad; great connectivity -- HSDPA, Wi-Fi, GPS.

The bad Camera could be better.

The bottom line We've been yearning for a phone with a Qwerty keypad that looks good and works like it should, and here it is. The Nokia E71 exceeded our expectations and is a great example of Nokia's ability to combine ease of use with attractive design. While we don't like the camera, we think the rest is pretty close to perfect

CNET review

The Nokia E series has traditionally been an uninspiring collection of boxy phones, but last year saw a dramatic upturn in its fortunes. The Nokia E51 and E65 took the market by storm -- and it wasn't just businessmen buying them. The E series is beginning to look as attractive as its multimedia N-series siblings.

The Nokia E71 is the Finnish giant's latest addition to the E series and will be available in July. Pricing is set to be around €350 (around £280) SIM-free, and it will most likely be free on a monthly contract. But will it be another email knockout?

Design The E71 is one of Nokia's most attractive smart phones to date. Many phones with Qwerty keypads lack a certain finesse, but the E71 wouldn't look out of place in an Aston Martin. Not only does it look good, its attractive metal casing feels very classy and it's not too heavy or too light.

A 10mm thick profile ensures it fits inside a pocket comfortably, even though it's wider than your average handset. The screen and Qwerty keypad are well laid-out -- a series of shortcut keys below the screen make it easy to access your emails, calendar and contacts. Although the keys are small, they're very usable, because each is raised, making it easy to distinguish between them. In fact, the E71's keypad is one of the best Qwerty keypads we've ever laid fingers on.

The E71's Qwerty keyboard is one of the best we've ever used

We inadvertently dropped the E71 a few times from waist height and it carried on working as if nothing had happened, thanks to its resilient casing. It truly is a stunning looking phone that will stand the test of time.

Features Email-centric, business-oriented phones can be dull as ditchwater, but the E71 isn't lacking exciting features. Like the Nokia E90. this smart phone boasts more features than your average Nokia.

Having said that, it gets the basics right first. We can happily say that setting up your personal email, such as Gmail or Yahoo, is really easy. All you have to do is put in your email address and password -- that's it. The E71 also supports Microsoft Exchange, although it's a little harder to set that up, so you might want to get some help from your office IT guy, depending on your phone skills.

Connecting to the Internet to receive emails and browse Web sites is possible almost everywhere you go, via HSDPA (3.5G) or Wi-Fi. Using the built-in Wi-Fi scanner, it's easy to find a hotspot and connect to it. To save battery life, you should turn off Wi-Fi scanning when you're not using it.

Surfing the Net is better than with most built-in browsers. Pages are displayed in full and, interestingly, the E71's browser supports Flash and lets you watch YouTube videos, although it's fairly sluggish -- audio streams faster than video.

Because it runs on the S60 operating system, you can download a variety of programs, including our favourite mobile apps. Opera Mini and Google Maps. The E71 packs GPS, so you can use Google Maps' sat-nav feature to accurately track your location and get directions.

You can also use the pre-installed Nokia Maps for navigating around town. It does everything that Google Maps Mobile does, but with a few extras, including being able to save a screenshot and voice navigation, but you will have to pay for the latter.

A small but noteworthy feature is the E71's start page. It cleverly lets you display emails, apps and other features, but that's not all. You can set up one start page for home and one for work, flicking between the two depending on what you're up to. It's useful if you like to keep certain aspects of your life separate, such as work and personal emails.

The 3.2-megapixel camera is not the best of its type

The only feature that left us very disappointed was the 3.2-megapixel camera. Its shutter speed was slow and it took blurry photos. We hope the next model in the E series offers a better camera.

Performance For a phone with so many features, we were really impressed with how long it could last on one charge. In our real-world testing, we used GPS, Wi-Fi and HSDPA regularly throughout the day, and we managed to squeeze two days out of the battery before it needed recharging. If you want to expand battery life even further, switching off all non-essential connections, such as Wi-Fi and HSDPA, helps significantly.

Conclusion Most business phones leave you yearning for something a little more refined, something that will get the job done but also work well as a phone for home. The Nokia E71 is the business phone we've all been waiting for.

It looks gorgeous, it works well and most importantly it packs enough features to deal with a smorgasbord of situations. We're disappointed with its camera, but we think this is one of the best Nokia email phones to date, and highly recommend it if you're looking for a phone with a Qwerty keypad.

Edited by Nick Hide

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Nokia E71(Black)

Nokia E71(Black)

Nokia E71 Review

Average Rating : (3 Ratings)

Hi By sufiyan . 2010-10-16 09:13:06.0

\ I have recently purchased this phone and its really great. It has all the features that you might ever need. It is very easy to operate and the best part is that it feels so sturdy and you dont get the plasticky feeling. It has a decent camera, excellent music player, call quality is good(speakerphone is a tad low),WLAN is there and it makes a big difference. Basically a very nice phone and i love it. and wat else u want in this price hm so just run and perchase it any ways byeeeeeeeee.

AMAZING PHONE By Aasiya Darvesh . 2010-01-21 13:49:31.0

Hii! I have recently purchased this phone and its really great. It has all the features that you might ever need. It is very easy to operate and the best part is that it feels so sturdy and you dont get the plasticky feeling. It has a decent camera, excellent music player, call quality is good(speakerphone is a tad low),WLAN is there and it makes a big difference. Basically a very nice phone and i love it. I find it worth the price. Go for it.

Noklia E71 By Imam Bakhsh . 2009-06-02 12:13:16.0

This is such a nice piece of phone fulfilling all necessarily requirement within affordable price. Result is also brilliant.

Nokia E71 Software and Applications

Along with a full package of core software, The Nokia E71 can also download plenty of applications and programs that you can pick and choose to add to your device. On top of that the mobile device is fully customizable to fit your needs.

One of the first things you’ll discover on the E71 is the ability to start typing a contact’s name or number right from the standby screen and having my contacts filtered automatically. You’ll also discover there are “Modes” available on the E71 so you can create custom modes that you can switch to easily if your usage patterns change between work and play, with two modes loaded by default (Business and Personal).

With the modes you can customize the Home screen applications, programs, theme, and wallpaper. Have it your way: If you want a more classical business looking device at work and then a more customized and fun device when you leave the office, it’s open for you to decide.

The new month view with side agenda list is something many have been wishing for and should be happy to see on the E71. If you prefer, view the calendar in a month view so you get the big picture; you’ll still have the ability to quickly select a day and see what is scheduled over on the right side as well. Looking for themes? Check out our Nokia E71 themes section for more great deals on downloadable content!

You’ll also discover the full version of Quickoffice is included on the E71, which will work great for any business you need to do on the go. Not to mention, Nokia Sports Tracker, Messaging and email apps can all be customized to fill and fit your device. Nokia Maps 2.0 is also included which gives you free access to GPS.

The E71 also lets you customize the navigation of your phone; in other words, you choose the route in which you get to where you want to be in your mobile device. Move your contact list to where you think is accessible, one of the perks of the E-series phones is they are completely amorphous to the owners’ wants and needs.

With over 2,500 applications you can freely access and download to your device, you won’t be left wanting much of anything for quite a while.

I have problem with a quickoffice on my nokia E71. I want to reinstall it again. How can i do this ? Thanks in advance for ur help

Bibeboy_gaspang alyas pantotot

all u have to do is…. throw ur cellphone to water and smahs mo ng martilyo anu palag ka?

i have an little problem with my nokia E71… whats the meaning of camera mudule not ready

hoy…. are u blind.

my nokia e71 keeps saying lock code and the phone has been totally diabled since it started saying this, will reloading factory software help me? ive tried locked code 12345,1111,11111,12346, and several more! what to do?

i have a big problem with my nokia e71… when inizialize maps, after few seconds, the apps close..

i farmattig my nokia e71 (*#7370# code 12345 ) like this. now i want download applications. so many time i try to download like menu>applications>install applications>options>download applications but i am not success. plz help me.

So, it's a long story but basically:

Skype website says I have a compatible device (E71) - Although I can't find out if it has the correct operating system (it has Symbian 9.2), but I'd figure it'd be the same for all E71s.

When I go to skype. com/m on my mobile it tells me; 'Skype isn't available for your phone'

What I would like to be able to do is use skype on my phone overseas via wifi connection. So that I am able to call skype to skype for free and use skype credits and a subscription to call landline and mobile numbers both back home and in the countries I'm travelling in.

My understanding is that with the 3 application of skype it requires the 3 network, i. e. it'll be ludicriously costly to use overseas (with the exception that I may be able to use it in places like italy (which are '3 Like home' countries who also have 3) but I'm still not sure this won't cost me and arm and a leg. So I therefore need the Symbian version.

I'm finding this increasingly difficult and I feel like I'm going in circles with both 3 and skypes support systems, please help!

Nokia e71

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Can I download and install free WhatsApp for my Nokia e71? What is the fastest way to download free Whatspp for my Nokia e71 These are common questions among users of the Nokia e71. This phone runs on the Symbian operating system. Despite the fact that Symbian is a relatively old operating system, Symbian users can often make use of WhatsApp. This is in contrast to Windows Mobile and the older versions of Blackberry RIM. The free download and installation of WhatsApp for Nokia e71 is sometimes difficult. Especially when you compare the download procedure with Android, iPhone and Windows Phone. The download of WhatsApp is much easier for these operating systems. Especially for all Nokia e71 users, this website explains how to download, install, and verify WhatsApp Messenger! Moreover, you can read reviews of other WhatsApp users and ask your own questions.

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After reading this review, you know all about the WhatsApp Download for the Nokia e71.

What about WhatsApp Download for Nokia e71?

Information about this Symbian devicel Did you know that the Nokia e71 is still quite popular in various countries in South America? This is because it's a very decent and solid device with an impressive battery life. For the average user, it offers sufficient features.

About the Symbian Mobile software As you probably know, the Nokia e71 offers the special Symbian operating system. In contrast to what many people think, there are quite a lot of Apps available for Symbian. Facebook, Twitter and sometimes even WhatsApp run fine on this OS

WhatsApp on this phone, does that work? Go to whatsapp. com/nokia to discover whether there is a working WhatsApp version for your Nokia e71. If you open this page with your mobile browser you will directly get a notification. This notification will tell you if your phone is compatible with WhatsApp or not.

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Fring still happens to be one of the best free applications for the Nokia E71 for instant messaging and social networking. It has a vibrant development team and community at large that keep this Nokia E71 app stable and fresh. With Fring you can connect to Google Talk, AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN while also having access to your Facebook, Twitter and Last. fm accounts. Use Fring to share photos, chat and best of all, make free voice and video calls using the built-in VOIP calls feature. You can also access the Fring API and develop your apps to run within the Fring infrastructure. You can download Fring directly to your Nokia E71 by going to Fring. com with your Nokia phone.

Ovi Maps

Nokia Ovi Maps 3 is available on the Nokia E71 with free for life turn-by-turn navigation in over 75 countries worldwide. This service is ideal for both driving and walking navigation. With Ovi Maps on the Nokia E71, you can also get updates on weather conditions at your destination. Included in this app are updates on current road conditions and road event notifications. With Ovi Maps you can download regional maps to suit the location where you will be needing the service. Also available on Ovi Maps is information on hotels and restaurants within your available cities. There is also a preinstalled library of points of interest, which you can customize. To have Ovi Maps on your Nokia E71 you are required to do a firmware upgrade so as to support the latest version of Ovi Maps. Ovi Maps can be installed onto your Nokia E71 using Ovi Suite with the Map loader. You can follow this article on activating Navigation on Nokia phones .

Google Mobile App

The Google Mobile app is sort of an aggregate app for the host of Google apps out there. You can use this app to access the other Google apps such as YouTube, Gmail, Google Maps and Google search among others. You can search by voice using the Google Mobile app, not only in English but also in Mandarin and Japanese. Google Mobile app is a free app which is location aware and will therefore serve up local addresses and businesses whenever you make a search on the go. To download Google Mobile app you can point your Nokia E71 mobile browser to m. google. com and follow the steps provided.

Opera Mobile

Opera Mobile is a replacement or complementary browser to the native Nokia browser that comes with the Nokia E71. This browser improves web surfing speeds. It handles larger web pages and rich content really well, therefore giving you the ability to opt to access web pages in either full HTML or WAP versions. Opera Mobile also keeps track of browsing history and has a home screen for easy access to your most popular websites. Opera Mobile for Nokia E71 has also got fluid transitions for a better browsing experience. Opera Mobile can be downloaded for free from m. opera. com.

Best Screen Snap

Best Screen Snap is another free application for the Nokia E71. With Best Screen Snap you can capture screenshots of your Nokia E71. Use it by configuring hotkeys that you can use to take the screenshot any time you wish. Best Screen Snap runs as a daemon and is therefore unobtrusive and friendly to work with. Images captured with Best Screen Snap can be saved or emailed as BMP or JPG files. You can download Best Screen Snap from here .

This completes the list of the top five free applications for the Nokia E71. You can check out more Nokia E71 applications here .

- Symbian OS v9.2 - S60 3rd Edition - Feature Pack 1 - 369 MHz ARM11 (Freescale) - 128 MB RAM - 128 MB internal storage - microSD up to 8 GB - HSDPA 3.6 Mbps/UMTS - Bluetooth 2.0 EDR - large 320x240 screen - 3.2 MPix AF camera - QVGA 10 fps videorecording - full QWERTY keyboard - WLAN b/g - 1500 mAh BP-4L battery - Assisted GPS + Nokia Maps - stainless steel casing

Nokia E71 review Michal Jerz, June 12th, 2008

Announced today and scheduled to start shipping in July, the Nokia E71 is a new, long awaited phone belonging to the business-oriented Eseries line. Even though its name suggests that it is a successor to the E70 (equipped with large, unfolding, two-part QWERTY keyboard), the E71 follows the E61 and E61i design, offering large, 320x240 pixel, 2.36" screen and monoblock QWERTY keyboard of the "Blackberry" type.

What comes to your mind when you touch this phone for the first time is its high build quality and a feeling of sturdiness. Taking the device to your hand, you get the feeling that it has a durable and solid construction, and it's not just a feeling but it's true. Plastic parts, so common in previous models, have been limited in E71 to minimum, with the only plastic elements being the keyboard and small fragments of the back side, but even those parts have been made from a hard and durable plastic that doesn't creak or bend when squeezed. The front side of the casing, containing the large screen and keyboard, is surrounded by a stainless steel frame painted with glossy, dark-silver colour. The battery cover, taking most of the back side of the casing, it also made of durable metal.

The E71 weighs 126 g and it's very skinny (114 mm x 57 mm x 10 mm). It's noticeably smaller than the E61i it replaces, which is generally a good thing as it's simply easier to carry, except for that it also affects the size of its screen (down from 2.8" to 2.36") and keyboard. But as (IMHO) both still stay within tolerable range, it's not really something I'd complain about too much. Instead I'd rather praise that the E71 is finally a true world phone with full quadband (GSM/EGSM 850/900/1800/1900) and also all WCDMA frequencies (850/2100, 900/2100, 850/1900) will be supported (in separate versions, though) which is something really important in this quickly shrinking world.

It's hard to assess the design of the keyboard as it's very much a personal thing. Blackberry type keyboards have small keys so people with fat fingers may have some problems with using them. One thing, however, is unquestionable: the keyboard of the E71 as regards its mechanical parameters works really great and provides almost perfect tactile feedback. The keys have well chosen "way", pressing them is not too long and not too short, they're resilient and provide clearly perceptible "click" feeling. The same applies to the d-pad, which is firm and stable. Compared to its "younger brother" announced at the same time, the E66, d-pad and other keys of the E71 work definitely much better. Even though, as mentioned, the alphanumerical keys of the QWERTY keyboard are quite small, they're strongly convex, which provides good separation and clear feeling of where one key ends and another one starts. I'd risk saying that from the build quality and mechanical operation point of view the keyboard of the E71 is one of the best I've used, especially the d-pad which is simply perfect.

When the phone is on standby and the screen is turned off, it notifies you that it is alive by blinking the white LED placed inside the d-pad, which looks very nice, much better than if there was a separate diode located somewhere on the casing. The LED can also notify you about selected events like missed calls or new messages. The d-pad also has a useful function: press and hold it while the screen is turned off to show a large clock along with some device status information.

The E71 is equipped with BP-4L battery of 1500 mAh capacity, the same as found in e. g. the E90 Communicator, Internet Tablets and the E61i. It's the "strongest" of all currently offered Nokia batteries, providing much more power than commonly used BP-6MT (and such) batteries. So E71 users shouldn't have much to worry about when it comes to battery life.

The phone uses ARM11-based single-core Freescale processor running at 369 MHz, the same as found in many high-end Nseries phones. The Freescale CPU doesn't offer hardware 3D graphics acceleration like the OMAP2420 processor used in N82 or E90 (so sorry, the full OpenGL ES version of Quake won't run on it :-) ) but its faster clock (369 MHz vs. 332 MHz of the OMAP) should compensate for it and even provide additional performance in some tasks like e. g. UI speed.

After the E90, the E71 is another Eseries phone model that brings Eseries closer to Nseries when it comes to non-business functionality like e. g. multimedia. It also has a built-in Assisted GPS receiver and preinstalled Nokia Maps application (the new version 2.x). Even though high-end Nseries phones now offer 5 Megapixel cameras, the 3.2 Megapixel one in the E71 is still a lot for a business phone. And now it comes with LED Flash (E61 had no camera at all and the 2 MPix one on the E61i had no Flash). Because of the phone's form factor and the aspect of the display, one takes pictures holding the phone "normally", i. e. in the portrait mode (as the screen itself has horizontal aspect), without having to tilt it as it's usually the case with phones having 240x320 pixel screens. There is also no separate camera button and the central button of the d-pad is used to take pictures and start/stop video recording. It's good and it's bad at the same time. Good, because I hate having to rotate the device to take pictures, and the central button of the d-pad is in good location making it easy to take pictures. Bad, because, unlike separate camera "shutter release" buttons which are usually two-step ones (press halfway to obtain focus, press all the way down after obtaining the focus to take the picture), the d-pad button is obviously one-step only, so it's not possible to carefully autofocus on the object in the viewfinder, see the results, re-AF if needed, etc. but instead the camera does everything instantly as you press the d-pad. This often results in pictures being out of focus or the focus being set on something different than what you wanted it to be on. OK, you can use the "T" key to autofocus in the viewfinder and only then press the d-pad button to capture the image, but it's far from being comfortable and it's hard to avoid any movement of the camera while doing so, which, especially in low lighting, affects proper focus the same way as when using the d-pad alone, without using the "T" key.

Even though the E71 has the same camera resolution (and probably the same camera sensor) as the E66 announced at the same time (to be reviewed later this week), there is a huge difference when it comes to colours of pictures and videos taken using these two phones. While pictures and videos made using the E66 are well saturated and vivid, the ones coming from the E71 have faded, washed out colours and lower contrast. But it's most probably a software thing (different image processing) and the tested phone did not have final, commercial firmware, so it may change before the E71 starts shipping.

Another slightly disappointing thing is that video recording quality is limited to QVGA / 10 fps. It's definitely not because of hardware limitations (as there are Nseries phones with the same hardware, providing VGA / 30 fps video recording) but it's most probably meant to reserve this feature for the Nseries. However, as Nokia already made an exception with the VGA/30 fps capable E90 Communicator, I expected the same from the E71. Fortunately, even though low resolution, the recorded videos are of good quality, with no apparent compression artefacts and such. 10 frames per second is, however, too little to fluently reproduce fast movements, which is quite apparent on the sample videos of quite lively moving dogs below.

There is also no TV Out connector, but it's not present in any Eseries device, not even the E90, so no suprise here. However, I think that Nokia should not consider the TV Out as purely multimedia/entertainment feature as it can be of great use for business purposes as well (presentations, etc.) and they should think about adding it in future Eseries devices. Some business oriented Windows Mobile devices, like e. g. the new HTC Advantage X7150 (to be reviewed in comparison with the E90 in the upcoming weeks), have the TV Out function by default, so why not enrich Symbian OS-based business devices with it?

While we're still at the camera, I'd like to say that I consider the lack of protective, manually controlled lens cover in the E71 a huge advantage. Por qué? Because it's actually a myth that it protects anything. Devices without it still have a protective glass/plastic over the lens (so no, it's not the lens that may get scratched or get dirtly if there's no cover, it's an additional plastic). Maybe it's not the case with you, but I forget to close the damn cover all the time (e. g. in the N82) so it doesn't do any good anyway, and even if I remember to close it, then I have to open it prior to taking a picture, which annoys me like hell. So until we see AUTOMATICALLY controlled lens covers in mobile phones, I rather prefer devices without ones and the E71 scores a point here.

Decent camera (with crippled video recording and slightly washed-out colours) is not all the E71 offers when it comes to multimedia. It also has FM radio and standard 2.5 mm audio jack. It generates high-quality stereo sound via headphones but there's only one speaker located on top of the device, so in the loudspeaker mode it's actually monoural (but very loud and clear). It's also worth mentioning that the built-in ringtones are very nice, of high quality and properly chosen for a device of this type, something I always miss from UIQ 3.x phones, including the new G900 to be reviewed soon.

Another thing that distinguishes the E71 from high-end Nseries phones (but also from its "younger brother", the E66), is lack of the accelerometer. It's probably because Nokia decided that with that shape of the phone and the design of its keyboard it wouldn't be of much use when it comes to automatic screen rotation, but now with so many 3rd party applications making use of the accelerometer for so many different purposes than just auto-rotating the screen it's actually a pity that it's not there.

The E71 also brings some news when it comes to software. It includes QuickOffice (version 4.1.xx. xx with possibility of paid upgrade) supporting both viewing and editing/creating new documents.

Another news is the "Encryption" application letting one encrypt all the contents of phone memory and/or the memory card, preventing data stored in them from being accessed by unauthorized persons. Just select the disks to be encrypted and how/where you want to store the encryption key and that's it.

The E71 also has a new "Modes" application (integrated with Profiles) which basically allows you to quickly switch the phone between two modes: "Business" and "Personal" (names can be changed). In both these modes one can configure the theme, wallpaper, Active standby (Home screen) functionality (application shortcuts, plugins) and with just one key press switch all these settings at once. It's a very nice idea letting one have two separate configurations, e. g. for bussiness and private, after-work use, affecting not just the look of the UI but also e. g. shortcuts to applications or active Home screen mailbox you use at work or after it, and switch between them in no time. This way during business hours you can have e. g. shortcuts to QuickOffice, VPN, Calculator, Calendar, To-do etc. and your company email account set as standby screen mailbox, and all this with some 'seriously looking' theme and wallpaper suitable for your work, and then, right when you're leaving your office for home, you can switch the phone to your favourite theme, some crazy wallpaper, Active standby shortcuts to applications you use after work (e. g. Maps, some games, weather forecast, etc.) and your private email account. Great idea!

Like all new Eseries phones, the E71 has four "One-Touch" keys located under the soft keys, on both sides of the d-pad. The leftmost one is the Home key, which works like the Menu key in Nseries phones (short press toggles between the Home / Active standby screen and the main menu, long press invokes the task manager). Assignments of the three remaining keys (Contacts, Calendar, Messaging) can be changed in Settings for both short and long press, which lets you configure six favourite applications you can launch with just one key press from within any screen or application.

It's also worth noting that the number of Active standby (Home) screen has been increased to fifteen, with the inclusion of Search, Music Player, email and so on. However, as the number of visible plugins hasn't increased, you'll have to choose what you really need. But thanks to the "Modes", you'll be able to have a different set of them for your business and private uses.

Another new thing is Smart Dialling. Start typing first characters of the contact name on the Standby screen and a popup window will show up with contact entries from your phone book matching the entered string. It seems that the function is somehow unfinished at the moment as it shows digits and symbols as you type (and not corresponding letters) but it works OK and correctly matches your Contacts entries.

Contacts and Calendar applications have been tweaked a little bit to provide better functionality and make better use of E71's screen. In Contacts, when you select a contact, there is a pop-up menu providing quick access to the most frequently used communication methods (voice call, SMS, email, MMS, video call, audio message). Calendar got an E90-style redesign, with screen split into two panes and some layouts in the Outlook style. Screens also fit more data at time, so that you don't have to scroll back and forth when editing an entry.

Among preinstalled applications one can also find "Dictionary" and "Intranet". The latter provides support for Virtual Private Networks and the former is a dictionary application coming with the English database (and/or with the language matching the country of sale) and with possibility of downloading additional languages from the Internet, directly from within the application.

The E71 comes preloaded with Microsoft Exchange (Mail for Exchange mobile email client), Nokia Intellisync Wireless Email solution as well as third party email solutions like System Seven and Visto Mobile.

On the multimedia side, the E71 comes with preinstalled Podcasting, Music Store and Ovi Share clients. It also supports Flash Lite 3, including YouTube videos. It's only a pity that Gallery hasn't been updated to what's shipping with NSeries devices. Audio and video capabilities (compared to the E61i) have been improved with the support for WMA and MP4 and there is also an equalizer letting one adjust audio to own preferences and take advantage of bass boost and loudness settings.

Other features and technical specs of the E71 match those of the currently available high-end Nseries phones: it has 128 MB (about 110 MB available) of internal storage memory (disk C:), microSD memory card slot (up to 8 GB), 128 MB of operating memory (RAM), USB 2.0 Full speed and Bluetooth 2.0 EDR (with A2DP and such) connectivity and is a 3.5G (HSDPA 3.6 Mbps/UMTS) device. Nothing's missing here.

To recap, the E71 is a very efficient and highly functional device, coming really close to high-end Nseries phones when it comes to technical specs and non-business features. Especially worth mentioning is its highly elegant look and design and very high build quality, providing the feel of durability, sturdiness and simply high value of the device. It's definitely NOT one of those cheaply looking phones that you don't even have to touch to imagine how they creak and squeak when squeezed just a little bit. The keyboard also deserves a praise regarding its mechanical quality. The screen's resolution is the same as in the E61(i) although it's now a little bit smaller (2.36" compared to 2.8"), but it's still very large compared to other S60 phones and it's legible and crisp even in direct sunlight, which is also a huge advantage, but when I look at it, it actually makes me sad that it's still QVGA only as at this size it could easily be a VGA one, providing if not more detail then at least smoother font.

The camera with its 3.2 Megapixel resolution is, I'd say, quite sufficient, although limited video recording resolution and frame rate disappoints a little bit, and while it's understandable that Nokia wants to reserve VGA/30 fps video recording for its multimedia range of phones, they already made an exception with the E90, so one could expect doing the same with the E71. As mentioned in the review, using the d-pad button for taking pictures, although quite convenient, affects the autofocus function as it's one-step only so it's not possible to first autofocus and only take the picture when you find the result satisfactory; instead it works in one go and results in higher probability of out-of-focus pictures. Using the tiny "T" key to autofocus and then the d-pad to take a picture doesn't help much, either, as it's quite uncomfortable. But it's not a multimedia device, so let's treat this complaint with a pinch of salt.

It's really great that the E71 joins the camp of AGPS-enabled devices and comes with the new 2.x version of Nokia Maps preinstalled. It also retains E61i's 1500 mAh BP-4L battery which means that the E71 will still run somewhere halfway its power resources when most of Nseries devices will be running out of power. 369 MHz Freescale processor, 128 MB of RAM, 128 MB of internal storage and microSD memory card slot (up to 8 GB) place the E71 on top of list of available S60 smartphones when it comes to tech specs and so do its data transmission (HSDPA/UMTS) and connectivity options. Aimed at business users, the E71 will also do just fine after work (decent camera, GPS, high audio quality, FM radio, etc.) and the "Modes" function will let you switch the device to "Private" mode with one key press as soon as you shut the door of your office. No accelerometer and no TV Out, well pity, but you definitely can live without those.

The reviewed unit was a pre-commercial model, which seemed to have final hardware but not neccessarily final software. It was completely stable and every function worked fine but further optimizations and changes (e. g. when it comes to supported functions and/or preinstalled software) may happen before the product starts shipping commercially. Hence this review is actually meant just as an introduction and is supposed to be enhanced and/or modified when I get hold of a commercial unit. A similar note applies to sample pictures and videos contained in this preview: please consider them as coming from a pre-commercial device, i. e. not necessarily fully reflecting the quality of what final units will deliver. Product pictures in this article show the black version of the E71; a white version will also be available.


very high build quality and elegant design

QWERTY keyboard with great tactile feedback and almost perfect d-pad

3.2 Megapixel AF camera

HSDPA, UMTS, WLAN b/g, Bluetooth 2.0 EDR, USB 2.0 Full speed

large screen

high capacity 1500 mAh battery (compared to batteries included with most of Nseries phones)

369 MHz ARM11-based Freescale processor, 128 MB RAM

built-in Assisted GPS and Nokia Maps

useful "Modes" and "Encryption" functions, built-in Dictionary

FM radio


limited video recording resolution and frame rate

no accelerometer, no TV Out

VGA-resolution screen of this physical size would not be an exaggeration

d-pad as Camera button doesn't let taking full advantage of the autofocus function

Nokia, PLEASE, make it possible to open pages in new window in your browser!

The only possible verdict I can give the E71 (taking into consideration its target user type) is WARMLY RECOMMENDED, with the most points scored for its elegant design and high build quality.

Discuss about the Nokia E71 with other users and request detailed information on our S60 3rd Edition Discussion Forum .

Nokia E71 SIP Settings for voip setup

Now you can enjoy crystal-clear phone calls over the Internet using the new Nokia E71 phones. If you have access to a WiFi or 3G connection, you can save money by using the Internet to connect your call instead of using your mobile phone minutes. No roaming or out-of-network fees. Make your calls from anywhere in the world to anywhere for just a few pennies a minute. Simple to configure, inexpensive to use.

Configuration Guide

BEFORE YOU BEGIN, please note the following:

On the Nokia E71 some of VoIP settings are hidden by default, and you will need Nokia's new VoIP SIP application.

This application can be used to configure VoIP settings on your Nokia. You can create new VoIP profiles and modify the existing ones, and create and modify VoIP parameters and NAT/Firewall traversal settings and that are normally not visible on the device UI, such as codec settings and SIP domain-specific NAT/FW settings. It is also possible to save all the VoIP profile settings to a text file. It also enables VoIP over WCDMA which means you can make VoIP call over 3G Internet connection.

Using your PC you can download free Nokia SIP VoIP application from here В or you can checkВ Nokia web site for latest version.

Extract and install SIS file using Nokia PC Suite software on your PC.

Once installation is complete you will be able to see "SIP VoIP Settings" application under Applications menu on your Nokia, which you will need in STEP 5 of this configuration guide for better voice quallity or enabling VoIP over 3G Internet connection.

Here you can find Nokia E71 SIP settings for voip setup and SIP client configuration guide with VoIPVoIP service.


Go to Tools / Settings / Connection / SIP settings. Create the following profile

Profile Name: VoIPVoIP Service

Profile: IETF Default

Access point: (your WLAN AP name)

Public user name: [email protected] ( Instead of 5551231234 account number example, use the account number assigned to you when signed up for VoIPVoIP service. When recorded your phone will show sip:[email protected] )

Registration: "Always on "


You do not need to enter Proxy Server settings

Proxy Server Address: none

Download musics to Nokia e71 free for Nokia Ringtones

About Nokia e71

Nokia e71 is a smartphone from the Eseries range with a QWERTY keyboard targeting business users worldwide. Nokia e71 runs Symbian OS v9.2, which received positive critical reception with many awards. Nokia e71 also performs as a music player and media player for business users when they are on the go. The music player recognizes MP3 files for playing, and the media player supports playing MPEG-4 videos.

There are many people searching for software to download musics to Nokia e71/e61/e61i as ringtones free, so here we will give you a recommendation. It's Leemsoft Total Music Downloader for Nokia e71. a free music downloader software to download online social musics, record radios to Nokia e71 without any more cost on the musics. And you can make the downloaded musics or audios for Nokia e71/e61/e61i ringtones freely.

As an excellent free music downloader software . Total Music Downloader can help users legally record musics from Youtube. myspace. google, dailymotion, pandora. Rhapsody. Imeem. iLike. flickr etc. with less quality lose and convert recorded videos to mp3, wma, wav, m4a, aac audio formats for Nokia e71/e61/e61i, iPod, iPhone 4G, iPad, Motorola XOOM and so on.

What's more, this practical Steaming music/audio Recorder also allows you to edit downloaded musics for Nokia e71 with high definition quality.

Want to enjoy online streaming musics on your Nokia mobile phone now? Just Click to download Nokia e71 music downloader free

How to download streaming musics to Nokia e71

Step 1. Download Total Music Downloader software, install it and launch on your computer

2. Capture online streaming videos or musics automatically

Take Youtube videos for example. If you want to record youtube videos/audios, just go to youtube. com, find the videos you want to download, play it online, then Leemsoft Streaming Video recorder will record/download the videos for you automatically.

3. Convert recorded videos/audios to Nokia e71 audio formats freely

Click Converter button, you can get the converter window like below. The recorded videos will show on the file list window. Click Start button, then Leemsoft Audio Converter will convert recorded videos to Nokia e71 supported formats for you with high speed.

Sometimes, there are comercial parts included in the recorded audios. With leemsoft Streaming recorder downloader, you can easily remove the comercial parts by clipping the musics.

Nokia E71 games free download

Taito Chase - police upgraded your car so as you could fight with dangerous kings of the road. Ram their cars so as they went off the road. Apply turbo in the needed moments to do maximum harm to the rival's car.

Game features:

4 stages of race

Detailed characteristics of bosses

Limited number of lives and time

Taito Chase - police upgraded your car so as you could fight with dangerous kings of the road. Ram their cars so as they went off the road. Apply turbo in the needed moments to do maximum harm to the rival's car.

Game features:

4 stages of race

Detailed characteristics of bosses

Limited number of lives and time

Tag Team Wrestling - wrestle your opponent down to win the battle. Apply forbidden fighting methods, deliver hits with a chair and make submission holds. Use all arsenal of yours to win.

Game features:

Partner's help

Various modes

You can deliver hits with different things

Tag Team Wrestling - wrestle your opponent down to win the battle. Apply forbidden fighting methods, deliver hits with a chair and make submission holds. Use all arsenal of yours to win.

Game features:

Partner's help

Various modes

You can deliver hits with different things

Tc 2: Thrilla Surfari - a powerful sorcerer did not like a wonderful life of gorills Tic. He kidnaps his beloved and goes to a secret place. Tic replaces his surfboard with a skateboard and goes to find his love.

Game features:

Engrossing plot

High quality graphics

Beautifl opening videos

Tc 2: Thrilla Surfari - a powerful sorcerer did not like a wonderful life of gorills Tic. He kidnaps his beloved and goes to a secret place. Tic replaces his surfboard with a skateboard and goes to find his love.

Game features:

Engrossing plot

High quality graphics

Beautifl opening videos

Swords and Serpents - there are hundreds of rooms and long corridors in front of the hero. Danger is waiting for him at each corner. Only adroitness, strength and luck can help him escape from that endless maze.

Game features:

3 races: sorcerer, warrior, thief

Unique playing process

3 types of characteristics: strength, mind, adroitness

Swords and Serpents - there are hundreds of rooms and long corridors in front of the hero. Danger is waiting for him at each corner. Only adroitness, strength and luck can help him escape from that endless maze.

Game features:

3 races: sorcerer, warrior, thief

Unique playing process

3 types of characteristics: strength, mind, adroitness

Sword Master - dark forest has hidden a castle of evil sorcerer. He put a spell and gave life to evil creatures. Fight the army of skeletons and powerful spells of sorcerers.

Game features:

Health bonuses

Partner with artificial mind

Various enemies: wolves, skeletons, sorcerers

Sword Master - dark forest has hidden a castle of evil sorcerer. He put a spell and gave life to evil creatures. Fight the army of skeletons and powerful spells of sorcerers.

Game features:

Health bonuses

Partner with artificial mind

Various enemies: wolves, skeletons, sorcerers

Sweet Home - help a group of friends get out from a magic castle. Share tasks and keep calm. You need to solve many puzzles to know the secret of ancient knights.

Game features:

Fast change of characters

Engrossing dialogues

Detailed description of locations

Sweet Home - help a group of friends get out from a magic castle. Share tasks and keep calm. You need to solve many puzzles to know the secret of ancient knights.

Game features:

Fast change of characters

Engrossing dialogues

Detailed description of locations

Downloads: 78 946

Green Goblin spreads substance which turns innocent citizens into mutant-monsters. Play as a Spider-Man, and fight against really strong opponents: Electro, Shocker, Rhino, Vulture, Doc Oc and many others. Defeat them and take their DNA in order to create antidote for Green Goblin substance. During the game you will open many new skills of Spider-Man: spider's web spinning, walls climbing and new fighting moves. Art animation and design reflect the essence of the famous comics about Spider-Man

Downloads: 78 946

Green Goblin spreads substance which turns innocent citizens into mutant-monsters. Play as a Spider-Man, and fight against really strong opponents: Electro, Shocker, Rhino, Vulture, Doc Oc and many others. Defeat them and take their DNA in order to create antidote for Green Goblin substance. During the game you will open many new skills of Spider-Man: spider's web spinning, walls climbing and new fighting moves. Art animation and design reflect the essence of the famous comics about Spider-Man

Swamp Thing - a professor invented a unique growing formula. He planned to grow vegetables to feed all people but evil genius tried to steal the formula and use it in his insidious plans. The professor takes his potion and turns into a swamp thing to protect his secret.

Game features:

Interesting plot

Beautiful screen savers

Big playing world

Swamp Thing - a professor invented a unique growing formula. He planned to grow vegetables to feed all people but evil genius tried to steal the formula and use it in his insidious plans. The professor takes his potion and turns into a swamp thing to protect his secret.

Game features:

Interesting plot

Beautiful screen savers

Big playing world

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Your phone: Nokia E71

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After hearing about Nokia’s E71 smartphone and then reading our review. I was very much impressed with its feature set. Being the current owner of their flagship phone, the E90 Communicator, I saw many features in the E71 that were quite worthy of noting. The one I will attempt to cover and document here is the ability to use the E71 as a SIP VOIP client on my Asterisk PBX at home for the best in unified communications. Unified communications you might ask? Put simply, unified communications is the concept that one communications device is capable of meeting all and any possible personal communications needs. The E71 certainly does it; email, web, voice, IM, txt, MMS, and now VOIP.

Getting the E71 connected to Asterisk was a bit trying at first, since the included VOIP client seems to be tailored to a Nokia VOIP solution. With some trial and error, I was able to get it working, and now my E71 is not only a cellphone with uber connectivity options, but also doubles as an extension of my home landline PBX! What is most impressive about this setup is that the phone “knows” when it is home and automatically switches on the VOIP client and allows the phone to call or receive calls through the PBX, thereby saving valuable minutes while at home. Likewise, when a call comes in on our landline, the nearest phone is just in my pocket.

Here’s how I got the NOKIA E71 to act as a VOIP client on my home PBX.

First, open the settings menu and go into the connection settings. In there, you will see an item that says “SIP Settings”, as shown below:

Once in the SIP settings, you’ll be able to enter the configuration options for your SIP extension on your PBX. First, create a SIP Profile and then enter the SIP account info in the new SIP profile. See the following picture for assistance:

The options one can enter here are:

Profile Name (specify whatever you wish)

Service Profile (should be IETF)

Default Access Point (I used the wifi access point in my home SSID wizworks. net)

Public User Name (Here specify as ext@pbx. hostname) ie. 212@pbx. hostname if 212 is your SIP extension account

Use Compression (set this to NO)

Registration (set to Always On)

Use Security (I selected NO)

The last 2 items are for entering the proxy and registrar servers (basically the account info and address of your PBX for both incoming and outgoing channels).

For the Proxy server submenu please enter the following information:

Proxy Server Address (this should be the FQDN or IP address of your PBX) in my example, it was pbx. wizworks. net

Realm (If you are using Asterisk as your PBX set this to the word asterisk, if you are using any other IPPBX system, consult your documentation)

User Name (set this to JUST your extension number, I used 212)

Password (this is case sensitive, enter exactly as it is in the Asterisk GUI manager for the SIP account)

Allow Loose Routing (Set this to YES)

Transport Type (set this to AUTO)

Port (make sure this says 5060)

Ok, now go back to the previous menu level and now select Registrar Server. Please enter your info similar to the folowing:

Registrar Server Address (again, this should be the FQDN or IP of your PBX) I used pbx. wizworks. net

Realm (again, just set this to “asterisk” no quotes)

User Name (ONLY your extension number)

Password (you know what this is by now….)

Transport Type (AUTO)

Port (5060)

Now back out of the menu to the previous level, then hit BACK again. If all went right, you should see something like this:

You’re almost done, just a couple more steps to complete your E71 VOIP configuration. Now go back to the Connection setup menu in the Settings menu. Look for an item called “Internet Tel.” and click on that to create a new Internet Telephone profile. It is here that you will select your default SIP profile and specify how it will connect. To begin, just select Options, then New Profile. Refer to the following photo and adjust as necessary for your environment:

Once done, back out and go to the “Communication” menu and then select Options, Settings…

For default Call type select “Internet Call”. Now exit all the menus. If your phone sees your wireless network and your SIP extension account is active on the PBX, you should see this on your screen (note arrows) to indicate that your VOIP client is now ready to receive or make a call using your PBX instead of cellular minutes. Also, when you leave your wifi zone, the phone will automatically turn off and deactivate the VOIP client until you return within your wifi’s coverage zone. How sweet is that.

Below is a screenshot showing the VOIP client activated via the phone’s wifi radio:

Congratulations, if you see these two additional marks on your screen, you now have a working VOIP extension on your phone! Enjoy and please comment below.

I have my phone to call via VoIP by default. BUT there are some numbers which I’d like my E71 to call via my cell, because I have free calls. Needless to say I’m home a lot. I couldn’t work out if there’s a way to tell the phone “hey – if you’re calling xxxxx, then use the cellular network, not VoIP”. Have you worked that out by any chance?

Hi, I m smartvoip user & i set up my profile in E71 as below:

Profile name: Smartvoip Service profile: IET Default Access Point: My Wi-Fi Public username: sip:user@sip. smartvoip. com Use compress: No Registrat: Always on Use security: No

Proxy server: No change

REGISTRAR SERVER Registrar server add: sip:sip. smartvoip. com Realm: sip. smartvoip. com Username: user Passwd:password Transp type: UDP Port: 5060

I m using it in China & this setting worked properly for 3/4 days. but now if i make a voip call with the same setting, it shows connection error. I even tried by putting the same registrar server detail in the proxy server too, but still no use. I spent hours to correct it by changing the settings, but i couldn’t. It’s makin me crazy.

Please suggest me if u have any idea. Gracias

i need to know how to set up zone fone voip call in nimbuzz what is the proxy server of zone fone. i am using nokia5800 any idea about thisssssssssssssssssss

Please advise me if we can have a similar set-up on Nokia X6 (16GB), I have this phone and have the SIP settings, but do not have Internet Tel. as the menu in Connectivity, would like to know if there are any software updates available, your help is much appreciated.

A lot of business people carry two mobile phones at all times. La razón? To keep business and personal separate. While there are a number of ways that you can do that on one mobile device, it’s still too easy to get sucked back into work mode when you’re on your personal time. Enter the E71.

The Nokia E71 is a smartphone that lets you perform just about any task you can think of but all from your mobile device. In addition, it offers a unique dual home screen which lets you leave the office in peace by customizing what you want to see in each of your home screens. For example, in my tests I had one home screen pulling my e-mail from Exchange while on the other home screen I had my Gmail account. It’s really a great feature, and one I hope to see on other devices in the future.

Look and Feel The first thing you’ll notice about the E71 is how big the battery is. It’s actually nicely contained so that the phone itself is still easy to hold and navigate.

What the big battery does, however, is provide excellent battery life, even with 3G connectivity and constant web browsing–something most phones struggle with. There’s also a very comfortable keyboard, with ridged keys where the numbers are. For instant navigation there are four main buttons that bring you to your home screen, calendar, contacts or e-mail and for overall navigation there’s a Navi Key, which also has a light that pulses based on certain notifications.

I should also mention that the OS features a lot of auto-completion and error correction pieces built-in, which make it very easy to navigate the E71 using just one hand. As for the look, you can see in the pictures that it’s a very polished device. It initially screamed corporate to me but when I started playing I immediately saw its consumer appeal.

Features The Nokia E71 is loaded with features. For starters, you can make calls, but when you dial you don’t actually leave your home screen. Instead, a window pops up over the main screen and shows that you’re making a call. These types of innovations are peppered throughout the E71 and give the overall phone’s interface a web 2.0 feel.

Mail and Exchange There’s a built-in Mail application, which unfortunately doesn’t perform an auto-complete from your contacts. It does work perfectly with Exchange, though, which can be accessed by installing a free Mail for Exchange application. Speaking of which, it’s one of the best implementations I’ve seen for Exchange. After installing the application and providing the necessary settings, my calendar, contacts, e-mail and tasks came streaming in. I really like the calendar implementation in particular on the E71, especially the way it automatically creates a fake entry in your calendar for the day that shows you how many tasks you have to complete. Clicking on the entry brings up the Tasks application–it’s pretty seamless.

Podcasts and music playback I didn’t think I was a big podcast fan until I started playing with the E71. Granted, I download a bunch of podcasts on a regular basis on my iPhone but the E71 lets you subscribe to and download podcasts directly from the device, without being tethered. Since I tend not to tether my iPhone because I do over-the-air Exchange syncing, the ability to pull down podcasts untethered led me to listen to some podcasts while sending and receiving e-mail. I also downloaded a video podcast while taking notes for this review. When the download was complete it launched the built-in Real Player–no intervention required.

I also was amazed at how loud the speaker is on the E71. This is one of the first devices that I didn’t have to maximize the volume level on playback to hear the podcast properly–I actually had to listen at almost half of the volume.

The Gmail test One of the main tests I always perform on a new mobile phone is sending and receiving from Gmail. The E71 was recognized by Gmail and a Java client was downloaded. It’s actually the best implementation I’ve seen, and I found myself wanting the E71 just for that functionality alone. I honestly didn’t know Gmail could work that smoothly on a mobile and it has me very excited to see what Android will offer, since it’s going to be very tightly tied with all of Google’s offerings.

Office, Voice Aid, and more The Nokia E71 comes loaded with versions of Word, Excel and Powerpoint and you can even compose a Powerpoint deck directly from the mobile phone if you desire. It also features an application called Voice Aid which will read aloud pretty much anything it sees on the screen to you. There’s also a Barcode Reader application, but I couldn’t get it to read any bar codes in my tests, and of course an included camera, GPS and web browser. The browser itself is worth mentioning in that it rendered Google’s iPhone-friendly pages exactly as it does on the iPhone. It was a welcome change being able to navigate iPhone-friendly pages with actual up and down buttons, instead of relying on a touch screen.

One thing I normally don’t comment on with a phone is the ringtones but the combination of loud speaker volume and crisp ringtones forced me to comment. You can also set video ringtones which will play a video when a call comes in.

Multitasking I mentioned above how I was able to perform other tasks while downloading and listening to podcasts. This multitasking holds true throughout the phone. I also was impressed with how fast I could switch from one application to another and how quickly an application would launch.

In summary, there’s very little that I didn’t like about the E71. It’s definitely one of the more powerful smartphones I’ve used, and once you get used to the Series 60 way of navigating the device (it took me an hour or so), it’s easy to customize and find just about anything you’re looking for. I could easily see the E71 replacing just about any phone I tend to carry.

Read more about the E71 or purchase the U. S. version for $483 unlocked at Nokia. com .

Being a previous owner of an E90, the E71 is a NICE alternative with not much to lose from the E90 experience. The E90 is a 3G phone but the one I had was an Asian version so no 3G access in the US (Nokia: why do you not incorporate the ability to switch the 3G band since the phone's radio is capable if transceiving on both frequency bands? it would make more sense especially for international travelers). People should keep in mind that while the iPhone is a LOCKED device and is strangled to AT&T's network, Nokia's philosophy is to sell their devices as UNLOCKED and FREE to subscribe to any carrier the customer desires. I wouldn't mind paying $500 for a device that offers the versatility and power the E71 offers, yet in an unlocked package that RESPECTS consumer choice and freedom. WAY TO GO NOKIA! Thumbs down to all the other players in the industry who try to sell your soul to the carriers. Shame on you guys! How un-american, and un-patriotic!

I have had this phone for a week. Gmail is perfect. so easy to set up though the option of being able to check the account at different intervals confused me somewhat – surely the point of email on the phone is that it is instant? So I set it to check my account every 2 mins. I have no idea what the barcode reader actually is for? Does anyone use it? Podcasts: I am new to this world. Tan fácil. just go on the bbc podcasts site and take their URL links and put them on the phone. i had the samsung omnia before and sent it back – terrible phone. battery lasted less than a day and get the web interface was brilliant that was it. trying to type was near impossible. Anyone, got any tips to enhance the using of this phone?

The barcode reader is away to use the camera phone to scan a webpage see http://mobilecodes. nokia. com/ for full explanation.

You can enter all your contact info and then use that image on a business card, website or even promotional items so that your friends or customers can just scan and have all the info. Of course you can have a message encoded it.

Hope that helps you with the barcode reader. It is really cool I think.

Great, lovely and very powerful in style and performances. i’ve been read about 60 reviews on this smartphone and almost all of them convinced me to buy it, nevertheless it’s a little expensive. Good, very good.

This also happened to me – after I got my own E71 I search for new, interesting podcasts to download right from the phone. E71 is a great device and has been so far the best cell phone I ever had.

4. Fring

Fring is one of my favorite Social Networking and Instant Messaging Nokia E71 applications. It allows the user to connect to their favorite IM services such as Yahoo, MSN, Google Talk, AIM, ICQ and Skype. You can have access to services on Facebook, last. fm and use twitter through Fring. One of my favorite features with Fring is that it turns my Nokia E71 into an VOIP phone and enables me to make free voice and video calls through Skype and other services at the same time as sending IMs flawlessly. The best part of all this is Fring can be downloaded here or directly on your phone for absolutely free.

5. Opera Mobile 10

Opera Mobile on Nokia E71 boasts an intuitive interface that makes it easy to search and type in addresses. With a speed dial feature, Opera Mobile allows the user to have instant access to their favorite websites through the nine icons. Included is also a Navigation bar and a multitasking tabbed browsing feature. The Nokia E71 Opera Mobile user can manage their bookmarks and downloads through the Navigation bar.

Checking browsing history is also easy as Opera Mobile maintains history by date. Opera Mobile speeds up the user browsing experience as it supports server side data compression which saves on data charges. Finally, my favorite feature, Opera Mobile allows you to choose whether to view a web page using the mobile version or the full version website. The features on Opera Mobile cannot be found on any other browser for the Nokia E71. You can download Opera Mobile by pointing their mobile browsers to m. opera. com.

Among the top ten best apps for Nokia E71 include games like sensible Sudoku, a better web browser in opera mobile and the dictionary and translation pro app. Also included is phone enhancements like Best Answering machine and the Best Screen snap

Nokia E71

A-GPS, Nokia Ovi Maps

Automatic answer with headset or car kit, Any key answer, Call waiting, call hold, call divert, Call timer, Logging of dialled, received and missed calls Automatic Redial & Fallback, Speed Dialling, Speaker dependent and speaker independent voice dialling (SDND, SIND), Fixed Dialling Number, Vibrating Alert (internal), Side volume keys, Contacts with Images, Conference Calling, Push to talk, VoIP, Advanced contacts database: multiple number and e-mail details per contact, contacts with images, Support for assigning images to contacts, Support for Contact Groups, Closed User Group support, Fixed Dialling Number support, Clock: Analogue & Digital, Alarm Clock with ring tones, Reminders, Calculator with Advanced Functions, Calendar, Converter, Active Notes, To-do list, Dictionary, Quickoffice (Quickword, Quickpoint, Quicksheet), PDF Viewer, ZIP Manager, Download. File Manager, Nokia Search

Nokia E71 Features

Nokia E71 is the long-awaited successor to the E61. This handset is simply a gorgeous phone with a solid metal rear, chrome-trimmed front and flat, almost mirror-finish screen, its one awesome piece of design delivering a solid and rugged feel; but still it weighs a tad bulky 127 gm. The E71 comes equipped with a crisp 2.4 inch QVGA display and allows for perfect image and text quality, irrespective of the light conditions. The design contains a width of just 10 mm, the handset packs tons of useful features including a QWERTY keypad, 3.2 MP cameras, GPS, Symbian OS and a high memory capacity. And with the internal amazing feature this phone is developed with a dual home screens which lets you separate work and leisure with ease. The handset supports several protocols which makes emailing and browsing ultimately fast and reliable. The Nokia E71 is a smartphone, optimized for fast and easy email and texting, with its full QWERTY keyboard and customizable home screen, your job is easy. Just below the display there are many functional keys that get you direct access to messages, calendar, the home screen and the phonebook. The D pad on the handset also comes in handy, despite its small size. The E71 also supports Flash Lite 3 that allows for an easy access videos on YouTube and Ovi Share. It supports H.264, which translates to smooth rendering of most MP4 videos. Most smartphones tend to overlook the multimedia capabilities but the Nokia E71 steers away from this and comes equipped with a high resolution 3.2 MP camera which is supported with an integrated flash, that is capable of taking pictures comparable to that of an entry level digital camera. It also designed with an above average music player. The E71 comes preinstalled with the Share Online 3.0, an Nseries crossover feature that allows you to share photos and videos over Ovi/Flickr. This ultimate mobile handset is powered by a Li-Po 1500 mAh battery which provides a talk time of 10 hrs and 408 hrs of standby. The keys on the handset comes with a good relief but on the down side is that the bottom row of keys are not moved a step to the right like you are accustomed to might take some getting used to. On to the network Nokia E71 supports Wi-Fi 802.11b/g WLAN networking which translates to seamless access to all your professional messaging needs. This also helps you download and edit Word, Excel, PDF and Power Point attachments easily. The phone supports micro SD cards up to 8 GB.


Nokia E71 review

En contra

Touching is very much in vogue these days, but if you plan to do a lot of typing, whether it be texts, notes or even novels, there's still no real substitute for the tactile response of a full, hard-key QWERTY keyboard.

And it's the keyboard that dominates the Nokia E71. Smaller than its predecessor, the E61, Nokia has still managed the trick of making it perfectly easy to use, with nicely curved rubberised buttons and bright backlighting which, thanks to a clever light sensor, only kicks in when you need it.

You'll need to use the tip of your thumb (or thumbs – you can ramp up your typing speeds by using both), but that's no hardship.

There's loads packed into this very clever smart phone. But the really impressive thing is its size. Not that it's titchy – there's a good-sized 49x36mm screen with 16 million colours.

But it is remarkably thin for a Symbian S60 smartphone at just 10mm at its thickest point – that's a couple of mm slimmer than the iPhone and 5mm less than the Blackberry Curve.

The metal body probably adds a little weight, but it also feels very sturdy and at 127g it still nestles very easily in the pocket.

There's just about enough room on the sides for volume up and down plus a dedicated voice notes button (probably more useful for the E71's intended audience than a camera shutter button, if not really as much fun).

On the other side there's a mini USB port and microSD slot which you should find comes with a 2GB memory card, though it can handle up to 8GB.

On the front above the keyboard are four shortcut keys (home, calendar, contacts and messages) surrounding the square D-pad which lights up and doubles as the alert light, letting you know when you have messages waiting.

All your favourite apps are displayed on that deliciously bright home screen, including mailbox, email set-up, VoIP set-up (the networks probably aren't too happy about that), latest calendar entries and voice messages, plus Wi-Fi scanner. Incidentally, you can set up two profiles, one for work, one for leisure, so you can split your personality on the one device.

For connecting, as well as Wi-Fi and USB, there's also advanced data rate Bluetooth that can handle stereo (another one up on the iPhone), infrared, and a 3.6Mbps HSDPA 3G connection. Pretty much everything you could need in other words.

Wi-Fi proved to be easy to set up (as did the push email and virtually everything else we tried on this phone) and we were getting broadband internet access in less than a minute. Web browsing felt good too, with the screen's 320x240pixel landscape proportions rendering web pages well.

The browser's had a bit of thought gone into it as well, allowing you to zoom in and out, flip through past pages, and opt for full-screen viewing – handy for streaming video.

There's also the option of barring pop-ups and pictures, plus a useful text search function that allows you to zoom in on key words.

The camera is a 3.2 megapixel type that, if not up there with Nokia 's Nseries cameraphones, still delivers more than would be considered strictly necessary on this type of phone.

It can offer up to 2,048x1,536 pixels resolution, LED photo light, autofocus, red eye reduction, plus an extended digital zoom, which magnifies even when you're on maximum resolution.

Nokia's photo editing suite is one of the best available on contemporary cameraphones, with a wealth of options for sprucing up your pics.

Maps and music apps

There's an A-GPS receiver backed up by Nokia Maps, which might not have Google Maps' access to aerial pics, but still offers a very decent sat-nav option.

The screen's a bit on the small side compared to dedicated sat-navs for driving, but it's fine for finding your way around on foot, and for an extra £7 a month you can add voice direction.

There's also geotagging so you can link location info to your pics when you upload them to your blog or a file-sharing site.

The music player does everything it needs to with all the usual formats, including MP3, WMA and AAC. The 110MB onboard storage is a good start, though you can of course augment this with microSD card up to 8GB.

There's also Nokia's very fine FM radio, though you'll need to use the so-so supplied headphones as an aerial – there's no 3.5mm jack plug (just a 2.5mm one – eh?) and no adaptor.

Brilliant business phone

This being a Symbian business phone, it comes with QuickOffice4 which allows you to read and create Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents as well as Adobe Reader for viewing PDFs.

There's also a barcode reader, a text scanner (which worked very well when we tried it), a wireless presenter app, WorldMate travel info, Push To Talk option, a wireless keyboard connector and loads more.

Power-wise the battery held up well over three days with moderate use, automatically switching off the Wi-Fi when it wasn't in use and the light sensor limiting the need for backlighting.

This is a marvellous business phone, with only a couple of tiny niggles holding it back from being just about perfect. All business phones should be made this way.

Originally reviewed June 2008.

Network availability: 3. O2, T-Mobile – others TBC

Real-Time GPS Tracking for Nokia E71

Real-Time GPS Tracking for Nokia E71

Turn your HTC Wildfire S into a real-time GPS tracker. Simply install the LocOf GPS Tracker application on a Nokia E71 to view and follow it's location online. Using Location Of you can view the location of one or more mobile devices on a map on a desktop computer, or, within the mobile application itself. Log in Register Download App

With Location Of you can.

View the location of one or more phones or tablets on the map

View a Demo Map

Tracking employees using Nokia E71 Turn your HTC Wildfire S into a real-time GPS tracker. Simply install the LocOf GPS Tracker application on a Nokia E71 to view and follow it's location online. Using Location Of you can view the location of one or more mobile devices on a map on a desktop computer, or, within the mobile application itself.

Tracking friends and family using Nokia E71 Turn your HTC Wildfire S into a real-time GPS tracker. Simply install the LocOf GPS Tracker application on a Nokia E71 to view and follow it's location online. Using Location Of you can view the location of one or more mobile devices on a map on a desktop computer, or, within the mobile application itself.

Real-Time GPS Tracking for Nokia E71 Turn your HTC Wildfire S into a real-time GPS tracker. Simply install the LocOf GPS Tracker application on a Nokia E71 to view and follow it's location online. Using Location Of you can view the location of one or more mobile devices on a map on a desktop computer, or, within the mobile application itself.

Location Of GPS Tracking


Show your outdoor trips and vacations live to your family & friends.

They can track you in real-time while you are running, hiking, biking, or just traveling by train or car.

Track your family & friends. Ask them to install this app and you can track each other in real-time.

View the live locations of your employees on a single map.

Save tracks while out of network coverage or abroad and upload them over Wi-Fi.

Add messages and photos to your tracks.

Embed a map on your own website, or use the API to build your own project using geo-data from your phone.

Service features

Simple and efficient mobile application

View the location of multiple mobile phones on the same map

Embed your map in your own website

Saves tracks while out of network coverage or abroad and publishes them later

Under active development since 2009

Turn your Nokia E71 into a real time GPS tracker

Simply install the LocOf GPS Tracker application on a phone to view and follow it's location online.

Perfectly suitable for vehicle tracking (couriers and delivery services), recording and sharing holidays and day-trips, day to day personal use (daily commutes and outdoor sports).

Download Now! & Raquo; App available for Android and Symbian

Welcome to Location Of, a real-time GPS location tracking service for Nokia E71 and many other phones.

Show your location to family and friends in real-time, but you decide who and when.

Use this service to manage employees or provide a tracking service to customers.

&dupdo; 2009 - 2016 Location Of

Viewing software for Nokia E71

Blacklist is a service for automatic calls reject depending on your rules. The rules are very easy to set up - just add contacts, contact groups or custom phone numbers to the list. You are at the meeting and can't accept calls at the moment or you want to block someone from calling you permanently - try Blacklist, it offers you an easy solution.

Blacklist Scheduler makes your phone a completely automated personal secretary. It can reject everyone except family members at night, accept only co-workers at business hours on working days, etc.

The service will do all job using really small amount of memory, system resources and absolutely transparent to user. Just configure and turn it on one time and you can forget about it and forget about all unwanted callers as well.

Easy to understand and configure.

Real-time incoming number analysis.

Reject before your phone starts ringing and disturbs you.

Sms notifier that can send sms to rejected person if needed in order to explain your reject reason.

Scheduler that can automatically switch rules based on time.

Rejected calls log.

Service based application - works in background and absolutely transparent to user

You can create as many lists as you need and activate the one that suits your current situation.

You can add as many correspondents as you need to every list

Scheduler is a very useful function of Blacklist application that can switch your lists automatically based on defined time schedule.

Best Blacklist highlights:

Real-time incoming number analysis. When you have an incoming call BlackList application instantly detects incoming number and uses unique algorithm (reverted binary tree) to analyse it and determine if the service has to reject it or not. Regardless of how many numbers/contacts it has to analyse it rejects the call if needed in some microseconds, before your phone starts ringing and disturbs you.

Just busy. Because of real-time number analysis and almost instant call reject all unwanted callers won't even know that they are blacklisted, they will just hear busy tone all the time .

Sms notifier. You can set up blacklist to send sms to rejected person if needed in order to explain your reject reason, e. g. "I'm on business conference, call you back later".

Scheduler. Scheduler makes BlackList your completely automated personal secretary. The service can reject everyone except family member at night, accept only co-workers at business hours on working days, etc.

Real interaction with built-in contacts. When you set up your black lists you can add here contacts from your contact book (not just import phone numbers!) and even more you can insert here groups of contacts . Just create in your built-in contacts application some groups like Family, Spammers, Co-workers, etc and add these groups to as many lists as you need without adding tons of contacts to every list.

Service based application. BlackList is professionally made application and consists from configuration application that you can start like any other application and service module (always-in-memory process). When you have configured the settings you can activate the service and close the configuration application. The service will do all job using really small amount of memory, system resources and absolutely transparent to user. Just configure and turn it on one time and you can forget about it and forget about all unwanted callers as well.

User Guide:

Lists and Correspondents

You can create as many lists as you need and activate the one that suits your current situation.

Only one list can be activated at one time. You can activate/deactivate any list using "Activate/Deactivate" commands. Currently active list is marked with . If no list is active then the service will perform no call filtering action.

There are 2 types of lists:

Black list. If activated it will reject only the correspondents listed in this list.

White list. If activated it will accept the correspondents listed in this list only and will reject everyone else.

Hint: - Empty "white list" - will reject all incoming calls. - Empty "black list" - will accept all calls.

You can add as many correspondents as you need to every list.

Contact . You can select contacts from your contacts book. All phone numbers that the contact has will be blocked or accepted (depends on the list type)

Group . You can select groups of contacts from your contacts book. All contacts that the group has and all their phone numbers will be blocked or accepted (depends on the list type)

Phone number . Type here any custom phone number.

Unrecognised number . Represents all callers who hide their phone number or their phone number were not recognised by network.

All in Contacts . Represents all numbers in your contact book.

All not in Contacts . Represents all numbers that are not found in your contact book.

Number template . Allows you to make number 'masks' using character *. P. ej. if you include in blacklist: "+38050*" - will block all numbers starting from +38050. "*12345" - will block all numbers ending with 12345. "*123*" - will block all numbers containing 123 anywhere in the number.

When you finish setup you can turn the service ON to start filtering all incoming calls. When the service is ON BlackList configuration application is no longer needed and you can close it in order not to waste the memory and resources, the service will stay in memory and will do all job.

When service is activated you can see brief status of service activity in application status line. Like "Rejected 3 / 4" - means 3 calls have been automatically rejected from 4 total incoming calls.

Please note: service activating could take some time (some seconds) as it has to prepare and organise all your data (fetch all phone numbers from listed contacts/groups of contacts, etc) to be able to analyse incoming phone number during a call in real time.

Scheduler is a very useful function of BlackList application that can switch your lists automatically based on defined time schedule. For example Scheduler can block all calls every day after 23:00 except the ones from very close family members, at 9:00 it can allow everyone to call you except some numbers you have blacklisted. During working days when you are on working place it can allow only "work" calls, etc

You can create as many scheduler "rules" as you want. If you don't want some rule to be enabled you can disable it (without deleting it) and when next time you need it you can enable it again (no need to create it again).

Imagine the situation you are on business conference and want to accept some "work" calls only and don't want to be disturbed with the rest of calls. But you don't want to lose them! You can manage such situation easily with BlackList application. Just set up BlackList to accept needed calls only and use Phone built in "Call divert" options. To reach "Call divert" options, please start the system application "Settings" and select "Call divert" item here. This command allows you to configure Call forwarding service of your network operator directly from the application. Turn "Divert if busy" ON and set up here your secretary/voice mail/etc phone number and your network operator will automatically forward callers rejected by BlackList application to the specified number.

You can always take a look what numbers were rejected by the application. To see rejected calls log select "View log" command from menu. Here you will be able to see all such calls sorted by time and call back the rejected caller from this view.

Frequently asked questions

1. When a blacklisted call comes in it goes to my voice mail. Can it just be rejected only?

Sí. If rejected call goes to voice mail it means your network provider re-directs the caller to your voice mail when receiving busy signal from your phone. Some providers set this behaviour on default when you buy a phone. But you can change this behaviour directly from your phone: Start system application "Settings" and select "Call divert" command here. Select "If busy" item and than cancel divert command.

15-days fully functional demo version

File: best_blacklist_s3_s60_3_and_5_v_4_00_sw. sisx Download size: 352.5 KB File format: SISX (Symbian installation) Target platforms: Nokia E71, S60 3rd edition Languages: English, Russian, German, Chinese

Searching How To Unlock Nokia E71 . Welcome, You've Come To The Right Place! We proudly offer you to unlock your Nokia E71 Mobile Phone at Home. We offer you fast, safe and easy way available to unlock Nokia E71 . our unlocking service is easy to follow No technical expertise is required to unlock Nokia E71 Mobile Phone with us. Why to use our service Nokia E71 unlock Code . 1) We can save you time by send you a correct unlocking code and instruction to input / enter your unlock code for Nokia E71 . 2) Save your Phone from wrong count attempts . Yes, the most of phones have 3 to 10 free limited attempts to input / enter correct unlock code . if you enter incorrect unlock code (usually by trying to use codes generated by a free calculator's found on the internet) the phone can get block counter. using our unlocking service you are free from these problems. 3) Using our unlocking experience you can save some hours of your time. 4) Your purchases are protected by our Money Back Guarantee .

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It's Easy to Unlock Nokia E71 . No technical expertise is required to unlock Nokia E71 with us. Our instructions are easy to follow, Once you have received your unlock code . all you need to do is input your uniquely generated unlock code directly into your Nokia E71 using keypad from your Nokia E71, it's easy as dial telephone number and call somebody!

What is Nokia E71 Network Unlocking . First, you should understand why Nokia E71 are locked. Network providers lock Nokia E71 so that you are forced to use their network at their rates. No other SIM card will work in locked Nokia E71. You cannot take advantage of better rates from other providers. A locked Nokia E71 is subject to roaming charges ABROAD. When you unlock your Nokia E71, you are free of these restrictions. There is no more restriction placed on the Nokia E71 by a network carrier.

Why to Network unlock Nokia E71 . MAIN ADVANTAGE Nokia E71 Unlocking will enable you to use any NETWORKS SIM CARD in your Nokia E71. This will let you use tariffs from rival NETWORKS that will offer you better value for money. Not only this but you will be able to use SIM CARDS from local NETWORKS ABROAD that will significantly reduced your roaming costs abroad whilst making calls as well as sending and receiving SMS messages.

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Nokia E71

The Nokia E71 has a 320-by-240-pixel QVGA screen and QWERTY keyboard design in a body that is only 10mm thick. It comes with Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth 2.0 with EDR and A2DP, 3.2 megapixel digital camera with Carl Zeiss optics and auto focus, a microSDHC memory card slot, and Symbian S60 Feature Pack 1 operating system. Nokia E71x There is a version of this smartphone created especially for AT&T called the E71x. This added support for this carrier’s 3G network.


battery life

great amount of pre-installed software

good keyboard feel


2.5mm headset jack

confusing menus

older and less-featured PIM applications than recent competition

Quick Take

From the excellent hardware design, to the carrier-branded add-ons, its clear that Nokia wanted to make sure that its already well-received E71 stayed that way.

Sorry pricing for this product is not found. Here is pricing on some similar products.

Nokia E71

The slick, silvery handset feels quite luxurious. It's slim but solid at 4.49 by 2.24 by .4 inches and 4.4 oz, with a grooved stainless steel back and small, domed white keys. You'll need precise fingers to enjoy this keypad, but it's as sharp as an Italian suit. Overall, this is one seriously elegant-looking device. The phrase "CEO of Ikea" comes to mind.

There are plenty of action and command buttons, including volume buttons and quick-access buttons that go to the home screen, calendar, contacts list, and e-mail program. The number keys are overlaid on the QWERTY keyboard, which is small but has very good tactile response. Nokia did make one mistake: rather than being below the rest of the number keys like it is on practically every other phone, the "0" is next to the "9,"which can cause misdialing while you're getting used to the layout. The 2.36-inch 320 by 240-pixel screen isn't huge, but it's bright enough for everyday work and can be read easily in sunlight. The Blackberry Bold and iPhone 3G both have higher-res 320 by 480-pixel screens.

The E71 is a quad-band EDGE, dual-band HSDPA phone. The U. S. version, which we tested, works on AT&T's high-speed HSDPA network and on T-Mobile's slower EDGE network. The phone also supports Wi-Fi; I was able to connect to WPA2-secured networks without a problem.

A very solid voice phone, the E71's reception tends towards excellent. The earpiece sounds just plain beautiful. The speakerphone's speaker is on the top of the phone pointing upward, which is a little odd, and it could be a bit louder. Transmissions through the microphone and speakerphone mic sounded a bit hollow, with some background noise getting through. The handset supports wired and Bluetooth headsets and has Nokia's usual mediocre voice dialing, which mostly-sorta-works. I got 4 hours 43 minutes of 3G talk time out of the huge 1,500-mAh battery, (the same size as the Bold's battery), which is a decent result for a 3G phone.

A Wealth of Features

Running Symbian Series 60 Version 3 Feature Pack 1 OS, the E71 is the smoothest, fastest Symbian device I've ever used, probably because of its 381-Mhz ARM11 processor. There's approximately 115MB of free space to install programs and save data, or you can tuck a MicroSD card into a slot in the side. Our 8GB Sandisk card worked well. To connect the phone to a PC, you can use a microSD cable or a surprisingly speedy Bluetooth 2.0+EDR connection.

There's a lot going on with this high-end PDA phone, and that's not even counting the thousands of third-party Symbian programs out there. Google Maps, Gmail, Go, and Yahoo! all run on Symbian, for instance. You get support for text and picture messaging out of the box. For instant messaging, you can download the free Gizmo application, which integrates AIM, MSN, and Yahoo! IM. In testing, it worked fine. The e-mail program works automatically with POP3/IMAP accounts, and syncs e-mail, contacts, and calendars over the air with Exchange 2003 SP2 or newer servers. The IMAP client is smooth, although it doesn't feature push e-mail, as BlackBerry does. The E71 has a strange way of handling HTML e-mail. Messages are delivered in plain text, with an HTML version attached, which you can open in the Web browser.

About the browser: Nokia's WebKit based app (which uses the same core as Apple's Safari) is even better at formatting pages than the iPhone's, because it incorporates Flash. The implementation isn't perfect, but it's certainly better than no Flash at all. It worked fine with the simple games at Orisinal. com, but CNET TV's Flash videos crashed the browser.

The E71 syncs with PCs (but not Macs) using Nokia's PC Suite software, which links up contacts, calendars, and tasks with Outlook, Lotus Notes or the built-in Windows programs. It also lets you use the E71 as a modem for your PC. We achieved decent speeds on AT&T's 3G network in New York City. Connected to a Windows Vista PC as a modem, we saw between 600-800Kbps down and around 300Kbps up. That's a bit short of AT&T's latest dedicated PC cards, but it's on par with other 3G phones.—next: Camera, GPS, and More

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Posted by Mike Macias

Wipe it out. Clear it out. Make room! Your E71’s phone memory needs some extra space!

If you haven’t heard about the Ovi Store, it’s supposed to be Nokia’s solution to a one place stop to get E71 applications, widgets, ringtones, movies, and themes. Nima from the E71 Fanatics forum has already alerted us about this new announcement! Many new E71 and Symbian users have always asked me “why don’t we have an app store like the iPhone”? It seems Nokia was a little slow on this idea, but they finally came to their senses and the Ovi Store was created. Thankfully Nokia released the Ovi Store when they say they would – in the month of May. Congrats to Nokia for getting this out on time, hopefully it’s populated with enough applications to make us all happy.

Nokia said in a press release this morning:

Today, Ovi Store by Nokia is available globally to an estimated 50 million Nokia device owners across more than 50 Nokia devices including the forthcoming flagship device, the Nokia N97. Customers can visit store. ovi. com through their Nokia device browser to immediately begin downloading, personalizing and making their devices smarter and more fun with applications, games, videos, podcasts, productivity tools, web and location-based services and much more.

"Ovi Store is open for business and we've stocked the shelves with both local and global content for a broad range of Nokia devices," said Tero Ojanperä, Executive Vice President, Nokia Services. "Ovi Store makes shopping for content and applications easy and fun for feature phone and smartphone owners alike."

Descargar & amp; Install

To download and install the Ovi Store application go to your Download! app which is already on your phone. There you will see the Ovi Store and you must download, install, and reboot. You will then find the Ovi Store application in the Installations folder, where all your other apps are stored. The first time you fire up the application it takes a few minutes to be populated. I actually had to close the app and try it again because the first time nothing loaded. Hopefully this only happens once.

What’s Inside?

I personally haven’t had much time to check out the Ovi Store. I’ve come across a few “free” apps that ended up being 14 day trials. That can’t be happening. Free means free. Derecha?

What I’ve downloaded so far:

AP News – Looks kind of cool. It scrolls fast and it’s free. Wish there was some way to read articles full screen.

WorldMate 2009 – It’s an app for travelers, but also includes weather. I’m trying it out right now. ¡Gratis!

I' still don’t see a Facebook app for the E71. I think Nokia will release that after the N97 begins shipping.

Ovi Store For The E71x

I’m not 100% on this, but from reading the press release it seems you guys might have to wait.

"AT&T looks forward to introducing Ovi Store for our customers later this year," said David Christopher, chief marketing officer, AT&T Mobility and Consumer Markets. "AT&T has a reputation for providing the most customer choice of content and applications and offering Ovi Store is in line with that strategy."

I’m in the United States on AT&T but my E71 is unlocked so Ovi Store seems to be working fine. If you’re an E71x user let us know what happens when you go to http://store. ovi. com from your handset.

Have You Browsed The Ovi Store?

Have you jumped into the Ovi Store yet on your E71? If you find anything good, please share!

*note: the Ovi Store is experience high traffic volumes because of the launch and you might see some network errors the first day or so. Enlazar

Sim Free Nokia E71 - Steel Grey


Today work is where we are. Now meet the mobile device designed for the way we work. Meet the new Nokia E71.

Excellent messaging Fast, easy access to messaging, including your business and personal email, without the complexity. Improve your work flow with mobile access to your email. Setup is simple, and a dedicated email key and full QWERTY keyboard help you get your message out. Intelligent Input - Put an articulate writing tool into your free hand. Error correction on the fly, auto-completion, word candidate lists, and more, make messaging on the move quick and easy.

Professional design A professional–looking device with high-end materials and finishing, making intelligent use of event indicator lights and one-touch keys for home, calendar, contacts, and email. Two home screens let you chose between work and leisure modes. Choose application shortcuts to suit your schedule with message notifications on or off.

Ultimate connectivity Stay up to speed with 3G . HSPDA . and WLAN connectivity – vital links to help keep you connected to a great messaging and mobile browsing experience.

Satellite Navigation Arrive on time to your destination with Nokia Maps and integrated A-GPS, helping you stay one step ahead of your meeting schedule

Experience improved email with One Touch keys and QWERTY keyboard

Set up your email easily using the settings wizard, then use the WLAN Wizard to locate nearby available WLAN networks and connect to your account

View and edit email attachments with Quickoffice, ZIP Manager, Adobe Acrobat Reader

Get added value from the large, user-friendly screen, high-speed 3G data connectivity, easy browsing, and navigation with the Navi™ key, new One Touch keys, and QWERTY keyboard

Catch important business moments with the 3.2 mega-pixel camera

Experience a full range of mobile email features

Set up your email easily using the settings wizard, then get easy access to your email at work or away through an extensive range of connection methods: 3G, HSDPA, and WLAN

Check your email on the go. Nokia E71 supports. Nokia Intellisync, Mail for Exchange, Visto Mobile

Open your email inbox quickly using the dedicated email key

Get immediate notification of new emails via the LED indicator light

Read emails easily, including attachments, on the large, high-resolution screen

View and edit email attachments with Quickoffice, ZIP Manager, and Adobe Acrobat Reader

Increase your productivity

Keep business moving between meetings, in airports, and while commuting with convenient, remote access to your email and web browsing

Work efficiently out of the office. Stay updated on your emails . and edit slides, spreadsheets, and documents right on your device

Access important corporate data or manage your personal information remotely

Browse the internet with the Nokia Web browser with Mini Map, scroll through pages conveniently with the Navi™ key, and download important data with high-speed connectivity

Improve business communication

Make voice and conference calls with international quad-band coverage

Communicate with colleagues, clients, and family via SMS, MMS, email, and instant messages

Respond to clients and customers quickly – send and receive email on the move

Get added value and save time with efficient features and applications

Access your emails and device features conveniently with dedicated One Touch keys

Type messages and notes conveniently with the QWERTY keyboard

Multitask while talking – make handsfree voice and conference calls with the integrated speakerphone

No need to stop an important conversation – send and receive emails during voice calls

Keep your hands free with voice dialling and handsfree voice controls

Listen to messages with the message reader when you don’t have time to read from the display

Brainstorm while on the move. Use the voice recorder to record important ideas when you don’t have access to pen and paper

Manage your time and personal information while out of the office, then sync with your PC remotely over the air, or locally when back at your desk

No time to take notes? Take a quick snapshot of the whiteboard before leaving the boardroom with the 3.2 mega-pixel camera

Find ways to cut costs

Use one device for voice calls and email

Email and browse the web at the office over cost-effective WLAN

Work with documents created using common office applications and email solutions on the Nokia E71 device

Transfer email, personal data, applications, and important information easily from other compatible devices to the Nokia E71 device

Music Player (MP3/AAC formats)

Alarm clock

Customisable profiles

Automatic key guard


Vibrating alert

Integrated handsfree speaker

Nokia E71 Specification:

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Colombo, Sri Lanka March 2016

Nokia E66 and Nokia E71 finally out

After tons of leaked info and photos, Nokia finally announced officially the Nokia E71 and Nokia E66 Symbian smartphones. They shouldn't have bothered, since the full specs and press photos surfaced online quite some time ago, but nevertheless it's good to know that Nokia keeps track of its future phones.

The Nokia E71 has got a full hardware QWERTY keypad and comes as a successor of the Nokia E61i. The Nokia E71 brings much more style to the E-series since it packs a waistline of only 10mm. However the display has shrunk a bit to 2.36 inches (as compared to the 2.8-inch one of Nokia E61i).

The Nokia E66 is the same business-grade device as the Nokia E71, however without the QWERTY keyboard. It comes as a successor of the Nokia E65 and is equipped with a large 2.4-inch TFT display of QVGA resolution. Infrared port (are they serious?), microUSB port, and Bluetooth (A2DP and EDR) are also on board.

Nokia E66 will also sport a built-in accelerometer, which would allow auto screen rotation, as well as silencing of incoming calls when the device is turned over.

Besides that both the Nokia E71 and Nokia E66 feature built-in GPS receiver which works with Nokia Maps, 3 megapixel auto focus cameras capable of shooting video in up to VGA resolution at 22 fps (which is actually usable) and of course - HSDPA and Wi-Fi connectivity. Also both come equipped with microSD card slots that will allow expanding the available 110MB memory with up to 8GB worth of additional storage.

Email messaging is the highlight of both devices as they both support a wide range of personal and corporate email standards such as Microsoft Exchange, Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, Hotmail, Nokia Intellisync Wireless Email solution, as well as System Seven and Visto Mobile. These new Symbian smartphones also come with a new switch mode for switching between personal and work home screens. Encryption is also on board as well as mobile VPN support.

Dressed in stainless steel cases and etched graphics (E51-style), the new handsets will be available in grey steel or white steel colors. Both Nokia E71 and Nokia E66 are expected to begin shipping in July and both devices are expected to retail at 350 euro before taxes and subsidies.

Best Nokia E71 Themes

Here are some of the best themes for Nokia E71 to make your phone special

Unfortunately there are a few icons that have not been changed, but the rest of the icons are upgraded version of the default icons you see on Nseries devices. Click here to download this free Nokia E71 Theme. & # 8230;

E71 Theme: Red & Blue Wave By Babi, And An Email Icon Tip. Here is a great looking theme I’ve been using on my Nokia E71 lately. This one comes in red and blue, I’ve been using the blue. Props to Babi for making such a clean looking …

clouds, e63, e71, theme. Thread Tools. Posting Rules. You may not post new threads. You may not post replies. You may not post attachments. You may not edit your posts. BB code is On. Smilies are On. [IMG] code is On. HTML code is Off …

You can leave a comment if you have a problem, please be specific so we can help better! This entry was posted on Tuesday, April 14th, 2009 and is filed under Themes. & # 8230;

(6 votes, average: 3.83 out of 5). Loading … Tags: black theme, e-series themes, e55 theme, e61i theme, e63, E71 theme, e71 themes, E71x themes, e75 Theme, e90 Themes, N-Series Themes, N86 theme, theme e63, theme e71, touch icons …

nokia e71 theme elegance grey by eric this theme works also with other s60v3 phones. full svg default & custom icons.

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Nokia E71 Review

The latest model to be introduced within the extensive portfolio of Nokia E-Series portfolio is the Nokia E71. It seems that it is a replacement of the older Nokia E61i mixed with the capabilities of the N95 and aiming for the performance of the slick Apple

Nokia E71 gsm handheld is designed with business individuals in mind, so this phone comes with the main feature of the ESeries, the QWERTY keyboard and the fast operation of the internet and LAN based networking. It also have a conferencing camera built on the front side of the phone to do your online based meetings and conference. Packed with WiFi, HSPDA and a NMEA 0183 GPS satellite receiver, you can be sure that this phone is one of the best phones for business. The phone casing is quite slim and seems like a modified Blackberry Bold from the sides. And to add to that, it also supports Blackberry devices. With a 128MB RAM and a whooping 256MB ROM drive, you can be sure that this phone is quite faster compared to other E-Series smartphones. It weighs around 120 grams with the battery inside and is powered by a 328 MHz processor speed with a symbian OS 9.2 firmware. The top part of the exterior is covered by a chrome casing which really promises us a sturdy and robust performance for a long time to come.

The wide screen 320×240, 24 bit pixels TFT screen is well optimized with a nice and even back light for a reliable usage. It internal antenna also supports the quad band GPRS and EDGE so whether your state or country have a 3G connection or not, you can be pretty relaxed knowing that at least you will still have the fast performance that EDGE delivers. It also has a 8GB hot swap MicroSD and comes with a main 3.2 mega pixels camera and a LED mobile flash. Infrared is also built in beside Bluetooth, Fast 480mbits USB, 54mbits WiFi and WLAN connectivity. It also comes with a BURY hardware for the car which is quite handy and something almost all other models lack.

The camera supports MPEG 4 and 3GPP uninterrupted recording and the quality of the pictures and video is quite well, almost better than N73 Music Edition. However this phone lacks the analog Tv out and audio out capability which is understandable in a ESeries phone. The navigation is quite easy specially with a 5 way directional navigation button on the center and since the phone’s operating is quite fast, it should really be an outstanding experience for any Nokia E71 user. Nokia E71 carries a Li-On battery which is a major improvement than its predecessor Nokia E61i. Since this comes with a fast Wifi, the battery seemed to be one of the main concern of the R&D division of Nokia and they have really done a great job so far. With a 1500 mAh battery, the life of Nokia E71 is promising and very impressive! 3G does work well and the WiFi works like a charm on this phone. It does lack USB charging though, which is one of the weakness of this phone. The calendar is quite ordinary and nothing special have been developed in this version. This phone is also a lot thinner than the Blackberry Curve, Nokia N95 8gb and the Apple iPhone! It also supports IMAP emails and has an inbuilt mono microphone and loudspeaker. The usual audio output is stereo though obviously!

AT&T is heavily rumored to get this contract which might be a very good news for all you ATT user base. It is not confirmed, but most probably a 90% chance of it ending up with ATT. Trust me, its way better than the Blackberry Curve and almost as fast as the iPhone and since it comes with the Symbian OS 9.2, it really is a treat to enjoy!

Here are some additional screenshots of the Nokia E71 front and back, also compared with the iPhone and the Nokia N95 8gb.


Nokia E71 review

While Nokia makes a habit of practically defining "featurephone" for the industry, traditionally it's handsets like the N95 that hog all the spotlight, leaving Nokia's few QWERTY phones in the shadows. Not that they've been trying too hard -- while the E62 and E61i have both shipped over here, neither has featured 3G data in US bands, and the E62 even had the distinct pleasure of having WiFi stripped out. Enter E71, the successor to those phones, and Nokia's very first QWERTY device to feature US-friendly 3G.

Nokia is also (finally) taking form factor much more seriously: at 10mm thick, the E71 is one of the slimmest Nokia phones to date, and Nokia claims it's the thinnest QWERTY smartphone on the market. The E71 also attacks the drab, plastic looks of its predecessors with chrome accents and a glossy screen. The phone is incredibly pocketable, and comfortable to hold and use. Of course, with the smaller size Nokia had to cut down on screen real estate and keyboard spacing, but at a QVGA resolution there's little suffering on that front. The keyboard had a much more rigid, clicky feel to it compared to the spongy keys of the E62, and we were virtually typo-free on it within minutes.

With all this concentration on the exterior, Nokia hasn't forgotten the feature overload of old. The E71 includes A-GPS, WiFi, a 3.2 megapixel camera, A2DP Bluetooth, 110MB of built-in memory and a microSD slot. There's also plenty of software to take advantage of all that tech, thanks to the quite-mature S60 platform. It's running 3rd Edition Feature Pack 1, which lacks the screen transition fanciness of FP2. but seems much more stable and usable to us than its fresh-faced successor. Being a business centric device, the E71 comes with a full complement of office, email and PIM software, including a feature to switch on the fully between business and personal accounts, complete with separate mailboxes and home screens.

We'll confess to being spoiled by the iPhone's touch interface -- while there is more customizability and more power at your fingertips with the standard, d-pad controlled S60, there certainly seem to be an abundance of button presses to accomplish even simple tasks, though we never feel lost or confused by the OS. Some of the truly powerful features include Nokia's impressive Maps 2.0 application, the WebKit-powered S60 browser (which even includes an easy-to-use feed reader), and a strong integration with online photo services such as Ovi and Flickr, the former of which even includes geotagging for your photos. Nokia's own music store doesn't yet support the United States, but while the media-playback interface pales in comparison to today's more music-centric phones, playback support is certainly there, including true YouTube and Flash support.

The screen isn't particularly stunning, only 2.36-inches diagonal, QVGA and none-too-bright, but it certainly gets the job done and leaves room for all that QWERTY. Battery life is basically a non-issue, with 20 days of standby, and 10.5 hours of GSM talk, though the 4.5 hours of 3G talk might pose an issue. We didn't really put the processor to the test, but load times for just about everything were quite zippy, especially compared to the E62's consistent sluggishness in loading up simple things like recent calls and the address book.

Overall it's all about your OS of choice and what exactly you want to do with your phone. If music and video playback are key, the E71's screen and interface are going to pose a challenge, and if typing is paramount you might need a slightly larger QWERTY keyboard -- though our typing speed after about a day was roughly equivalent to our iPhone speed after about a year of use. As for accomplishing what it sets out to do, the E71 manages it all with style, providing a plethora of features in a speedy, beautiful and miniscule device. Since Nokia won't be working with American carriers right away on subsidizing the E71 -- thouch we can keep hoping for an AT&T berth -- you'll have to spring about $500 to bring one home, but it might just be worth it.

Searching How To Unlock Nokia E71-2 . Welcome, You've Come To The Right Place! We proudly offer you to unlock your Nokia E71-2 Mobile Phone at Home. We offer you fast, safe and easy way available to unlock Nokia E71-2 . our unlocking service is easy to follow No technical expertise is required to unlock Nokia E71-2 Mobile Phone with us. Why to use our service Nokia E71-2 unlock Code . 1) We can save you time by send you a correct unlocking code and instruction to input / enter your unlock code for Nokia E71-2 . 2) Save your Phone from wrong count attempts . Yes, the most of phones have 3 to 10 free limited attempts to input / enter correct unlock code . if you enter incorrect unlock code (usually by trying to use codes generated by a free calculator's found on the internet) the phone can get block counter. using our unlocking service you are free from these problems. 3) Using our unlocking experience you can save some hours of your time. 4) Your purchases are protected by our Money Back Guarantee .

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It's Easy to Unlock Nokia E71-2 . No technical expertise is required to unlock Nokia E71-2 with us. Our instructions are easy to follow, Once you have received your unlock code . all you need to do is input your uniquely generated unlock code directly into your Nokia E71-2 using keypad from your Nokia E71-2, it's easy as dial telephone number and call somebody!

What is Nokia E71-2 Network Unlocking . First, you should understand why Nokia E71-2 are locked. Network providers lock Nokia E71-2 so that you are forced to use their network at their rates. No other SIM card will work in locked Nokia E71-2. You cannot take advantage of better rates from other providers. A locked Nokia E71-2 is subject to roaming charges ABROAD. When you unlock your Nokia E71-2, you are free of these restrictions. There is no more restriction placed on the Nokia E71-2 by a network carrier.

Why to Network unlock Nokia E71-2 . MAIN ADVANTAGE Nokia E71-2 Unlocking will enable you to use any NETWORKS SIM CARD in your Nokia E71-2. This will let you use tariffs from rival NETWORKS that will offer you better value for money. Not only this but you will be able to use SIM CARDS from local NETWORKS ABROAD that will significantly reduced your roaming costs abroad whilst making calls as well as sending and receiving SMS messages.

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Safe downloads and expert advice

Nokia Suite

If you've got a Nokia phone and a computer, then you really can't afford to be without the Nokia Suite.

What can Nokia Suite do?

This collection of tools, formerly known as Nokia Ovi Suite, allows you to sync your phone with your Windows PC in order to get more from your device.

Nokia Suite is much more than just a file transfer solution, and it adds a number of genuinely useful functions for improving your mobile experience. You can synchronize your phone and PC calendars . install apps onto your phone, back up mail, images and contacts . download maps . y más. Everything can be done either via Bluetooth or USB cable.

Simple to hook up

Nokia Ovi Suite is very simple to set up thanks to a helpful, step-by-step wizard that guides you through the process of hooking your phone up. The main menu consists of a series of bright, bold icons offering a gateway to some cool features. The functions you'll probably use most are the backup and restore and file transfer tools, which run quickly and without fuss.

A must-have utility

Providing your device is compatible with the software, Nokia Ovi Suite is an essential tool for managing and backing up your phone.


Easy to use, well-presented user interface

Enables fast data-syncing

Lots of cool tools for enhancing your phone

Transfer photos and music


Doesn't work with all Nokia devices

Nokia E71


Price as reviewed: £307.94

Nokia E71 - Nokia E71

The screen's size and resolution is nothing to write home about - it's just 2.36in across at a standard 320 x 240 and it isn't a touch screen - but the quality is outstanding. It's bright, clear, and transflective, too, so when you take it outside in bright sunshine it's almost as readable as it is indoors.

In terms of core componentry, the E71 beats RIM's finest too. It has full HSDPA support, on top of GPRS, EDGE and standard 3G. It's a quad-band phone, for use all around the globe. It has Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and an FM radio tuner, for when the email gets too much for you. And it has a 3.2-megapixel camera complete with LED flash on the rear coupled with a VGA video call camera on the front.

And, of course, what modern smartphone would be without a GPS receiver? The E71 is equipped with an assisted-GPS receiver (A-GPS) - this uses location information gleaned from the mobile cell you're connected to with the aim of providing a quicker satellite fix. I've seen this before and not been impressed; on the E71, however, it's an entirely different kettle of fish. I fired up Google Maps while sat indoors with only a partial view of the sky, turned on the GPS option and 15 seconds later the E71 had an accurate location fix. Not many dedicated sat-nav devices can boast speeds that quick, let alone phones, which often can take minutes on end or fail to get a lock entirely.

You don't have to go and download Google Maps, though - the E71 comes with Nokia's own mapping software preinstalled. Though this isn't as quick and responsive as Google Maps, you can use it as a proper sat-nav tool, complete with turn-by-turn driving instructions. But the latter is a £7 per month additional subscription after the free three day trial runs out.

Where Windows Mobile devices often stumble, at this point, is on responsiveness and battery life. It takes a lot of processing power to render Microsoft's OS nippy, but put a powerful CPU in a phone and the result is, too often, very short battery life. The E71 uses Symbian's S60 3.1 platform, so responsiveness isn't an issue - you're hardly ever left staring at an hourglass or its equivalent when launching applications or navigating around the phone's interface.


Nokia E71 Video Converter - Convert Video and Copyright Protedted DVD to Nokia E71

"Nokia Video Converter Factory" - Convert any videos and any audios to your Nokia E71 within only 3 easy steps.

If you often use Nokia E71 to play videos, you may find it impossible to play some videos on your Nokia E71. Is there a problem with your cell phone or with the videos? Actually, it is just because of the video format limitation of your Nokia E71.

As a cell phone, it is reasonable that Nokia E71 can not support some videos. You should clear that even the most powerful cell phone will also meet this kind of problem. Then how can we solve this problem? Actually, you just need a Nokia E71 video converter to convert videos to Nokia E71 compatible videos, and then you can break the video format limitation of Nokia E71.

Details of Nokia E71

Nokia E71 is the powerful and classic business phone, it owns powerful and convenient business functions such as the email checking. But E71 just owns a 2.36 inches display with the resolution 320*240 and the supported frame rate is 15 fps. So, for video playback on Nokia E71, we need a Nokia E71 video converter first.

Why We Need Such Conversion Software for Nokia E71

Nokia E71 is the portable media player (for video playback), so it just support some limited video formats such as MP4 and 3GP. And Nokia Company set the MP4 format as default for video playing on E71. So we need a Nokia E71 video converter .

Besides, the supported frame rate of Nokia E71 is just 15 fps. But the normal Nokia video converters just support to convert videos to some video with the normal frame rate (about 19.7 to 25 fps), and don't support to adjust the frame rate setting. If the frame rate is improper, the video file will not synchronize with the audio files. For this reason, we need a professional video converter for Nokia E71 which supports users to adjust the frame rate setting.

Suggestions of Conversion Software for Nokia E71

It's difficult to get a good video converter for Nokia E71. so I would like to share some tips for select Nokia video converter.

1. The software should support to convert the popular videos to the target format (MP4 and 3GP ). 2. The software should be easy to control for saving the time on learning the guide. 3. The software should support users to adjust the video/audio rate and the frame rate settings. 4. The software should provide nice conversion quality such as fast converting speed and good image.

Here I suggest Nokia Video Converter Factory Pro to all users. It's the professional software for converting videos to Nokia phones. It perfectly supports Nokia E71. The converter is easy to use and provides fast speed with good image. Besides, the advanced functions (merge, clip, crop and effect) are also available for all users. It's the reliable assistant for Nokia videos.

Steps for Using the Nokia Video Converter

2. Click " Add " to import videos

3. Select output format in " Profile " setting

4. Click " Start " to begin converting process

5. Open output profile to get the output video

Then, with a professional and powerful Nokia E71 video converter . it's easy and convenient to enjoy videos on the classic Nokia E71.

Still have trouble about converting DVD and video for Nokia cell phone? Please feel free to Email Us >>

Nokia Video Converter Factory Pro (for Windows) is shareware in discounting, the price from $29.95 to $19.95 that means now buy it you will save $10. This is a limited-time discount, please seize the opportunity.

Nokia E71 driver

Hardware ID

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0001&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0007&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_000B&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_000E&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0012&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0015&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0018&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_001B&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_001D&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_001F&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0025&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0026&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_002F&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_004B&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0057&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_00BD&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_00c3&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_00c8&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_00cb&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_00CE&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_00D4&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_00DF&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_00E2&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_00E8&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_00E9&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_00ED&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_00F0&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_00F3&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_00F6&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_00FC&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0108&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_010C&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_010E&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_011C&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_011D&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0124&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0128&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_012C&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0130&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0134&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0138&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0139&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_013C&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_013F&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0140&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0143&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_014B&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0154&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0158&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0165&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0168&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_016D&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0170&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0173&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0178&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_017A&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_017D&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0182&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0187&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_018A&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0194&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_019A&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_019E&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_01A2&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_01A9&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_01B0&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_01B3&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_01B6&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_01BC&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_01C8&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_01CC&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_01D0&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_01D4&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_01D6&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_01D9&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_01DC&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_01E3&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_01EC&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_01F8&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_01FE&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_020F&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0216&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0219&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0226&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_022A&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0235&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_023D&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0244&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0249&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0279&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_027D&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0294&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0296&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_029A&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_02AD&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_02B1&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_02BA&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_02BD&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_02C3&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_02C6&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_02C9&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_02D1&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_02D4&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_02D9&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_02DF&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_02E3&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_02E7&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_02E9&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_02ED&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_02F6&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_02FB&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0400&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0401&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0402&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0405&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_040D&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_040E&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_040F&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0413&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0415&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0416&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0417&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0418&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0419&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_041D&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_041E&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_041F&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0420&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0421&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0422&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0423&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0425&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0428&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_042D&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_042F&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0432&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0437&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0439&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_043A&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_043B&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_043C&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_043D&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_043F&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0441&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0443&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0445&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_044C&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_044D&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0453&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0456&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0458&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_045A&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_045D&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0464&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0466&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_046E&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0472&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0475&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_047B&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0481&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0486&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0489&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_048C&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_048E&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0491&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0494&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0499&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_04A1&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_04A5&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_04A9&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_04AF&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_04B2&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_04B5&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_04B8&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_04BC&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_04C0&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_04C1&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_04C2&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_04C4&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_04C6&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_04C9&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_04CE&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_04D2&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_04D5&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_04D8&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_04DC&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_04DF&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_04E6&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_04E9&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_04F0&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_04F2&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_04F6&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_04F9&Cdc_Modem Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0001&IF_OTH Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0001&IF_LC Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_000E&IF_LC Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0018&IF_LC Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_003D&IF_DEV Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_003D&IF_LC Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0042&IF_DEV Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0042&IF_ATC Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0042&IF_LC Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0047&IF_OBX Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0047&IF_ATC Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_0047&IF_LC Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_004B&IF_DEV Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_004B&IF_ATC Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_02A1&IF_LC Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

NMWCD\VID_0421&PID_02AD&IF_OTH Nokia PC Suite and Drivers

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By purchasing your Nokia E71 Unlock Code . you will have the key to true wireless freedom. By unlocking your Nokia mobile phone, you will be able to use it on the GSM network of your choice. In addition, you will go one step further than reducing your roaming charges, you will be able to completely eliminate them combined with the use of a prepaid SIM card.

Why Unlock Nokia E71

To sum it up in 3 key points, by unlocking your Nokia E71, you will be able to…

1.) Use your preferred mobile device on your favorite wireless network. 2.) Use your unlocked phone in combination with a prepaid SIM card to eliminate your roaming fees. 3.) Increase the resale value of your mobile device when or if you decide to sell it.

The benefits are truly endless.

Will my Nokia E71 Unlock Code ever Expire?

No! Cell phone unlocking is completely permanent. Once your phone is unlocked, it will never relock. The only time you will have to get another unlock code is if you switch your cellular device.

Will my Unlock Code work on another phone?

No. Nokia Unlock Codes are generated specific to the device's IMEI. Every GSM cell phone has a unique IMEI which is similar to the phone's serial number. Therefore, there is one unlock code per phone.

For other Nokia Unlocking related questions, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section or contact customer support.

Cell Phone Unlocking FAQ

Wireless network carriers typically put a SIM restriction on your cell phone which prevents users from switching networks with their favorite phones. Cell phone unlocking removes the SIM lock attached to your phone and allows you to use your favorite cell phone or smart phone on your favorite networks. Cell phone unlocking also allows users to use international SIM cards when traveling, which reduces roaming charges to zero. Smart travelers use an unlocked cell phone, combined with an international prepaid SIM card, allowing them to virtually eliminate roaming fees.

There is absolutely no difference between a SIM unlock code, Subsidy unlock code and a plain old unlock code. They are unique numeric codes between 8 - 16 digits which are entered into your cell phone to remove the carrier restriction.

A SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card stores unique information on a 15 mm x 12 mm x 0.76mm chip. It will store information such as your phone number, the network carrier the SIM belongs to and can have advanced features such as storing contacts. SIM cards are used on all GSM networks and some HSPA networks such as Telus or Bell Mobility in Canada. Think of a SIM card as your cell phone's passport.

If your cell phone has a SIM card slot, it can be unlocked. You can find your SIM card slot by removing the battery of your phone and looking for something similar to the image on your left. Also, if it is listed on our website, we have tested and unlocked this device before.

There are a couple ways to know if your cell phone is unlocked. The simplest way is to insert an activated unaccepted SIM card into your phone and to see if it picks up a signal. Some phones have built in methods to see if the phone is unlocked. For example, you can check to see if a BlackBerry is unlocked by navigating through some options. If you are a BlackBerry user, please read through our short entry on how to know if my BlackBerry is unlocked.

All of our unlock codes are guaranteed to work as long the phone is not hard locked or has already been unlocked . If our unlock code does not work for any other reason, our 100% satisfaction guarantee will cover you. Please read through our terms and conditions on our 100% guarantee and refund policy.

There are too many advantages to discuss in one page. We've summarized the three best advantages to unlocking your cell phone. For detailed information, please read our entry in response to a forum member's question. 1.) You will be able to use your favorite cell phone without restriction on any GSM network carrier of your choice. 2.) You will no longer have to pay roaming fees by using your unlocked phone with an international prepaid SIM card when traveling. 3.) An unlocked cell phone retains a higher monetary value when reselling it than one that is locked to a single network carrier. After all, not everyone uses the same wireless network.

Absolutely not! When our unlock codes are distributed to our customers, we provide detailed written unlocking instructions for all codes as well as video tutorials for others. It does not require you to take apart the phone, but simply navigate through some menus and enter your unlock code when prompted. The unlock codes we provide are manufacturer codes, which means that the manufacturers have built in methods to enter the codes.

Although we cannot confirm this with certainty, they most likely do not know if your phone has been unlocked. Regardless, it would not be an issue as you have purchased the phone, which makes you the owner of the cell phone. You are free to use your unlocked cell phone however you please.

It is impossible to 'relock' a phone. Once a phone is unlocked, it cannot be relocked whether it be intentional or accidental.

Unlocking a cell phone cannot damage the phone itself. Since they are manufacturer made codes, with manufacturer made instructions, it's almost as if they were meant to be unlocked.

Sí. For 99% of phones, you will still be able to use your regular SMS, MMS and any other features the phone allows. For example, a BlackBerry will still retain the features of Internet service, e-mails, and BlackBerry Messenger. The one exception is for Sidekicks which tend to lose SMS and MMS capabilities.

An unlocked cell phone combined with a prepaid international SIM card can and will eliminate your roaming fees guaranteed. You can purchase an international SIM card from any local mobile network store in your country of travel. Cellfservices has created a free tool to calculate how much you can save, how you can save and where to get everything you need before you travel. Try out our Roam Free Calculator absolutely FREE.

An unlocked cell phone cannot necessarily be used on all worldwide networks. Most networks operate on GSM frequencies of 900 MHz or 1800 MHz. You will have to research the specifications of your phone to see if they are compatible with the GSM network you wish to use. If one of the GSM frequencies match, you should have no problems. Our Roam Free Calculator provides information on worldwide GSM frequencies from over 120 travel destinations.

It is very important to check if your BlackBerry is Hard Locked prior to purchasing your unlock code. Hard locked means that someone has attempted too many incorrect unlock codes into your phone. If your BlackBerry is hard locked, no code will work on your BlackBerry device. For hard locked devices, we will not be able to provide a refund as it is impossible for us to know whether or not a BlackBerry device is hard locked without having the device physically in our hands. Full details about our refund policies can be found under our terms and conditions. To check if your BlackBerry is hard locked. please view our article from our Blog which will guide you through the process or contact support if you have any questions regarding this.

Unlocking Reviews

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Review of the Nokia E71

The Nokia E71 is one of the hottest business phones from Nokia available since Q4 of 2008. This E-Series smartphone is jampacked with too many features but retains a slim profile. Read on our comprehensive review of the Nokia E71 to find out what it offers for the average businessman.

Look, Design, Feel ( 9 /10)

The Nokia E71 comes in a popular design for a business phone, the plain old block form factor. The Nokia E71 is inspired to be thin. At just 10mm thin, it is a desirable object. The chic metallic design only adds to the elegance of the Nokia E71. The device looks sophisticated with the etched steel casing, as well as feels solid in one's hand. Weighing in at 127 grams, the Nokia E71 isn't heavy for a full-featured business smartphone. The 16-million-color capable 2.4" screen and the effective QWERTY keypad just add to the killer design of the Nokia E71.

Features ( 10 /10)

The Nokia E71 is built for features, after all. Packed with a GPS module, SDHC support, an FM radio and Multimedia features, the phone is also an entertainer for road warriors. There's ample internal memory for contacts, PIM data and applications which is 110MB. The Nokia E71 shines in business communication support. The E71 is pre-loaded with a variety of E-mail solutions like Visto mobile, Seven, Microsoft Exchange, and Nokia IntelliSync. There are many more available in the market that work with the Symbian S60 OS on the Nokia E71. Most business applications such as OfficeSuite and Adobe PDF are pre-loaded as well, making life easy for the busy businessman. The music player, OVI media sharing application, Nokia Maps with GPS, A 3.2 MP auto-focus camera with Flash, all add to the fun in life apart from business. Browsing on Nokia's new S60 browser, with the Nokia E71's QVGA screen is a treat as well.

Connectivity ( 9 /10)

The Nokia E71 carries great connectivity options for those on the move. The device is equipped with a Quadband GSM radio and EDGE/GPRS class 32. 3G connectivity is present but only as dual-band. The Nokia E71 is available only in variants of dual-band 3G/HSDPA so you can't use it overseas. However the phone lacks no other connectivity options. WLAN 802.11 b/g is present along with Bluetooth 2.0 EDR and A2DP/AVRCP profiles. The miniUSB plug charges the phone as well as allows to use it as a mass-storage device. The Nokia E71 can also be used as a high-speed modem with the PC via data-cable or Bluetooth.

Performance ( 10 /10)

The Nokia E71 must be called a winner, where the only bug is that it lacks Global 3G. Nevertheless, it covers adequate features to make it complete as a great business productivity tool. Let us just say that you get back all the bang for the buck on the Nokia E71.

Value for Money ( 9 /10)

At a price tag below $400, the Nokia E71 must be called a winner. The only bug is that the E71 lacks Global 3G, nevertheless it covers adequate features to make it complete as a great business productivity tool. Let us just say that you get back all the bang for the buck on the Nokia E71.


Slim profile

Large battery

SDHC support


Full range of business features

Straight Talk Nokia E71 Cell Phone Review

The new Nokia E71 from Straight talk

This new Nokia E71 Straight Talk 3G GSM Phone From Straight Talk will satisfy many users of Straight Talk & convert a lot of others that are paying expensive plans.

This phone is by far the best phone Straight Talk has offered, and this could be very well the phone that makes Straight Talk a family name. The phone feels amazing, it is strong has a nice metal backing. The model we tested was black and gray chrome in appearance. When after I activated the phone it took about 5 hours for the 3G and other data connections to come online, that was the only thing that I was annoyed about.

That aside, I went straight to Youtube to see if the thing would watch video. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it load a video, with next to nothing buffer time. I was like these guys really got this phone right. The operating system on the phone is Nokia's Symbian OS, which is super easy to use, cause Nokia never strayed far from the the orginal OS.

If you want to add some of your thoughts to the Nokia E71 Straight Talk reviews. your welcome at the bottom of the page.

Here are some quick points that might just sell it to you:

4GB Micro SD card included

GPS locks to Satellites quick

Google maps can quickly be installed instead of OVI maps

Will interact with Microsoft Exchange

Chat software installed

The camera is very good, clean crisp image.

The coverage in valley areas was surprisingly good!


2G Network GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900

3G Network HSDPA 850 / 1900

114 x 57 x 10 mm, 66 cc

Weight: 127 g

Display: TFT, 16M colors

Display Size: 320 x 240 pixels, 2.36 inches

Input: Full QWERTY keyboard

- Five-way scroll key

Sound Alerts: Vibration. monophonic, MP3 ringtones


Audio output: 2.5 mm jack Memory:

Internal: 110 MB storage & 128 MB RAM

MicroSD Card slot up to 8GB (4GB card included)

Data types: GPRS Class 32, 100 kbps

EDGE Class 32, 296 kbps

3G HSDPA, 3.6 Mbps

WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g

Bluetoothv2.0 with A2DP

Infrared port

USB v2.0 microUSB

Main Camera 3.2 MP, 2048x1536 pixels

autofocus, LED flash

Video Recording QVGA@15fps

Videocall camera

Operating System: Symbian OS 9.2, Series 60 v3.1 UI

CPU:ARM 11 369 MHz processor

Messaging: SMS, MMS, Email, Instant Messaging Browser: WAP 2.0/xHTML, HTML Radio FM radio (E71 only); Visual radio GPS + A-GPS support; Nokia Maps Java MIDP 2.0

WMV/RV/MP4/3GP video player

MP3/WMA/WAV/RA/AAC/M4A music player

Document editor (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF)

Barcode reader Push to talk Voice command/dial Organizer Printing

Battery: Li-Po 1500 mAh (BP-4L) Stand-by:410 hours (2G) & 480 hours (3G) Talk time: 10 hours 30 min (2G) & 4 hours 30 min (3G) Music play. 18 h

$199 @ Walmart Stores

More information at www. straighttalk. com

Finally Straight Talk has released some 3G models this week, and this one is a little ripper, This phone came out a little while ago but on Straight Talks plan prices who really cares. Finally it looks like we will be able to take advantage of 3G. If you own this phone please be the first to write a review.

Common E71 questions:

Can I use this Nokia E71 Straight Talk on Linux?

For Bluetooth folder data transfer yes.

Also it can be connected as a 3G internet connection.

Please note: Straight Talk Nokia E71 Tethering is agains't the Straight Talk's TOS

Does this phone play Youtube videos?

yes, very well infact!

Is the phone sim locked?

This added by RsMobile:

Is there free roaming? There are no roaming charges. Most Straight Talk phones run off the verizon towers. The Nokia E71 uses the GSM TMobile & AT&T towers

Can I switch between $30 and $45 plans? If you are getting the Nokia E71, you must buy the $45 plan. All other phones, you can switch.

How do I pay my bill each month? Either you can buy the next month at Walmart or online at straighttalk. com. There are 3,6 & 12 months plans, but you don't save any money by doing this. Also you can add a credit card to have it automaticly pay every month.

How do I connect phone to computer? You will need to buy the correct mini usb cable since it doesn't come with one. Then download the Nokia Ovi Suite from Nokia's website. To sync your calendar, you must have at least Outlook 2002 or Windows Calendar for Windows Vista or 7. For pictures, videos, or mp3s, you can tell it what folders you want to monitor on your computer. The program will also sync the GPS system too. (This depends if straight talk has blocked features on the phone)

What is some good free software to download?

Have a look at our free apps page here: Nokia E71 Free Software

Nokia E71


Poor camera. Music and video players aren't great. No HTML e-mail support.

Línea de fondo

The beautiful Nokia E71 makes an excellent mobile office, and is a good unlocked alternative to the Blackberry Bold.

Nov. 6, 2009 By Sascha Segan

Call it the Lingonberry. Nokia's E71 is a beautiful, luxurious-feeling phone, and it's a direct attack on both RIM's Blackberry Bold 9000 and on the latest Windows Mobile smartphones. Because of the Finnish company's go-it-alone attitude, the E71 is a better bet for stylish mavericks than for big corporate buys. That said, this handset's power and elegance makes it our Editors' Choice for unlocked smartphones.

The slick, silvery handset feels quite luxurious. It's slim but solid at 4.49 by 2.24 by .4 inches and 4.4 oz, with a grooved stainless steel back and small, domed white keys. You'll need precise fingers to enjoy this keypad, but it's as sharp as an Italian suit. Overall, this is one seriously elegant-looking device. The phrase "CEO of Ikea" comes to mind.

There are plenty of action and command buttons, including volume buttons and quick-access buttons that go to the home screen, calendar, contacts list, and e-mail program. The number keys are overlaid on the QWERTY keyboard, which is small but has very good tactile response. Nokia did make one mistake: rather than being below the rest of the number keys like it is on practically every other phone, the "0" is next to the "9,"which can cause misdialing while you're getting used to the layout. The 2.36-inch 320 by 240-pixel screen isn't huge, but it's bright enough for everyday work and can be read easily in sunlight. The Blackberry Bold and iPhone 3G both have higher-res 320 by 480-pixel screens.

The E71 is a quad-band EDGE, dual-band HSDPA phone. The U. S. version, which we tested, works on AT&T's high-speed HSDPA network and on T-Mobile's slower EDGE network. The phone also supports Wi-Fi; I was able to connect to WPA2-secured networks without a problem.

A very solid voice phone, the E71's reception tends towards excellent. The earpiece sounds just plain beautiful. The speakerphone's speaker is on the top of the phone pointing upward, which is a little odd, and it could be a bit louder. Transmissions through the microphone and speakerphone mic sounded a bit hollow, with some background noise getting through. The handset supports wired and Bluetooth headsets and has Nokia's usual mediocre voice dialing, which mostly-sorta-works. I got 4 hours 43 minutes of 3G talk time out of the huge 1,500-mAh battery, (the same size as the Bold's battery), which is a decent result for a 3G phone.

A Wealth of Features

Running Symbian Series 60 Version 3 Feature Pack 1 OS, the E71 is the smoothest, fastest Symbian device I've ever used, probably because of its 381-Mhz ARM11 processor. There's approximately 115MB of free space to install programs and save data, or you can tuck a MicroSD card into a slot in the side. Our 8GB Sandisk card worked well. To connect the phone to a PC, you can use a microSD cable or a surprisingly speedy Bluetooth 2.0+EDR connection.

There's a lot going on with this high-end PDA phone, and that's not even counting the thousands of third-party Symbian programs out there. Google Maps, Gmail, Go, and Yahoo! all run on Symbian, for instance. You get support for text and picture messaging out of the box. For instant messaging, you can download the free Gizmo application, which integrates AIM, MSN, and Yahoo! IM. In testing, it worked fine. The e-mail program works automatically with POP3/IMAP accounts, and syncs e-mail, contacts, and calendars over the air with Exchange 2003 SP2 or newer servers. The IMAP client is smooth, although it doesn't feature push e-mail, as BlackBerry does. The E71 has a strange way of handling HTML e-mail. Messages are delivered in plain text, with an HTML version attached, which you can open in the Web browser.

About the browser: Nokia's WebKit based app (which uses the same core as Apple's Safari) is even better at formatting pages than the iPhone's, because it incorporates Flash. The implementation isn't perfect, but it's certainly better than no Flash at all. It worked fine with the simple games at Orisinal. com, but CNET TV's Flash videos crashed the browser.

The E71 syncs with PCs (but not Macs) using Nokia's PC Suite software, which links up contacts, calendars, and tasks with Outlook, Lotus Notes or the built-in Windows programs. It also lets you use the E71 as a modem for your PC. We achieved decent speeds on AT&T's 3G network in New York City. Connected to a Windows Vista PC as a modem, we saw between 600-800Kbps down and around 300Kbps up. That's a bit short of AT&T's latest dedicated PC cards, but it's on par with other 3G phones.— next: Camera, GPS, and More

Camera, GPS, and More

You get a GPS radio and Nokia Maps 2.0 for directions. The GPS took a little while to lock on, but performed well once it found a fix. The maps are gorgeous, including little outlines of individual buildings on city streets. The system provides driving and walking directions to thousands of points of interest, including restaurants, banks and forms of transportation. For walking directions, you'll pay $7.79 per month or $39.01/year. For driving directions (which adds voice prompts) it'll cost you $14.03/month or $109.25 per year.

Stellar at viewing and editing documents, the E71 comes with QuickOffice 4.1, which opens and edits even complex Microsoft Office 2003 documents easily. To support Office 2007 formats you'll need to spring for a $70 upgrade to QuickOffice 5.0, though. Adobe Reader LE is the best mobile PDF viewer available. In fact, the E71's office apps are better at displaying complex documents than Microsoft's own Windows Mobile apps.

The music and video players aren't particularly noteworthy, but the E71 has intriguing podcast and FM radio clients. Both the podcast and FM radio programs have built-in connections to online podcast and radio station directories, unlike some other clients, which force you to dig up and type in URLs or frequency numbers. The handset supports Bluetooth stereo and features a 2.5mm headphone jack, so you'll need an adapter to use standard music headphones. You get support for AAC, MP3, and WMA audio files, and you can sync with either Nokia's own PC Suite software or Windows Media Player. Video support consists of MP4 and 3GP files at up to 320-by-240-pixel resolution.

The E71's 3.2-megapixel camera didn't perform all that well. Simulated outdoor shots and daylight shots had blown out bright areas. In low light, pictures looked noisy and, in very low light, they were blurry. The video mode, though, takes sharp 320-by-240 videos at 15 frames per second. A built-in sharing client lets you quickly post your pictures to Flickr or Nokia's own Ovi service, right from the camera menu, which is a nice addition.

There are plenty of other innovative features here, too, such as wireless keyboard and printing drivers, two different notepad programs, and a text-to-speech program that reads your messages out to you.

A Smartphone For Iconoclasts

Nokia's one-size-fits-the-globe approach makes the E71 feel a bit awkward at times. The phone is stuffed with icons for programs that simply don't work in the U. S. push-to-talk, IM, a music store, and an app for Intranet access—I couldn't activate any of those services. And every time I tried to hit the Internet, the E71 asked me which of three apparently identical AT&T networks I wanted to use. As the model I was using was a U. S.-market device, I can't understand why Nokia wouldn't customize the software more. That said, this is a elegant, powerful, and extremely attractive phone.

But the competition is tough: the E71' direct competitors are the Blackberry Bold, the iPhone 3G, and the HP iPAQ 910. IT departments with existing Blackberry servers or Windows Mobile support teams will probably lean towards the other devices. The E71 is better suited for the individual iconoclast or small business user.

The Bold has a higher-res screen and faster processor, but the E71 has a better browser and direct Exchange connectivity. The iPAQ 910 is also a solid device, but the E71's interface is smoother. The E71 has more available third-party apps, and is more open than the iPhone, plus it has a physical keyboard. But of course, the iPhone, is well, the iPhone. In terms of unlocked devices, though, the E71 leads the pack right now.

The Nokia E71 is available direct from NokiaUSA. com for $483.

Benchmark Test Results Continuous talk time: 4 hours 43 minutes

Compare the Nokia E71 with several other mobile phones side by side.

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Nokia E71 TV 'китайская' копия - как разобрать и обзор

TheColeso: хотел посмотреть полярность верхнего динамика, а они его предусмотрительно отпаяли и ничего не показали печально

Андрей Ковалев: А где тв-тюнер ?

максим фомин: можно использовать камеры и как покажите

Петр Колесниченко: Хороший китайский телефон, мне он нравился, даже иногда скучаю по нему, хорош был, даже слишком для китая

shemopay: Динамики крутые!!

Владимир Богуш: народ, как настроить ммс. и как активаировать громкую связь во время разговора? плиз.

герасим мустяков: и у меня оригинал был

герасим мустяков: у меня такой был тока я его потерял

BloodyKillorz: Я такой же вчера на дороге нашёл. В комплекте были две сим-карты и флэшка на 8 гигабайт. Убит экран и АКБ. Кто знает, как починить?

vasya23fomiuk: согласен, я так же просто экспериментировал когда мне было 12 лет, просто тогда это было модно "типа у кого мобила громче". сейчас я просто слушаю в наушниках, и забил уже на это все уже давным давно.

vasya23fomiuk: чего это я слепой фанат? ты сам сказал что припаял от 3250 динамики. я тебе говорю только о звуке, что лучше чем у Е1. Е398, Е1000 лично для меня нет. да и этого телефона у меня нет уже как пару лет, украли. так что не стоит писать мне тут оскорбления. PD а я что тебя прошу читать? это мое мнение, и оно не обязано быть таким как у всех.

goldphonetv: для этого есть онлайн вебинары, которые проводит канал GTV по субботам

goldphonetv: У нашей сотрудницы случайно оказался такой телефон дома

TheZhenya01: А где процессор?

Ivan Gluhih: Разберите уже наконец Acer liquid Metal (S120).

Іван Раняк: х) они припаяны чтоб неменять если поломится, а выкидывать и покупать новый телефон..)

Team Gajet: А, где же вы такое чудо-то нарыли.

vasya23fomiuk: впал мне этот проц, главное звук. у меня была 3 года Е1. прошитая мною, громче телефона или тем более бассы ни у кого круче не звучат, это 100%. есть китайцы громче. но качество параша. много пантовщиков с 6233 или прочим гавном пытались доказать что у них звук круче, нифига не получилось. если руки прямые то равных по звуку Е1 не будет вообще, бас просто потрясающий, вибро пластины решают.

vasya23fomiuk: моторола Е1 тебе в помощь

MrWarlock310: жаль только он не сохранился =(

Nokia E71 TV "китайская" копия - как разобрать и обзор 5 out of 5

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Updated: November 24, 2010

Generally, I don't like smart phones. They are not my cup of coffee. And I don't even drink coffee. But sometimes, much like flooding can do humanity good, they can be useful.

So it happens that I own a Nokia E71 thingie, full keyboard and whatnot, don't ask how I got it, when, where or why, and so it happens that I had to travel abroad. This travel entailed driving a car around places I've never been before. In the olden days, real men used maps or asked people for directions. Today, we make living by using satellite-positioning navigation, a. k.a. GPS.

In this article, for those of you who happen to own a Nokia smartphone, E5X-E9X models, you can use your phone as a GPS, for free. No need to waste money asking the rental company for one or buying your own piece. Of course, the definition of free here is limited to the fact you did spend money on buying the phone, unless you got it as a gift or for business reasons.

GPS software

I will be using my E71 as an example here. The phone has a GPS utility already installed. It has its own separate category in the menus. Open the application. Click on Maps. Basically, you're good to go. But wait a second.

You do not want to start using the software just yet! There are several things you want to do first before activating the GPS. These include configuring the GPS for lowest bandwidth usage abroad, downloading the relevant GPS maps offline, and setting the GPS voice navigation and other properties. Let's do this.

Activate Integral GPS only

If you let your phone use all its available GPS positioning methods, which include Bluetooth, Assisted, Integrated, and Network based, you may waste tons of your money downloading map updates and other data. Using your phone in another country can be extremely costly. You definitely want to avoid this.

What you need to do is disable all methods except Integrated GPS. You can customize this setting by going to GPS > GPS Data > Options > Positioning Settings. This is the first step of our setup.

The big plus of using only the Integrated GPS is that you will have zero bandwidth cost. The downside is that you may need to wait for a minute or two until the GPS recalibrates its position on any use.

Download maps offline

Your smart phone has network access, most likely including 3G and Wi-Fi. 3G can be costly and you don't want to use it. Maps can be several hundred MB of data, which might exceed your bandwidth plan. Furthermore, if you're abroad, every little byte of extra data will cost you a fortune. Instead, you should download maps using Wi-Fi, possibly when connected to your home network, or use the Nokia Ovi Suite software to manage your phone assets.

Nokia Ovi Suite is available only for Windows, so this can be a limiting factor to how you can manage your smart phone. On the other hand, you can run the software on a desktop computer, downloading data at virtually no cost. I won't go into details as to how you can use the software, we may have a separate article on that one, we will focus on downloading the relevant maps and then copying them to our phone.

Then, the next time you sync your phone, you will have the maps copied. To be able to sync data between the phone and the computer, you may need to install additional software on your Nokia. Again, preferably, download the relevant packages using your machine, then transfer them to your phone.

Now, let us briefly deviate from the GPS stuff to an extremely short session on how you can download software and install it on your phone. We will need this information later on when I introduce yet another GPS software.

Descargar & amp; install software

Anyhow, Nokia phones are powered by the Symbian operating system. Not really exciting, except that packages for Nokia can be identified by the. sis extension. Download any program you may need. Next, plug in your phone, preferably using a USB cable. When you plugin the phone, you will be asked what method you want to use to connect the phone.

Choose PC Suite, if you want to use the Ovi Suite. However, for transferring data to your phone, you need the Mass storage option. Then, it will become just another flash memory device, like a USB thumb drive.

On your PC, locate the phone and copy the installation packages to one of the folders. Next, on your phone, locate the uploaded packages. You can browse your phone directories using Office > File Manager.

You may need to shuffle between phone and memory card. Locate the right installation package, choose Options > Instalar. We will discuss this later on. Let the blue-marked package called WAZE. SIS be a hint for now.

After you install any needed software for syncing the maps between the Ovi Suite and your phone, let them sync. Your maps will be uploaded to your phone. Remember that there is some space limitations after all. World maps can easily add up to hundreds of MB, so make sure you have enough space.

Another tool you may want to consider for the purpose of downloading maps and syncing them to your phone is Nokia Maps Loader. This can be an alternative to the full-blown suite. For more details about connecting your phone on Linux, see my cell phone backup howto.

Configure your GPS navigation preferences

The last step is to setup your navigation. Open the GPS application.

Choose Options > Configuración. There are several menus available, including Internet, Navigation, Route, Map, and Synchronization. Let's briefly go through each one and see what they offer us.


Here, you can specify your connection method. For abroad, I always use Offline. You can also setup the default access point and have a roaming warning light up, which can be useful to prevent unnecessary costs.


Here you can specify the voice. I always use the English UK RP female voice. Nothing like a posh Brit to spice up your blood. You can also setup walk guidance, home location, zoom, reroute due to traffic, time indicator, speed limit warning, and more. There's also traffic info update, but this requires an Internet connection, so use sparingly if at all when abroad. Reroute due to traffic is a similar feature.


This sub-menu lets you choose the transport mode, route selection and what kinds of roads you want to drive. For example, you may only want motorways, but no toll roads or unpaved roads. By default, all options are selected, including ferries, train ferries and tunnels. The default route selection is the fastest route.


You can specify what kind of colors to use, maximum memory use, the default category, like hotels, hospitals or others, and choose your measurement system. Basically, you have metric and imperial. No screenshot here, you get the idea.


This menu allows you to choose when to update you GPS software and maps, like manually, on startup and shutdown, etc. Login information will be required if you want to do that against the Ovi website. You will need to configure your Internet connection accordingly. Not recommended abroad. And that would be all. Let's drive!

Finally, use your GPS

Now, we're ready. Go somewhere, like Norway or United States, power on your GPS, wait for a few moments until it calibrates properly, select your destination and drive.

I've tested the software in real life, and it works very well. Maps are fairly accurate and the software makes reasonably intelligent choices. The voice choice is wicked. The small screen is clear and visible from 40-50 cm away.

You can search for places of interest, zoom in on the maps, use 2D and 3D projections, save your favorite locations, and much more. It's not fancy, but it works extremely well, especially considering the zero cost.

Searching for places

An important note: when you search for places of interest, make sure you are as detailed as possible. In the Offline mode, the software will look for places only in the vicinity of its last known satellite position, so if you're looking for something 600 km away, you may not find it. But if you specify the city or the country, the searches will be far more successful. This is a small downside of using the program in offline mode, but it compensates for astronomical cell phones fees abroad.

Alternative GPS software: Waze

If you think we're done, you're wrong. Only Dedoimedo provides tutorials so detailed and complete. Not only have I shown you how to use the build-in software, now I'm going to introduce yet another program, in case you don't like the Ovi software, and we will also learn a little more about installations of packages on Nokia phones.

So let me tell you about Waze. It's another cool free GPS software, available in many locations and languages. What makes it useful is that any user can send real-time traffic updates, which makes it for a sort-of community GPS. The program does need network connection to work, though.

Anyhow, if you're interested, read on some more. We saw WAZE. SIS in one of the screenshots earlier. Now, time to install the program. Best of all, here's an exercise in how to install Symbian packages. Believe it or not, it's no different than any other installation you've done. Confirm the installation, choose where to install the program - phone memory or the memory card, let it run.

Next, go to Installations and launch the program.

Next, you will need to create your account. Afterwards, customize your usage options and start running. Once again, the mandatory network connections makes it probably most useful in your own countries of residence. But it's an option worth consideration. And that would be all.


That was long and useful. You now have a plenty of options, all free, to drive around without getting lost in strange foreign locations. If you ask me, the built-in software is the preferred choice, especially because of its offline mode and high customization ability. Plus it works well, its simple to use, it's accurate and detailed. The overall integration is good, even if you resent having Windows software installed on some kind of a computer.

Finally, you may be wondering how I managed all those cute screenshots on my phone? Well, you will have to wait for the next article to learn about that. Take care and happy navigations!

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Nokia E71

Nice businessman's phone

I currently use this mobile phone as my work phone. Whilst it isn't the fanciest phone on the market, it will certainly do the jobs that the likely buyer is wanting to undertake.

This is certainly a phone meant for business over pleasure. The email client is very good, though the settings might take a few minutes to get right! It has a nice calendar to which you can add entries and reminders. This phone has Wifi so you will be able to browse over wireless internet, and also has 3G capability so you can browse on the go. The browser is fairly simplistic. but it does the job if you just want to check the news!

The camera is quite nice for a 3.2MP camera. There are Maps installed on it and GRS to be able to get about. There are also nice notifications at the bottom of the screen when you have missed calls/texts etc.

Now for the down sides. I think that the QWERTY keyboard is annoying and frustrating. I mostly end up hitting the wrong buttons and occasionally spend minutes trying to remember how to get the "!" symbol! (You can see that I didn't write this review on the E71 ;) ) The Ovi Store leaves alot to be desired in my opinion. if you want a phone for apps then I would say this definitely isn't it. stick to an Android or iOS device.

But back to the positives. the E71 has good battery life. It has a nice shiny metallic finish and feels nice when you hold it.

I would say overall that the E71 is ideal for the businessman who needs a mobile phone with some additional features, but certainly won't satisfy more techincal whizzes that want this to do more than just be a mobile phone.


Very helpful (Rating)



All in all good business phone at affordable prices - good for a Startup

I got my Nokia E 71 a few month's back from India when on a holiday and sufficient time has passed to give an honest opinion on my experiences using it.

Initally when I landed in India, I did not want to replace my oldish Nokia (some number I do not remember) but as luck would have it the battery died completely. The choice was between replacing the battery or the phone. I went for the latter as having planned to start a new company in UK it made sense to also go foa 'phone makeover'.

So I started making out a list of the phone features that a CEO of a startup would normally require. I would call it mandatory.

1. Top of the list was the obvious Email - a startup needs emails more than an established company since we do not have the luxury of huge telephone and/or travelling budgets. And then you constantly need to check your mails hoping to get some favaourable response from anywhere and at anytime.

2. Second was the VOIP, sadly not web browsing (I would have like it since I am a compulsive surfer), and 3. Was the Skype ( thank GOD they got this idea to save us poor startups)

And of course the basic phone features was also up there on the list. I started looking at different phones. Blackberry (the email phone) was the obvious one - bold, black and beautiful but did not fit the budget. iPhone was also an option - trendy with glitter and thousands of apps. again pricey and did not fit the 'business types' and yes most importantly 'NO SKYPE'. Then somebody mentioned Nokia E71 (obviously I had been a nokia user and as a phone it had served me well).

So I went to the nearest Nokia store to check it out. and bought it. and here is how it has performed till date.

I will start with what I desired. and whether it was a Delight or a DUD. Email

Qwerty keyboard (pad I mean) - small keys but even my spatulate fingers does type it well and fast enough (Delight)

No Push (Dud) but has a messaging app (Intellisync is suppossed to do the push but I do not know wnough, havn;t used yet

Multiple options - for push. still not tried but one can go for google app, emoze, profimail or the seven push something.

Skype is there and works to a T, Also one can use the built in VOIP - just enter the SIP details and call (Delight)

Now the ones that gives me pleasure though were not on my mandatory app list.

Great to have it, works well - word, excel.

Adobe. nothing more one can seek

Outstanding accept that one has to define access points for WLAN all the time

The salesman had said that it is the best one can get in the Smartphone - last 2 days normally if used reasonably, charged everyday if use lot of features esp WLAN

Simple, sober design, I have got black - surface may get scratches eventually, the rubber pads on the side to cover the USB's etc are a bit weird - looks like sticking out and makes you feel as if there are going to fall apart

Good shortcuts, apps and screen change options Menu search

one touch search for docs, apps. everything, good

Calendar is there with 2 pane design, video is also smooth and the inbuilt flashplayer takes care of youtube, music mgt and speaker are fine, There are other features I have noticed and used sparsely like active notes, MAPS, etc and they seem to work fine

Camera only 3.2 megapixel. had hoped for something better

Also reviewed for Ciao UK under same name and title.


Good business phone

Got given this phone by the place I work so they can hassle me 24/7!

I have always had Nokia phones and been amazed at their brilliant battery life. However as this phone has loads of power hungry features which gives me a useful battery life of about a day, from what I understand the iPhone is similar to this.

The phone looks pretty good, with its stainless steel casing, and is very well built and sturdy. I must have dropped mine at least 20 times with no apparent damage. A work mate has an iPhone as a company phone and he smashed the screen within 3 months and had to pay for the repair himself.

One great advantage this phone has over touch screen smart phones is the full qwerty keyboard which makes it very easy to type emails and texts quickly and accurately. We have Lotus Notes at work and the Lotus Traveller seems to work fine. There is also a Google Mail app which I have installed for my personal mail if I ever need it.

I find the calendar function really useful as the phone will warn me ahead of time of birthdays or appointments.

The phone has wifi and 3G and usually has a good signal. This phone has inbuilt GPS which makes things like Google Maps very accurate and also useful for Sports tracking apps. The great thing about all Nokia phones is that they offer FREE sat nav on all their phones with this facility. Install the Ovi Maps and you can download any country in the world (I think). I have used it many times and found it to be pretty accurate and good routes but sometimes I think I have a better route. It can be set up to make a noise when you exceed the speed limit or when there is a speed camera, it also displays the speed limit for the area you are driving in. Maybe not as fancy as the dedicated Sat Navs but an added bonus for this phone.

The number of apps is limited compares with apple or android market but OK for basics. I would recommen the "Whatsapp" application where you can send text messages via this app to people who have it on their phone, it is available on the iphone, blackberry and android phones too.

It has a very useful feature where you can switch between personal and business settings so your work emails don't come through when you are holiday.

Useful for basic photos or videos too but the quality is only really good enough for viewing on a computer screen, not for printing out.

Love the built in FM radio but only works with Nokia 2.5mm headphones (these are supplied with the phone and you can always get an adapter to convert to the more standard 3.5mm headsets). It can also play music or podcasts and takes a miniSD card so you can get loads on it.


I can mainly only offer praise for this phone. Battery life, even after heavy use and eighteen months old would still be around three days.

Making calls and texts - super easy!

Reception - intermittent. Although this may have been my network provider at the time.

Wifi - I had problems accessing my universities WiFi - didn't appear to be compatible.

The aluminium casing is sleek and hard wearing, however, a bit painful if you manage to drop it on your toes. The overall look of the phone is now slightly outdated, but this phone is more function over style.

Menu is easy once you get used to it, and the display has everything you need on one screen.

The keyboard is one of the easiest I have ever used, certainly better than a blackberry curve, really smooth writing.

The push buttons do make life a lot easier, accessing calendars and emails. This phone is targeted for the working professional in mind and certainly fits the bill.

Camera - poor and hard to use. However, this isn't a phone you buy for the camera.

Internet speed is ok, but you have a limited page view.

Overall, if you can get this one free on your contract or just dirt cheap, as it is an old model. GO FOR IT. Although I have tried the E72 it is an improved version of this.


If you've got the money, then go fo it!

I have been using Nokia E71 since March this year and i love the phone, maybe because it was my Mum who bought it for me. But nonetheless, the phone is one of the best i have ever used.

This phone is loaded with excellent features and application making it one of the best complete smart phone of the 21st century. Though some of this features are useless. The phone might look complicated when you first start using it, but over the weeks, you will find out how easy it is to navigate applications present in the phone.

When a new application is installed it goes into the application folder, which make evrything to be in order. The homepage is made such that you could personalise it with your own favourite applications and services.

Unlike other smartphones that just mixed everything together, this phone is designed to separate your incoming mail or outgoing mail into inbox, draft and sent items and also the call log into dialled, recieved and missed ones, which is more easier to navigate.

1. Good and easy to navigate email programme.

2. Good keyboard for fast typing (QWERTY). Funny enough, i have once used this phone to type a 3 paged report on my school practical when my laptop was misbehaving.

3. A built in Office package (like MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint)

4. The screen size is fantastic as i was able to play my favourite Zuma game on it.

5. GPS tracker is installed.

6. It also has a WLAN, which when i don't want to use my WAP i switched to it.

7. It is a 3.5G enabled phone

1. Due to the steel casing, anytime the phone is been used, it overheat

2. Freezes sometimes when multiapplication is bee runned

3. Whenever it overheats, the battery runs out quickly.

4. The silver coated central navigation button (arrow keys) is discoloured after a month usage.

5. It has some loads of unwanted applications, which will always want to connect to internet costing you some data usage money.

6. The USB port on the phone is not reliable. It started to shake after about 4 months.


Developers develop software everyday. They always work for giving better versions of software. Might be there are some crashing issues when you use old versions with new applications. Because new applications are designed for current versions which don’t concern much about old version. That is true as technology should be improved day by day. As an example Google Chrome crashes due to usage of an old version.

It is the same for Mobile phones. If you update your mobile software, you will feel better improved features and much better graphics for sure. Ealiar I wrote a article How to use your Nokia phone to go online on a pc. Today also it is about updating your nokia E71. I will show you how to update your Nokia E71 mobile software today.

I imagine you have installed Nokia OVI suite because it is an essential software if you have a Nokia phone. If you still have not installed it first download it and install it.

Connect mobile using USB cable and select “PC Suite” from the phone options. Open the “Nokia OVI Suite” and click on “Update device software”

Software will automatically find updates for your phone.

This step is very important DO NOT miss this step. Everything on your device will be deleted. Therefore backup your device.

Follow these steps properly. DO NOT remove your USB cable while it installs updates.

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Whatsapp for NOKIA e63, e71 and e72

Nokia phones usually come with Symbian. S40, S60, Windows RT, Windows phone, and Android OS. The company entered into the smartphone segment by launching several phones with Windows RT, Symbian, S60, and S40 OS . After that, Nokia began to offer Windows-based phones and competed with iPhone. and other android smartphones. Enlaces patrocinados

If you need to install Whatsapp on your e63, e71, e72 or any other NOKIA smartphone with Symbian OS please click here and read this page carefully. Or if you need just some basic information about Whatsapp an Nokia smartphone models e63, e71, and e72 please carry on reading this page. Recently, the company started offering phones running on android platform. For Nokia Symbian phones like e63, e71, and e72, Whatsapp is a great software program for messaging and chatting. It helps the users to stay in-touch with their relatives and friends. The Whatsapp software is created for different models of Nokia phones. Whatsapp for the Nokia phones can be downloaded in different formats like sis, apk, xap, and jar files. To install Whatsapp in Nokia e63, e 71, e72, or other Symbian S60 phones, please visit this page .

Since Whatsapp is a messenger program . the app remains online constantly to check and retrieve new messages. An annoying aspect about this, is that it runs in the background even when the user isn’t utilizing it. The messenger can’t be exited via the options and can’t be closed through the task manager . With the help of another application named WhatsApp modifier , the users can completely close the messenger in the background and hence prevent it from eating up battery and valuable RAM.

Nokia users can also chat with their friends or other people just by creating contacts or directly inputting their phone numbers in Whatsapp. The messenger is free for the first year. However if the users owns a Nokia e63, e71, e72, or other S60 models, then they must download the “.sis” file and install Whatsapp through the Nokia PC Suite. The installation process takes some time to complete because it looks for all the contacts registered in the user’s phonebook before checking if the contacts are already using the Whatsapp messenger.

Using Password: The application can also be restricted on your Nokia from auto-connecting to internet with this simple strategy. The active access setting can be password protected by first clicking on the “Home button”, then from settings select “connectivity”, choosing “select the active internet access” and setting a “password”. Whenever the messenger (Whatsapp) will try to establish a connection on your Nokia, it will prompt for the password that you’ve just set. If you ignore the request, then the application will be restricted from accessing the phone’s mobile data automatically.

Using Anti-virus/ a firewall on your Nokia: This is an ideal strategy to use because it guarantees the zero data consumption and a better lasting battery life. Mobile security apps and firewalls are very handy for the Symbian phones like e63, e71, and e72 since allow the users to control any App (not only Whatsapp!) from running in the background.

See also:

Downloads Section

Here you will find a collection of the most useful Nokia software available. I will aim to update this section regularly. Unlike many download sections, all files here have been tested but you are still warned to use them at your own risk!

Reset Security Code Software

Security code / Master Code Generator by Keith UpdatedВ 28/10/06 This little program generates your master code incase you have lost/forgotten your security code. Read more about it HERE .

FREE Nokia DCT4 and DCT3 Unlock Code Calculators

DCT4 Code Calculator by Hollowman 5.4 UpdatedВ 26/06/04 This latest release by Hollowman really does it all! Maybe a little advanced for newbies, but any serious unlockers must have this. Version 5.1 has been replaced with this version 5.4

Ultimate Unlock Code Calculator by Unique Added 11/02/04 A fantasticВ new calculator. This has to be seen to be believed. Calculates codes for all Nokia's (even calculates both lock 1 and lock 2 for DCT3 handsets) Also calculates codes for selected other manufacturer models, Siemens, Panasonic etc..

Smart DCT4 Calculator Version 218 Updated 11/02/04 An excellent Nokia unlock code calculator calculator! Updated frequently and contains the most up to date provider list! Now supports DCT3 and DCT4!

DCT4 Code Calculator by CyberGSM & Hollowman 2.7 Added 19/01/04 The best just got better! Improvements include IMEI Checksum, Griffin Clip and Griffin New Calculation (for 1100, 3100 and 3200) No longer requires mscomm32.ocx orВ any dll files! Further update from 2.5 to 2.7, now allows you to enter in your own box serial number for advanced users!

Code Calculator by CyberGSM 2.0 Updated This is the long awaited upgrade of CyberDog and Hollowman's calc (the previous version 1.4 is featured on my tutorial). Nokia unlocking has never been so easy! Just when we thought an unlock code calculator could not get any better Hollowman surprises us all! This will not only calculate Nokia codes but will also calculate codes for Siemens ST55, CL50 and Panasonic GD55! This is still a beta version so please post any bugs in the support forum so hollowman can view the feed back! You may need MSCOMM32.OCX for it to run. (place it in your windows/system directory) If still you cant get this to run please download and install VB runtime files UnlockMe user friendly rating 10/10!

SmartDCT4Calc 1.17 Well this is theВ unlock code calculator we have all been waiting for! With this calculator you can unlock any DCT4 Nokia on the planet. (inc AT&T 3650, Fido, Debitel and Virgin UK). A superb self explanatory interface means that anyone can use this unlocker. This calculator will even unlock the Nokia N-Gage locked to Virgin UK! UnlockMe user friendly rating 10/10!

DCT4-Calculator V2.0 By MyKe This prog will calculate codes for Fido, Debitel and Virgin. (as it supports extended MCC+MNC) It is the only clac that lets you read the MCC+MNC directly from the phone using a standard M/F bus cable. EXCELLENT! If you cant get this to run please download and install VB runtime files . UnlockMe user friendly rating 9.5/10

DCT4 Unlock Code calculator Cyber and Hollowman release Version 1.4 - Windows based (No Dongle required) Calculates both Version 1 and version 2 codes, the latest update also adds a very nice network list-box and the program can now be run from any location! This version rocks! Now Just one exe file! UnlockMe user friendly rating 9/10

DCT4 Code calculator (No dongle required)! Original dos based version with out any shell. This is the original release that all others are based on! UnlockMe user friendly rating 2/10


MadOS for 3310 latest edition including DCT3 code calculation! Added 08/02/04 Flash this to any 3310 at the address of 200000. You will no longer be able to use the handset as a phone but you will have a portable device that can generate DCT3 (lock 1 and 2 !) and DCT4 Nokia unlock codes and much more. DCT3 Codes client 1.3 Added 09/02/04 This program will communicate with the trycktill web site and generate Nokia DCT3 unlock codes. You must be online for this program to work! THIS CLIENT NOW CALCULATES LOCK1 AND LOCK2! DCT4Key Added 08/02/04 Using this program you can discover which box serial was used to calculate any DCT4 Nokia unlock code! Thanks to Unique!

Archive Section

DCT4 Flasher Software

Combined MCU & PPM flash files for Nokia DCT3

Use The flash files below to upgrade the software on your Nokia handset (only DCT3). These flash files are to be used with flashing software such as Rollis, KNOCK, DarkFlasher etc. These flash files are not in wintesla format and therefore will not work with software like WinDDP WinDLLS etc.

Nokia E71 Gets Software Update

By Jeff Baker on 13th December 2010

The Nokia E71 has just benefited from an updated software release. The latest release is 500.21.009/501.21.001 and can be downloaded from here via the Nokia Software Uodater.

The new update addresses some known bugs and some improvements. The end result is better performance and stability. Looking at the improvements you now get Ovi Maps 3.03 Lite with free turn by turn navigation, a new version of the music player, a new version of Ovi Store and Office 2007 support.

This looks like an update well worth downloading and brings a whole heap of benefits to your Nokia E71.

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Three will sell the iPhone SE with added extras

Nokia E71 RM-346 firmware data package download


Also known as [ edit ]

Nokia E71 RM-346 mobile phone / mobilephone firmware / ROM datapack / datapackage file share download links

Nokia E71 RM346 cellular phone / cellphone software / flash data package pack files fileshare download link

Notes [ edit ]

CPKB does not host any firmware files

all the links are widely available on the internet, and found by search sites (google, filecrop, accuratefiles. )

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EURO [ edit ]

Mobile phone firmware version

Nokia E71 - Smartphone 110 MB driver and firmware

Related Nokia E71 Manual Pages

Download the free PDF manual for Nokia E71 and other Nokia manuals at ManualOwl. com

User Guide - Page 4 . La seguridad. 7 About your device. 7 Network services. 8 Battery removing. 8 Find help. 9 Support. 9 Remote configuration. 9 Software updates using your PC. 10 Further information. 11 Transfer. control. 24 Screen saver clock. 24 Memory . 24 Write text. 25 New from Eseries. 27 Nokia E71 in brief. 12 Set up your device. 15 Key features. 12.

User Guide - Page 7 . content. Exercise caution with messages, connectivity requests, browsing, and downloads . Only install and use services and software from trustworthy sources that offer adequate security and protection, such. have passed the Java Verified™ testing. Consider installing antivirus and other security software on your device and any connected computer .

User Guide - Page 9 . so back up your data first. & # 8226; Update your device software regularly for optimum performance and possible new features, as explained in the. With Device manager, you can manage settings . data, and software on your device remotely. Tú. configuration connection is usually started by the server when the device settings need to be updated . Remote configuration Select Menu > Tools.

User Guide - Page 10 . available only if you have selected Network authentication to be used. device, follow the instructions on the display . Your device is restarted once the installation is complete. Downloading software updates may involve the transmission of large amounts of data ( network service). Make sure that the device battery has enough power.

User Guide - Page 20 . Options > Change Menu view > Grid. To view the memory consumption of different applications and data. > Move to folder, the new folder, and OK. To download applications from the web, select Options > Download applications. Select Menu > Tools > Switch. You can transfer content, such. on the display . For some device models, the Switch application is sent to the other device as a message. To install .

User Guide - Page 31 . Contacts for Eseries Select Menu > Communic. > Contacts. Save and update contact information, such as phone numbers, home addresses . or e-mail addresses of your contacts. the contact's information. Manage contacts directories You can install contacts directories from the Download . application. New from Eseries 31 To change the alarm tone, select Calendar alarm tone. A.

User Guide - Page 38 . networks . Phone Call divert To define the service-specific settings . select Edit service settings . This option is only available if a service-specific software plug-in has been installed in the device. Speed dialling Select Menu > Tools > Settings > Phone > Call > Speed dialling > On. Speed dialling allows you to.

User Guide - Page 47 . mailbox, and download the e-mails to your device before you can read them. & # 8226; Nokia Messaging. Nokia . service automatically pushes email from your existing e-mail address to your Nokia E71 . You can read, respond to, and organise your emails on the. Nokia Messaging service must be supported by your network and may not be available in all regions. Install the Nokia messaging application E-mail.

User Guide - Page 48 . you may need to enter other Your device can download e-mails from a POP or IMAP e-mail account. POP3 is a version of the post office protocol that. mail server. You can then choose which messages to download to your device. 1. Go to the home screen, scroll to. Read the information on the display . and select Start. 4. Select Yes to allow your device to access the network . 5. Enter.

User Guide - Page 63 . Eseries device you can browse both the internet and your company's intranet, and download and install new applications to your device. Usted puede. you are using a data call or GPRS connection, your wireless network must support data calls or GPRS. security and protection against harmful software . Tip: When you start to enter the address . the addresses of the pages you have previously.

User Guide - Page 64 . topics. Blog is a shortening of weblog, which is a continuously updated web diary. To download a feed or blog, scroll to it, and press the scroll key. To add a. select Options > Exit. Clear the cache Web settings A cache is a memory location that is used to store data temporarily. & # 8226; Page contains imaging, audio . and pop-up settings . & # 8226; Privacy contains settings .

User Guide - Page 65 . > Settings . Select Menu > Download . With Download . ( network service), you can browse, download . and install items, such as latest applications and related. preview them free of charge. Descargar. uses your network services to access the most updated content. Por. or manufacturer of the item. Only install and use applications and other software from sources that offer adequate security.

User Guide - Page 68 . - Edit the security settings for the selected security mode. & # 8226; Homepage - Enter the web address of the page you want to display as the home page when you use. IP and name server addresses for the IPv4 internet protocol. & # 8226; IPv6 settings - Select or enter the. 2. Select Connect PC to web. The necessary software is automatically installed from your device to the PC. 3. Accept the.

User Guide - Page 70 . > Internet > Default access point. card. You can also use the Nokia Map Loader PC software to download maps. To install Nokia Map Loader to a compatible PC, go to www. nokia. com/ maps. Downloading maps may involve the. > Go online at start-up > Yes. To prevent automatic downloading of maps, select Options > Tools > Settings > Internet > Go online at start-up > No.

User Guide - Page 85 . selected episode, select Download . To play the downloaded episode, select Play. To update the selected podcast. episode, select Options > Update . To open the web site of the podcast ( network service), select. change. Select the desired directory folder to update it ( network service). The colour of the folder changes. select Update . After you have subscribed to episodes of a podcast, you can download .

User Guide - Page 98 . a corporate intranet, or to another device or computer . Nokia PC Suite Fast downloading High-speed downlink packet. is activated and the device is connected to a UMTS network that supports HSDPA, downloading data such as messages, e-mail. proveedor de servicio. HSDPA only affects the download speed; sending data to the network . such as messages and e-mail, is not affected. You can install Nokia PC.

User Guide - Page 105 . 8226; You need an appropriate data communications software on your computer . such as Nokia PC Suite. For more information, see. your service provider or internet service provider. & # 8226; You must have the appropriate drivers installed on your computer . You must install drivers . connection, and you may need to install or update Bluetooth or infrared drivers . To see the open data connections, select.

User Guide - Page 108 . want to reduce the risk of viruses or other malicious software . and to check the authenticity of software when you download and install software to your device. To view certificate details, open a certificate folder, and select a. use of certificates makes the risks involved in remote connections and software installation considerably smaller, they must be used

User Guide - Page 110 . jad or. jar. Installation files may be transferred to your device from a compatible computer . downloaded during. pages, you can download an installation file and install it immediately. Note, however. passed the Java Verified™ testing. To download and install software from the web, select Download apps. Select the application and Options > Install . To view the details of an installed software .

User Guide - Page 149 . profiles 125 editing profiles 125 editing proxy servers 125 editing registration servers 125 settings 125 sis files 110 sisx files 110 software packages installation settings 111 installing 110 software updates 10 sound clips recording 89 sending 54 Speech 46 speed dialling 38 standby mode settings 117 support resources 9.

Related Items

View other Nokia Mobile Phone products:

In an incredible turn of events that could lead you to worry a bit about the future of telcos, Nokia adds Skype to the list of free online communications clients that it offers in its Ovi Store .

You can now get the benefits of Skype on your Nokia Symbian phone -- saving you money and allowing you to stay in touch with your loved ones, even when you're out and about.

Call and IM Skype contacts for FREE — Donde quiera que estés

If you already use Skype on a computer, you'll see your full contact list when you sign in to Skype on your Nokia Symbian phone. Call for FREE Skype-to-Skype on your mobile, and send and receive instant messages, with a group or one-to-one. Here's the complete list of supported Nokia phone models:

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Download Skype for your Nokia phone HERE .

Unlocking Nokia E71

For unlock Nokia E71 following options are available. If you don't know which option use for unlock Your phone, please contact us. We will help you choose the right product for your phone.

Recommend product

Unlock Nokia phones using USB cable. The process of reading data from the phone takes about 3 minutes. The process of calculation codes through servers run from 1 to 24 hours. Unlock.

Price 16.99 EURO

All available products

The Unlock by code Nokia from 3 Hutchison Australia service allows You to unlock Your phone permanently and without voiding its manufacture warranty Unlock codes are completely safe.

Price 20.99 EURO

The Unlock by code Nokia from 3 Hutchison Austria service allows you to permanently unlock your Nokia mobile phone. Unlock codes are completely safe for your Nokia. You should.

Price 20.99 EURO

The Unlock by code Nokia (Lumia not supported) from 3 Hutchison Ireland service allows you to permanently unlock your Nokia phone. To unlock Nokia mobile phones is required to provide.

Price 16.99 EURO

Service allows to unlock Nokia LUMIA with the Windows 7 system from the 3 Hutchison Ireland by code. The service supports only LUMIA with Windows 7. It is the safest method to unlock your phone.

Price 41.99 EURO

Service allows to unlock Nokia LUMIA with the Windows 8 system from the 3 Hutchison Ireland by code. The service supports only LUMIA with Windows 8. It is the safest method to unlock your phone.

Price 19.99 EURO

With this service Unlock by code Nokia from 3G UK You will permanently unlock Your phone. You should be 100% sure of Your Nokia network and country. In case of wrong network provided.

Price 22.99 EURO

Using the Unlock by code Nokia from Amena Spain service, we can unlock all Nokia phones from the Amena Spain network. Removing phone blockade is 100% safe for your Nokia. A.

The Unlock by code Nokia from AT&T USA allows you to unlock your Nokia phone working in this network. To unlock Nokia phones is required to provide correct IMEI number, choose your.

The Unlock by code Nokia LUMIA from AT&T USA allows you to unlock your Nokia LUMIA phone working in this network, PREMIUM base, 99% phones supported To unlock Nokia phones is required.

Price 19.99 EURO

Nokia LUMIA from Bell Canada permanent unlock allows you to unlock Nokia LUMIA by code To unlock Nokia phones it is required to provide correct IMEI number and choose your phone.

Price 19.99 EURO

Nokia from Bouygues France permanent unlock allows you to unlock Nokia by code To unlock Nokia phones it is required to provide correct IMEI number and choose your phone model. Unlocking.

Price 13.49 EURO

The Unlock by code Nokia from Brazil Telecom (BrtCell) service allows You to unlock Your phone permanently and without voiding it's manufacture warranty You should be 100% sure of your.

With the Unlock by code Nokia from Claro Argentina service You will be able to permanently unlock Your phone. You should be 100% sure of Your Nokia network and country. In case of choosing.

Price 16.99 EURO

Nokia LUMIA from Cricket USA permanent unlock allows you to unlock Nokia LUMIA by code To unlock Nokia phones it is required to provide correct IMEI number and choose your phone.

Price 19.99 EURO

This service offers unlock codes for all Nokia Lumia models with Windows 8 system which are locked in E-Mobile network from Ireland. It is a quick and easy way to unlock your phone, without.

Price 19.99 EURO

Nokia LUMIA EE UK permanent unlock allows you to permanently unlock your Nokia LUMIA by code. To unlock Nokia phones it is required to provide correct IMEI number and choose your.

Price 44.99 EURO

With the Unlock by code any Nokia network Era GSM Poland service you will be able to permanently unlock your phone. You should be 100% sure of your Nokia network and country. En caso.

The Unlock by code Nokia from Fido Canada service allows you to unlock Your phone permanently and without voiding its manufacture warranty Unlock codes are completely safe for your.

Nokia LUMIA from Fido Canada permanent unlock allows you to unlock Nokia LUMIA by code To unlock Nokia phones it is required to provide correct IMEI number and choose your phone.

Price 15.99 EURO

Nokia LUMIA from Koodo Canada permanent unlock allows you to unlock Nokia LUMIA by code To unlock Nokia phones it is required to provide correct IMEI number and choose your phone.

Price 41.99 EURO

The Unlock by code Nokia (Lumia not supported) from Meteor Ireland service allows you to permanently unlock your Nokia phone. To unlock Nokia phones is required to provide the IMEI.

Price 16.99 EURO

Service allows to unlock Nokia LUMIA with the Windows 7 system from the Meteor Ireland by code. The service supports only LUMIA with Windows 7. It is the safest method to unlock your phone without.

Price 41.99 EURO

Service allows to unlock Nokia LUMIA with the Windows 8 system from the Meteor Ireland by code. The service supports only LUMIA with Windows 8. It is the safest method to unlock your phone without.

Price 20.99 EURO

With the Unlock by code Nokia from Movistar Argentina service You will be able to permanently unlock Your phone. You should be 100% sure of Your Nokia network and country. En caso.

Price 12.99 EURO

Nokia LUMIA from Movistar Argentina permanent unlock allows you to unlock Nokia LUMIA by code To unlock Nokia phones it is required to provide correct IMEI number and choose your.

Price 21.99 EURO

Nokia from Movistar Latin America unlock This service allows you to unlock your Nokia standrad model (not LUMIA) by code Supported Countries are: - Movistar Argentina -.

Price 14.99 EURO

Nokia LUMIA from Movistar Latin America permanent unlock allows you to unlock your Nokia LUMIA by code Supported countries: Movistar Argentina Movistar Chile Movistar.

Price 18.99 EURO

Using the services Unlock by code Nokia from Movistar Spain We can unlock all Nokia phones from network Movistar Spain. Removing phone blockade is 100% safe for your Nokia. A.

Unlock by code Nokia LUMIA from Movistar Spain allows you to unlock your Nokia LUMIA phone working in this network. To unlock Nokia phones is required to provide correct IMEI number.

Price 15.99 EURO

Unlock by code Nokia LUMIA from Movistar Spain allows you to unlock your Nokia LUMIA phone working in this network. To unlock Nokia phones is required to provide correct IMEI number.

Price 13.99 EURO

Using the services Unlock by code Nokia (Lumia not supported) from O2 Ireland we can unlock all Nokia phones from the O2 Ireland network. Removing phone blockade is 100% safe for your.

Price 16.99 EURO

Service allows to unlock Nokia LUMIA with the Windows 7 system from the O2 Ireland by code. The service supports only LUMIA with Windows 7. It is the safest method to unlock your phone without.

Price 41.99 EURO

Service allows to unlock Nokia LUMIA with the Windows 8 system from the O2 Ireland by code. The service supports only LUMIA with Windows 8. It is the safest method to unlock your phone without.

Price 19.99 EURO

Unlock by code Nokia LUMIA from O2 UK allows you to unlock your Nokia LUMIA phone working in this network. To unlock Nokia phones is required to provide corect IMEI number, choose.

Price 24.99 EURO

The Unlock by code Nokia from Oi Brazil service allows you to unlock Your phone permanently and without voiding its manufacture warranty You should be 100% sure of your Nokia network.

The Unlock by code Nokia from Optimus Portugal service allows you to unlock your Nokia phone. Unlock codes are completely safe for your cell phone. You should be 100% sure of Your.

The Unlock by code Nokia from Orange Austria service allows you to permanently unlock your Nokia mobile phone. Unlock codes are completely safe for your Nokia. You should be 100%.

Price 20.99 EURO

Nokia LUMIA from Orange France permanent unlock allows you to unlock Nokia LUMIA by code To unlock Nokia phones it is required to provide correct IMEI number and choose your phone.

Price 14.99 EURO

The unlocking service of all Nokia mobile phones from the Orange Poland network. Unlock codes are completely safe for your cell phone. You should be 100% sure of your Nokia network.

Price 19.99 EURO

The service allows you to unlock your Nokia phone 510 610 from Orange Poland by code. Supported are only 510 and 610 models appearing in this network. It is the safest method to unlock your phone.

Price 16.99 EURO

The Unlock by code Nokia from Orange Spain service allows you to permanently unlock your Nokia mobile phone. Unlock codes are completely safe for your Nokia. You should be 100%.

Nokia LUMIA from Orange Switzerland permanent unlock allows you to unlock Nokia LUMIA by code To unlock Nokia phones it is required to provide correct IMEI number and choose your.

Price 42.99 EURO

Using the Unlock by code any Nokia network Orange UK service we can unlock all Nokia SL3 BB5 phones from the Orange UK network. LUMIA phones are NOT supported here.

Price 31.99 EURO

Nokia LUMIA from Orange EE UK permanent unlock allows you to permanently unlock Nokia LUMIA by code To unlock Nokia phones it is required to provide correct IMEI number and choose.

Price 39.99 EURO

With the Unlock by code Nokia from Personal Argentina service You will be able to permanently unlock Your phone. You should be 100% sure of Your Nokia network and country. En caso.

Price 24.99 EURO

The Unlock by code Nokia from PLAY P4 Poland service allows you to permanently unlock your Nokia mobile phone. To unlock Nokia cell phones it is required to provide the IMEI number.

Price 10.99 EURO

With the Unlock by code any Nokia network PLUS GSM Poland service you will be able to permanently unlock your phone. You should be 100% sure of your Nokia network and country. En caso.

With the Unlock by code Nokia from Red Canada service you will permanently unlock Your phone. You should be 100% sure of your Nokia network and country. In case of choosing wrong.

With the Unlock by code Nokia from Rogers Canada service You will be able to permanently unlock Your phone. You should be 100% sure of Your Nokia network and country. In case of choosing.

Price 15.99 EURO

Nokia LUMIA from Rogers Canada permanent unlock allows you to unlock Nokia LUMIA by code To unlock Nokia phones it is required to provide correct IMEI number and choose your phone.

Price 15.99 EURO

The service allows you to unlock any Nokia from network SFR France by code. Supported are all Nokia models appearing in this network. It is the safest way to unlock your phone without any interference.

Price 13.99 EURO

Nokia LUMIA from Solo Canada permanent unlock allows you to unlock Nokia LUMIA by code To unlock Nokia phones it is required to provide correct IMEI number and choose your phone.

Price 24.99 EURO

Unlock by code Nokia from T-mobile Croatia allows you to unlock your Nokia phone. To unlock Nokia phones is required to provide the IMEI number, choose your phone model, and provide.

Nokia from T-mobile Germany permanent unlock allows you to unlock Nokia by code To unlock Nokia phones it is required to provide correct IMEI number and choose your phone model.

The unlocking service of all Nokia mobile phones from the T-Mobile network. Unlock codes are completely safe for your cell phone. You should be 100% sure of Your Nokia network.

Nokia LUMIA T-mobile EE UK permanent unlock allows you to permanently unlock your Nokia LUMIA by code. To unlock Nokia phones it is required to provide correct IMEI number and choose.

Price 39.99 EURO

Using the services Unlock by code any Nokia network T-Mobile USA We can unlock all Nokia phones from network T-Mobile USA Removing phone blockade is 100% safe for your Nokia. A.

Price 51.99 EURO

The Unlock by code Nokia from Telenor Norway service allows you to permanently unlock your Nokia mobile phone. To unlock Nokia phones it is required to provide the IMEI number, choose.

Price 11.99 EURO

The Unlock by code Nokia Lumia 530 920 and others from Telenor Norway service allows you to permanently unlock your Nokia Lumia mobile phone. To unlock Nokia Lumia phones it is required.

Price 40.99 EURO

Nokia LUMIA from Telstra Australia permanent unlock allows you to unlock Nokia LUMIA by code To unlock Nokia phones it is required to provide correct IMEI number and choose your.

Price 24.99 EURO

Using the Unlock by code Nokia (Lumia not supported) from Tesco Ireland service we can unlock all Nokia phones from the Tesco Ireland network. Removing phone blockade is 100% safe.

Price 16.99 EURO

Service allows to unlock Nokia LUMIA with the Windows 7 system from the Tesco Ireland by code. The service supports only LUMIA with Windows 7. It is the safest method to unlock your phone without.

Price 41.99 EURO

Service allows to unlock Nokia LUMIA with the Windows 8 system from the Tesco Ireland by code. The service supports only LUMIA with Windows 8. It is the safest method to unlock your phone without.

Price 19.99 EURO

The Unlock by code Nokia from TIM Brazil service allows you to unlock your Nokia permanently and without voiding its manufacture warranty To unlock Nokia phones is required to provide.

Unlock by code Nokia from Vip Croatia allows you to unlock your Nokia phone. To unlock Nokia phones is required to provide the IMEI number, choose your phone model, and provide the correct.

Price 24.99 EURO

Nokia LUMIA from Virgin Canada permanent unlock allows you to unlock Nokia LUMIA by code To unlock Nokia phones it is required to provide correct IMEI number and choose your phone.

Price 19.99 EURO

The service allows you to unlock any Nokia from network Virgin France by code. Supported are all Nokia models appearing in this network. It is the safest way to unlock your phone without any interference.

Price 16.99 EURO

The Unlock by code Nokia from Brazil Telecom (BrtCell) service allows you to unlock Your phone permanently and without voiding its manufacture warranty To unlock Nokia phones is required.

The Unlock by code Nokia from Vodafone Australia service allows You to unlock Your phone permanently and without voiding its manufacture warranty Unlock codes are completely safe.

Price 19.99 EURO

The Unlock by code Nokia from Vodafone Croatia allows you to permanently unlock your Nokia mobile phone. To unlock Nokia phones it is required to provide the IMEI number, choose your.

Price 24.99 EURO

Using the Unlock by code Nokia (Lumia not supported) from Vodafone Ireland service we can unlock all Nokia phones from the Vodafone Ireland network. Removing phone blockade is 100%.

Price 16.99 EURO

Service allows to unlock Nokia LUMIA with the Windows 7 system from the Vodafone Ireland by code. The service supports only LUMIA with Windows 7. It is the safest method to unlock your phone.

Price 41.99 EURO

Service allows to unlock Nokia LUMIA with the Windows 8 system from the Vodafone Ireland by code. The service supports only LUMIA with Windows 8. It is the safest method to unlock your phone.

Price 19.99 EURO

With the Unlock by code Nokia from Vodafone Portugal service you will be able to permanently unlock Your phone. You should be 100% sure of Your Nokia network and country. En caso.

Price 14.99 EURO

With the Unlock by code Nokia from Vodafone Romania service you will be able to permanently unlock your phone. You should be 100% sure of your Nokia LUMIA network and country. En caso.

Price 28.99 EURO

The Unlock by code Nokia from Vodafone Slovenia service allows you to permanently unlock your Nokia mobile phone. To unlock Nokia phones it is required to provide the IMEI number.

The Unlock by code Nokia from Vodafone Spain service allows you to permanently unlock your Nokia mobile phone. Unlock codes are completely safe for your Nokia. You should be 100%.

Unlock by code Nokia LUMIA from Vodafone Spain allows you to unlock your Nokia LUMIA phone working in this network. To unlock Nokia phones is required to provide correct IMEI number.

Price 15.99 EURO

Our unlocking service allows to unlock all Nokias from the UK Vodafone network, by entering code. Unlock codes are completely safe for your cell phone. You should be 100% sure.

Price 21.99 EURO

Nokia LUMIA from Vodafone UK permanent unlock allows you to unlock Nokia LUMIA by code To unlock Nokia phones it is required to provide correct IMEI number and choose your phone.

Price 21.99 EURO

The Unlock by code Nokia from Yoigo Spain service allows you to permanently unlock your Nokia mobile phone. Unlock codes are completely safe for your Nokia. You should be 100%.

Copyright (c) 2010 - 2016 m. sim-unlock. net. Todos los derechos reservados.

Nokia E71 Repair

It's time to speak out for your right to repair

Dear New Yorkers,

Right now, New York has a chance to pass the first Fair Repair bill in the nation. We have a chance to guarantee our right to repair electronics—like smartphones, computers, and even farm equipment. We have a chance to help the environment and stand up for local repair jobs—the corner mom-and-pop repair shops that keep getting squeezed out by manufacturers.

The Fair Repair Bill, known as S3998 in the State Senate and A6068 in the State Assembly. requires manufacturers to provide owners and independent repair businesses with fair access to service information, security updates, and replacement parts.

If you agree with us, tell your representatives that you believe repair should be fair, affordable, and accessible. Stand up for the right to repair in New York.

It's time to speak out for your right to repair


The people of Massachusetts have always stood up for their right to repair. In 2012, voters passed a law that ensured residents' right to repair their car wherever they wanted. Now, it's time to do the same for electronics.

With the Digital Right to Repair Bill, H.3383. we have a chance to guarantee our right to repair electronics — like smartphones, computers, and even farm equipment. We have a chance to help the environment and stand up for local repair jobs—the corner mom-and-pop repair shops that keep getting squeezed out by manufacturers.

The Digital Right to Repair Bill requires manufacturers to provide owners and independent repair businesses with fair access to service information, security updates, and replacement parts.

If you agree with us, find out who represents you in the Massachusetts legislature. Tell them you support the bipartisan Digital Right to Repair Bill. Tell them that you believe repair should be fair, affordable, and accessible. Stand up for the right to repair in Massachusetts.

It's time to speak out for your right to repair

Dear Nebraskans,

Right now, Nebraska has a chance to pass the first Fair Repair Bill.

We have a chance to guarantee our right to repair electronics — like smartphones, computers, and even farm equipment. We have a chance to help the environment and stand up for local repair jobs — the corner mom-and-pop repair shops that keep getting squeezed out by manufacturers.

We've been working with local farmers, repair companies, non-profit refurbishers, and tech-savvy politicians to come up with a solution.

If you agree with us, find out who represents you in the Nebraska House of Representatives. Tell them that you believe repair should be fair, affordable, and accessible.

It's time to speak out for your right to repair

Dear Minnesotans,

Right now, Minnesota has a chance to pass the first Fair Repair bill in the nation. We have a chance to guarantee our right to repair electronics—like smartphones, computers, and even farm equipment. We have a chance to help the environment and stand up for local repair jobs—the corner mom-and-pop repair shops that keep getting squeezed out by manufacturers.

We've been working with local repair companies, non-profit refurbishers, and tech-savvy politicians to come up with a solution. And they've done just that — Minnesota is the first state to consider a Fair Repair Bill.

If you agree with us, find out who represents you in the Minnesota House of Representatives. Tell them you support the bipartisan Fair Repair Bill, HF 1048 . Tell them that you believe repair should be fair, affordable, and accessible.

Nokia E71 Phones Secrets Codes and Tips

The must know Nokia E71 tips and secrets codes

Nokia E71 Phones . Unlock Your Business Anywhere

Nokia E71 Mobile Phone this device is the successor of Nokia E61i, this Quad-band phone and was one of the very best handsets to come out of Nokia.

Nokia e71 Phones secret codes

Here's a list of known Secrets code s on Nokia e71 mobile phones. To use these codes, just dial them like normal numbers.

To get to a symbol or number hold down its key.

Shift + Backspace deletes letters after the cursor, thus immitating the behavior of the ‘Delete’ key on the computer.

In the Main Menu: A B C D E F G H I J K L Fn + Ctrl + C to copy. Fn + Ctrl + V to paste. Shift + Left ( or Right ) to select text Ctrl + Up for page up. Ctrl + Down for page down. Ctrl + Vowels ( or n ) for accented characters like á or ñ. fn + ctrl + A Select All CAMERA T to focus.

Green Call to send the image. Fn + * for full screen. Fn + 7 to zoom in. Press twice for the full screen size. Fn + 4 to scroll left while in the zoomed image. Fn + 5 o zoom in. Fn + 3 to rotate right. Fn + 2 to scroll up while in the zoomed image. Fn + 1 to rotate left. Fn + 0 to zoom out.

Hold * to activate/deactivate Bluetooth. Hold 0 to go to the web browser. Left Soft Key then Fn ( or * ) locks the keypad. Hold End/Red to disconnect all data connections. Hold Left Soft Key to read out new text messages. hold # key to switch to silenced/normal

MAIL . send e-mail on nokia e71

Shift + Return to mark/unmark a single message. Shift + Down to mark multiple items. Fn + Spacebar in new message body to access input (predictive text, etc.) options.

Nokia e71 MAPS Option

Shift to zoom in. Backspace to zoom out. Space to go to the current position.

Hold shift + soft key left to Copy Hold shift + soft key RIGHT to Paste

Fn + 2 for full screen. Hold Up for fast forward. Hold Down for rewind.

1 for bookmarks. 2 to find something on a page. 3 to return to the previous page. 5 to tab open windows. * to zoom in. # to zoom out. 8 for page overview. 9 to go to a different web page. 0 to got to the homepage.

Hit the Backspace key to close the current window.

y – to go back one site z – to go back one site Listen to your text messages using the audio text function

Internet radio Stations on the Nokia E71 mobile phone.

Download Nokia E71 Service Manual below . Download Nokia E71 Service Manual service schematics Download Link

Nokia cell phones top secret service codes

Garmin Mobile XT on Nokia E71 and N95 (Internal GPS supported)

Garmin Inc. provides very useful and interesting GPS solutions. Garmin Mobile XT is a software which is designed for mobile phones and provides GPS navigation on the go!

Basically, you should buy a Garmin GPS Reciever and the software provided together to use Garmin products.

On the Nokia E71 and ( N95 8GB ) you can install the Garmin Mobile XT (version 5.00.40 as of today) and use the internal GPS and/or the A-GPS intergrated on the Nokia Phones.

STEP ONE: First thing to do is to get Garmin Mobile XT software for your device. Go to Garmin Mobile XT website, and download the right version for your phone.

Once you downloaded the installation files, connect your phone on the USB DATA TRANSFER mode and run the downloaded file. The installation program will ask you where you want to install Garmin Mobile XT? Just choose the right drive (your phone) and click on “Install”.

STEP TWO: Get the Support files (from the bottom of the same page ) and install them in the same way on your phone.

STEP TREE: Get the map you need and copy the map IMG file in your phone’s memory card, inside the “Garmin” directory.

On the next page(s) we’ll see how to activate the internal GPS support for Garmin on your mobile phone…

About Gi

I love new technologies and try to use them in my everyday life. Since many years ago, I write about these technologies, and provide solutions to the issues people might get using the new world. I tested and experienced the solutions I provide. I love helping people, and that's why my publications have been free until now.

42 thoughts on “ Garmin Mobile XT on Nokia E71 and N95 (Internal GPS supported) ”

dva N95 telefona sam skoro uspesno instalirao, mozda mogu da pomognem … koliko sam shavatio sve si ok uradila, ali moras duze da sacekas na signal pod otvorenim nebom, i vise od 15min.

De acuerdo. Hvala Pero! Probacu pa javljam

Can you direct me to where I can get maps (not through Garmin)?

Does anyone know how to get maps for the Mobile XT. I have installed it on my E71

I have Nokia E61i. I have installed Garmin GPS app. My device does not have In-built gps, but it shows ‘Netwrok based’ gps in options. So, Does this garmon XT work with E61i?

i cannot download garmin for e71 can anyone give me the link …

hey dud. i found a ******* file that contain all the needed program and it is for free!! go to www.***********.org and search garmin mobile and download the ******* file. you will need the ********** program or any equivalent program to download any *******. good luck. ********COMMENT EDITED BY ADMIN********** ****PLEASE DO NOT SEND WAREZ AND ILLEGAL DATA****

i tried the above but no luck still cant get the gps going but i do have nokia n86 please help me

For Nokia phones

ive got this all ready and runnnng. just need to download map image. atm moment its saying ready to navigate but i need the map image lol. where can i find one for free for australia

Thanx for the help but i am unable to load map on garmin on my E71 i have followed all the steps which u have mentioned above n everything was don without any problem but problem is occurring that it doesnt load maps on my phone even though i downloaded maps from http://***[removed by admin]*** and copied. img file into e:\garmin\ but it is still not working please help me wat to do?

where to get free maps for Garmin Mobile XT “for israel”.

Has anyone tried using this phone in an EDGE data network area, if so, how was the speed of the browser on it, and if you also tried streaming video with, how was it with doing that? The reason I want to know is, I’m not in a AT&T 3g area, just EDGE. I’m trying to hold off to see if they will release a similar phone, but on Verizon’s CDMA network, since I believe Verizon has 3g in my area, but this phone just keeps tempting me with each positive review I read about it.

¡Hola! I tried to install Gramin on my Nokia N 97 it said ‘the softwere is not competable with your phone’. is there a Gramin version with N97 compatibility? &erio; how to install the support & base files? the phone n97 can not run exe files thanks in advance for any help

dude i have e65 how do i get garmin 2012 on it i am confused

Hi can gps xt can work with ipad 2

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Nokia E71

Nokia has both slimmed down and pimped up its flagship email phone with the E71. HSDPA connections, vastly improved performance, good battery life and extras such as Assisted GPS navigation, built-in VoIP, remote wipe and hardware encryption for both the device and the memory card, makes for a rounded, business-grade handset. A striking design rounds out an excellent package. If there are criticisms, it is that the user interface icons are not the greatest, and one of the E71’s hero features, switching between work and personal modes, is on the slow side. But unless you need BlackBerry server connections, or really, really want a touch screen rather than a keypad, buy an E71.

Nokia might be the global market leader in mobile phones but one market where the Finnish vendor still faces tough competition is for business handsets. This is especially the case when it comes to email-centric devices such as the E71.

Not only does Nokia have to compete with Research in Motion’s BlackBerry. but it has to go head-to-head with a growing and increasingly capable range of devices based on Microsoft’s Windows Mobile platform, including solid offerings from Taiwan’s HTC and Samsung.

So it is fortunate for Nokia that the E71 is as good as it is. In some ways, it is a handset that is hard to pin down. It is a device that is both functional, but with high design values, one that is robust but also attractive and easy to use.

Stylistically, the E71 probably owes more to Nokia’s design and fashion-led consumer handsets than its technical precursors such as the Communicator series or even the E61, the model it replaces. According to Nokia, the E71 is meant to look like a high-end phone, and largely, it pulls that off.

Shiny and bright

The e71 is slimmer than the (2G) iPhone, narrower than a BlackBerry 8820, probably its closest rival in terms of features and functions, and significantly smaller all round than its boxy predecessors, the e61 and e61i. The e71 should fit neatly into a jacket or even shirt pocket, but pick up the phone and it still has a solid heft.

The e71 comes in two versions, one with a keypad in conventional business grey, and a sexier white version. Each has a polished metal casing, actually made of stainless steel. The feeling of quality is reinforced by the etched Nokia logo on the back of the battery cover.

On the front, the QVGA screen goes almost right to the edge of the handset, with the effect of making it look slightly slimmer than it is. The keypad is, as a result, slightly narrower than on competitors’ devices but the key travel is positive and typing is easy. Using the E71 for extended periods is certainly far more comfortable than an E61.

On the back of the phone the camera is housed in a raised area, which rests easily on the finger for one-handed use. This is a small touch but one which makes for a significant ergonomic improvement.

The camera itself is a 3.2 megapixel unit with auto focus and flash, which takes reasonable, though not stunning, pictures. Finding the camera button, at least in the phone’s default “business” mode, is far more difficult than it should be, although users who make a lot of use of the camera could assign it to one of the soft keys. Unlike on consumer camera phones, the E71 has no dedicated shutter/camera button.

Size: 114 x 57 x 10 mm

Repair guides » Nokia E71 disassembly

If you want to buy a replacement screen, screwdrivers and other parts, you can order from us here - Nokia E71 LCD screen

Tools required for disassembly: Torx 6 screwdriver. Torx 5 screwdriver. plastic tool such as a guitar plectrum or credit card.

Remove your back cover, battery, sim and memory card. Remove the four screws you can see. Then push your screwdriver into the four circled gaps. This releases the clips that hold the front cover in place. Now pull the front cover away from the phone. With the front cover removed, your phone should look like below. The circled connector needs to be disconnected. It attaches like a plug and socket. Just lever it up to unplug. Now remove the two black screws you can see at the top of the phone. Run your plastic tool around the join at the bottom of the phone to remove the bottom cover, as shown below. Now pull the screen and frame towards you. It'll still be connected at the bottom by a ribbon/connector so don't try and remove it completely. Your phone should now look like below. The circled connector needs to be disconnected. It attaches like a plug and socket. Just lever it up to unplug. Your phone should now look like below. Pull the metal frame back at the point indicated by the arrow and then slide your plastic tool under the LCD screen to release it. You should now have the LCD screen removed. Reverse the whole procedure for reassembly. If you've found this disassembly guide useful, please support formymobile. co. uk and order the tools and parts you need from our site. We ship worldwide! If you have any questions about how to take apart and repair your broken Nokia E71, email rob. lee@formymobile. co. uk. Or post a comment below for further help with Nokia E71 disassembly.

If you want to buy a replacement screen, screwdrivers and other parts, you can order from us here - Nokia E71 LCD screen

Get 10% off parts and tools using the code MARCH27 when you checkout. Today only!

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Descripción del producto

Start charging both your Nokia E71 cell phone and a spare battery simultaneously using the Nokia E71 E71x Desktop Sync and Charge Cradle w/ 2nd Battery Slot. The Nokia E71 E71x Charge Cradle works with any USB compatible PC, Mac, or Notebook PC, to transfer and synchronize data, such as contact lists, calendar, music, applications, etc. The desktop charger also comes with an AC adapter for use with any wall outlet to charge either the battery or the phone, as well as, a data cable that will also allow you to charge the battery or sync and charge your Nokia E71 cell phone.

The Nokia E71 E71x Desktop Sync and Charge Cradle w/ 2nd Battery Slot is equipped with an LED indicator light that displays the charging status of your PDA phone and spare battery. Easy to connect and ready for use, the cradle is ideal for business professionals, who need to sync their Nokia E71 cell phone at work or at home. The Nokia E71 E71x Cradle allows you to sync and charge simultaneously, while you charge a spare battery. Perfect as an add-on to your computer desktop. Place the Nokia E71 E71x Desktop Sync and Charge Cradle next to your monitor for a comfortable view of the status of your phone, while working on your computer. Keep one at home and another one at work for convenience.

Nokia E71 E71x Desktop Sync and Charge Cradle w/ 2nd Battery Slot Features:

Simultaneously, charge a spare battery and your Nokia E71 or E71x

Sync and Charge at the same time for convenience

Perfect for taking on vacations or long trips

Easy to connect, easy to synchronize

AC charger included in the package

Mini USB Cable include in the package

Compatible with: Nokia E71 Nokia E71x

November 12th, 2008

Here’s my review of the metal clad Nokia E71. Nokia’s update to their e61i.

Build quality is excellent. Much of the body is made of metal along with the battery cover. The battery cover clips on (instead of sliding on) and it fits very tightly. The finish is chrome and is an absolute fingerprint magnet. It didn’t bother me (except when I was taking pictures of the e71) but some may not like that. All in all, the e71 feels a lot more expensive than its competitors.

Along with the nice metal body Nokia includes a very nice leather pouch. The pouch is thin so it maintains the e71′s sleek profile.

The keyboard has a pretty g ood feel and the buttons stick out.

It is however a lot narrower than say a Blackberry Bold or Motorola Q9h – width wise it’s more similar to a Treo. Personally I like typing on wider keyboards but at the same time I prefer carrying around a more narrow one. I also like how it’s easier for me to use a narrower keyboard with one hand. Plus a narrower keyboard makes the e71 easier to hold when I’m using it as a phone. I guess the narrow width has it’s pros and cons, and for me, they’re a wash.

As far as the layout, I don’t have any complaints about the e71′s keyboard. I like the space bar size. The number keys are directly above the space bar which makes dialing numbers slightly easier.

Besides being more narrow, the e71 is also pretty thin, though, really I wouldn’t consider the Bold or the Q9h to be thick.

There are 3 buttons on the right side plus a 2.5mm headset jack – I wish Nokia had put a 3.5mm headphone jack in instead.

There is an infrared port on the left (do people who can afford an e71 still use those?) along with a micro USB connector and micro SDHC slot. The usb and SD card slots have covers which feel like buttons. Shamefully you can’t use the micro USB slot for charging.

There’s a Nokia charging connector at the bottom.

On top is the mono speaker and a power button.

There is a 3.2megapixel autofocus camera on the back with a built-in LED flash and self portrait mirror.

There is one shortcut key to the left of and two to the right of the nav pad. Each button can have 2 functions; you can press it for one function or press and hold it for the other – useful.

The button with the house has the same function as the menu button on other s60 devices. You can press it to bring you back to the home screen or press and hold it to bring up the task switcher.

The screen is nice and bright. It has a resolution of 320×240 which trails the Blackberry Bold’s 480×360.

The standby screen has a work mode, which by default displays a list of program shortcuts. It also shows a link to your email (including the number of new messages), calendar (including the number of calendar items due today) and the to do list (including the number of outstanding items).

There is also a personal mode which removes the email, calendar and to do list information and has a different set of program shortcuts. This is nice if you’re trying to separate work and home.

The email program supports POP3, IMAP4 and MS exchange. While I didn’t test it, Exchange support pushes emails to your device.

The e71 will search your phonebook if you start typing/dialing from the standby screen. Microsoft Smartphone (now called Windows Mobile Personal) and Blackberries have had this feature for a while.

The phonebook can sync with your computer using Nokia PC Suite. You can also sync it with Ovi (along with your calendar, todo list and a bunch of other stuff) – useful if you’re switching to a different Nokia phone and don’t want to use a computer.

The E series phones are targeted towards business users. Nokia includes VPN software (I didn’t test it because my OpenVPN setup isn’t compatible).

Also loaded is PTT (push to talk), SIP (voip), Instant messaging software.

The SIP works fine. If you’re about to make a call you can press the talk button to phone using the mobile network or you can press in on the navpad to choose to make a SIP call instead.

If you’re setting the SIP client up and can’t get it to work try using this ########@yourprovider. com where the #’s is your username and yourprovider is the address of your SIP provider.

With the built-in Search app, you can search many of the built-in programs as well as the internet for stuff. Music, content, calendar, messages, email, bookmarks, images, videos, applications, notes, landmarks and active notes.

You get a version of QuickOffice that allows you to create documents on the device. Often times you only get a version that lets you view documents.

There is a useful converter program which can convert weight, volume, distance, etc.

Active Notes is a note taking application where you can insert pictures, video, sound, internet bookmarks, business cards and files into notes. You can insert pics from your phone or take a new one with the camera.

You can even link a note to a phonebook entry so that whenever you call that number, the note will pop up (so you can take notes about the call). Very very smart!

I don’t think Active Notes sync with your computer.

There’s also a regular note application which does sync with your computer (and lacks Active Notes’ cool features).

There is a dictionary program which lets you look words up in other languages and can translate them. You can go online (on the e71) and download dictionaries. Besides showing you the definition of a word it can also read it out to you – sorry people, I didn’t bother trying to see if it would translate swear words.

A word of note though; if you download a dictionary who’s language is NOT supported by the e71 then you’re out of luck. For example, my e71 supports English, French and Spanish – so when I downloaded a Japanese dictionary it just shows squares instead of the characters.

You can read PDF files with the included Acrobat reader. I didn’t find it to be as good as the PDF reader on the Bold. The Bold has a text only mode which makes reading a lot of PDF’s much easier.

There is an option to encrypt the main memory as well as the memory card. To be honest I’m not 100% sure what it does exactly (Besides encrypt things). I encrypted my memory card and put a password on it. When I turned my e71 off/on it didn’t prompt me for a password. When I stuck the card in my computer however the computer couldn’t read it.

The e71 has a voice aid feature which can read certain things to you. It has a sort of sub menu of features which are voice enabled (not all of the e71′s functionality is). It can do stuff like read your messages, read out numbers as you dial them, read out your phonebook. To be honest when I first tried it (when the e71 was fresh out of the box) it worked, later, after everything was setup I tried to get it to read my messages and I got a ran out of memory message.

The music player is similar to the one you’ll find on say the n95. Like most music players you can sort your music by artist, album, genre, etc. You can also view most frequently listened to songs. There is a shortcut to the music player on the standby screen if it’s in personal mode.

Like I mentioned before, there’s no 3.5 mm headphone jack, just a 2.5mm headset jack so you’ll need to find an adapter if you want to use ‘regular’ headphones.

The built-in speaker has adequate volume but it doesn’t sound particularly good.

The camera has a resolution of 3.2 megapixels with a LED flash and self portrait mirror. I’m a little surprised that the e71 doesn’t have a dedicated camera button on the side (most phones have this). To take a picture you press in on the navpad. This is slightly confusing because this button is also used to change camera settings. So, if you change a camera setting and want to take a pic it’s not as intuitive.

Picture quality isn’t that great – I was expecting more after using a Nokia n95 and n95 8GB a lot recently. Despite it’s autofocus I didn’t find pictures to be particularly sharp, they’re also noisier than I expected and the colour was usually off slightly. Still, compared to other camera phones, the e71 is about average.

You can look at your pictures using the gallery app. It’s not the same snazzy gallery app you get on other s60 devices. The one on the e71 is functional but you can only see 3 pictures at a time instead of many more.

Nokia Maps is included. It’s a mapping program that lets you look up POI and addresses for free plus there is free access to maps. You have to pay extra if you want navigation (walking and driving navigation).

Most free mapping programs let you download maps as you need them. What makes Nokia Maps special besides downloading the maps as you need them, you can also hook the e71 up to your computer and download maps so you can save money on data charges. In case you’re wondering, maps for the entire world take up about 3.2GB of space while Canada is 161MB and the US is 896MB. If you’re tight on space, you can choose to only download individual provinces or states; New York is 46MB – very useful.

Browsing is handled by the S60 browser. The S60 browser is one of the better browsers out there. It doesn’t use a proxy so when you view a page, the e71 downloads the entire page.

I did find that the e71 would sometimes close the browser if I switched to a different program to save memory. That really irritated me when it happened. It also seemed to crash a little more than it did on my Nokia n95 8GB.

You also get; podcasting app, radio, voice recognition and a voice recorder.

Incoming sound quality is quite good; aside from a slight background hiss (it’s barely noticeable) the e71 is clear and neutral. The e71′s taper sides make it easy to hold in your hand.

Outgoing sound quality is also very good, the microphone is pretty sensitive so you don’t have to talk very loud on it.

Maximum earpiece volume is adequate. The speakerphone isn’t very good. While loud enough it sounds kind of muffled.

RF performance is generally good but I found that it would fluctuate a lot at times – sometimes it would drop down to EDGE from HSDPA for seemingly no reason. Hopefully this will be fixed by a firmware update somewhere down the road.

Overall I really enjoyed the e71; It fits nicely in your hand and is fast and easy to use. It’s a nice phone to hold.

It feels very well made and is solid. I love the metal body. There is a huge list of features; besides the usual (dual band HSDPA, WiFi, BT, memory card) it also has some less common ones like Active Notes, translator, encryption, talking phone, ability to create office documents, SIP, VPN, among others.

Still it has some shortcomings; the camera is pretty awful, the RF can be wonky at times, no 3.5mm headphone jack (just a 2.5mm) and sometimes the browser closes when it’s in the background.

Howard Chui 11.12.2008

15 Comments Add your own

John | November 13th, 2008 at 3:22 pm

how come it says fido? I thought they were not getting it…

It’s an unlocked e71 that I used on Fido. It’s not from Fido.

[. ] of Howard Forums Howard Chui has had his hands on an E71 and the overall sentiment of his review is positive towards the [. ]

[. ] It’s coming. check out my review for it here. [. ]

[. ] Couple of good keyboard comparison photos here [. ]

Is the screen made out of glass?

ricardo hirata | December 5th, 2008 at 10:32 am

thanks for your review. If anybody finds a solution for the japanese or chinese characters (multilanguage support fonts or so), please advice me.

segun | December 6th, 2008 at 10:48 am

hi, I can access my messages, e-mail and gallery on my e71 again, it will always show they are alreay in use like, messaging already in use, please how do i resolve this,

Sarah | December 16th, 2008 at 12:41 pm

Is there a way I could insert accents in my messages and other text documents on the E71?

Like á, è,í, ñ,ç. Please help. I’ve gone thru the manual and can’t find anything on that.

[. ] on speaker, at least when I’m on my own) is wonderfully loud and clear. And apparently a lot of people like the phone [. ]

The Nokia E71 has its QWERTY keyboard. Very nice. But if you have thick fingers you won’t be able to use it very well. Other than that everything works very well. E-mail, GPS (works good), you name it. Most S60 applications which work on Nokia E61, Nokia E90, or Nokia N95 also work on Nokia E71 . Nokia E66 is cheaper and has also good features almost completely on par with Nokia E71. Its camera is worse than Nokia E71 but the Nokia E71 isn’t good either. Nokia E90 is basically a Nokia Communicator with Symbian, and a clamshell instead of a candybar, but also more expensive than Nokia E71. The battery in Nokia E71 (BP-4L) is the same as the battery used in Nokia N810. The battery used in Nokia N800 (BP-5L) is used in various Nokia devices. I believe a Nokia E71 (for serious work / business) together with a Nokia N800 or Nokia N810 (for multimedia and playing) are a good combination. Its what I’ve been using past months. My 2 devices have the same battery so I can replace one with another if I’m in Serious Trouble. I use Nokia E71 GPS on my Nokia N810 and this works very good. What I miss is a good camera. Sure, it might be even better to combine all-in-one… but that is IMO not possible yet… Where I wrote Nokia E66 I meant Nokia E63. This is a recent, cheaper version of the Nokia E71 but very much like it. Compare, might save you some bucks. It even saves a few problems with the hardware keyboard (IMO).

abdul | October 24th, 2009 at 5:24 pm

please i just wont to the price of the nokia e71 thanks



abdul is a stoopid | February 6th, 2010 at 11:20 am

Abdullah – get a gun and shoot yourself.

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* Ability to set different greetings for contacts, groups and phone numbers; * Intuitive user interface; * Playback of messages directly in the application; * Possibility to define a list of profiles in which the application is active, which allows integration with our Best Profiles for S60 3rd edition software where you can set a schedule for profile switching;

To get started with the application working you have to: adjust settings, set up greetings and activate Best Answering Machine.

To create a new greeting, choose Options – Greetings, there you can set greetings by “Default”, for persons “Not in Contacts” and with “Private Number”, as well as specify particular greetings for a “Contact”, a “Group” or a “Phone number”. Settings:

In Settings dialog you can set the following options for Best Answering Machine:

* Greetings – allows setting up the greetings played on pick-up; * Active in profiles – defines in which profiles the application will pick-up the phone and record messages; * Storage – allows selecting on which disk the records will be saved; * Pick up after – sets the time after which the call will be answered; * Record time – maximum amount of time the message is being recorded; * Format – message file format (amr, wav); * Icon – configures the visibility of the icon displaying application activity and presence of new messages; depending on this parameter, can be shown in standby screen only (Phone application) or in any application; * Play volume – play volume for the greeting; * Records lifetime – automatically removes old messages;

In this view you can listen to new and old messages, delete unnecessary messages, send the recorded messages and call the person directly from this view. During the call:

When Answering Machine is processing an incoming call, you will see a dialog showing the application’s progress with the ability to stop it:

* Answer – when this command is chosen during a call, it stops greeting playback or message record and you can continue talking to the caller; * Hang up – stops greeting playback or message recording and terminates the call;

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Review: Nokia E71

I’ve been putting this one off for a while, but it’s time you youngsters learned about this lovely little device. It’s the latest in Nokia’s E series of smartphones, and as you will learn by clicking above and/or below, it’s a bit of a conundrum. By the way, that part of the video review is supposed to be boring.

First, the good news.

This phone is a magnificent piece of work. Everything about it screams “quality” from the texture of the keys to the styling and heft. Everyone I saw, be they users of iPhones, BlackBerries, flip phones or what have you, everyone thought it was a beautiful piece of hardware . It’s well constructed, uses a fair amount of real metal, and has a weightiness to it that seems out of keeping with its slight frame. And it is slight: it’s nearly as thin as my old Samsung Trace, and it’s narrower than a BlackBerry.

So with limited space, you’d think there would be compromises. If there are, I didn’t notice them — at least after a little use. If I’m honest, the keyboard could be a little larger, but it didn’t affect my typing once I figured out the layout. Trouble is, there isn’t a staggered layout like a regular QWERTY: Z is directly below A, which is annoying until you get used to it. Also, the modifier keys are small and right next to each other, so you may find yourself typing a capital letter instead of a number every once in a while. Still, I’m being more hard on it than it deserves. It feels great, and I know I could get even more words per minute out of it if I tried a little harder (we bloggers are a lazy lot). Locking and unlocking the phone was a little more trouble than I’d like, but it was nice having a main button for all major actions — the top button allows you to change modes, turn it off or on, hit up airplane mode, lock the keypad and more.

The screen is very sharp and fairly bright . and does that thing where you can see it in the sunlight, but it looks kind of weird. I’m not winning any prizes for eloquence there, but you know what I mean. It works. The graphics were occasionally not up to the screen’s capabilities; the 3.5G indicator especially was a bit fuzzy, and I learned to recognize it by its indistinctness.

Basically, all the hardware and industrial design aspects of this phone are outstanding.

So much for the good news.

The Other News Is it bad news if the phone is too good for its OS? It is if that’s the only OS you can use on it. Let’s be real here: Symbian is the old guard. It’s been retrofitted and retrofitted and retrofitted, and now the capabilities of phones are just beyond what can be made convenient in S60. Support is there, certainly, for every function of the E71, but it’s not elegant and it’s certainly not fun. The list of things this phone can do is like a page long, but each thing has its own page-long description of how to get to it, configure it, and so on.

I’m getting off track and criticizing S60 here, but this phone deserves more! Switching modes is supposed to counterbalance the fact that you can’t fit everything you want to do on one home screen. But that’s basically admitting that this is too much phone for this OS .

One more thing: messaging. Setting up e-mail was a breeze in the built-in e-mail app, but oh my god is it slow . Even in 3.5G zones it would take ages — ages! — just to open messaging, go to my inbox, and open a single short message. Configuring it to take advantage of different wi-fi spots was annoying; you don’t want it to ask every time, of course, but you also don’t want it to just fail when the default isn’t available. A popular replacement app, Seven . worked all right but is still not reliable enough to use full-time, and having it on true push tends to kill the battery due to how long the thing wants to take to check a message.

Other things worked great: GPS worked like a charm most of the time, although I’d recommend Google Maps over the built-in maps program (which is passable). The browser is old school but actually was pretty quick. Browsing was easy, relatively fast, and downloads are blazing when you have good coverage. Installing apps is easier than finding them, especially when the E71 isn’t totally supported yet by many developers, but I found plenty of good stuff. Tethering was easy and browsing via the phone was pretty fast — way faster than checking e-mail.

So what’s the bottom line? I think I can pretty easily recommend this phone to anyone who uses Symbian. It’s certainly the loveliest phone out there running S60 and a worthwhile upgrade from the earlier entries in the E-series. Trouble is, it’s difficult to find. I think AT&T might be picking it up, but it’s still going to be expensive as hell. So if you’re looking to invest in one last Symbian phone before moving on to the next big thing, this is really your best option.


Nokia E71 Unlocked with 3.2 MP Camera, 3G, Media Player, GPS (U. S. Version with Warranty)

Also available in White color. Features:

Svelte, stylish mobile email device in gray with access to corporate communication via Microsoft Exchange

Full QWERTY keyboard with intelligent input for easy one-handed typing; quick access to PIM and email applications

3.2-megapixel camera/camcorder; stereo Bluetooth; GPS with Nokia Maps; Wi-Fi connectivity (802.11b/g); MicroSD expansion

Up to 10.5 hours of GSM talk time, up to 400 hours (17 days) of standby time; measures 4.49 x 2.24 x 0.39 inches (HxWxD) and weighs 4.44 ounces

Editorial Review The latest email-optimized device from the Nokia E-eries, the sleek and slender Nokia E71 makes it easy to stay on top of your email inbox with a full QWERTY keyboard and support for corporate communication via Microsoft Exchange. It's ready to run on 3G networks here in the U. S. (850/1900 MHz UMTS/HSDPA), enabling fast downloads and streaming multimedia while on the go. It also includes integrated Wi-Fi connectivity (802.11b/g) for accessing open networks at work, at home, and on the road from a variety of wireless hotspots.

The svelte stainless steel Nokia E71 keeps you mobilized with a broad range of personal and professional messaging needs. Other features include a 3.2-megapixel camera/camcorder, Bluetooth for handsfree devices and stereo music streaming, MicroSD memory expansion (up to 8 GB), built-in A-GPS and Nokia Maps application, and up to 10.5 hours of talk time on standard GSM networks.

This U. S version of the unlocked Nokia E71 can be used with a GSM network service provider and it provides quad-band connectivity (850 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 1900 MHz). It does not come with a SIM card, and it requires that you provide a SIM card for usage with your selected service provider. This phone comes with a one-year warranty from a third party provider.

Phone Features With a stainless steel case, etched graphics, and cool metallic finish, the Nokia E71 is as stylish as it is functional. It's complemented by a 2.4-inch LCD screen with a 320 x 240-pixel resolution and support for 16 million colors. The full QWERTY keyboard makes it easy to compose and respond to email with just one hand. It features intelligent input with auto-completion, auto-correction, and learning capability for fast and error-free typing. The E71 also offers two customizable Home Screen views with active stand-by plug-ins and application shortcuts for fast and easy switching betweenbusiness and personal modes. This phone has a 110 MB internal memory, which can be expanded via optional MicroSD memory cards (up to 8 GB in size).

The Nokia E71 comes fully equipped for easy-to-install and easy-to-use professional and personal email. People who use Microsoft Exchange at work can access their email using the Mail for Exchange mobile email client, which comes pre-loaded. You'll enjoy reliable real-time access to your email, calendar, contacts and tasks, as well as be able to download attachments like Word, Excel, Powerpoint or PDF files directly to the device.

The Nokia E71 also supports email accounts from more than a thousand internet service providers (ISPs) around the world, as well as Gmail, Yahoo! mail and Hotmail. Additionally, it supports the Nokia Intellisync Wireless Email solution as well as third party email solutions like System Seven and Visto Mobile.

In addition to fulfilling your corporate needs, the E71 offers a 3.2-megapixel camera/camcorder, multi-formate digital audio/video player, and sterel Bluetooth streaming. In addition to serving entrepreneurs and smaller businesses, the Nokia E71 comes fully equipped with a robust suite of enterprise grade features, including a built-in encryption functionality for both the device memory and for the memory card. The phone also includes integrated mobile VPN support that gives mobile professionals access to their company intranet, and device lock and wipe to protect corporate information.

This phone provides Bluetooth version 2.0 wireless connectivity with EDR (enhanced data rate), and includes profiles for communication headset, handsfree car kits, and sharing of contacts and calendar events. With the A2DP Bluetooth profile, you can stream your music to a pair of compatible Bluetooth stereo headphones.

The E71 measures 0.39 inches thin. The 3.2-megapixel camera offers a wealth of high-end photography features, including autofocus, a digital zoom, LED flash, white balance modes, center-weighted auto exposure, multiple scene modes, and a self timer. The phone's main camera can also capture video clips up to 320 x 240 pixels (at 15 frames per second) at up to 1 hour in length, and it offers several adjustments including scene and white balance. Additionally, the E71 has a secondary, lower resolution camera on the front (QCIF resolution, 128 x 96) that can be used for making video calls (requires compatible network).

Take your media with you when you're out on the go. With the built-in RealPlayer software, you can stream and download your favorite content onto the phone, giving you access to the latest news, sports, and entertainment updates. Or sync up with your PC and play the music and movies stored on your hard drive. It's compatible with a wide variety of digital audio formats (including MP3, AAC/AAC /eAAC. abd WMA). You can listen to your favorite radio programs via the integrated FM radio, and the Visual Radio feature lets you see information about songs or artists.

View web pages as they were originally intended with the integrated Nokia Web Browser, which enables you to zoom out to a full screen view of the entire page using the Mini Map feature. Find the section you want and then zoom in to the content you need. The text instantly adjusts to the size of your screen. The browser also keeps a history of your browsing so you can quickly get back to where you started.

The integrated A-GPS and preinstalled Nokia Maps help you explore and locate new places, whether in another country or just around the corner. With access to more than 15 million points of interest, you can locate and navigate to the most interesting sights, bars or restaurants wherever you are. You can also send map excerpts and routes to friends by MMS or save map screen shots to the gallery.

Other features include:

Advanced contacts database: multiple number and e-mail details per contact, contacts with images

Speaker dependent and speaker independent voice dialling

Voice recorder

2.5 mm Nokia AV connector

Up to 18 hours of music playback

Synchronize music with Windows Media Player

Streaming media (audio -.rm. eAAC ; video - .3gp, mp4. rm)

Email protocols: IMAP, POP, SMTP; IMAP IDLE support

Messaging: SMS, MMS (distribution lists for messaging; text-to-speech message reader)

Infrared and USB connectivity

Support for local and remote SyncML synchronization, iSync, Intellisync, ActiveSync

Organization tools: alarm clock, calendar, to-do list, active notes

Flash Lite 3.0 and Java MIDP 2.0

Bluetooth version 2.0 with the following profiles: A2DP (stereo music streaming), AVRC (remote control), HFP (hands-free car kits), HSP (communication headsets), BIP (for sending images to another device), DUN (dial-up networking), FTP (file transfer), OPP (object push for business cards, calendar items, and pictures)

Built for Messaging, Inside and Out Enjoy full access to business and personal email, even when you're away from your desk. Nokia E71 includes an improved email application that offers impressive new features and reduces the number of clicks needed to perform common tasks. The Nokia E71 includes an enhanced email setup Wizard that helps configure your email accounts. You can set up most popular Internet email (IMAP/POP protocols) accounts in just a few clicks. Business email (e. g. Mail for Exchange) can also be set up if additional details are entered.

Chat with friends and colleagues on the move with instant messaging applications such as Windows Live Messenger and Yahoo! GO, just like you would on your computer. The first thing you need to do is install Messenger, which is free of charge, and available via download. Select Menu > Download! > Windows Live.

Home Screen Keep the information and features that are important to you at your fingertips. You can define two separate Home screens for different purposes, such as one Home screen for work and another for free time. Your personal Home screen can contain shortcuts to leisure features such as your personal email, FM radio, MP3 player, and camera. To change from one home screen to another, scroll to the Switch Mode shortcut and press the scroll key.

There are three different areas on the Home screen: an application area that provides shortcuts to your favorite applications, an information area that lets you know about events such as upcoming calendar entries, and a notification area that alerts you to events such as missed calls.

One-Handed Typing The new narrow design of the Nokia E71 makes one-handed typing possible. Every key on the device is reachable with one hand, and the intelligent user interface allows for key functions to be preformed with one hand. It features intelligent technology for text recognition, which can be enabled by the user. The technology is the QWERTY version of technology found on other Nokia devices. It features auto completion, auto correction, and the ability to learn. Open a new message and type "Thnks." The missing letter is filled in: "Thanks."

The Nokia E71 also features long press capabilities. You can type numbers or other characters behind the Fn key by simply long pressing the corresponding key. For instance, long pressing the "R" key to type the number "1."

Vital Statistics The Nokia E71 weighs 4.44 ounces and measures 4.49 x 2.24 x 0.39 inches. Its 1500 mAh lithium-ion battery is rated at up to 10.5 hours of talk time on GSM networks (4.5 hours on 3G networks), and up to 17 days (400 hours) of standby time. It runs on the 850/900/1800/1900 GSM/GPRS/EDGE frequencies as well as U. S. 3G networks (850/1900 MHz UMTS/HSDPA).

- Reviewed By An Amazon User

No doubt, this is a solid business phone. It is easy to use, quick, it can edit office docs (even 2007/2010), read pdfs, email, wifi. everything the mobile professional needs.

Did I mention that the battery literally lasts forever? The batter is unbelievable, lasts at least two full business days (calling with bluetooth, syncing to desktop with bluetooth, surfing web, youtube, emailing, sms-ing etc) and it still has battery to spare! I really can't believe it. It even recharges the entire battery from 1 bar to full in less than an hour! Ridiculous.

The build quality of the phone is as amazing as everyone has said. It feels solid in the hand, yet is much lighter and a bit smaller than I expected. Very *sleek* very chic, stainless steel. the phone is sexy. De Verdad. Just based on looks alone I would by the phone again. They don't make phones like this any more. Período. This is the best constructed mobile. Período.

However, it is not a 5-star because of some glaring inefficiencies in the OS and UI. While it is intuitive and easy to use, it certainly feels dated. Sometimes even too dated, though never outdated. I would keep this phone to my grave if it had as sleek an OS as its outside case design. THAT SAID, that's me comparing it to an iPhone or Android phone. Compared to pre-2010 Blackberry OS, Palm, or (shudders) Windows Mobile (6 and below), this OS is certainly tops. So, I really can't be too harsh. This is a business phone after all, and compared to other business phones, it is 5 star. But because of so many Andriods out there, you can't help but rate it lower, that is reality.

I guess to summarize: if you need a phone that can do internet, tether internet to your laptop natively (that app is built-in), wifi, lasts more than 2 all days with Bluetooth and work, syncs with Outlook and/or Google, does business while looking ridiculously sexy, and can do some fun stuff on the side, and you don't mind a UI that reminds of you the mid 2000s, then this is the number one phone of all time. If you are looking of an Android or iPhone, go buy an EVO or Droid, cause this is a no-nonsense, get work done phone.

"Does not work with International Sim Cards"

- Reviewed By An Amazon User

Overall the phone is very good. However, although it is an unlocked phone, it is made for the US market and only works with US sim cards. At least this seems to be the case for me. The phone does not support my Turkish sim card (Turkcell). When i called the Nokia Customer Service, they said they cannot do anything.

"Nokia E71. Pairing with Blueant Z9i"

- Reviewed By An Amazon User from Trinidad, West Indies

This is a real problem with the Nokia E71. For no reason it would keep on disconnecting and connecting with the blueant Z9i. I bought this bluetooth because it is highly rated. Someone found a solution that I follow. Every two days or so you have to take the power off your phone for about 20 sec or so power it back on and reconnect your blueant. The problem creeps up about every two days or so. Otherwise it's a marvellous phone. I just love it. Muy recomendable.

Last updated: Mar 27, 2016 at 06:20 EST. Pricing information is provided by the listed merchants. GoSale. com is not responsible for the accuracy of pricing information, product information or the images provided. Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on amazon. com or other merchants at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product. As always, be sure to visit the merchant's site to review and verify product information, price, and shipping costs. GoSale. com is not responsible for the content and opinions contained in customer submitted reviews.

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